TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1021. POPPE == DERE PRT rw § Austin's Drug Store The price is lower now on Kodaks, Brownies and Premo Cameras Camera free. a ye » the magazine to help beginners Austin's Drug Store Corner Klag and Market Phone 130 tooo ole feof drole slo droeodeode BoB be ad Square i : } i | | | LOOK JELL-O-FOWDERL 2 packages for -- Unique Grocery & Meat Market 400 and 402 Princess Street. Phone 530. C. H. PICKERING, Prop. ---- Watches and Clocks Repaired Woy G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year. Call or 'phone and your ore dor will be promptly attended to. 'Phone 1866. 267 Princess St. Prema PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS Quickly -and efficiently attended to. Davie & Barrett . Expert Practical Plumbers 208 WELLINGTON STREKT Phone 688. a A AIA et _'W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. For Sale One motor boat, 24 ft. long, in running condition. E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO, PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 349 Princess Se DID YOU EVER TRY- Nagatan'y Singer Marmalade, Agstait's Piueappie Marmalade, Wagsta's Brambie Jelly, We also have a full line of Other reliable makes.of Marma- Soe, Jam and Jellies for sale - Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets License No. 5-27149 Phone 1544, Dedede fob dh bbe) Saddle bd db -- a. EE 'COLUMBIA SIX It's the shutters that make the Columbia Six a true all weather Car. : EDMOND WALSH, Agent ~ Central Garage Auto Repairs a Specialty, 335 King St. = = Phpne 2188. BUILDING ? Angrove's Repairs | | J THE D AIL Y BRITI SH WHIC. : WELCOME RELIEF Kingston and Vicinity FROM ECZEMA Complete Treatment That | Gives Gralifying Results 125.'ca: si Wasing, Or, "I had an attack of Weeping | Lczema so bad that my clothes would Given $300 Grants, The n classes at Bath, Odessa and Napanee have been grant- the council of Len- continuatic ,_--------m \ Best Value in the City, \ We 'have a few first-class winter overcoats wh we will sell at be wet through at times. extremely low pri For four months, IsufTered terribly, {ing House, Brock street | * I could get no relief until I tried tn | "Fruil-a-tives" and *'Sootha-Salve'. An Unfortunate Accident, | Altogether, I have used three While playing hockey in tire Perth | boxes of "Sootha-S8alva" and two of |Tink one of the Collegiate Institute | "Fruit-a:tives', and am entirely |Dlayers, Willie Clement, collided with | Vo G. W. HALL. janother player unfortunately | well i ' { fract d his llar bone Both these favofite remedies are | 'oCtUre co ' sold by dealers at 50c. a box, 6 for | $2.90, or sent on receipt of price by | There are only three Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. {smallpox in Picton. "Fruit-a-tives' is also put up in a | Health has ordered the vaccination trial size which sells for 25¢. : [ot all children attending Picton pub= = wma, | 11¢ 8chool who have not.been vacei- nated within seven years. left and Smallpox at Picton. cases of Favors Free Doctoring, REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? | The Brockville Trades and Labor Estimates given by | Council urged upon the municipal au- thorities the necessity of furnishing O. Aykroyd & Son free medical attendance for needy fa- 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. | milies during the present period of An en ~ unemployment. A Long Time in Office. Robert Jamieson has been Seales, Talking Vachines, Rieyeles, sign court clerk in Perth for nearly | Baby Carringes, Law Mowers, ete, ° 5 pa . s varoive - a hi ek Tent and wunrantee | Ball a century. He received the ap sutinfuetion. |pointment from the late Judge Mal- | - iTON ST 0 : 197 WELLINGTON SPREET loch in succession to the late Archi- | Ao err -------------------- V {bald Campbell in September, 1873, | W. H. STEVENSON over forty-gight years ago. | HORSE SHOER and BLACKSYITH, | Here's Recruiting Bonus, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. | In an effort tgebring the Brock-| Prices moderate. | ville rifles up to strength before gen- 381 KING STREET EAST | eral inspection Lieut.