AS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1921, | = THE PEOPLE'S FOR er -- A CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES ¥irst insertion, lc. a word c bl in Secutllv. insertion I B31 A 3 cent a word Minimu; e tor | IMNEDIAT v BERMSHED IL se Ohe insertion, 2uc; three insertions r ti > month Yer 60 cents Mon The ab w ANTED GENERAL TO PULRC good locat A GOOD HOUSE IN A n for 1 Apply Box € rates are for cash only, | rged they are double: | > a i HELF WANTED, AITRESS WANTED ree rn eri | AT TOP QUARTER- APPLY BRIT. . desk. State size and S58 PANT MAKER. wu, | COND - HAND OFFIC Brock street t Ze and price -- ne ere, tion M \ A APPLY MKS, | 'haries 7 Juhnson St -------- - m------ i : AND UPRIGHT PIANO IN THE DAY, 5 C lition Appl i8 Prin. A WOMAN TO WORK HY Apply at Carleton Hotel, Cess Street, Box L-§ -- a-- -------- MAID, GENE . PAT FARY INT, ABO 200 ACRES, home p erred. Apply Mrs. Living- by practical farmer; view to pur- Stun, 455 Princess st 1 " k Hring,- Coleman A FEW GOOD SALESW -- patent housenold 10,0000 already sold Write 37 Bloomfield EMPLoym T ny A single man ha widow FOR N it ' Ave, vronto SECOND-HAND UPKI for cash or in part | and gratcny! Limited, 1: a: BLACKSMITH wA NTED TO SHARPEN steel for steam drills Must hs experience on cross bits up to t inches in hard r . t cnolson, 11 Court Brockville vianos SCott | say House | eames m-------------- iiss | WANTED--MEN AND BOY | ronize J. W. Cursun, and boyy hair cut, 2 HAVE AN OPENING FOR AN Razors noned experienced salesman Or a mar near Brock street with ambition who is WHHNR | ~-- to learn; splendid prospects Ap- Ply mornings to Mr Godson, ol CABIN « Ontario Street. le 238 Qulario st, PT. IN power, als Engine, 4 20 h.p.; portable Apply to F. 8 Ont RUISER, T 85 h, wtih plenty duty Marine. yele, about 15 or lumber sawmill Cronk, Northport, -- -- avy AMATEURS WANTED At once -- Singers, Dancers, Acrobats, Magicians, Musical Acts, Impersonators-- local tal ent only. Apply at once BOX OFFICE, GRIFFIN THEATRE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhangir 8 donc, drop a card to A. Mounteer, g4 Arch street. | HENRY WARD & SON, PAINTERS, a m= | r Hangers and interior deco. is 'the time to have POSITION WAN decorated : gf rte sep en's rai EDGAR, ruBLic White's Insurance Bagot street. Phone MISs MADGE Stenographer Office. 239 ba A ------------ 8 A YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN Wot LD windoy lke to take a child out a fiw Phuié hours daily; very fond of children Apply to 235 Colborne 8 TEACHERS w QUALIFIED TEACHER Wa LIFE] . 8. No. 4, I gh. Si rite Jo Per school Ww fer, Secretar Ont, Eh AGENTS WANTED KINGSTON AND VICINITY handle line of farm implements and | threshers, Apply Box 0-§, W hig | - ert see ete veee---- Office. STORE ON PRINCESS STREET WITH workshop in rear. | mediately Apply on premises, Princess Street rand Mantrea) TO LET. ED ET RAME GARAGE, APPLY ntreal St FOR} > ry $600] LAI mn Petti- | Denbigh, | To | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements, centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. FOR FURNITURE chandise; clean and dry, Cann, as Bruck street. Paune 326 or §21 AND -- AGENTS 500% PROFIT GOLD ters for stores, office windows ily applied; will not wash off, Samples. Acme Sign Co. Wells, Chicago. IL. 5 NMINE-ROOMED BRI( K HOUSE; AT Nelson street, with electric Apply Mrs. ircle, aut eet, Peet Mee ees STORAGE FOR FURNITU RE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299-305 "Queen sireet. Phone 526, res. 95vw, TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE- cially furnisued tor light house- keeping; gas tor cooking and light, af the Pioneer Apartmeyts, 212 and 214 Division street. Phone 1434 w -- MEN AND WoME NOT TO CAN-| Vass, but to travel and appoint lo- | cal representatives; $1,002 ang ex- | * Penses guaranteed first year, with oud chance to make $2,600 ang expenses. State age and qualifica- tivns, Experience = Winston Co, Dept. G., Toronto. SITUATIONS VACANT AD aterm | MAKE MONEY AT HOME--g TO $60 | wah AN , bald weekly tor your spare 3% A FURNISHED APARTMENT. OF TWO writing show cards for us. Nol or three rooms for housekeeping; Canvassing. We instruct and sup- all modern