MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1921, Austin's Drug Store The price is lower now on Kodaks, Brownies and Premo Cameras But the Cameras will give the same good results as when they wére high in price. We have another attraction-- with every Kodak, Brownlie, or Premo Camera purchased, we will give free a year's subscrip- tion to the magazine ""Kodakery" to help beginners. Austin's Drug Store Lerner Kiag and Msabket Square Phone 230 i 1 PEP FEPP PLP PPP PLIST FIL EELS AUTO TOPS Auto Tops recovered and cush- fons repaired. New Celluloids andiias lights sets In side and back curtains. hw Covers and Boat Tops and all kinds of general repairing. R. H. Jones = 390 PRINCESS STREET Phone 152, Aa Watches and Clocks Repaired ly me G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year. Call or 'phone and your or- der will be promptly attepded to, ¥ 'hone 1866. 267 Princess St. PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, JOB WORK OF ALL KI¥DS Quickly and efficiently attended to. Davie & Barrett Expert Practical Plumbers 23 WELLINGTON STREKT Phone 688. W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOOK. ------ For Sale One motor boat, 24 ft. long, in running condition. E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO, ~~ PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty, Phone 214. 840 Princess St. a-- on ~ hh DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstal's Ginger Marmalade, Wagsta'y Yinecappie Marmalade, Wagntams Bramble Jelly. We also have a full line of other rellable makes of rma- sale Jade Jam and Jellies for Bon Marche Grocery + Cor. King and Earl Streets License No. 3-37140 Phone 844. | | | STOPPED HER, HEADACHES Years Of Suffering Ended By "Fruif-a-fives" 112 Hazzx Sr., Sr. Jonx, N. B, i "Ntis with pleasure that I write to tell you of the great benefit I received from the use of your medicine "Frwil-a-tives", made from [ruil | Juices. I was a great sufferer for many years from Nervous /{eadaches end Constipation. I tried everything, * eonsulted doctors; but nothing seemed to help me until I tried "Fruit-a-tives", After taking severa! boxes, I was completely relieved of these troubles and have been unusually well ever since". Miss ANNIE WARD, * 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25a, At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-e-tives Limited, Ottaws, 'BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son Phone 1670. » | | 21 Main Street. } 1 KINGSTON WELDING SHOP Has Been Takem Over By | G. A. WRIGHT'S MACHINE WORKS | We specialize in Welding broken parts of Automobiles, Cracked Water Jacket, etc. All work guaranteed. 40 Princess St. - - Phone 1264. [ SCOTT'S GARAGE epairs, Washing and Storage. Ous 1915 Mclaughlin Toure ing vr for sale cheap for a quick buyer, 29% RAGOT STHEET "hone INp4W FOR SALE DWELLING, BARN AND ONE ACRE OF LAND at city limits ..........$2,600 W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brocl: Street. Phone 424. Mattresses . Don't throw awhy your old Mattresses. We renovate all kinds and make them as good as new. Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w. / | Kingston Co-Operative Society, Limited Phone 469. Salmon--reg. 3c. § tins for $1.10 Macaroni ......10¢c. per package Eggs being scarce, use Bird's Egg substitute SPECIAL! White Beans--hand picked «7 Ibs, for Soe. - commissioner for Canada; G, C" Mc- FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New locatiom: Corner Ontario and West Sta. Phone 67. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | Kingston and Vicini ty We have a few first-class winter | overcoats left which we will sell at | extremely low price. Prevost Cloth- | | |1n8 House, Brock street, i | i ! | | Best Value in the City, | | i | Purchased the Old Mill, Col. A. A. Ferguson has purchased i the old' mill at Hubbs' ,Creek and | rw raze it and remove lhe timbers {and lumber to, his home at Hillcrest where it will be used for building | | purposes, | f Valuable Perclieron Colt Sold. | | J. H. Davidson, reeve of Hillier, | | sold to a firm in Madoc his fine Per- | | cheron colt "Duke of Wellington,' | | This colt was 1st prize winner at| | Picton, 1920, and when one year and eight months old weighed 1,360 Ibs. Ducks Frozen in Ice. | Skaters in the vicinity of Big Is-| land on Sunday' discovered three | wild ducks frozen in the dce. The | | caught, A muskrat was also observed | frozen in the ice. | Stifling-Hodgins Wedding. The