-Col. M. W. A -- | Macdowell, the officer commanding, Smoke | | i {has authorized a bonus of 50 cents for every recruit whom members of the regiment bring in. Dogs Are "Wapted" On Saturday a pair of dogs invad- ed the rabbit pens of William Oli- phant, Brockville, and killed the four large Angora rabbits which he pos- sessed. These animals were valued at A rich Virginia blend cool smoking i WOOD of the dogs. -------- Vote Down Higher Fees, from $5 to $7 a day was lost. Prevost Cloth- | | ton and vicinity, where she spent her | girlhood ' - imi |B divi- | Galbraith of the Whig's mechani- | ents were at church. Four small chil- is a prosperous farmer. import d sappearahce of Ambrose Small, and oucernin®g the escape of two pri- soners last suminer in Warden Pons ford's own'automobile. It was during petition the Department of Public Highways to confer the name St Lawrence highway 'upon-the Provin- also cial highway skirting the river. A motion to increase councillors fees | jan in ! the latter was ¢ndeavoring to obtain Increase Pastor's Stipend., Jiuformation on these important mat- St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, ters, that Rogers committed the as- Belleville, has increased the stipend | sa of the Rev, A. Kerr, pastor, from $1,- | 800 to $2,000, with manse. The year 1520 has been a very successful one! in the history of the congregation. K on Mills, was the . scene on Receipts for the year totalled $14,-| Monday, Jan. 31st, of a pretty wedd: G00 |ing when Rev. Pr. Kingsley united in : { wedlock, Mrs. Margaret Hyland, dau- Kingston Mills Wedding. church of the Holy Name, Cause For Anxiety. The continued {illness of Mrs. | Kingston Mills, to Kdwdrd Bradden, (Capt.) Burdick, Picton, is the cause | Barriefield, son of the late Mr. and of much anxiety among her numerous (Mrs. Edward Bradden. Promptly at The Board of |triends. Mrs. Burdick, who before her | eleven o'clock the bridal process marriage was Miss Martha Blakely, is | came up the pisle. The bride, who [ well and favorably known in Welling- | was given away by her brother, | Frank, was daintily attired in brown | silk with touches of lace, Made A Director, Thomas Galbraith, Coleralne, Ire- son, Enterprise, acted as bridesmaid, { land, in charge of the shirt and collar | her costume being similar to that of { works of the R. H, & 8. Rogers] Ltd, the bride. Jas Bradden, brother of the | London, Eng., has been promoted to | groom, performed the dutids of best la directorship of the concern and will | man. Many ts and friends were continue to manage the works over | pr to witness the ceremony, which he has for 'many years had | which was followed Ly a nuptial nanagement. He is a brother of Rob ent mass. After the service the yong couplé received the congratulations {good wishes of a number of friengs and afterwards motored to Kingston cal staff. Rendered Homeless By Fire. The home of Fred McQuoid, west | where they left on the 1.45 train for | of Trenton and adjoining the village | Toronto, Hamilton and other western | of Smithfield, was totally destroyed | points. On their return they will re Ly fire Sunday night: while the par- side at Barriefield, where the groom The many dren, ranging from five -to twelve | beautiful and costly presents they re- years, were at home in bed when the | ceived, including several substantial alarm was givén. They were all res- | cheques, testify to the high esteem in cued without injury. The origin of | which they are held. the fire is uncertain. The property | was insured. e Le ---- KAISER BRONCHITIS IN EXILE Thousands Liberated Gift For Roblin's Mills Church. A new pulpit has been installed in St. Alban's church, Roblin's Mills, and adds greatly to the appearance and dignity of the interior of this beautiful edifice. It is the gift of St. ant information regarding the! srview with the detective, when | | ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hogan, | and hat to match, and wore the groom's gift, a diamond pendant. Miss Grace Albert! and | | twenty dollars. Mr. Oliphant .is en- deavoring to establish the ownership At its final meeting the Leeds and Grenville counties' council decided to Luke's church, Kingston, of which Rev. de P. Wright, formerly of the parish is rector. Bishop Bidwell, has also presented a beautiful cross, which was formerly, in his father's parish in England, It has been placed on the Reredos of the church. Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO. Foot West Street Phone 133. LE TIIT = DODD'S) FOR SALE DWELLING, BARN AND ONE ACRE OF LAND at city limits f SILAS HL Peg Sh Ee Wi, 3 Il HA atl Celebrate Golden Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McAlpin, Gan- anoque, celebrated the fiftieth anni- versary of their marriage Monday night. All the living members of the family were present--four sons and their families; Herbert, of Bay City, Mich., Frederick, Picton, Ont.; Allen and Clark, South lLéke, Ont. There '| are twenty-eight grandchildren of the aged couple, Thelr only daughter, Mrs. Rainey, died some years ago. Committed For Trial, Facing three charges of theft, Frank Johnstone, Sidney, was given a preliminary hearing and committed by Magistrate Masson, Belleville, for trial on all three. The first charge investigated was one of alleged theft W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brocl: Street. Phone 424, RAILWAY SYSTEM AGENCY * FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES Mattresses Don't throw &way your old Mattresses. or 'be Old Country. We renovate"all kinds and make them as good as new. Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co. J. FP. HANLEY, CP. ana 7. A Gr. Ry.. Kingston, Ontario. Open day and night Special attention given your family riends going to or returning from For Information and rates apply to of harness the property of S. P. Hag- erman, . the second that of.grain, forks, a cushion and a robe belong- ing to Thomas Cassidy and the third that of grain from Mr. Youker. Visiting at Arnprior, A visitor to Arnprior recently was Mrs. Myrtle Cochrane, a former teacher in the public school there. Her-maiden name was Miss Lott and she was married to Roberf"Cochrane an Almonte boy who was working in Arnprior when war commenced and there he enlisted. They were mar- ried shortly after the young man en- listed; he went away as a sergeant, was raised to a commission, came home on leave and returned to France whete he was killed. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w. cold stay-- it may get worse! Place o of THER. MOGENE, just as it comes from the hes, over the part. A soothing, heal warmth will at ence generated -- pene. trating to the seat of "He trouble -- dispelling the FOR SALE - GOOD, CLEAN COAL, A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta Phone 67, Cochrane now makes her home with her mother in Syracuse, N.Y. Burial of Charles McConville, The funeral of thé late Charles McConville took place from his lata residence to St. Mary's cathedral at 9.30 a.m. Tuesday, Captain the Rev. 'Father Nicholson officiated, and there was a very large attendance of relatives and friends of the deceased. The casket was banked with beauti- ful florsl-efferings, expressing the af- fectioriate regard im which he was held by a wide circle of friends. The pall bearers were John McConville, Arthur McConville, nephews of the deceased, Thomas Nicholson, Robert McDonald, Cecil McConville and Vie- tor Nicholson . Funeral of Mrs. Tucker, The funeral of the late Mrs, Thos. Mahogany and . Walnut Furniture not only lasts longer, looks nicer, and cost less in the long' run. ' It will pay you to investigate. CABINET MAKERS and Py (SHERS on the premis. "Mr. Frank Summerville, who 1. models and repairs--he is an exp. "t. LESSES, Antique Shop 507 Princess Street Phone 1045w. Nujol makes you regu. lar as clockwork. Withou ing or irri. tating, R Soreingo | the food waste. The many tiny muscles in the intestines can then re. move it regularly, Ab. solutely it. Tucker took pldce from the residence of her son-in-law, James Lawlor, 173 Collingwood street to St. Mary's Ca- thedral at 8.30 a.m. Tuesday. Rev. Father Kehoe, Gananoque, officiated, assisted by Rev. Father Hanley, dea- con, and Rev, Father O'Farrell, sub- dea pon. There was a large attendance of relatives and friends, and the cas- ket was banked with beautiful floral 'offerings testifying to the esteem in which the deceased was held. The pall bearers were five sons, and one Tucker, Thomas Tucker, Michael Tucker, Francis Tucker, John Tucker aad Leo Tucker. Trial of Convict Rogers, . Leo Rogers, the Portsmouth pent tentiary prisoner who assaulted and seriously Injured Detective W. Dun- ¢an in Warden Pomsford's office, will be tried in the supreme court which opens on Feb. 15th, J. L. Whiting, K. C., county