conveniences, good lo- Ply you with work, West-Angus | cation; and in a ne Ww house Price Bhoweard Service, 571i. Colborne i. Office ble. Apply Box J-4, Whig Tordato, FINANCIAL STRANGE & STRANGE, agents; established in the most reliable companies rep: sented. $5 Clarence stre Opposite the post office. FOUR FLATS (HEATED) CONTAIN. ing 6 and 7 ro entrally locat- v 213 and 219 Queen street renovated and decorated throughout. Immediate possession Abply E. Blake Thompson, 39 Brock Street. = | | INSURANCE| 1560; onl =m ry SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, Wooub, ete, large or small, uaranteed XX gold leaf; posiers, s Owecards, ete. artistically writ and designed FRONTENAC LOAN ment Society; ince rporated 1x61, President, W. p, Nickle, K.C ; president, A. B. Money Issued on broperties, municipa) and county 3 a 205 oh debentures; mortgages purchased; | by Shaw, at 205 Princess Bi Sumy investment bonds 16: sale; de D0Sits - Kingston. 4 eaau-- received and interest allowed uw} rr 4 C. Cartwright, manager, 37 3 ' LEGAL thce street, Kingsto: 'UNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- 9 ers and Solicitors, i Clarence street, Kingston B. Cunning. ham, Cyril M. vice Cunningham, i AND INVEST. | | city and farm | UPHOLSTERING. TRIE rerr a RI, CALL OR DROP , CARD TO w. Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot at. a RAS ¥. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR jolstering and genera} repairing. Leave or ers at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. ms FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN | ished. gung repairs; all kinds of small repairs in wood or metal Stanton and Sleeth, 241 Bagot Street, Craith icitor King and Brock, over Money to loan i a FURNITURE FINISHING 3 ete Se Ros st eet am---- CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. eoll, 22 John street IN. tr sn Cannel Coal For Open Grate Fires, Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. Foot of Johnson Street b BUILDERS OF: r Boat Engines. : Engine Repairs lation Life Boats Boat Repairs Machinery ¢ Automobile Repairs Dry Docking and Other Rep airs in Wood and Iron. DAVIS DRY, DOCK CO. East End of Wellington St. | Auction Sales | Tam, the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428, eb Artes Seems es rar ny will regret to learn of the death at Chicago, on Saturday, of a well-known native Of Brockville in Person of John York. x So. 5, $10.00. No. 6, $12.00 Best Stove for Garage or work ooks and other Stoves as Street dc- | 'ossession im- | = FOR SALE AWNINGS. PHONE 438. ¥. COOKE. | , 3 --~ | A FIRST CLASS GROCERY BUSINESS, | in good locality, in city. Write Box F-31, Whig Office i 1 | | | FOUND A SMALL DOOR KEY may have same by at Whig Office SUM OF MONE) opposite Easter; School Owne u same by app 5 Holmes, Eastern School' ' BLACK WooLLEY MITT €r may have game lington Street ] \ OWNER applying DBARRIE Dairy have Mr Dairy ON and Baby Carriage, and other fur- 40 Gore Street. CASE, JONES niture. | FIVE FOOT sHOw Lunch, 191 Pincess street. | ONE LOT, 66x132 FOOT FRONTAGE. on South Xacdonald slreet; cheap | for quick buyer. Bateman's Real KID GLOVE, SATURDAY MORN- | Fstare ing Owner have same al this office. may | Ar | of Princess street, salvage wheat in t buyers' bags, two cents per pound. Suitable for chicken feed. | GENUINE GRAFHONOLA AND TEN ! selections: your own choice, $42.50 cash; $5 per month. C. W. 121 Princess St. ------------------ ce SELF P ELLE FEET EP IH PEE HES FOR SALE A few building lots well locat- ed near Queen's University. Ap- Ply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clar- ence street, Kingston, Ont. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FUER. Anvone finding anything and Wishing to reacn the owier may do su Dy reporting the factg to The British Whig The adver- tsement will be printed in thiy cuiumn free of charge Found articies" dues not (rn. clude lost dogs, cattle horses eic se, If lost, may 'be ad- vegtised for in the 8! column Terms $7 Lindsay, Limited, dee esd fede HE in dollars but as a deceased brother's Liberal reward at Whig to finder who re- turns same [EL POLISHED QUARTER CUT OAK dining room suit. consisting of buflet, china cabinet table and six chairs. A real bargain at §150, Ap- ayo Ply Bux He2, co. Whig. eB WRIST WATCH, nBE.