Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1921, p. 3

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. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1921. THE DAIL Y BRITISH WHIG. Prescriptions Put up with care and ac- curacy and always under the supervision of the proprietor Your doctor would advise this as he is assured that his medi- cines reach you as he would have them. Have your prescriptions and family medicine put up at: -- Best's The Popular Drug Store. Phone 6%. } AA eee | | | Open Sundays. Keeley Jr. M.0.D.0. Insure Against After Regrets. by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by - Keeley Jr, M.0.D.O. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus but must have that knowledge in fits use. WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI ENCE CAN GIVE. It is this comPination of min) and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston. n= It doesn't take some people long to sink out of sight after they get in the swim. The many users of Electric Stoves in the city all voice the same things Cleanliness, Simplicity, Beauty and the cheapest 'fuel known. cooking fe= a month for less than $2.00. We can show you with our - McClary's Electric Range See them demonstrated in Hardware store. McKELVEY & Big Busy Hardware, Kingston, Phone 237 Wait for big Aluminum Sale February 2 5 a -- ald ual, This is the time of year to look over your decorations and prepare for the coming of Spring. We have a pretty range of Velours, Repps, Poplins, Chintz, shades, suitable for over curtains and furniture covering. Just now we also have a large stock of Em- } 'broidered Nets, Madrases, Lace Curtains, Scrims and Voiles, neat and attractive and very reasonably priced Ask us to Demonstrate the "HOOVER" Bip . | T.F. Harison Co, Limited Pc 0 TEE [4 _ KILLED HUSBAND INSTEAD OF WIFE PROBS Wednesday, fair; no change temperature : Derrick Tennant, Caintown, Mistoek Robert Wood For the Westminster Brockville, Feb. 8.--It develops, 9 that Robert Wood, who was: shot and | ng killed at his home near Caintown | yesterday morning*by Derrick Ten-| nant, his wife's uncle, met the death | intended for Mrs. Wood. Tennant, | who had risen ahead of the other ver) |cupants of the house and dressed/ { himself, stationed himself at the {door of 'the bed-room, with a shot | Grandfather's Clock {gun in his hands. and made a noise ..In solid Oak, Fumed; over » . : {Dy calling. He told Couaty Constable six feet .tall; .bevelled plate fli; 7 Mallory, of Mallorytown, who glass front; metal dial; highly flllatterwards placed him under arrest, finished weights and {that he fully expected that Mrs. pehdulum, | Wood, against whom he had an im- agined grievance, would answer his | | call. Instead, her husband came from | their bed-room, right across the hall | from Tennant's room, and clad in his | night-clothes, made to cross the hall | to reach the old man's ropm. In the] darkness the latter believed that he! was Mrs. Wood and just as he reach- | {ed the head of the staircase, fired | twice. One charge struck Wood in| the left upper chest and the other in| | the right chest. He staggered forward | sand fell down the staircase, dead, visible Chiming the quarters, halves and three quarters and striking the full notes, hours in resonant Fully"guaranteed ~and very ..$125.00. | 1 | { | i specially priced at . . SMITH BROS. Limited Perceives His Mistake. Perceiving that he had made a | mistake, the murderer made for the! bed-room in which Mrs. Wood re- | | mained with a view to killing her as | [ehooting, she had opened a rear win- | dow and jumped a distance of some | {12 or 15 feet to the ground. Taking | {to her heels, she ran to the nearby | | house of George Leeder, where ghe | | raceived shelter, | | Tennant then made his way to the 850 Kirg Street | barn on the farm and set pri to it. | The fine structure was totally con- sumed, together with its contents of Lay and implements, the cattle being, [loys er, saved by neighbors. Jewelers - Established 1840. THOMAS COPLEY - Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the carpen. tery line. Estimates given on all Kinds of repairs and new work alse hard- | All orders Shop [SAYS MIDDLE PARTY EXISTS IN IRELAND wood floors of all kinds. will recelve prompt attention. 28 Queen Street. London Sunday Telegram As- serts it is Executing Before an aeroplane is considered Justice. perfect, it has tq pass through 200 tests. ---- Musicians are more liable to color- London, Feb. 8.