THE DAILY BRITISH "WHIG. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1021. *> Beware of Tender Gums Unhealthy soil kills the best of wheat. Unhealthy s kill the best of teeth. To keep the teeth sound, ns ms well. Watch for tender and "bleeding is is a symptom of Pyorrhea, which afflicts gn of five people over forty. Pyorthea 'menaces the ie body as well as the teeth. Not orily do the gums recede and cause the teeth to decay, lodsen and fall out, but the infecting Pyorrhea germs lower the body's vitality and cause many seri- ous ills. To avoid Pyorrhea, visit your dentist frequently for tooth and gum inspection. And use Forhan's For the Gums. Forhan's For the Gums will prevent Pyorthea--or check its progress, if used in time an consist= ently, Ordinary tos cannot do this, Forhan's will keep the gums firm and healthy, the teeth white and clean. Start using it today. ¥ inkage has set in, use Forhan's according to directions, and consult a dentist immediately for special treatment. 35¢ and 60c tubes in Canada and U.S. If your druggist cannot supply you, send price to us direct and we will mail tube postpaid. Formula of R.]. Forhan, D.D. 5. Forhan's, Ltd., Montreal FOR THE GUMS Checks Pyorrhea | "WITS" OF HISTORY $ By Mark Stuyvesant. Some of the Clever but Caustic Things for Which Wellington is Remembered. The quick wit of Arthur Welles- , Duke of Wellington, whose say- 15 were more caustic than humor- is still remgmbered by those] who delight in the records of the Napoleonic era, and particularly those persons connected with bring- ous, eral to an end, When Napoleon was held capti ive | Duke ot' Wellington, a soldier and on the island of St. Heléna, where |a, Irishman, after an engagement of |he died, it is said that he occupied |iyelve years." 'the same quarters Wellington at one | "ime used when stationed there. BY [qaqt gon, grew to manhood, he was Wellington at | extraordinarily like the duke in ap- strange coincidence, that very time occupied one of Napo- | | pearance. Wellington | gazed upon him he forgave his own was asked if he had a message OT {mother for once having said : leon's palaces in Paris. Napoleon. He replied "Only .tell' Bony that I hope hel ,.1y son, Arthur." finds my. old lodgings at Longwood Liuthority for the correctness of the' | following : EXPORT TRADE Manufacturers contempl ating the exten. sion of trade in foreign countries are offered the assistance which this Bank's world-wide business connection makes possible. The experience and facilities of a depart- ment of the Bank devoted wholly to foreign business 'are at your command, aa THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH-R. T. Brymner, Manager. = ~ __-- Firewood Kingston Co-Operative Society, Limited Salmen~--reg. 25¢. § tins for $1.10 10c. per package Eggs being scarce, use Bird's Egg subs{itute Large quantity of sound Railway Ties for sale cheap. All tents reduced to clear. Wa need the room. . I. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Phone 887, SPECIAL! White Beans--hand picked "There is the Only Caricature That Has Ever Caused Me Annoyance." as comfortable as I find his at the Champs Elysees." It was to be expected that Wel- lington should be a favorite of King George. One day the following strange conversation took- place, with the genius of Canning under discussion : '"Arthur!' said the king, with every evidence of amazement. "You don't mean to propose that fellow to me as secretary of foreign af- fairs? It is impossible ! I said, on my honor as a gentleman, he should never be one of my ministers again. You hear, Arthur, on my honor as a gentleman! I am sure you will agree with me I can't do what I said on my honor as a gentleman I would not do." "Pardon me, sir, 1 don't agree with you. Your majesty is not a gentleman." The king started with surprise and anger. But Lytton says, Wel- lington didn't permit him time f§] speak, going on in his imperturbable way : "Your majesty is not a gentleman, but the govereign of England, with duties to your people far above any 34 gical 0] PILES = br, Chase's Ointment will retleve t oney and afford lasting benefit. 