| rrr FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF denham and Spaffordt nt good second hand furniture and evening, Jan. 20th Stoves. Any person having stoves r please notify _ Rutledge and furniture to dispose of, we wil] Sydenham teward psy highest prices- J. Thompson, 383 Princess street. Phone 1600w AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, hou furniture, specialize in mili. tary boots; buy all kinds second- hand goods; highest prices paid. I. Routbard. Phone 1723. 289 Prin- cess Street, ee ceteris SPECIAL OFFER 50 PAIR OF BI- cycle Tires a+ $1.75 each while they last. Bicycles cleaned and stored; also skates hollow ground, carriages retired Muller's Bicycle Works, 37 King street LADY'S « DENTAL, -------------------- DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. SA FFICE | closed until March 30th MEN DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. | tists, 159 Wellington street, over ! Carnovsky's. Phone 346 * MILLAN, DENTIST, 81 DR. RUPERT 3 Phone 1850. Princes ------ Mack Stre nsultatio Hours 9 + Bose Bo Boole ide. & TRRer hd > Kingston, Ont ETP hd Telephone 10586) m. }' to p.m "FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, STEAMER FOR SALE for sale--100 ft. long. Price and particulars upon application to Room 101, Booth Bldg., Ottawa, Ont * 5 + Passenger and freight Bay odode desfoode Foe 4 320 ACRE FARM IN SASK ATCHEWAN ---280; acres under cultivation. Will take elty or country property. Ad- fee A | HAPPY THOUGHT STOVE, BABY CRIB | | Bros. make: Apply Prince of Wales COMMERCIAL ELEVATOR, FOOT FEE SEAS Ir EPP PEO S OP | 2 | Public Skating EPGRAND XV Feb. 11-120: BARGAIN MATINEE SATURDAY By Special Arrangement With | Sir Alfred Butt | | | | | PRICES--Nights DBarg: A Entire Orch. $1.00. Bal. 50c.-7S¢. Gal 25e. Seats on sale Wednesday. .. Ble, to. pL.00 nee -- WAGSTAFFE'S | Pure Orange | MARMALADE 2 Made from Seville Oranges and Granulated Cane Sugar only. | TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST. | In CREDIT SALE Of pure brea Holstein Cattle, tered, at Orthel Orser's, Lo¢ INth, 5th Con., Tp. of Kingston (R, R, N 1.30 m, Friday, February milch cows, 3 two-yenr-old heifers coming in, 4 bull calves, also 2 brood sows, WM. MURRAY Phone 801), Auctioneer, -------- Kingston Covered Rink Hockey ang Skating M, ve. K, Coq, TUESDAY, F SBRUARY sth, 1921 7.00 p.m, +++ .8,80-10.30 p.m. ADMISSION . 25 Reserved Seats .. as sada. Band in Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 236. ire Box 190, Gananoque, Ont o ole 5 oo og -* + he To de oe oe r EY oo < se de go og PERSONAL MOL w marks, skin cancers, sc BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, RTH. | $750--FOR SALE--BUILDING LOTS ON rs, etc., rh) Alwington Avenue; good location. moved permanently Satisfactory | -- glasses fitted and furnished after ' a we others have failed. Goitre removed | $110 Hy FuDiNg Lor, SYDENHAM ST, 35 years' experience Dr. E . ake, Eve, Far, 8, Throat, 8 Lake B ss | $R00--GARROTY ST. ARCHITECT / | 81400--PRINCESS AND ALBERT STS, ET erections | POWER, SON, AND DREVER, ARCHI- 5 tects, Merchants Bank .Chambers 4 FOR SALE . ' ' x TWO LOTS ON SOUTH | Sorkes of Brock and Wellington street, 33x132; Sma |= Lo = cheap for quick sale. . -- LAND SURVEYOR $1000--FRAME BUNGALOW; NEW, | north end; 4 rooms; RB, and C. Lot 33x132; for immediate possession, MACDONELL building; very F. MILLER, B.Ap, Sc, C.E., O.L.S,, ).L.8, M.E.LC., Napanee, Ont On- | tarfo Land Surveyor, Kingston of- | $2000~FRAME | fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- | ence street. HOUSE; 11 ROOMS, about an acre of land; suitable for summer boarders; near Westport. F. | | CARPENTERING 2,200-FRAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS; B. | and -C.; electric lights and furnace; | WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER 800d cellar, See mes Selby, Contr 212 -- ty Avenue #3,000--BRICIKK SEMI-DETACHED; § -- -- rooms; B. and C.; hot alr; gas; gar. FOR SALE, age. SMALL STRON G STE banks. $1.00 each. Clarence St. | SAVINGS | VICTORY BONDS FOR SALE, MONEY i \ " to Loan. Mills Co. 79 --- | s1400--rRAME,; 