A MSs Src Sars Mattresses Don't throw away your old Mattresses. We renovate all kinds and make them as good as new, Get our pelces. Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w. WOOD Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO. Foot West Street Phone 133. happen no matter how careful you are. Here's where Zam-Buk Saves worry. Applied 10 any cut, bruise, burn or scald, it instantly takes out smarting pain and pro- motes perfect healing. All the while, Zam-Buk safeguards your damaged tissues against the disease "" infection " which causes sirnple injuries to become festered and poisoned. Healing, antiseptic and pain-soothing properties of a te A. Chadwick & Son unique order Zam-Buk world-renowned as a first-aid. These properties are derived to its herbal character and absolute freedom from the animal fats and minerals found in most Sigumerts and salves. Zam-Buk is highly concentrated and econ- omical. It's constant reliability > and wide range of usefulness are 3 J other features that make FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. +} New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta. Phone 67. A rin TE I 8c. box, ali dealers, 3 for $1.25, Kingston Co-Operative Society, Limited Phone 469. Salmov---reg. 25¢. 5 tina for $1.10 Macaroni ..... 10e¢. per package Eggs being searce, use Bird's Egg substitute Complexions 2 Ointraent Taloum, 2c. enc! SPECIAL ! White Beans--hand picked sa bsnnhia ive ny 7 Ibs. for 50e. pound of fancy. Wp A Good Investment THE money you save earns interest when deposited in our Savings Department, and both principal and interest are safe and can be obtain. ed whenever required. Open account to-day. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. AID- IT. - . $15,000,000 RESERVE FU - . $15,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH--R: T. Brymner, Manager. an oA ny y Cuticura Soap Are Healthy h. Sold every wher. i. Depot Lymaus, Limttad, 8. Pal 8, Montel ---- An ounce of fact is better than a | mmm # Willard Attention Now WILL SAVE YoU ANNOYANCE AND EXPENSE LATER ON OUR SERVICE and ADVICE are the result of years of battery experience. We most strongly recommend great care in keeping your battery well charged while car is in use, and WINTER DRY STORAGE for, it immediately when car is laid up. Our workmen are experts--our charges most reasonable, Send them to us--Kingston's only Battery Specialists, WILLARD SERVICE STATION Phone 1340. require your car to be equipped ° § With a pair of NON-GLARE LENS --dpassed and approved by the pro- vincial government. We carry in stock the legal lens which com- : Rlies with this law. . VanLuvenBros. | 34.38 Princess Street. .h 1609. TH E DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | FAMOUS "WITS" OF HISTORY By MARK STUYVESANT. One Time Robert Peel Had to Silence | His Anger. : | In England, as perhaps you know, | policemen arg called "Bobbies," and | sometimes "Peelers," as they were | years ago in this country, but few, | perhaps, know the reason for these | nfknames. They were given the names because Sir Robert Peel saw {that ordinary pedestrians in London had little protection from passing ruffians who might harrass or rob [om unhindered. In consequence, he established a band of policemen, land the people nicfnamed them after the first and the second names of their originator. When the death of Wordsworth caused a vacancy in the post of poet laureate of England, Peel was prems- fer. He was at a loss who to appoint {in Wordsworth's place, so he asked [Lord Milne to tell him who, in his you don't say look down." | But not the most amusing things | I. which Peel was the central figure, | came as flashes of his wit. Soon after | he had established his band of police. | men, Peel went with some friends to { Alexandra Park to witness a balloon | ascension, and found that--contrary | to the new regulations--a man was | doing the thres-card trick. Peel was very angry, and drawing himself up | to his full height, he said: | "I thought this old swindle was | extinct. However," he winked at his | friends, "as we have come across it, I shall expose the rascal." They pushed their way through the | crowd, and as soon as fie had watched | the card manipulator a while, Peel | turned to his friepds and sald: | "The poor man 'is a sad bungler. e can't do the trick at all." Yielding to the blandishments of Peel's Friend Hastened to Lead Him away, judgment, was best fitted for the appointment, "Beyond all question, Pennyson," was Milnes reply. "I am ashamed," Peel