60c. a I > forms. % 2, "ample 35 pli J + vaper and Do not suffer another day with 1tching, Bleed- ing, or otrud- ing Files. No Li Box free if Ju TREE stamp to pay postagn. i" Real Smoking, A=. Give Me My Pipe." When you're digging into work, or digging out for home or topping off a good meal, or enjoying the evening at home, or taking a final smoke before bed, that's the time a fellow wants his pipe and Have you vio tis bight Virginia . tobacco, that makes the old pipe taste sweeter than evey, and is so "Deliciously Fragrant" In 18c. Packages $ idar it ider it | resolutions. First, {1 would never marry a soldier. |cond, that T would never marry an |} |ing*the domination of the great gen-|[rishman. {the innumerable caricatures to yoataait And those duties ren-| imperative that you should at this time employ the abilities of "Mr. Canning." "Well," the king replied, a long breath, "if I must, I must." A close friend of the Duchess of Wellington 'has this to say about the | masriage of these people who were never very happy : : The subject came up during a con- versation on the matter of keeping | resolutions. The duchess said : "When I was a girl 1 made three I determined that | Se- Third, that I would not be long engaged. And I married the When Lord Douro, the duke's eld- Perhaps when the duke "I do not know what I shall do with my For Fraser is The duke was asked by a lady if which had been published of him in the corse of his life had not caused him annoyance. The duke replied, indicating his son : "There is the only caricature that has 'ever caused 'me annoyance, -- Douro." Dicky Learns Something New. One day, as Dicky stood on the shore gazing over the water, he heard a cheery little "toot, toot, |S toot," come rippling In on the breeze. Dicky looked all around, for, of course, he expected to see LE little tugboat, but hot a sign of life | dotted the ocean, save a queer-look- 7 ing object painted bright Ted, bob- bing up and down as the wave: | lets rippled by. "Well," mused Dicky, "that's a' tunny-looking thing! Wonder what in the world it is!" Up and down danced the red, pear- shaped thing, and over the waters came the cheery 'toot, toot, toot." | "Wouldn't it be funny if it was a | fairy boat, and--"' began Dicky, when | a merry voice interrupted him, and | a dear little elfin hopped oui from behind the tall rocks. . | "Oh, Squeedee, Dicky cried, shak- | ing the little elfin's Jand. "I didn't | know you ever came this far from home. I'm sure glad to see you." "Pooh!" exclaimed the elfin mer- rily. "Space is nothing when one is wanted. Thatls right! You've never been on the coast before, have you? How should yod know what that strange thing is? Well, after a fashion, it's a fairy houseboat. Just makes me think -- I'm due for a visit." Before Dicky dreamed what was happening, he was carefully set down an a wavelet, beside the red pear-shaped thing. A funny little imp all dressed in bright red sat on the very top of it, ' | queer-looking buoy. '| round here during a sto 'his mama and auntie looking weaving back and forth. Squeedee introduced him to Dicky as the keeper of the Whistling Buoy. "But what in the world do yqu live on a boathouse for?" asked Dicky, as the imp showed him over the "I.should think you'd grow very tired." 'Well, I should say not," laugh- ed the little red imp. "It's more fun than you 'can imagine, riding on the waves, Besides, just think how much depends on my little fairy houseboat! Every ship that pulls into the har- bor, when its captain sees us, knows Just which way to go to keep out of danger. Now, for instance, every boatman that comes from the sea knows I must be left on the starboard or right hand. While my brother, who keeps the Black Buoy, must al- ways bob on the left hand. I tell you, I'd much rather keep this Whistling Buoy than the fellows painted with red and black horizont™ stripes--for if they are not heeded a wreck will surely follow." "Well, I never knew that before!" laughed Dicky. "What does that white and bjack fellow do out yon- der?" pointing to a big buoy danc- ing merrily out in mid-channel. "Wreck again if the boatman doesn't stay as close as he can to the fairy houseboat,' replied the little red imp. "But of them all, xa choose between the one I have 4nd the Bell Buoy for a home---they both sound so cheery." "Indeed they