--The Sunday Tel- blindness than any other class or Pro- | egram, owned by sHoratio' W. Bot- fession. |tomley, editor of John Bull, asserts us| the existence of a third party in Ire- = ana, "concerning itself with execut- = |ing justice, according to its own views, on_any persons who commit | alleged crimes and escape punish- j ment." | The newspaper says the party is i styled "The Middle Party' and tha: | it meets frequently. Its headquarters are in North Wall, where there are == | conferences with military officers of =| high standing. The names of either ==|Sinn Feiners or government forces {charged with murder are produced 'and judged. If persons so named are found guilty, sentence is pro- nounced and the victims soon after- wards are found dead. The correspondent says the' party has ramifications in the provinces and is composed mainly of middle class business men. He cites in- stances of executions by the party, but withholds names. (Hmm Imagine how it can be done NUDE AND OIL-SOAKED Dying White Man Had Been Thrown on Fire, Monroe, La., Feb. 8.--An uniden- tified white man, nude and dying, his skull crushed and his flesh burn- éd from his walst down, was found yesterday in the woods\ near here. BIRCH LTD. The man; believed by lochl officers ? to have come here trom] Houston, Texas, died without regaining con- sciousness. Evidence that coal oil had been poured on his body was found by of- ficers, and a smouldering fire near where the man was found indicated that the man had been thrown on it. Tattoo marks "W. L." and the name of a Houston hat firm in the hat band were the only marks of in- dentification that could be found. Kingston Ist to 26th HE OOO Assisting the Unemployed. Brockville, Feb. 8.--The publica- tion of reports that many local fami- lies were destitute and in want had brought offers of assistance from many gections, Farmers in the nel- ghborhood are among the most ready to furnish relief, and are contribut- ing provisions to the G.W.V.A., which has a list of thirty-nine requiring as- sistance.j One small boy has turned over the contents of his tin bank, amounting to $1.24. DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; ' Thickens, Beautifies. | etc., in all the popular SWEEPER ? ~ A few cents buys "Danderine." Af- ter an application of "Danderine" you can not find a fallen hair or ruff, besides every hair shows {and | well. In the meantime, roused by the | ¢ Quebec utilities commission, vigor, tness, . Latter's Wife When He Fired At Him , In the Darkness. Crossing 'to the house of James A. | Ferguson, Tennant there made an at- tempt to shoot himself, after confess- | ing to the crime: His gun was how- ever, wrestéd from him. He then went to the wood-shed and made sev- eral attempts to cut his throat with a pocket-knife, jabbing at it with the end of the knife. Again, his attempt was frustfgted. The wounds which | he inflicted wére slight 'isd he will | recover. : i | Constable W. I. Mallory-brought | Tenndnt to Brockville; wheré-he lodg- | ed him in the eells at the police sta- | tion. Later he appeared before Police | Magistrate J. Albejt Page and was | charged with wilful murder. For a! time he appeared in danger of 2ole iapsing, but recovered himself, Ten- nant was remanded until the 15th | inst, and removed to the Counties | jail. He is 79 years old today. | In the jump from the window of | her house, Mrs. Wood was injured | about the head, . i The house where the crime was | committed is located in the second | concession of Yonge Front on lot 18] about four miles north of Mal-| iorytown. 7 ! Mrs. Wood avers that Tennant had | made threats against herself, and | precaution was taken to guard against his ungovernable fits of tem- | per. Treated for Self-inflicted Wounds. Brockville, Feb. 8.--Derrick Ten- nant, charged with! the murder on yesterday morning, of Robert Wood, | Caintown, is now a patient at the | General hospital, where his self- inflicted wounds are being treated. In spite of his seventy-nine years, no serious results are expected. He | is under constant guard. ~~ | MAKERS OF NEWSPRINT | APPEAL FOR $15 DUTY | Want Canadian Goods to be! Admitted Free to Save | Wood Pulp. | Washington, Feb. 8.---Floyd L.| Carlisle, Watertown, N.Y., president | of the St. Regis Paper Company, is scheduled to appear before the com- | mittee on ways and means, when the | paper schedule hearings will be re- | sumed. Newsprint manufacturers appear- | ed before the committee, which is | considering the paper schedule of the new tariff act, and asked for a | duty of three-fourths of one cent a | pound or $15 a ton on newsprint im- ported from European countries. In case of paper imported from Canada it is asked that the duty be not applied unless the Canadian gov- | ernment impose unfair restriotions against American manufacturers, | when it may be imposed by execu- tive order. A great many of the newsprint mills ©f the country are located in Northern New York. Brother's Death Brings Stroke. Cobourg, Feb. 8.