TURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 108i. Everybody | ~Smekes" | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. - - The Tobacco Markets Reports | te, 1920, 40 to 44c; 20, 30° to* 34c; 1919, NATIONAL CITY COMPANY : Limited . Bonds & Investment Securities AN] Pacific coast, | GRAIN QUOTATIONS. 28 to 30c, | Toronto. ; -- | Toronto, Feb. 1 rand 2 oats-- | Minneapolis. . McCurdy Building [7] No. 2 C.W.; 46%c; No Minneapolis, Minn, Feb. | Halifax, N.S. 23,.¢; No. 2 ted, 37%4c; ali in , | Flour, unchanged to '10c lower; in | Fort Willlam, jcarload lots, family patents quoted Sra c SPRBER. fat $9.20 to $9.25 a barrel in 98-.. TOT AOTC ort mm ra, {pound cotton sacks. Shipments, 70-{ 716 barrels. Bran, $26 to $27. | { No. 4 northern, $1.657% : re, | Wheat--Cash, No. 1 Northern, { Fort William. 181.604 to $1.64 ; March, | American corn--No. 2 yellow, 88¢, 1$1.49% ; May, $1.45, Corn--No. 'nominal, track, Toronto, prompt|3 yellow, 50 to §1¢. Oats--No, 3 ! shipment, | white 35% to 36%c. A Flax--No. 1, {$1.76 to $1.77. Canadian co |} Manitoba bs William--No. W., 65¢; reject Barley---Ontario . Canadian Headquarters: 74 Notre Dame Street West, Montreal WORT 1. --= | 19 King Street East Vf oY - Wi at, B, $1.79%; 15%; No. 3 no new Crop No.2 Montreal. Montreal, Feb. 1.--Oats, Cana- {dian western, No. 2, 66c.;: do.» No. 90. outside. _ 13, 62¢c. Flour, Man., Spring wheat | Ontario wheat--No. 2, $1.80 Yo (patents, first, $10.90. Rolled oats, | 'sno | $1.85, f.0.b. shipping points, Vi | shor Ibs, $3.30. Bran--$40.25. | YOUR REASON | Ing te sights; No. 2 spring, $1.70 |Sho $40.25. Hay, No. 2, per ton, TE car 13, $27 to 325. . assures you that there .. no substitute for Ontario oats--No. white nomin- - ® Em | 49¢ to 50c, according to freight | outside. An old saying, but nonethe- less true: = A bottle of { 3} | ma If you are keeping hens you want them to lay, and especially ie | : ! 80 during the winter months when or | prices are good. It is our business al. to make hens lay: so in our Royal Purple Laying Meal we have put everything necessary to feed the hen and the extra material to produce an egg a day per hen. Kingston Co-Operative Society, Limited Phone 469. 3 Salmon----reg. 25c. 0 tina for $1.10 Macaroni .. =. .10c. per package Eggs being acarce, use Bird's Egg substitute II AUTO TOPS | Auto Tope recovered and cush- ions repaired. New Celluloids and glass lights Sets in side and back curtains. Slip Covers €hd Boat Tops and all kinds qf general repairing. Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Feb. 1.--Wheat--No. 1 . { Northern, $1.797%: No. 2 Northern, | $1.76 %;. No. 3 Northern; $1.71%; | No. 4, $1.65%; No. 5, $1.517%; No. | [6, $1.36%; feed, $1.267%; track, { Manitoba, Saskatchewan and - Al-| t | 1 Peas--Nb. 2, $1.60 t cording to freights Buckwheat--No. 2 > to $1. Rye---No. 3, $1.55 to $1.60, ae RI POA Ss ma I A NR is a correct combin- | ation of essential food elements containing wheat, corn, meat, ash, lime, etc. It will pay any farmer or poultryman | profit. London - Canada Royal Purple Laying Meal to sell some of his grain and buy perfectly mixed, bal- anced and tested lay- ing meal. produces sggs--and a W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Company, Limited In Kingston get your supplies from WILLIAM