wedding was solemnized St. George's cathedral on Saturday, Feb. bth; by the Dean of Ontario, of | Aileen Isabel, youngest daughter of | C. C. Hodgins, to John Stirling, son | of Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Stirling, Me- lita, Man. Only the near relatives of | the family were present. Mr. and | Mrs. Stirling left for the west after the ceremony. in| Spoke at the Banquet. Hastings district branch of the Canadian Institute of Mining and | Metallurgy held its first annual {banquet in Belleville Thursday night. Lloyd Harris, Toronto, trade Kenzie, Montreal, secretary of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and E. Gus Porter, K.C., M.P., were the mdin speakers. Motor Club Home Supper. J. M. Hughes, president of the Kingston Motor Club, is to preside at the annual meeting and-home sup- 'per at the club at the Cafeteria, Queen's university, on Monday next at 7 p.m. The speakers for the occa- sion will be G. M. McWilliam, vice- president of the Ontario Motor Lea- gue, and Dr. P. E, Doolittle, presi- dent of the Canadian Automobile As- sociation, "Sent To Mimico. Judge Dowsley, Brockville, sen- tenced Harold Duval to an indefinite term at the Mimico Industrial School on a charge of entering R. Neill's shoe store on Friday night last, and stealing $21 and a flashlight. The NEWS OFF THE WIRES IN CONDENSED FORM Tidings From Places Far and Near Are Briefly Recounted. Mrs. Hugh Heggle, wife of the city magistrate of Vernon, B.C., was suf- akiiddail SIRE "KIDNEY A Remarkable Home Treatment Give en by Ome Who Had It. In the Spring of 1893 I was at- tacked by uscular 'and Sub- Acute Rheumatism. suffered aa only those who have it know, for over three years. I tried remedy after remedy and doctor after doc- tor, but such relief as I received was only temporary. Finally, 1 found a treatment that cured me completely and it has never return- ed. 1 have given it to a number who were terribly afflicted and even bed- ridden with rheumatism, some of them 70 to 80 years old, and resuits Were the same as In my own case. I want every sufferer from such forms of rheumatic trouble to try this marvelous healing power. Don't The Real Old Fashion Mahogany and Walnut Furniture not only lasts longer, looks nicer, and cost less in the long run, It will pay you to investigate. CABINET MAKERS and POLISHERS on the premises--Mr. 'Frank COLUMBIA SIX utters that make the ix & true all weather Car. EDMOND WALSH, Agent Aute Repairs & Specialty. 335 King St. + « Phone 2188 It's the Columbia .{ ward Carson as leader of the 8 ville, who remodels and 'repairs--he is an expert. : LESSES, Antique Shop 507 Princess Street Sir James Craig succeeds Sir Ed- send & cent; simply mail your name and address and I will send it free to try. After you have used it and it has proven itself to be that long- looked-for means of getting rid of your rheumatism, you may send the 'price of it, one dollar, but under- mand, I do not want your money un- ji you are perfectly satisfied to send it. Isn't that fair? Why suf. fer any longer when relief is thus $8. ed you free. Don't delay. Write tii | defendan{, who is not yet fourteen lafter a lingering illness | with both teachers years old, was arrested on Saturday morning by Chief of Police Phillips at Smita's Falls, after he had pur- chased a ticket for Toronto. Death of Mrs. Perrin. The death occurred Sunday of Olive Ena Rde, wife of John Morell Perrin, Smith's Falls, 'at her home, of many months. She was born thirty-two years ago in the township of Mon- tague and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Roe. Mrs. was a devoted member of the Metho- dist church and also a member of | the local W.C.T.U. A Regretted Death. A sad death occurred in Préscott on Jan. 25th, when Helen King- ston, aged eighteen years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kingston, Charie- ville, passed away after an illness ducks had evidently alighted fn the | Of only a week's duration. The late | slush at an earlier date and been Miss Kingston was attending the high school, where she was popular and scholars. ago she developed About a week | measles, and later pneumonia, which | caused her death. Unemployment in Gananoque. At the regular meeting of the Gan- anoque town council, a deputation from the local labor union urged the neéessity of proceeding with contem- plated work without unnecessary de- lay in order to provide work to re- lieve the strain on many who are un- employed, William