/ LIVI DRESSING $12.00 One-ha SHIRTS-- When We Cut---We Cut WOOL SOX-- $1.50 and $2.00; now . Value up to $5.00--for $2.95. --See Our Window-- NGSTON'S GOWNS-- to $20.00 2 UNDERWEAR-- If price. .95¢, 75-77 Livingston's "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." BROCK STREET [Vice Citizens Fined | ¥ Breaches of Motor Vehicle Act. There has been rathe police court' proceedings infractions of the Motor Ve but this does not mean that lice are letting anything get them.. So this is just a gentle for all car drivers to abide by a rules. Keep your lights burning at night; keep to the right side 'of the road; be sure and have the numbers on the front and back of your car, and don't allow your car to stand close to a street hydrant. In other for if you violate any will on "Don'ts"; of the rules and regulations, it mean that you will be summoned to | the police court. . ing three citizens were up for violat- ing vhe Motor Vehicle et All of them pleaded guilty and a fine of $2 and costs was imposed upon each | + There was a very sad touch to the {police court proceedings when a | magistrate and pleaded guilty to a | charge of vagrancy. She was placed under arrest by Constable John Nay- lon on Monday srnoon, The mag- istrate remar the accuged for a week and she was handed over into the care of the police matron, Mrs. Goodhew, CURLING GAMES Iustling Ahead so That Postponed Games Can Be Met. The Kingston curlers are deter- mine? that all postponed games will be played off in quick order. On played into the wee small hours of the morning. Bibby and A. McMahon, after play- ing a game in the club series, turn- ed around and played in the single competition. P. D. Lyman stated on Tuesday morning that there were only about seven postponed games in the club It was expected that they would be cleared up very shortly. On Monday evening a number of club games were played and resulted as follows: --- M. Thompson J. Morris T. Frizzell R. J. McLelland A. Fowler H. Angrove A. A. Turcotte A. W. MacLean. 10 series, W. A. Patterson W. H Carnovsky C. E. Miller F. Haig George Hanson T. R Carnovsky W. H. Dyde F. Waugh Skip .... J. § | F. Walsh H. Cooke | J. B. Phillips C. Wood » Anderson Bros. Limited WEDNESDAY Wanted CHICKENS Crate fatted, bs. or over 35c¢. Ib. CHICKENS Over 5 lbs. each 28¢ to 34c. Ib HENS Over 5 Ibs. 28c. to 32c. DUCKS well fatted 35c. Ib. All poultry, clean, dry | Choice Quality BEEF | Stewing Cuts Boiling Cuts PotRoasts. .......18¢ 1b; Oven Roasts . .....20c. Ib. 13c. Ib. Pure Beef Dripping . 20c. Ib. Shortening, bulk .... ..20c. WEEK-END SPECIAL 2,000 Ibs. finest pure Lard -- (our own rendering) Perpound ........26¢c. Ib. 20 Ib. pails . ......25¢c. Ib. TEA Hersley blend--60c. quality for.........45¢c. per Ib. Slhs.for........$2.00 Try this high class Tea. picked a. Phones: 458--459. Wholesale 1767. | W. R. Lyons ..15¢.1b. | Hamburg Steak . . . .18¢: 1b. BE | C. Sleeth J. E. Newell | J. A. McFarlane 11 Skip (Warwick's rink.) 10 D. MacInnes L. C, Lockett R. T. Brymner E. Mooers J. J. Baker S. R. Bailey | R. C. Cartwright'M. P. Reid | Skip 14 skip 3 | D. K. Faris J. M. Allen iG. J. McKay iD. M. Jemmett H. D. Bibhy | H. T. Wallace T. M. Asselstine { 13 Skip ....., is i ------ { M. G. Johnston J. S. Driver G. Payne J. Angrove | T. Cophey F. S. Evanson { A. McLean jr. A. E. Ross { SKID 200s oe 9 | (J. 8. Asselstine's rink.) |. In the singles A. McMahon won { from H. D. Bibby by 13 to 8; H. | Watts won from J. Angrove by 13 {to 12, and J. M: Elliott won from | J. E. Newell by 13 to 5, | In the doubles, F. Walsh and H. | Douglas won from W, P. Inman and {O0. Aykroyd by 11 to 6; D. B. Mur- | | rajpand J. B. Cooke won from W. A. | Patterson and H. W. Newman, by | 12 to 5. | -------- SAYS MEN POSED | | AS LIQUOR INSPECTORS | Two Young Men ' Were Ar-| rested on a Charge of + Theft. | | | | | | | | | | Upon arrival of