Amongst popular fictions enjoying « degree of acceptance is ome that only'in the ty of Constantinople can the best coffee be obtained. ~cy > J N Constantinople years ago they appre- I ciated the importance p; good coffee, But now, good coffee is universally known and grows side by side with the coffees. for European use, and the teachings of Turkey, combined with modern and sanitary methods, give us a coffee rich in fragrance and flavor--a delicacy amongst the drinks of the world. Sold in %, 1 and 2%. fini. Whole, ground or fine ground for Tricolator and percolator use. CHASE & SANBORN, Montreal, Que. ---- "THE HOME 284 Ontario St. Free VULCANIZING RE-TREADING A SPECIALTY BY GOODYEAR EXPERT All work guaranteed at reasonable prices. Give us a trial OF MAXOTIRES" Alr Phone 20850. DISPUTE. OVER HOCKEY i | Said a Score Was Made Just One Minute Overtime | Newboro, Feb. 3.--Mrs. Henry at Portland. { Bishop and daughter, Miss Florence, | who have spending the past | the guests of friends in Syracuse, { N.Y., have returned home {of young people went to Smith's | Falls on Wednesday evening and en- j Joyed a pleasant evening on the rink. Mrs. (Dr.) G. F. Ackland, who has | been the guest of Mr. and Mrs Me- | { Millan, Cookstown, since Christmas, returned home on Monday. A large number of hockdy fans from | were in Portland on Saturday attend- | mateh, which resulted to 1 In favor of Westport, the winning goal being scored, it was claimed, on one min~ ute overtime. A. number of village peoeple gathered at the Hotel Rid- eau on Saturday evening and spént a ing the Westport-Portland 2 i E. WARBURTON 79 PRINCESS STREET The "VETCRAFT" Store - = == OPPOSITE BIBBY'S As our prices cannot be reduced below, they will remain at "COST" until removal of our business to corner of Barrie and Princess streets, opposite the Y.M.C.A., when the premises are ready for occupation. " ® P ® Office and Warehouse { Retail Store JUST ARRIVED (Carload) Cane Mola Feeding Molasses 45c. per Imperial Gallon, in barrels No feeder can afford to be without it. Phone 051. 117 BRO CK STREET PETERS Foot of Princess Street Phone 217 few hours in dancing, cards and games after which lunch was served by Mrs. Scott, and the visitors given time to arrive home before midnight. Miss Reta Knapp, Elgin, is taking a much needed rest at her home here | after a mild attack of scarlet fever. " The Newboro hockey team pur- chased new uniforms. The jerseys are a pretty shade of red and the stockings are as of former years, "red, white and black, the boys hav- Had An Annoying | Hacking Cough GOT NO REST AT NIGHT. | Hacking coughs are very wearing on the system; The constant cough- "ing disturbs the rest, and keeps the {lungs and bronchial tubes insuch an {irritated and inflamed condition, that | unless you get immediate relief the | cough may become settled and sen | ious lung trouble ensue. 2 | There is no better remedy than Dr. | Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for re- | lleving all kinds of coughs or colds, {combining as it does the lung heal- {ing virtues of the pine tree with | which is combined wild cherry bark, {and the soothing and healing expec- torant properties of other excellent | herbs and barks. Mrs. E. J. Ross, Penhold, Alta. writes: --"About three years ago I caught a very bad cold, accompanied | with a sore throat and hoarseness. I was 80 hoarse you could not hear me speak. I could get no rest at night with the terrible annoying, hacking cough. I tried several reme- | dies, but they did me no good. I | Analy saw Dr. Wood's Norway Pine | Syrup advertised so I got a bottle. | it at once gave me relief, and after | using four of them my cough nad all | gone, Now I always keep it in the | house." Temperature and viscosity charts Accompany a new slide rule for figur- ing the flow of oil in pipe lines. CAO AUANNCEAMN il THE 77 a In India the restdde of indigo plants, after the extraction of dye, is used to fertilize tobacso flelds, NC LO) ©) a OF ST) ZT Blain canany, MUT 1920 UAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada WATERL® , ONTARIO F ifty-F irst Annual Statement A few significant features of the olicyholders at the annual treetin ollowing condensed summary. annual statement presented to the g Febrpary 3rd, 1921, are given in the low wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark, price 35c. and 60c. a bottle. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Toronto, Ont, , 3 Ga ZT A "Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yel- \ So Loma FT { (a 77 CX) Ye A CLR | (a NP Tam Am Increase A party | here | Ernest Loveless' Breaks Leg--Boy '| wood for Fred Scales. A log rolled ing decided not to change the ¢ which bave brought them so much fame for the last fifteen, years. | Mr. and Mrs. Ford Moulton left | Wednesday for Brockville; where | they will in future reside. The jun- | for department of our school, which | has been closed for the past few | days re-opened on Monday. A large | number from this section attended | the ice races at Westport on Tuesday. The Croshy-Newboro return hock- | ey match was played bere on Tues- | day; score 9 to 3 in%favor of the! home team. John Knowlton acted | {as referee and Elmer Knapp was/ judge of play. The game was free | frim tough work, and was enjoyed | by a large crowd of spectators. Both | teams were garbed in new uniforms. | Billie Singleton accompanied the | Crosby players. | J. H. Scott, proprietor of the Hot- { | el Rideau, has leased the Opinicon | | Club, Chaffey's Lock, for the coming | | season, and was in Brockville on | | Tuesday signing the necessary pap- | jers. Mrs. Hester Lyons is visiting | | | | | friends in Kingston. A large num- { hockey team®to Westport on Satur- day. Inspector Mills, (Toronto, is holding a" meeting here ®n Tuesday evening in regards to continuation | work being taken up in our school. | | KINGSTONIANS IN WEST A Budget of News From Delisle, | Sask. | Delisle, Sask., Mrs. Robert Shan- | non, sr., who met with a painful ac- | cident fracturing her hip, on Nov. | 18th last, jis improving slowly. The | Keeler Bros. and Robert Loucks | have returmefl from the Saskatoon | have moved to Saskatoon. Mrs. Robert Keeler have rented | Miss Lillian Miller has been en- | gaged as teacher for the primary | room here. W. J. Loucks has been | appointed as delegate to the Grain | Growers' Convention, which meets | in Moose Jaw, Feb. 1st to 4th. | Charles Shannon has been appointed to the trustees' convention, which meets in Saskatoon. The people of this town and district approve of the new national policy as drafted by the Canadian Council of Agriculture, and are patiently waiting for a fed- | eral election. James Gordon is shipping milk to Saskatoon, which nets him the handsome price of $4.43 per hundred. James Gordon has a cow which gives fifty pounds of milk per day and nets him $2.21%¢ a day, and who says the Holsteins are not all right in Sas- | ber of supporters will accompany the |. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ol8TS |. bonspiel. Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Loucks a Mr. and ¢ their farm and moved to the oity. | ~ CIGARETTES = katchewan ? i The weather continues fine, with no snow. It was thirty above zero to-day. It is the finest winter we ever experience in - Saskatchewan. Curling and hockey are the order of the day. The Delisle bonspiel will commence Feb. 15th. The Whig is W. HL STEVENSON Angrove's Repairs! [TEER HORSE SHOER and DLAOKSMITH. Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate. 381 KING STREET EAST Soles, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carringes, Lawn Mowers, ete, We do repair work right and guarantee satisfaction, 197 WELLINGTON STREET AGENCY FOR ALL & welcome paper to the homes here. We are always interested in the items as it is just like a letter from home. nnn bs. : ACUD"NT AT VERONA, Scouts Are Active, Verona, Jan. 31.