Waring, presi- dent, and Gordon Bishop, secretary, were the spokesmen. The latter had a list of 124 who were known to be out of work. Goes To South America. Dr. Oskar Klotz, whose wife was formerly Miss Stella M. Scovil, of Portland, has been appointed by the Rockefeller foundation as director of the bacteriological and pathological laboratories, which are to found- ed at Sao Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Klotz has been professor in these subjects at the University of Pittsburgh for the last eleven yearsand in 1920 was president o: the Pathological Society of America. Delta Fall Fair. A meeting of the Delta fair board was held on Jan. 26th, The following officers were elected: President, H. W. Imerson; 1st vice-president, E. A. Halladay; 2nd vice-president, E. F. Bresee; secretary, H. E. Johnston; treasurer, H. Steele, Directors, Frank Halladay, Stanley Gile," George Rai- sin, Arthur Slack, Ed. Bowser, Gor- don White, W. W. Phelps, W. J, Mor- ris. E. A. Halladay was elected dele- focgted, with her babe, in a fire, due, it is believed, to a cigarette. A cargo of American coal has been unloaded in London harbor. A small swordfish is reported to have been speared in Burlington Bay, Hamilton. The British-American Oil Co. an- nounced a further drop in the price of gasoline at Montreal, Henry Ryan, 74 years of age, was found dead, with his spoon held be- fore his mouth, in a Montreal res- taurant. 2 The Moscow newspaper Investia, the official organ of the Soviet, says the Anglo-Russian trade negotiations are broken off. The standing of the parties in the British Columbia Legislature now is: Liberals, 27;; Conservatives, 13; In- dependents, 7. A provincial board of conciliation for settlement of differences between teachers and school boards is to be tried in Alberta. Suddenly becoming insane, Mrs. Pearl Duryea, Ithaca, N.Y., shot and killed her two children, aged thirteen and ten, as they slept. ; The four-year-old son of Fred Ray, Guelph, was drowned in an old quarry behind the rubber factory, where others were skating. : SALARIES RAISED. Increase to Teachers in Ottawa Aver. ages $200. Ottawa, Feb. 7.--A new sched- ule of salaries for the public school teachers was adopted at a meeting of the board. The new rate provision for an additional expenditure of ap- proximately $40,000, making an average increase in salaries to teach- ers, with three or more years' ser- vice, of $200 each. Many of the wo- men teachers will receive increases of as high as $250 and the minimum | wage for male teachers goes up from $2,600 to $2,600, 0-day. Mark H. Jackson, No. 953G Du Bldg., Syracuse N. Y. roten Mr. Jackson is responsible. Above + Statement true. A SUGGESTION The abundant health- giving properties of Scott'sEmulsion are as needful to adults as to children. Perrin | gate to the "Fair Association at To-| ronto. The association' if out of debt | and the new board is planning for a| | fair next fall that will surpass any-| | thing ever held in Delta. | Elected Its Officers. | The Lennox Agricultural Sociéty | elected these officers at its annual | I meeting : President, T. B. Wallace: 1st vice-president, F. H. Henderson; | 2nd vice-president, J, S. Johnston; | secretary, J. L. Boyes; treasurer, J. | |W. Robinson; directors, G. W. Gib- | bard, W. H. Boyle, G. H. Williams, | iGeo. Switzer, E. R. Sills, M, C. Bo- | gart, M, B. Trumpour, Hiram Shan- | non, W. H. Hunter. Other directors | {wil beadded on permission of the |government, The year's receipts | were $6,403.82 and disbursements 1$6,061.11, The bank balance is $342.71. Doing Good Service. The Woman's Missionary Society of Sydenham street Methodist church, of which Miss Daisy Chown is presi- dent, is a very live organization. It has launch2d a "win-one" campaign | to increase their membership and at the meeting on Friday there was a | marked improvement in the attend- ance. Cards are given to the officers with the name, address and member- ship fee of those forming the soclety and on Friday some energetic work- ers had brought six or eight new members. The next meeting will be | a union one in which the Mission | Band, Mission Circle and Auxiliary | will join, and at which there will be refreshments and music. 