a train from Belle- | ville on Tuesday afternoon, Con-| stables John Naylon and Vernon | Campbell placed under arrest iver | Young men, Frank Schmidt and Robt. | O'Brien, on a charge of stealing | ! $18.50. George Coxworthy, who lives | near the outer station, is the com- | | plainant, and the case will come be- {fore Magistrate Farreli on Wednes- day morning. Coxworthy alleges that on Satur- day last Schmidt and O"Bfien made a search of his house for whiskey, claiming they were inspectors work-' Ing for the government. He further charges that the couple attempted to get away with a revolver belonging to him, . ------------ ! = The Flaming Disk. There is nothing that so completely captures the human mind as mystery. And when mystery is presented in en- tertainment its pulling power is mul- tiplied. In "The Flaming Disk", you have mystery which increases as the story unfoids--mystery that baffles ----mystery that becomes more deep, more powerful, more entertaining as the plot sweeps on. It's the kind of. a story that entangles your interest with its mystic and magnetic threads. Do not fail to see the comm: t of this famous serial at The King TEdward, to-night only.--Advt, . : N ---------------- i Queen's University Concerts, At the final concert on Thursday evening the Hambourg trio will per- form, ahd, in response to requests, Senor Guerrero will play a series of ! piano soli. * THE DAILY BRITISH [MUST OBEY REGULATIONS, ors == for words, read carefully over the hook | | In police court on Tuesday morn- | young slip of a girl stood before the | Monday night some of the curlers | J. Angrove, H. D. | A. F. G. Cadenhead | | The Late Mrs. Joseph Wilson, lat (was fifty-one years of age and was 'a daughter of the late Baron Mar- {liam and Charles. The funeral takes (place under the direction of 8. 'S. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Interest. { J. Rolland Leclaire 4nd Ant. Tou- rin, Winnipeg, are visiting A. C.1 ley. « | 1t.-Col. Gillespie, who isin the | , General Hospital, is making a splen- did recovery, | Jeff Armstrong, the thirteen-year- | son of Chief Armstrong, who had 2ye injyred while playing hockey, St lis doing nicely, A ladles' bonspiel was held at the! Kingston curling rink on Tuesday. No winners had been declared at the | time of going to press. i R. J. Bushell leaves tor Toronto to- | day to attend a convention of the Vegetable Growers Association of the Province of Ontario. i On Thursday evening last the la- | dies of the Presbyterian church at! Burnbrae conducted a tea meeting and raised the sum of $289. { R. J, McClelland, formeily Kings- | ton's diy engineer, is in Toronto at- tending the annual meeting of the! Engineering Institute of Canada in | the King <dward hotel. - Delegates from the Kingston Yacht | {Club are going to the meeting of the | | Crescent club at Watertown, NY. } Wednesday, for the purpose of telling | | that club of the plans for the regatta | | to be held here next summer, | Armand Lavergne, who will be aj | guest in the city on Saturday, ds to! | speak a the banquet to be given in honor of Rev. Dr. Casey, local presi- | dent of the Self-Determination of | {Ireland League. Another prominent [ guest, it'is stated, will be C. J. Foy, | Perth, prominent in the league. | | mb ---------- | STOCK MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Bongard, ! Ryerson & Co., 237 Bagot | | Street. | New York Stocks. Opening. Closin [American Sugar .... 9255 Am. Internat. Corp . 46 3¢ Am, Sumatra Tobac'o S07% Smelters 3 Baldwin Locomotive . | Baltimore & Ohio ... 3 Bethlehem Steel * Anaconda C. PR, Central Leather .... Crucible Steel*...... 8: Lo | General Electric |General Motors {International Nickel . | International Paper . Marine Pfd. Mexican Petroleum Northern Pacific .... +73 Pierce' Arrow Republic Reading U. 8. Rubber Southern Pacific St. Paul | U. | | Brazilian Brompton | Canada Bread | Canada Steamships | Cons. Smelters | Dominion Bridge ... 