Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1921, p. 3

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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1921. : THE DAILY B RITISH WHIG. - -- @ et tema eases - eime------------ - - -- i 9 | mocracy?" We were a little sceptical . ARMAND LAVERGNE'S PLEA | We were willing to fight for demo- 3 . . . cracy if it was a fight for democracy. f R TOL NCE {But I'am bound to say that our scep- Prescri tions . | ticism was quite right because since it | the war where is the cause of de- mocracy? Is it in Mesopotamia? Is | : (Continued from Page 1.) rn oe ; i it in Egypt?" Is it in India, or is it In | t up with care and ae- elements in this « untry say we Pat up wi that sister country of ours, is it in 1 . : ov av mly one Janguage an Suracy Xd wiyays wader ve | Westminster Ziovid have ; We I, in Saguage nd Ireland? No we are too much Can- supervision of the proprietor. ! religion I would leAve them to fight {adians to risk ourselves in -adven- Your doctor would advise this it out amongst themselves in the dif- | Jures, We veto willing to fight for | i cts that divide them. { Lanada, but we were not willing to | re Chimi ferent at A1Yie he hal is a | put our country into bankruptcy and cines reach you as he : would mg different question which will prevail? | German militarism was no greater have them. I'do not suppose the English-speaking | danger than British navalism, : : ° ® + | majority will give up their language ' Have your prescriptions and {| and you must rest aesared we shall | Government Smiles at Quebec. ore 1 ora - : ! you hear this matter spoken of, | mon sense; the French quality of | ' " - family medicine put up at:-- | Grandfather S (Clock not give up ours. Therefore, I think Quebec was isolated. We were | ! [ It 1s too late to talk of this question. | told that we were slackers and trai. | . . | ; | sometimes with glee and sometimes economy and\) solidity and please | & 4 | We cannot change history. You are | tOFS, that we were not fit to remain Freight--Ba I Furniture--Freight--Baggage j With sorrow, especially when the {come into our government.' They Peesaaesesri gpantiness : ! a i1s given to us? Smiles. They have | 1 . : tolerance, | : y The Popular Drug Store, glass front; metal dial; highly i : | turned to that province of slackers Hl finished visible weights and | Quebec's Isolation, {and traitors and said: 'Won't you | Phone BC. Open Sundays. § | If pendulum, When it comes near the elections, | come into our government? Please | i { it all depends how far they are off, |do; we want you. Yeu have com- | | here to stay and we are here to stay; | citizens of this country and that after Best's | --In solid: Oak, Fumed; over | we Tight as oe agree of the prin- the war we would get what was com- [ff six feet .ta)l; .bevelled plate Wl! ciple of mutuad respect and mutual [IN to us. We have waited and what | TRANSFER ! Chiming the quarters, halves { union, or other government, is not | have forgotten that we were not | Phone 1425W | and three quarters and striking | too' sure about the farmers, or the | Stampeded by insults and there is no ® {fll the hours in full resonant. [||| different counties will go. You will | French-Canadian that can be bought | S. WHITEMAN | | hear that Quebec isolated. It may | by any rotten government. So, there- 360 Bagot Street. { [fl] Does. | be, but I say that Quebec is not isolat- | fore, 'we are isolated, isolated from : ! {ed from Canada. It is isolated from | the government, but I do not think : cl] 2 { { the government, but that is a dif- | we are isolated in the country. 'At! gti ; ] - ferent thing. | the same time, suppose we were. We : - [+ SPECIAL FOR TEN DAYS Fully guaranteed and very { "You will hear that Quebec is only | can afford to'be. We are prosperous | | Betting what she deserves' because | enough and we know very well that | : ® | ; Ege Baking Powder ..335¢. Ib. . : E Ground Rice . specially priced at'... . $125.00, { It did not do its duty during the war. | we are the key of federation. Mice Plotr ........... {It all depends if it is the dugy of | 'But we have no desire to be isol- | Potate Floar ..........25¢. 1 | Canada, I'agree that if it is a 'mat- | ated, to stand aloof and alone. Que- : . i ter for the Empire it is open to dis- | bec is only too willing-to open its : i SMITH BROS | cussion. But I have been brought |arms, to extend the hand to the ; up to think tha' our duties to the Em- Anglo-Saxon who is broad-minded | Unique Grocery & Meat Market ° [ire were very i an rin {and educated enough to be a real! PRICES ARE READJUSTED TO MEET THE 490 and 492 Princess Street. { the sole duty we had to do was tt Canadian statesman and understand | ; : 2S " a rh Bate is bi-lingual, with LOWEST MARKET QUOTATIONS IN ALL Phone 530. Jewelers - Limited defence of this country. We have . PICKERING, Prop. -| proven that we could do that when equality of races, of language and re- | Gn : » Established 1840. | the occasion came. Did Quebec do its ligion." DEPARTMENTS OF THIS STORE. duty to Canada during the war? Referring to Premier Meighen's | Let us go back to past