1 | What Queen's Girls Are Doing. Practices are being held by the! Dramatic Society for the four one-act | plays to be given this month. | Dr. Haaf, who is on furlough from the mission field of Turkey, gave an interesting address to the QUM.A on Thursday al'ernoon in the Old Arts building. Queen's journal staff will give the social evening at Queen's. The social evening given by Arts' '23 waa a great success. Levana girls bought their own tickets for the dance, and did not fill the pro- grammes till they entered Grant Hall. Every one had a good time and the hope is expressed that the other in- formal dances will be arranged in the same way. Examination results will be posted this week. They are of great interest to students. Hockey practises will be resumed now that the basketball season is drawing to a close, The Athletic Board. of Control en- tertained at dinner in the Red Room on Saturday night in honor of the visiting basketball teams of Queen's University. No Talk of Cutting Dividend. Montreal, Feb. 7.--'There has been no talk of passing or reducing the 'dividend -of Canada Steamship Lines, Limited," said Charles A. Bar- nard, K.C., until recently vice-pre- sident of the company and still 'its solicitor. "I do not think there is any basis for the sudden break in the stock, beyond the depression common to shipping concerns the world over," Canada Steamship Lines common broke to 37 1-2 from around 47 on the stock exchange. - To Be Troubled With Constipation THE CAUSE OF MANY ILLS. It you do not feel well and go to your family physician, one of the first things he will do is ask you to hold out your tongue. The reason for this is that the condition of the tongue shows the condition of the stomach and bowels. If you allow your bowels to become constipated you will have bilious at- tacks, sick headaches, coated tongue, : SiN Scranton Coal is unquestionably the best Hard Coal that comes into this market. It is the only kind we have in the domestic sizes. We still have a limited supply of Chestnut, Stove and Egg. S. ANGLIN & €0. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 668. Factokv Phone 14135, ; == YOUR OPPORTUNITY MONDAY, FEB RUARY 14th te "Say It With Flowers" Our Valentine decorations' given free ----make every box of Cut Flowers or Plant'an appropriate Valentine. "We Strive to Serve." A.D. HOLTON £80 PRINCESS sTRELT . : Phone, 661; sdes., 2030W. A frame house; large lot; garage; all modern conveniences; in good location; possession May Ist." The house is worth the money. Price $3,750.00. A. F. PURCELL Phone 704 1111 Brock St. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A Fine Christmas Present for Your Wife Would Be a Royal Vacuum Cleaner WASHING MACHINE We have them in stock. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. WITHIN THE LAW , Means you have to secure NON-GLARE LENS for your car. We carry a fall stock of different makes that conform to the law at prices from .... ...... $2.00 to $6.00 per set, Lemmon& Sons 187 Princess St. foul breath, heartburn, water brash, etc.,, and those troublesome pil which cause s0 much annoyance an misery. Keep your bowels moving regularly and you won't be sick. In Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills you will find just the remedy you require for this purpose. They are purely | vegetable and do not gripe, weaken or sickén. Mr. Jas. 8. Harris, Box 934, Hali- fax, N.S, writes:-- "For two years 1 suffered with constipation. I could not get any thing to cure mey and hardly anything would give me éven temporary relief. One day my uncle induced me to try Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills, and even brought me a vial. I tried them without much faith, but I soon found they were do- ing me good, and after using the second vial I was relieved of my trouble." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Anternal cleanliness health, -- A SHOE OPPORTUNITY SAVE YOUR SHOE DOLLARS The order has been issued, 2-1 now out goes every Shoe in our store. | We'll not mind the ioss, for we're determined to have a regular HOUSE CLEANING. Shoes for everybody--for every with prices ¢ to a point where BUYING IS IRRESISTIBLE, v ug Into this sale will go all of our splendid Footwear of all kinds, which will insure perfect satisfaction and rightness tn TT 28% DISCOUNT ON EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF SHOES IN STOCK Special lines of Men's and Women's High Grade Footwear. J. 0. Sutherland & Bro, HOME OF GOOD SHOES TWEDDELL'S OVERCOAT For the best valuesat ~ $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, - $35.00; $40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. iy {One door below Randolph Hotel) ; EE