declared, "to say that, busy as I have been with | public affairs, I have never read a line of Tennyson's. Send me two or three of his poems that I may be'en- ablea to form an opinion." "Locksley Hall" and "Ulysses" were the poems Milne chose for Peel to read. Peel read them both, and | with unusual warmth expressed his { admiration for them, bestowing his { highest praise on "Ulysses." With | out hesitation, then, Peel appointed | Tennyson to the laureateship which | he so ably filled until his death. .Once when Peel was present at a | meeting of the trustees bf the British | Museum there occurred an instance {Of the flashes of wit which sometimes | enlivened Peel's conversation. Some | one noticed the expensive purchases of pictures made by a certain young man, observing: "What would his grandfather, the bichop, say it he could now look up?" "I observe," Peel said slyly, "that the card man, and while no money | was being bet, Peel tried his luck in | spotting the court ecdrd. He contrive ed to indicate jt at almost every trial. i Peel's friend grew tired watching, so | ie said he would walk slowly on. | Half an hour passed, and Peel didn't | appear, 80 his friend-- one of whom | was Lady Dorothy Neville, who tells | the story, returned to search for him, They found Peel still near the card- | sharper, but now in a furious rage, { all his money lost. | "I ought to convict you," Peel was | exclaiming. "I am magistrate, and | you, sif--you are a rogue, a thief and ! a vagabond." | Needless to say, Peel's friends has- | tened to lead him away. Although | the card-sharper had violated the | law, and Peel could have sent him to | prison, the notoriety would have been bad for Peel. or Peel--seeing that he was able to spot the card when there was no money down-----had taken advantage of what he thought was "a good thing," and had bet all his money, finding to his sorrow that it was in reality a very bad thing, after all. : | Three Minute Journeys Where Geese Are Shod Before They March To Market. By TEMPLE MANNING Those of us who have followed the fate of the Russian people since the fous times have run across the name come to think of this city and of Warsaw, not far from Vilna, as Rus- sian distances go, as which emanate~only stories mbre or less terrible. But Vilna, in the minds of many geese breeders, is celebrated for a far different reason. In Vilna ana among its environs, 2 large number of very fine geese are, or used to be, raised. These geese aré in themselves not remarkable, save as fine specimtns of their various breeds. What is interesting about them is the way they are transported, or rather are compelled to transport themselves to market. ; The goose market, or, perhaps, we il | should say the goose fair, is held at Warsaw. As we have said, the dis- tance between Vilna and Warsaw fis not great as distances in Russia go, but it is a very long way when one ll | considers the method the geese are ATER AL SAT NR You Can Just Tell by Its Healthy, Stimulating Odor, That It Is Go- ing ToDo You Good. F I only had some Sloan's Lini- ment!" How often you've . said 'that! And then when the rheus matic twinge subsided hours of. suffering--you forgot it! re. You'll soon wy, { compelled to adopt te reach the | place. They must walk the entire dis lande. eH Through the years that the Vilna debacle due to the world war, at vat- } of the city of Vilna. Perhaps we have { places from | Through the Tar. NC geese have been walked to Warsaw, their "owners discovered that tha geese lost weight en the walk, and arrived at their destination with sore feet, which reduced their value. So some clever | goose fancier hit upon the scheme of having his geese shod. They arrived at Warsaw in such good condition, and fetched so satisfactofy & price, that their owners decided to follow the first breeder's scheme, The Vilna geese are now all shod before they are led on the long walk to Warsaw. But if you imagine these geese are shod as horkes are. you're mistaken. The method of shoeing Vilna geese is simple. Just before the long march is be- gun a large pool of tar is spread, so the geese can be driven through it. Each goose must walk so that his feet are coated with the tar, Then they are driven through a spacé of sand. The sand sticks to the tar, and each goose is well-shod for his long walk, as he leaves the town: § ---- Charge Father with Murder. Bt. John, N.B., Feb. 8.