history. In visit to Montreal, Mr. Lavergne said | 1896 when the Liberals came into | the people had outlived promises and | . Jl | Power ,a campaign was fought, not | what they wanted was facts, He | Our entire stock has been repriced to meet the new --~= | only on free trade, but against the thought they had found one English- | x buying of rifles by the Canadian gov- 'dpeaking statesman in the person of | Spring prices of all commodities in some departments ' " THOMAS COPLEY ernment for participation in Imperial Lindsay' Crawford, who 'represented . Fars I . : Sa ed e 3 | wars. Then came the most unfortun- Canadianism as they understood it. ! . ' w mn Stov. Telephone 987. | ate incident of the Boer war, and our | He was an English protestant, faith- | prices are lower than to-day 8 wholesale costs. Lengths Wanting sbiihiag dose in We carpen. | province did not hesitate to condemn | ful to his religion and to the tradi- | ery . | : : ~ : 3 " t repairs and mew work also hard- | the participation of Canadians in the tions of his race. He understands : : . BOOTH & CO. Tovd fours of si} kings. oy orders | crushing of a small nation with whom the principle on which the country Buy now, buy in confidence--prices are at rock bottom . recs > we had no quarrel." has been founded and upon which it WwW 258 Queen Street. - . . . Foot est Street Mr. Lavergne then referred to the | will live. To him the province of ---Wwe have written off all high-priced merchandise to meet Phone 133. If the conceit werg taken out of | conference of 1902 when Sir Wiltrid | Quebec can be loyal, We are loyal | . \ Sid : some people there would be nothing | Laurier told Mr. Chamberlain that {to Canada and to Canada alone and | the new price conditions. We give you the assurance that left to bury. ! this country should not be plunged | we do not care to be loyal to anybody | \ h . ] bb f 1921 dollar in the pocket of a stingy | Into the vortex of militarism for the | else." | rices are at their lowest e or A dolla poe sake-of foreign wars and that the sole | { P ? after a close study duty of Canada was to defend the | Canadians Only. | 2h: . . country. That, said the speaker, was| Mr. Lavergne asked if England : of conditions from every point of view, ratified by the Canadian people. | thought she fiad made Ireland loyal ' "Then the Imperialistic element kept | by the treatment accorded that coun- up their wonderfully organized pro- | try. He praised the glories of Can- #I paganda. In the elections of 1911 | ada as being sufficient for a spirit | BUY NOW AND KEEP CANADIAN the Nationalists of Quebec were very | of loyalty to the Dominion only, add- | closely allied with the Tories and | ing: "So long as we are a colony, | ! were fighting against participation , until the glorious day when we ful- | WORKMEN EMPLOYED . in Impérial wars and we were finarfc- | fil the promise made In "67 of making | ed with money from Toronto, Elec- | this a sovereign and independent / tions are not always wan by prayers | country we must not forget that 'eter- "we . . , . ( and the sinews of war came from the | nal vigilance is the price of liberty.' Conditions in this country are such that call for the use most loyal city of Toronto to that | And so far as we ire concerned that | . ; J arch-traitorous party. We had been | eternal vigilance we shall maintain, i of everybody Ss common sense -- every worth while man is educated to think that we were a | for the sake of Canada, civilization | . colony, with its obligations, and so and Almighty God. For Canada be- | both a PRODUCER and a CONSUMER. long as England would not share with cause it is our only country; we know us the responsibilities and rights of | of no other; because we are Canad- | a sovereign nation we had only the |ians only and have never been any- You must help consume what the other man produces, 856 King Street Don't wear out your welcome; it is difficult to replace. . man represents close quarters. cA COOK WITH ELECTRICITY The many users of Electric Stoves in the city all voice the same things---- Cleanliness, Simplicity, Beauty and the cheapest fuel known. Imagine cooking for a month for less than $2.00. We can show you how it ean be done with our McClary's Electric Range See them demonstrated in Hardware store. McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. Big Busy Hardware, Kingston, Phone237! . . . ... i. Kingston ". II i HRA : I E rights and obligations of a colony. thing else since our forefathers set- | d HE h ] men | tled in the American continent. As a i ur Quebec's Pouttion jn 1914. [1t is our country, we want our langu- : n win t n.must €ip consume what you produce, "Then came that ful war in| age tp be freely spoken and respect- : ~ / IO RN nr ro oar Je. ste | otherwise BOTH lose and-then there can be no PROS- had no quarrel with Germany, or had | "We want it respected, first, be- D TY no say in it, but suddenly it was ask-| cause we know it constitutes an im- a ERI . ed to participate. It was a voluntary | passable barrier to threatening Am- | system, which implied the right to re- ericanization, but more because it | * s . . fuse to 0. And then began the most | x admitted to be the Mest 1nsnate | The day of high prices is gone, as mentioned above. awful campaign against the province | of the world, the great interpreter | . . $ . of Quebec and we had numbers of | hetween the civilized nations and It | We have cut prices to cost and less and the new Spring missionaries coming to our province, { would be stupid not to acknowledge | . 