PF. PETERS. this FREE BOOK This 80-page book describes the com- mon diseases of poultry and stock. It tells how to build and remode! poul- |. try houses, etc, etc: Send for a copy It's use 237 BAGOT STREET. Holders of Short Term Municipal Or Victory Bonds If you have bonds due over the next four or,five years, why not consult us as to the price obtainable now, and if satis-. factory you could then exchange for longer term issues at to- days cheap prices and be money in pocket and be assured of a high rate for your money for a longer period. This is business and what the wide-awake investor is doing. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Investments." 835 Bay Street, Toronto. PHONE 1728. 45c. per Imperial W. P Office and Warehouse Retail Store | 'JUST ARRIVED (Carload) Cane Feeding Molasses No feeder can afford to be without it. \ Phone 51. 117 BRO CK STREET Mola Gallon, in barrels PETERS Foot of Princess Street Phone 217 Ontario flour--90 per cent. patent, | $8.50, bulk, seaboard. | Manitoba flour--Track, cash prices; first patents, $10.90; se- { cond patents, $10.40 | Milifeed --- Carloads, . | Montreal freights, bag delivered, | ton, $40; feed flour, $2.50 to $2.75. | | Hay----Loogse, No. 1 per ton, $35 to { $37; baled, track, Toronto, $26 to New York. New York, Feb. '1.--Flour, Kan- | sas straights, $8.75 to $9.25; spring | winter - | $6.50 to $7.50; ghts, $8.35 to $8.65. | Rye Fiour--fair to good, $9 to $9.40; choice to fancy, $9.45 to $9.- 75. White Corn" Flour--$2 per 100 Ibs, ' Cornmeal--Yellow and granulated, $1.95 to $2.15. Rye--No. 2 western $1.74.1. 0. b. New York and $1.60 c. i. i tie. | malting, 80c to 91c, ci. f, New | York. Buckwheat--Milling, $2.45, nomi- | nal per 100 pounds. Wheat--No. 2 hard, $1.871% ec. 1. track, New York, prompt ship- ment, and No. 2 mixed durum, $1: 81% c. if. to arrive. Corn---No. 2 yellow, 81%ec and | No. 2 mixed, 813¢ c.i.f. New York, 10-day shipment. Oats--No. 1 white, S4c. Chicago. " Chicago, Feb, 1.--Wheat--No. 1 {red, $1.91; No. 1 hard, $1.71% to [$1.72 Corn--No. 2 mixed, 59% to | 60%c.; No. 2 yellow, 63% c. Oats-- i No. 2 white, 40% to 40% c.; No. 3, ho. 38%to 39%c. Rye--No. 2, $1.493%. Barley--68 to 70c. | thy seed--$4.50 to \$6.25; | seed, $15 to $22. Timo- New York. New York, Feb. 1.--Flour, easy; | Spring patents and Kansas straights, | $8.75 to $9.25; Spring clears, $6.50 to $7.50; Winter straights, $8.35 to | $8.65. Hay barely steady; No. 1, i$1.60 to $1.70; No. 2, $1.50 to 1$1.60; No. 3, $1.35 to $1.45; ship- | ping, $1.15 to $1.30. Hops easy; | Advice to Dyspeptics \ + Well Worth Following In the case of dyspepsia, the appe- tite is variable. Somebimes it is rav- 'THE MOTOR | LAW require your car to be equipped with a pair of NON-GLARE LENS --passed and approved by the pro- vincial government. We carry in stock the legal lens which com- plies with this law. I Bi - Phone 1609. VanLuvenBros. 