--Seized with a paralytic stroke upon hearing of the death of his brother, Richard, Thomas Coffee, Colborne, collapsed on the street and now lies in a seri- ous condition at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G. McDonald, t Colborne. The brothers had been\| close companions for the greater part of their lives. Richard Coffee pass- | ed away at the home of his daugh- | ter at Coe Hill after a short illness. He. was a well-known resident of the district. Postoffice Official Very II. Watertown, N.Y3 Feb. 8.--Thea condition of Herbert J. Kilburn, 69,- who is suffering from gangrene at St. Joachim's hospital, shows im- provement. Mr. Kilborn has been for twenty-eight years postmaster at Grennell Island in the St. Lawrence, and is known to almost every annual visitor to the Thousand Islands. Gangrene infection of the foot ne- cessitated two operations to the left foot and leg and his condition has! been critical for several days. Two Ministers Invited. Fort William, Feb. 8.--Rev. Dr. E. C. Laker, pastor for the past four years of Wesley Methodist church, Fort William, has accepted a call to Bell Street church, Ottawa. Rev. G. S. Clendinnen has accepted the in- vitation of Wesley chureh, Fort William, to become its pastor. Both ministers will enter upon their new pastorates in June. Urges Students to Proclaim Soviet, Berlin, Feb. 8. -- Articles urging student volunteers to proclaim a sov- iet government are being printed in the Neue Zeitung, the bolshevik or- gan at Munich, it is announced in! Munich despatches. The Freiheit and the Vossische Zeitung take a serious view of the student movement, which, they declare, is developing rapidly. Wants Share in Government. Tokio, Feb. 8.--The president of the Korea Association is leaving Se- oul for Tokio, according to dispatches from Seoul, carrying a petition to the diet asking for'the right to partici- pate in the government of the em- pire. The document is signed by 3,- 000 Koreans. Col. F. W. Hibbard Dead. ; Montreal, Feb. 8.--Lieut.-Col. F. W. Hibbard, K.C., chairman of the died Sunday after an illness of many baw months. He was born in' Dublin, Ire- land, in 1865 and came to Montreal In 1885. | | WEDNESDAY Double Discount Stamps--9 to 12 O'clock ANNOUNCING The New Revised Spring Prices on Staples and Dress Goods , To give our customers some idea of the drastic cut on all lines of dry goods we have prepared a list showing the comparative dif- ference between last season's quotations and the revised new low price levels for Spring--on articles taken from the two departments herein mentioned. To mention everything would require a full page ad. so we are choosing here and there taking articles of daily use for you to judge by. Dress Goods and Suitings Fine Wool Serges in Navy, Black and colors. . . New price $4.50 .. New price $2.00 . . New price $1.50 Former pricing, $6.00 a yard. . .. Former pricing $3.50ayard..... . Former pricing $2.25 a yard . . . French Imported Pure Wool Tricotine--Navy, Black and new Spring shades; formerly priced at $6.50 a yard .......New price $4.50 Imported Point Twill Suiting--one of Spring's most fastidious ma- terials; formerly priced'at $6.00 a yd. ........New price $4.50 English and Scotch pure Wool Tweeds in many new mixture effects. Formerly priced at $3.50 ayd...............New price $2.25 Staples and Household Needs Featherproof Ticking--pricedat 95¢. .............New price 50c. Heavy Grey Cotton--priced at 40c. . «++ ...New price 25¢. Fine White Cotton--priced at 35¢ New price 22¢. Colored Prints--priced at 25¢. .......... White and Colored Flannelette--priced at 40c and 45¢. New price 25¢ «+«+e.+.. New price 25¢. Fine White Sheeting--priced at 7 5c. «+ ....New price 49¢. Fine White Sheeting--priced at $1.00 ............New price 69c. Bath Towels--$1.50 ................ iy . Fine White Sheeting--priced at $1. . 25 Middy Twill Cloths--75c.ayd. .......... White Pique and Repp--75c.ayd................ New Price 39¢. Bleached Table Damask--$1.50 a yd. . New Price 98ec. Bleached Table Damask--$2.00 a yd. ....New Price $1.48 Bleached Table Damask--$3.50 ayd. ...........New Price $2.48 Cerpentine Crepe--$1.00 a yard .60 Bath Towels--75c. ........... «+ +... New Price .50 Bath Towels---$1.00 ......... ' +++... New Price. .\75 | : «+... .New Price $1:00 | c+... ...New Price 89¢. «++.... New price 39c. ¢ «++... New Price These are but a few examples of the drastic re-pricing that has taken place in every department of this, the woman's store of King- ston. "What youreadinourads. you will find in our store. aN Steacy's - Limited : The Store That Forced Prices to the New Low Levels ™

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