3 i . {nr asking us first to fight for England. what a wonderful asset it brings to| merchandise is coming in at from 25 to 60% lower costs 12m sysaking traukly, I So not see | our dominion. For civilization, be- | h . 1 ; why England did not consult us when | og use through that language, by our | 1 1 * ) she wanted to fight. It was admitted | traditions, by our fidelity to our past than last season s lowest price basis. by the most loyal citizens that we | and to our noble inheritance we have | : gould not be very enthusiastic to remained what we are, true and | To postpone buying your regular requirements, if con- MA Beh Then they sai; 'It you owt loyal Canadians. And on that ac- | ght for England, why not fig t for | gount today, even our enemies are : : : gst Tor Suglamd, wis the lps OF | area tr uri bo th ot, +8 oem do tinued, would leave factories, mills and shops to close. those who were trying to crus every- | spised, so long calumniated province > . thing French in this country. Toor Gusher au the waren a Lrovinice Every man and woman can helo by buying needed my mind that was rank treason, those {the only safeguard and unshaken . voices from Toronto that wanted Ug | rampart against the powerful rush of - things NOW . Wait for big Aluminum Sale, February 21st to 26th to fight for Frdnce, | bolshevistic socialism, for they know Cy OM 5 | © 250 cor put us in the same posi- | tnat province to contain a principle | SS -- | tion as Alsace-Lorraine? After the | of order and authority which holds | Don t say it sounds good and leave it to the other fel- war were we going back to France | to its legitimate proportion the ruth- » 4s sons returned to their mother |jess aspirations of frenzied demo- ' low--don t fool yourself! | they had forgotten? But it was cracy. three hundred years since they had . . begun ta be Canadians. Then it was Plea For Tolerance. Your interest is at stake DIRECTLY. TT AI at ET RE said: 'If you are such dyed-in-the- "For Almighty God, because in ma- mate | / ti Wool Canadians why not fight for de- | 1oriiistic America, in tne midst of a A rT IT CE IT A. never satisfied plutocracy and of FOR AX EA ET ETS MEN WHO LABOR { populations over. greedy fof, material NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT x ER enjoyments and satisfaction, our % : . ¥ _ NEED SUPPORT provines wilt loves aud 'olieres. iu | ' and keep the wheels of industry moving if we wish pros- Men who labor must have strong Figg on the flaming belief of Pa a ys - This is the © ; io Teak | he Sind Ls JOU SIE | orange ons belief of perity. cheerful homes, contented families and happiness t 1 . . . . 18 18 € time of year to look over your | © eir fullest manhood. Their | we know that this life is only a pas in this C ada of ours, which we all Jove. . : , brain must be functionmg !sage to a better one, to which must Sosorations ul prepare for the "oling of {i Barve Fomedt: mil pus on 9d and | tend our Constant thought, fartified ring. e have a pretty range of Velours, J] condition. {37 the Yadiant Sfuih of. eterna pring DetY rang | a0 the ores: DS ik ga dogma. That is why we think we SEE TO-MORROW'S PAPERS' FOR AN AN. R Poplins Chintz etc., 1 [will rest a have our place--our necessary place pps, P : ? hos all the Po pular and health you enjeynd ur * ung , in this country. We wish to bring shades, suitable for over curtains and furniture Jf 7outh "Will make nervousness gi you that asset. mingling with you NOUNCEMENT OF NEW SPRING ' PRICES i ya box. At #1} drussists, 50 tical qualities of covering. clea box. price, 80° Anglo-Saxon practical g public spirit and thought our French Just now we also have a large stock of Em- | : §| | ¥or sule By Mahood Drug Con, | Br, s pity, of justice and of toler- ¢ . STAPLES | . . i 3 h brothers for the love : .broidered Nets, Madrases, Lace Curtains, Shr ISS 4 our common mother, Canadatr ance. We are your partners, won't Scrims and Voiles, n \ iv i es, neat and attractive and ne r._Kiugsley Sropoast the very reasonably priced. troductory remarks dealt with public | ' ; affairs and public men. Henri Bour- assa, Armand Lavergne and Lindsa: Ask us to Demonstrate the Cf HERBS Crawlord vere to bis mind, great : 6" OO\ 4 R" A | iE a fans. ® : SWEEPER | Of Dr. Casey, Father Kingsley said es H \ ? + § Lack of smercies food, impropst | he was a man with a keen and culti- . ks : 1 mA Ee vated mind and he bas won = distin. I PA ? i verse. He was LF. Harrison Co., Eimited Phone 90° ff] 55% 5 FEELS nuit iit ye * . FE ER versity in a period of two hundred ; 8 Nar In each box. 4 a ! " Dr. gsley ad Jetters from Hon. P. E. Blondin, Ernest Lapointe, Lindsay Crawford E. de Valera, W. Agee tai Co. RoNTRRAL Contiuned On Page 7.) ' i aE

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