34-38 Princess Street. = -- Stanley and William Hallan, To- Tonto, held on a charge of criminal negligence arising out of the shoot- -Ang of Mrs. Ruby Cross, were com- mitted for trial million dollars is to be raised by Carleton county council this year Jor the construction and maintenance of suburban, provincial county and county good roads. | © At a safe distance e i A total of elmost one-third of a| ? Fe we ao not fests ate to say that the prize fighters are nb better:than they should be. enous, again it is often very poor. For this condition there is but one sure remedy--Dr. Hamilton's Pills Nica cure quickly and thorough y. Sufferers find marked benefit in a day, and as time goes on improve- ment continues, 'No other medicine will strengthen. the stomach and dj- gestive organs like Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 'They supply the materials and assistance necessary to convert every- thing eaten into nourishment, into muscle, fibre, and energy with which to build up the run-down system. Why not cure your dyspepsia now? Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills today, 25¢. per box at all dealers. SCOTT'S GARAGE Repairs, Washing ang Storage we 1913 Mclasumhiia Tours ing car for sale cheap for a quick buyer, RLGOT STREET "hone 1494w IN TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING Style and ft 30 MONTR i. STREET : Two Doors From King Edward Theatre i iain! £38 i= 5 £ Toronto, | included: | | Bran, per ton, $38 to $40; shorts, per to $2.15 | ' white | f. domes- | Barley--Feeding, 71c to 78¢: and | clover. |berta, $1.787%. Oats--No. 2 CW, 461¢c; C.W., 42%c.; 'extra No. 1 42%c.; No. 1 feed, 40%c,; feed, 37%5c.; back, 46% c: Barley--No. 3 C.W., 80c.; C.. W., 63c.; feed, 54c; track, ! Flax--No. 1 N.W.¢:, $1.761%; No. | 2 CW, $1.72%: No. 3 CW, $1.48 ; condemned, $1.43% ; | track, $1.76 %. | Rye--No.2 C.W., $1.55. No. 3 feed, | | | | LIVE STOCK MARKETS ' Toronto. | Toronto, Feb. 1.--Baby beet | steers, $8.50 to $9 heavy steers, | choice, $9 to $9.25; good, do., $8.75 to $9; choice butchers, $8 to $8.50; common, do., $5.50 to $6.50; light, common, $4.50 to $5.50; do., med- i ium, $7 to $7.50; stockers, 700 to 800 1bs., $7.25 to $7.50; feeders, 900 | 1bs., $7.75 to $8.25; heavy sheep, $5 1 to $5.50; light sheep, $6.50 to $7; do., tulls, $2 to $4; butcher cows, | choice, $7 to $8.50; do., medinm | $6.50 to $7.50; do., good, $4 to $4- | 50; do., light, $4.60 to $5.50; can- ners and cutters, $3 to $5; bulls, | choice, heavy, $7 to $8.50; do., com- i | mon, $4 to $6; spring lambs, $10 to | $11; calves, $15 to $16; do., med- | ium, $10 to $12; do., common, $6.50 | to $7.50; hogs, fed and watered, bid, { $15.25 to $16.50; do., off cars, $15. 50 to $15.75; do., to farmers, $14 | |to $14.25; do, f. 0. b., $14.25 to | $14.50. 95. 20; Montreal. Montreal, F&b. 1.--Butcher steers, good, $8.50 to $9; do., medium, $7.- 75 to $8.50; do., common, $6.50 to $7.75; butcher heifers, medium, £7 to $7.50; do., common, $5.50 to $7; butgher cows, medium, $5 to $6.50; | caners, $3.25 to $3.50; cutters, 4 ! to $5; ewes, $5 to $7; lambs, good, $12.50 to $13; do., common, $8 to | $11.50; hogs, off car weights, selects, $17 to $17.50; sows, $13 to $13.50. Buffalo. i Buffalo, N.Y., Jan, 31.--Cattle-- Shipping steers, $8.50 to $9; but- chers, $7.50 to $8.25; yearlings, $8.50 to $9; heifers, $5.50 to $8; cows, $2.50 to $6.75; bulls, $4.50 to $6.75; stockers and feeders, $5 to $6.50; fresh cows and springers, $60 to '$100. Calves--$5 10 $16. Hogs--Heavy, $9.50 to $10; mixed, $10.25 to $10.50; yorkers, $10.75 to $11; light do. and pigs,' $11 to $11.25; roughs, $7.75 to $¥; stags, $5 to $6.50, Lambs, $6 to $9.50; yearlings, $6 to $8; wethers, $5 to} | $5.50; ewes, $2 to $5; mixed sheep, $5 to $5.25. Chicago. Chicago, Feb. 1.