3 ROOMS; provements; good locality. NO IM. SCHOONER "BERTHA CALKINS," carrying capacity 500 net tons. Can be inspected at Picton Ontarjo. Further particulars -and price on application. T. L. VanDusen, Pic- ton, Ont. ' FARMS--SEVERA]L GOOD FARMS FOR sale. G. A. BATEMAN, 150 WwW Bxton Street, Kingston. A NL ert resi. ~~, "A BUSINESS CHANCE | FOR A BUSINESS MAN Scotland Woolen Mills Co. Limited Canada's best known Tailors, want a live man in the Clothing, Gents' Furnishing, or Tailoring business, to accept local Agency for the sale of Made-to-measure Suit or Oyercoat at a fixed price of $30.00--No More, No Less. Here is a wonderful opportunity. We supply all the neces- sary selling equipment absolutely FREE, including fall suit lengths of cloth for Store and window display. A Se Mills Co. Agent is Started out well fortified for a rigorous and Successful campaign without one cent of expense, We will only consider applications from wide-awake busi. ness men with an A1 location in this town, 2 . Write to: -- Scotland Woolen Mills Co., Limited 50-52 Richmond St. E. - - - 2 Torontg, Ont. ~ r----. FOR SALE JOHNSON STREET: --Frame house; 7 rooms: electric light; 8as; 2 fire places; nice sized lot. Price $3,000. ORDNANCE STREET--Brick house; 6 rooms; furnace; elec- tric lights; gas for cooking; garage; nearly new, Price ' . THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street Seman thirty days at the most. In tha mcantime, only a few men are em- The Cutlery Factory | HRA ser tr ere | KIDNAPPED CHILDREN ARRIVE IN KINGSTON | | Richardson Boys Brought Back From Montreal by Their Mother. The two little boys of W. G. Rich- | ardson, who were kidnapped by the mother in November last, are again back in their home at 434 Princess | street. | The case will be recalled, as at | the time it caused quite a sensation. | The father and mother have been liv. [es apart for some time. The boys were living with the father, and one | day, while coming' from Louise | school, the mother got the children and took them away to Cornwall and later to Montreal. The children are | Jimmy, aged eight years, and George aged nine years. The father took proceedings to get | his children 'back and as a result of | efforts put forth by the Children's | Aid Society an order was issued for the return of the children to the fa- | ther. This order was given a few | days ago, and on Tuesday afternoon | | the two youngsters were brought t | the city from Montreal by the moth- er, and through John Pollie, acting | for the Children's Ald Society, wera | | handed over to the father. | | { -------------- DEATH OF JOHN HARTRICK -- | Old Resident of Portsmouth Passed Away on Tuesday. , John Hartrick, aged sighty-thres | | years, one of the oldest residents | |of Portsmouth, died about noon on | Tuesday, at his home, following an' illness extending over a Year. He was widely known and very highly respected by all who knew him. For thirty-five years deceased was em- ployed as blacksmith at Rockwood hospital. His wife died several years ago. He is survived by four sons and four daughters. They are Wil- liam, of Chatham; Frank, of Sche- nectady, N.Y.; Edward, of the Civic Utilities Commission; Frederick, ot | Portsmouth; Mrs. Moore, Toronto; Mrs. James, A. Grant, Toronto; | Annie and Charlotte, at home. Rey. Mr. Smith, of Portsmouth, will con- duct the funeral services on Thurs- day afternoon, which will be of a private nature. Thirty-two hundred women and 2,- 100 men committed suicide in Hun- gary during 1920, police reports for the year show. In addition, there were more than 10,000 unsuccessful attempts at suicide. > For the first time in the history of the Savannah cotton exchange its flag was flown at half mast the other | day in honor of a negro man, He was Phillip L. Smith, for forty years por- ter at the exchange. Two brothers, aged 15 and 13 Thomasburg post office last week ard stealing about one hundred ang | thirty dollars, ? The Toronto Telegram The noted | Only Closed Temporarily The statement that the Canada Cutlery Company has closed down permanently is not correct, accord- ing to information obtained by the ployed "in finishing up some of tas work, - '. ------ Big Fire In Toronto. ' Toronto, Feb. 8.