--Dr. and Mrs. Lawson were recently the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley 'Martin. Mrs. E. McMaster was the guest of Mrs. George Lakins on Sunday. Miss Lena Smith, who returned home /, « STEAMSHIP MCALLISTER & DRAKE | LES AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES EXPERT MECHANICS FOR ALL MAKES OF AUTOMOBILES. AGENTS FOR "WHITE ROSE" GASOLINE AND TORONTO GREAT ROLLS-ROYCE OIL ' going to or returaln the Old Country. . . P. HA CP. and T. A G.T. LY Kin Ontario. Open da By; y and ai - i 598 PRINCESS STREET Phone Res. 12463. Phone 1350. water power, some time ago after undergoing an operation in the Kingston 'hospital and spending some weeks there, has improved nicely gince her retyrn to her home. Mr. Hazzard, Toronto, was much pleased with his congregafion here and the sum he obtained for the funds of the Dominion Alliance. G. Campbell is home from Camp Bor- den for a few days. - He is attached to the Royal Air Force. William Emery, who has been on the sick list for some time, is around again. C. Davy is able to resume his duties. Mrs. Davy is recovering nicely, and Miss Lois is able to be around again. Ernest Loveless bad a bad- acci- dent last Tuesday while cutting on his lef, breaking it in three places. Dr. Geddes was called and put on témporary aplints. He was then sent to the General Hospital at I -------- wv' ; ALL LINES REDUCED BEFORE STOCK TAKING --BOOTS, SHOES --WARM FELT SLIPPERS - --SLIPPERS, MOCCASINS. --CLUB BAGS & SUIT CASES We must turn our stock mto cash. This is an opportune time for you to secure a bargain in fine Footwear. RAILWAY SYSTEM Special or Friends tention given your family from For Wiformation and rates a to . NLEY, py a Vermont is estimated to have 2,- 000,000 horsepower of undeveloped SALE The Sawyer Shoe Store 184 Princess St. | we $°10,124,171.00 . 42.,847,277.00.. 00 47,008,024.00.... 1,657,104.00. 5,018,680.00. 206,627,728.00..... NAA, pesiod of years. In 1920 the Company's vestments showed the handsome aver- Kingston. J The concert given on Friday night | by the Kingston Naval Brigade, as- sisted by the Boy Scouts, was wéll at- | Hi tended, the receipts being something | | § 1,540,767.00 . 4,826,328. 6,383,368.00 3 3.00 478,144.00 ? 35,921,423.00 3 LONG a TAL Phone Store | 59. aN hy) over $50. The Boy Scouts will hold |} '|another concert some _time next month at Harrowsmith. There are | Phone House 806w. je iveness; inancial Strength age interest rate earned of 6.41%. d of the fifty first disclose a year its jubilee in assuranc La ST) a EY) Fa emonstration in the figures annual statement, and of marked prosperi The Jubilee. The C 1 u by cvabiabing & new Feserd acquired c Surplus the 8 show ty. a new 27%. This Earnings. The pro enjoyed is best r earnings of the year, which an advance over the prec year of $354,303, being an for every $1,000.00 of total assets. NO rity th od od of PD) INNO) FN IA RN about forty<two Boy Scouts here now. A new windshield cleaner for auto- mobiles gan be heated electrically to melt ice and snow. Experts have countdéd 113 varieties of hardwood trees in Jamaica's 500,- 000 acres of forests. | 4 Russell Trucks You are asked to compare prices of Cars and Trucks specified below, which are being sold throughout Canada by various depart- ments of the Government, after having given 3 and 4 years' service: Reo Light Delivery Truck--Serial No, E308 ....... ..$1375 Kelly uck--1} ton triwkeniSerial No.Fil4 ....... 4. 950 McLaughlin E63 Truck -- SerialNo. A210... .. .. or 250 Overland, 5 pass., Model 75 -- Serial No. 18033 250 Ford, 5 pass., Model T. -- Serial No. 202402 . . .. Chalmers, 5 pass., Model 35A--Se rial No. 1184-01 - Federal Trdck--Model R.--Serial No. 12818 . . Studevaker, 7 passenger--Serial No. 20019.......... "ee. "a. . S80 48 aa rss 000 ss ant Brantford, 3} ton truck, No. F can Reo Light Delivery Truck Ni The Reo Trucks listed "se eeu 0. E302... ++ ++ +$1365 1 ve show a depreciation of only 20%, after 4 years of hard aed above is just one more instance of the high re-sile value of the Reo product as compared to that of other i makes of cars and trucks. ~ Brock St. . i