do," laughed Dicky. "I suppose your whistling always sounds as it does today?" "I should say not," laughed the little red imp. "If yowd happened you wouldn't think so. It's dreadfully mournful then. The swell of the heavy waves makes it sound that way, and I'm right glad they do. for when a fellow hears it and pays at- tention, he gets through the storm | safely. In calm weather you'll al- ways hear my cheery little "toot, toot, toot." Dicky could have spent the rest of the day talking to the keeper of the fairy houseboat, but he spied him, so, Squeedee took him 'back to shore. drawing | | Il il ! | | KINGSTON WELDING SHOP} ~~ Has Neen Taken Over By A: WRIGHT'S MACHINE WORNS We specialize in Welding . ele. All work guaranteed. 40 Princesa St. - - ard Attention Now broken Automobiles. Cracked Wated Phone 1264. --~ WILL SAVE YOU ANNOYANCE AND EXPENSE LATER ON OUR SERVICE and ADVICE are the result of years of battery experience. We most strongly recomménd great care in keeping your battery well charged while ear is in use," and WINTER DRY STORAGE for it immediately when car is laid up. Our workmen are experts--our charges most-reasonable, Send them to us--Kingston' 8 only Battery Specialists, WILLARD SERVICE STATION 19 Brock Street Our Sleighs are just right ang MADE IN KINGSTOM Get them while they (ast. McNAMEE & SLACK Phone 1217w. Horse-hoetng ead Repairiag. Phone 1840. 1. LESSES, Prop. = 54 QUEEN ST. CR EE = IL NOTICE the partners of the Kingston Bat- tery Service Company. wishey to announce that he has taken over this business and will run it here- after in his-own name. All Storage Battery Electrie work will receive first class at- tention. We have neither time nor room to ~devote to READY-MADE OVERCOATS Corner of Queen and Dagot Streets Phone 410w. FRED KING. formerly one of | and intend to get rid of our stock. These will be sold at cost price. High lass goods which we guar- antee. Come in and see them. Music Piano, violin and other stringed matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. cepted. Phone 1325j. CRAWFORD & WALSH instruments; elocution, and dra- Engagements for concerts ac The Telgmann School of 216 Frontenac Street. Bagot and Brock Streets, FN SA ERECT materials. An extensive plant will be built on the east coast of Tasmania for the manufacture of cement om native To-day is the day to Ie nih "His Master's Voice' Reco You will surely find Mec ay prises the latest and best the entire i VOCAL RECORDS La at Now (Tenor) Lewis Jus) 216209 WErsan's Lame Chart rtrd harics 10201 Rigoletto--Woman . i Pckia SEaalith) Por You on Yiaue (Tenor Ti) ay On Genre Gee! iy ve Cont ¥. Yi a t Gee Gee fo the PUI fo 1M oy Casey at the Dentist (Ménologue) R Casey Takes the Census (Morstegn Broadway Rose (T C Harriso Rows ene (Tevo) Chaflen Harrisonlzieaie Nelaon's Gone A'Sailing (Baritone 2) patos The Sea Makes a Man a Man (Besttony i? ur collection with jhe latest look over this com will just suit you, ples lat world of music has to on DANCE NUMBERS OO wi) 16202 Huls Blues--Fox Quartet! ave Tos Yor> pL Ha! Ha! jo Je nla Bie EER and x be em ohne po Tee at RAE INSTRUMENTAL RECORD ri "od nous 4 Xouns Men's Fancy "Fox Tret' oli Albert Chamberland ussian Lae th Woot of the Works Go By tormanteus . ® aldort. Asteria Dance Orchestra All on 10-inch Double-sided Records $1.00 RED SEAL RECORDS Foun 4 Ea PRR I i TE mat (from "Le Roi s Majer EERE ERR WE "i 20 e te ) Sa 1 ® y Love and She * od Like Tn Tonk ier hoprane) Geraldine Purves 1: Any "His Master's Voice" dealer Will gladly play any selection you wish to hear, Huong 1620 Jane or) 7e681 64903 oir 492 volt Manufactured by BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE CO., LIMITED ES a ee EE "MAHOOD BROS. . Agents Victor-Victolas. V 113 Princess Street. A Ak VAT huh Ads Ads AAR A Aaa ab. AAA AAA ~ me TY 'F. W. COATES ( Sih 158 Princess Street. PWV VY Agent Victor iat Phone 30 1]. 4 4 4 4 Portugal is known to have dedosits of coal and an effort will be made to ascertain if they can be developed 'profitably. i A machine has been inventsd a wrap the steel rigging of ocean going '§ craft with tarred yarn to protect it | VIER R. J. RODGER " | Victor Records and Needles Wy han a ho 132 Princess St. | i from salt water, x ah vet 4