--Fire this morn- ing almost gutted a Wellington Orange newspaper, devotes a whole | page to a report of the addresses of Armand 'Lavergne, in Kingston. Mrs. Cecil Soulliter, Windsor, aged eighty-seven, who died on Mon- Whig, This story was in circulation, 18: street building occupied by a number. and when the matter was referred to day leaves 187 lineal descendants. of manufacturers' agents. The loss to building and contents is estimat- ed at two hundred thousand dollars. ------ Complete cessation of Army re- cruiting in the United States has been ordered by Secretary Baker. Mr. Eaton, the manager, he stated that production was reduced at the present time owing to general market conditions, principally in the buying department. The operation of ihe exchange, and other circumstances, made it necessary to wait an im- The government has under con-| sideration the introduction of a per- marent superannuation measure. Britain and the United States are said to have never formally. dis- cussed debt cancellation. i The Toronto city council rejected assist builders of New difectory gives Toronto's provement, wilsl ha aynected witain dovulation as 597.386. ¢ | bo z a proposal to by loans, regis. | | GRAND--T0-NIGHT and WEDNESDAY In Frank L, Pack ard's WILLIAM FAVERSHAM 1!» Fen 1 + "THE SIN THAT WAS Hig" LARRY SEMON COMEDY AND OTHER REELS GRAND'S OVERTURE BASSOON CONCERT By request SOLO J ORCHESTRA "ENDURANCE" Prices: Mat. Adults, 25¢.; Children 15¢.; Evg. 25¢. and 35¢. Tax included. Nicht ¢ yon? TaN; To-Night_ Country Store"-To-Night There'll Be Loads of Presents, and Oceans of Fuh--Everything will Be Given Away : COLLINS THE And Then The EDDIE B. STOREKEEPER HIGH OE JEFFRIES CLASS Vaudeville : Ringo Hd Favorite Son in Song and Story "THE GIFT SUPREM i"--Better Than "THE MIRACLE MAN" GRIFFIN'S A $1.00 Entertainment at Pop- ular Prices--Come Early! MONSTER BENEFIT PERFORMANCES FOR | Mat. 2.00 Eve. 7.30 | VAUDEVILLE PHOTOPLAYS GRIFFIN 72. A Good Show For a Good Cause Tickets 50c., on sale at Rodger's, Thompson's Cigar Store, College Book Store, Sar. fent's Drug Store, Redden's, Collier's, Geo, Mills & Co., Lackie's, Standard Office, ? "One Touch of Nature Mak es the Whole World Kin" This space donat ed by Fhe Whig. Sf ---------- QTD ARN he STRAND ; Thrilled Again, If You 8 SESSUE HH AY AKAWA NOW 2G SPEC) ALS-2 MOTHERS' MATINEE WE IN PLAYING + All Children win be admitted "LI-TING-LANG" A Society Drama That Deals With Rape | Marriage Presented With Mothers. VALENTINE'S NIGHT An Atmospheric Prolog, Featuring Phylils Devlin i io Special Valentines, Party and Cabaret MACK SENNETT Souvenirs, Confetti, Singing, CONCERY COMEDY B Seats reserved in advance, y + With The Famous Ford Sterling Strand Orchestin LATEST NEWS AND VIEWS, Quality Rule 1 JAMES 0 LIVER MON, TUES, NESDAY CURWOOD'S # WEDNESDAY "SOBEL or THE TRAIL'S END" An Alluring Story of the C anadian Royal North West Mounted Police With HOUSE PETERS and JANE Novak 7' The Greatest Plc ture of the Year! SPECIAL TWo REEL COMEDY - . . OVERTCRE as By Incomporable Alle SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SATURDAY, "TREASURE ISLAND" - = - oo. BRUCE SCENIC "Orpheus in The Underworld" Concert Orch entra, Sid Hoffman, Musical Director ESI OOO BASAL DCS SEO Made in Canada VV OMEN appregiate the simplicity and ease of the. Chevrolet "FB 40" Sedan. Its beauty is equal to its abil- ity and usefulness; and both are suited to every occasion where efficient, comfortable transpor- tation is desirabls, ; Bawden & Edwards, Montreal St. Hiern ERE Ee = seus ey years, are charged with breaking into : Tyson led 5M the grand mareh on the bagpipes andyduring the evening little Miss Curry, aged four years, gave a fine exhibition of fancy danc- ing. y Had Delightful Pance. The third annual . dance held in the city hall on Monday night by the employees of the post office was a most delightful event. There were 150 couple present and they enjoy- ---------------- ed a well-selected dancing pro- An dgreement between Italy and gramme. An excellent programme Czecho-Blovakia for co mon action of music was rendered by F. J. Sale-|on Balkan problems fs reported from bury's orchestra. Messrs. Fraser and Rome .? ; v