crown attorney, will be the prosecutor. Some sensational evid- ence is expegted to be disclosed at the trial of Rogers, who professes to hold Mrs' grand-son of the deceased, Richard a What! have you not heard the joy- ful tidings? - Bronchitis has been ex: fled--kieked right out of soeiety-- and 100,000 Canadians liberated from the bondage of this diseass. Every trace of bronchial trouble is blown to atoms by the world's most effective disease destroyer, Buekioy's Bronehi- tis Mixture. No wonder people are rejoicing! No longer do they dread the effects of coughs, colds, asthma, ote, and so anxious are they that others should benefit also, hundreds of letters have been written proclaim- ing the merits of this wonderful mir- aculous remedy. Here is one letter: -- To Whom it may. Concern: *' This is to certify that I had been suffering for over thres weeks with bronchitis and was advised té try Buckley's Bronehitis Mixture. I purchased a bottle and after the third dose I re- ceived relief, and before the bottle was finished, I was perfectly well. In making the above assertion I have no hesitation in saying it is the best remedy I ever eame im contaet with for heavy eolds and ,bronchitis."-- (Signed), Mrs. M. Harding, ¢/0 Dust- less Brush Co., Toronto. The original of this testimonial may be seen at W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto. This mixture, proven in thousands of Canadian households, will give you sure relief. It cannot fail. Seventy-five cents is the price 1-that stands between you and the road | Take no substitute--insist to health. on the bottle with the "Satisfaction ranteed, or money refunded." sk your druggist. \ 10 Sold in Kingston by : Mahood's Drug Store . #«.T. H, .Bargent . F. J. Hoag A. G. Harris J. B. McLeod and other reliable drug stores. Bran mn at in, A om it ttle dt VIENNA 3 CORNS Lift Right Off without Pain IRANI NIRS Magis! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, instantly that corn | stops hurting, then shortly you lift | it .right off with fingers. Doesn't { hurt a bit. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone' for a few cents, sufficient or corn between the toes, and cal- luses. "Look Young is a valuable asset to women in business, social and private life. - Nothing helps so much as a good digestion, Poor elimination causes one to look sickly and ECHAMS PILLS sweeten the stomach, stimulate the liver, pro- mote elimination. This improve Sy the b lex- jon, bri the roses back andied young Blok ® am's Will Help You Largest Sele of any Medicine in the World. to remove every hard corn, soft corn, | WOODWORK If you require anything new for the house or store, in the way of Doors, Sash, Screens, Columns, Lattice, Stairwork or Verandah work, call up our Factory, phone 1415 and we will gladly quoté orad- vise you. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking I'actory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 64. Factory Phone 14135. \ SALE You have always wanted. one of the many dainty 'BASKETS OR FLEMISH POTTERY VASES Now is your chance. We are selling them at greatly reduced price we rien As D. HOLTON . FLORIST Phone, 601; des., 2056W. © A frame house; large lot; garage; all modern conveniences; in good location: possession May Ist. The house is worth the money. Price $3,750.00. A. F. PURCELL ! Phone 704 11134 Bréck St. i REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE } > AE We have neither time nor room to devote to READY-MADE OVERCOATS and intend to get rid of our stock. These will be sold at cost price. High class goods which we guar- antee. Come in and see them. CRAWFORD & WaLsH Bagot and Brock Streets, : A w RED LETTER SHOE SALE '25% Discount on all Shoes in stock; nothing reserved. A great chance to save money. SG A 5 157 We never carry ovér Footwear from one season to an- other, when low prices, cut prices, cost prices or any other kind of price will sell them. We offer some special prices in Women's best grade black and brown Brogue Oxfords o5 Men's Black and Brown Calf, afso some fine Vigi Kid Shoes | $6.65 1 J. H. Sutherland & Bro, : and Growing Girls HOME OF GOOD SHOES [TWEDDELL VERCOATS For the best values at $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, - $35.00, $40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) 1 { .