8 | Dominion Steel | Dominion Textile Dominion, Fy. & Steel 52 | General Electric ....102 { National Breweries . 53 N. Y. Exchange 13 | Riordon | Steel of Canada .... Spanish River ..... 013 Canadian Stocks. bid bid 90% « 45% 110 bid 103 bid Mrs. Joseph Wilson passed away her residence, 323 Montreal street, on Monday night, after.an| illness of some weeks. The deceased | row. Besides her husband, she is survived by two daughters, Leah and Clara, and three sons, Joseph, Wil- Corbett, undertaker, to St. Mary's cathedral Wednesday. To-Night. Hear Evangelist S. Taylor in Gos- pel Hall on God's Purposes in the Present Age. Mr. Smith will conduct the song service at 7.45. Even the dignified man would ra- ther bend a little than go broke. © DAILY MEMORANDUM, Band at Palace Rink to-night. See top of Page Three, right hana corner for nrobhabilities. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. MN re ---------- ¥ BORN. ORR--A¢t Inverary, on Jan. 21st, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Orr, a son, (Kenneth Robert), . BENNETT--At 30 Frontenac stregt north, Kingston, on Jan. 28th, 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Benhett, Woodburn, a son (Donald Victor). DIED. WILSON--In Kingston, on Jan. 31st 1921, Jennie Marlow, beloved wife of Joseph Wilson, aged 5! years, Funeral from her late residence, 323 Montreal Street, Wednesday, Feb. 2nd, at 8.30 a.m. to St. Mary's Ca. thedral, where a solemn Requiem dass will be sung for the happy repose of her soul. Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. . The Old Firm of Undertakers. 254 and 236 PRINCESS STREET. Phcne 147 for Ambul..nce. ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker. Phone 577. 230 Prince... Streei. M. P. REYES Underta_.ér and Embalmer, Undertaking Par.ors, 228 Princess St, Ambulance Phone 1839.° JOHN CORNELIUS Undertaker and Embaimer Parlors: 274 Princess Street Phone 599 wn mn OO x A eo A 7 IG. 'CORSET BUYING MADE PLEASANT -. . Corset buying in the average store is not a rare pleasure, but we aim to conduct a de- cidedly above the average store. In our convenient, perfectly appointed fitting rooms you can try before you buy. You can have your Corset scientifically fitted by our expert corsetieres. With their skillful --assistance you choose from the many models shown in our complete corset de- partment. La DIVA Laced Back | - Comfortable, graceful, easy-fit ting, economical -- what more can be said except to invite you to come and see the new models for the slight, medium and stout figures, in medium and low bust. Colors Fink and White. Garters 4 to 6. PRICED. ....... re roa nevinnnne S1L75t085.75 Goddess LACED FRONT FOR AVERAGE FIGURES Made from good material. The steels won't rust and they won't break--in other words, Goddess Corsets will hold you comfortable, keep their shape and wear well a long time. Note the new rubber top. White and Flesh. PRICED ...........:tr00.5 sea S350to8e:00 CROMPTON ANTIPON BELT C. C. A LA GRACE FOR STOUT FIGURES CORSETS LACED BACK That we are now showing; only reliable materials are used in their making. In particular, the steels won't break a: 1 comfort is assured every one of our customers who wear them PRICED $3.75 to $5.50 YOUR ATTENTION! "To-morrow, Wednesday, is the last day Laidlaw's Special = Sizes: , 21 to 36 Sale of Silks and Velvets, and scores of remnants in Wool Gaber- dine Serges and Tricoline; also remnants of Silks and Satin. - John Laidlaw & Son, Limited New Shoes For EveningWear Strap Shoes are being asked for. We have two nice lines for evening wear. Also two pretty styles with steel and jet buckles. Black Satin Pumps with baby Louis . heels and full Louis. White Kid, Silver and Gold Cloth, + Straps and Buckles for Pumps. Lockett's OO 0 GT is HIE EA ae TE RBS