--The de- partment of justice is now inveshgat. ing reports of shocking cruelty on the part of a man named Nolan, of Avondale, towards his daughter, Elisabeth, & child of nine years of dge. It is alleged that the father deliberately inflicted such terrible hardships on the young girl that she died. The charge, which is heard by Judge Morris, is that he "did teloniously, and of malice afore- thought, kill and murder his daugh- ter." An element of pathos is added to the sordid traged exposu warmth and relief in Sloan's, the fif-| to iment that penetrates without b- bing. Clean, econom o, hr Sizes--36c., T0c., $1.40. Canada. i # gy ew - n ad \ to IR LALICLAR BE iE Ll i. 3 Zi Why do authors imagine that de- tective stories and stories of ad- venture have to have a love yara them to make them one concerned. thé dealer anticipates his sider carly booking to be plan, " We guarantee all prices ag May 1st, on all cars ordered bumper, lenses, etc. factory. © When better cars will build them. Blue Garag Phone 567. re McLAUGHLIN MOTOR CARS Early booking Is quite safe and far more satisfactery for every The purchaser has his new car when desired, and prior to that date. 21-32 regular 3-passenger . 21-63 regular 5-passenger can 21-62 special 3-passenger ey 21-63 special 5-passenger . . . on 21-44 Special 3-passenger cs 21-45special 5-passenger ... 21-49 special 7 passenger . . . ..... 21-45 regular 5-passenger . .. ..,. . 21-49 regular 7-passenger All prices F.O.B. Kingston, with will be made where owner drives car from are built, McLaughlin eurately. 'We con- month of April... ainst increases or declines up to ....$1675.00 1675.00 1750.00 1750.00 . 2575.00 . 2575.00 2950.00 2375.00 2685.00 spare tire, Allowance of . $25.00 es; Limited H. M. FAIR, Manager. r factory you could then exchan high rate for your money for a 287 BAGOT STREET. KINGSTON WELDING SHOP | Has Been Taken Over By G. A. WRIGHT'S MACHINE WORKS We specialize in Welling uroken paris of Automobiles, Cracked Water Jacket, ste. All work guaranteed. 40 Princess st. . Phone 1204, An : Repai Senles, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carfinges, Lawn Mowers, ete, We Téphly work right and guarantee do sutisfhction. 187 WELLINGTON STRERT days cheap prices and be money in pocket and be and vhat the wide-awake investor is doing. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Investments." . 83 Bay Street, Toronto. TR se Holders of Short Term Municipal Or Victory Bonds » 'If you have bonds due over the next four or five years, why not eonsult us as to the price obtainable now, and if satis ge for longer term issues at to- assured of a longer perfod. This is business PHONE 1728, ea en SCOTT'S GARAGE Repairs, Washing ung Storage. One 1015 Melusphlin Tours Ing car for sale cheap for ® quick buyer. IN BAGOT STREET Pione tndew J W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Tracks Repaired. Prices moderate. 3%1 KING STREET EAST Chewing Tobacco Best selected leaf-- - TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 19u1. ERTS AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES pein attention given your family or. Iriends going to of 'returning from 'he wig Country. For Information and rates apply te J. PP. HANLEY, C.P_and 1. A GT. Ry. Kin ston, "Ontario. Open day ang aight - OE VEE W-Se ANC HOR ANCHOR-DONAL DSON REGULAR SERVICES Halifax te Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg TSS Saxonia Mar. TIApr 15 TO LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW Frem Per d From Halifax Cassandra e 8. «Feb. Cassandra--M Saturnia---Ap N. X., GLABGOW,; (via Moville) Feb. 19/Mar. 26{Apr. 23 Columbia NEW YORK---LIVERPOOL Mar. 8iApr. 18/May 17 . .Carmania Mar. 18/Apr. 30/June 1 . ...Caronia Mar, 22|Apr. 23(May 21 . Aug. Vict N.Y, CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMPN | Feb. 26/Mar. 221Apr. 12 ....Aquitania Apr. 7iMay 12/June 9 Mauretania | Mar. 12jApr. 28{June 2 Imperator | N.Y. PLY, CHER. & LONDOYV | Mar. 3{Apr. 14]May 2% Albania | NEW YORK, PLYMOUTH, CHER. BOURG, HAMBURG Mar, 10(Apr. 21/June 2 N. Y. te Vigo (8 nik a Mar. For fates an), Patras, Dubroy. teste i Calabria pastage, freight furthee ap; BT fht end fun THE ROBERT REFORD CO.,Limiep GENERAL AGENTS # KING STREET BAST TORONTO, ONT. ony Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER ' Phone 1425W 8S. WHIT EMAN 360 Bagot Street. All Sleighs Now in Stock Reduced in Price, Mc NAMEE & SLACK Phone 1217w, 54 QUEEN sT, Horse-shoeing and Repairing. er a te sara Somehow cr other, a man can't have a good time unless he is being separated from his money. Skillfully manufactured--Delicious flavor-- Ever fresh and lasting ANCHOR PLUG LAST HALF HALF PRICE