--Cattle---Bulk, | $7.25 to $8.50; choice yearlings. bid, ! $9.25; bulk cows and heifers, $5 to $6.25; canners and cutters largely $3.25 to $4.35; heavy calves steady; bids on light vealers lower. Sheep- - Bidding 25c to 50c lower on all kili- ing classes; early lamb top, $i0. New York. New York, Feb, 1,--Cattle--Steers $6 to $9.15; bulls, $4.50 to $7; cows, $2 to $6; heifers, $4 to $6.50. Veals, | $11 to $17.50; culls, $7 to 11; little calves, $6 to $7; no westerns. Sheep | (ewes), $3.50 to $5.25; culls, $2.50 | to $3; yearlings, $7 to $9; lambs, $8 {to $10.25; culls, $5 to $8. Hogs, | light to medium weights, $11; pigs, [$11; heavy hogs, $10.50; roughs, [ $8.75. GENERAL TRADE Toronto. Toronto, Feb. 1.--Butter, dairy, 65¢ to 70c; do., creamery, 60: to 70c; margarine, Ib, 35¢ to 38c; eggs, fresh, doz., 80¢ to $1; cheese, 1b., 36¢c to 48c; chickens, spring, Ib, | 45¢; fowl, 1b., 35¢c to 40c; goese, 43¢c | | to 46¢c; ducks, spring, Ib., 30c; tur- keys, 1b., 60¢ to 85c; apples, barrel, | $3.50 to $7; artichokes, sm. meas- ure, 20¢; beets bag, $1.25; carrots, | bag, $1.25; cababge, each, 5¢ to! 10c; caulifiower, each, 30c to 60¢; ! celery, 2 for 25¢; pumpkins, 10¢ to 25¢; onions, 100-1b. bag, $1.75 to $2; potatoes, bag, $1.65 to $1.75; do., peck, 25c to 35¢; rhubarb, bunch, 15¢; parsley, bunch, 5c to 10c; peppers, green, bskt., 65¢ to 81; turhips, bag, 75c to 90ec. Montreal. Montreal, Feb. 1.--Cheese, finest easterms, 27c to 27% c. Butter, cheoie- | st creamery, 53%c to 54% Eggs, | fresh, 788 to 80c. Potatoes, per bag. | car lots, $1.25. j= the doctor away. | Smee Scott's Emulsion taken in time, helps SPECIAL t White Beans--hand picked Prec riareaanaiens 7 lbs. for 30e. 'R. H. Jones | Scott & Bowne. Toronto. Ont. ANE GR DE ALL LINES REDUCED --BOOTS, SHOES. --WARM FELT SLIPPERS -- SLIPPERS, MOCCASINS. --CLUB BAGS & SUIT CASES We must turn our stock into cash. This is an opportune time for you to secure a bargain in fine Footwear. The Sawyer Shoe Store Boe 184 Princess St. . You are asked to compare prices of Cars and Trucks specified below, which are being sold throughout Canada by various depart-. ments of the Government, after ha ving given 3 and 4 years' service. Reo Light-Delivery Truck--Serial No. E308 '.............$1375 Kelly Truck--11 ton truck--Serial No. F114 950 McLaughlin E63 Truck -- Serial No. A210 250 Overland, 5 pass., Model 75 -- Serial No. 18033 . 250 Ford, 5 pass., Model T. -- Serial No. 202402 275 Chalmers, 5 pass.,"Model 35A--Serial No. 1184-01 . . 450 Federal Truck--Model R.--Serial No. 12818... ... 200 Studevaker, 7 passenger--Serial No. 20019 550" 4 Russell Trucks ..........(". each Autocar, Light Delivery . ... ... 45 'Brantford, 34 ton truck, No. F77 . 925 Reo Light Delivery Truck--No. E 309 + +++ 31365 The Reo Trucks listed above show a depreciation of only 20%, after 4 years of hard usage, which is just one more instance of the high re-sale value of the Reo product as compared to that of other makes of cars and trucks. ( pi ¥, BOYD'S GARAGE Brock St. «0 0a dame ae . . ® ss 4 8 8s use ease $n o's ss unser ss aime sss ae tte e nts ues 5 - Going Out Of Business Sale LAST HALF HALF PRICE KING STREET H. JENNINGS