10 r---- The higgest guessing contest ever held in Kingston is over. There was an avalanche of guesses, and we were kept busy recording them. Total number of Lecords in the window was 1906, The winners' names follow: ' First Prive, $135.00 in Records-- Mr, N. Pappas, 40 Alma Street, Guess 1878. Second Prize--$10.00 in Records-- - Mrs W. A. Woods, 54 Bay Street. Third Prize-~$6.00 in Records-- ; Mr. M. L. Clark, 73 Queen Street. Guess 1850. Fourth Prize~-- $4.00 in Records-- Mrs. Ray Parker, 106 Montreal Street. Fifth Prize" (Four winners), $4.00 in Fecords-- Mrs. R. H. Ward, 132 Victoria Street. Miss Gertrude Haffner, 834 Princess Street. Ar. Robert Henderson, Kingston, Mills, Ont, Mr. A. Pullen, 40 Division Street. (All of whom guessed 2000). Sixth PrizawdiB, 00 in Records-- Mrs. J. 8. McDonnell, 309 University Ave. Guess 2005 Seventh "Prize (two winners) $3.00 in Records-- . Mr. Thomas J. Doyle, 445 Johnson Street. Mr. F. Scott, Seeley's Bay, Ont. (Both of whom guessed 1800), Guess 1876." Guess 1995. RKighth Prize--$2.00 in Records-- Mrs. M. Maudson, 161 Alfred Street. Ninth Prize--$1.00 in Records-- : Mr. H. E. Heasley, 42 Montreal Street. Tenth Prize--$1.00 in Records-- Mr. Wilfred Cassel, Westbhrooke P. O,, Ont. Guess 2056. The records. were counted and ballot box opened up in the presence of Standard and Whig representatives. To the winners--our congratulations; to the non-winners, better luck next time. To everybody--thank you for making this contest the best yet. GET THIS RECORD TO-DAY! Feather Your Nest--Medley Fox Trot Grieving For You, intro: Rose of My Heart (Medley Fox Trot--both played by the famous Happy Six.) Buy it--Dance to it--Sing to it. It's some record. Get the habit: "For Records, Try Treadgold's First." Store open evenings till 8 p.m. Saturday, 10.30 p.m. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 PRINCESS STREET Telephone 529. ~4HE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" E. WARBURTON The "VETCRAFT" Store 79 PRINCESS STREET * OPPOSITE. BIBBY'S As our prices cannot be reduced below, they will remain at "COST" until removal of our business to corner of Barrie and Princess streets, opposite the Y.M.C.A., when the premises are ready for occupation. Guess 1799. Guess 2024. / THE MOTOR | LAW require your car to be equipped 1 with a pair of NON-GLARE LENS --passed and approved by the pro- vincial government. We carry in stock the legal lens which com- plies with this law. ! VanLuvenBros. . Phone 1609. 34-38 Princess Street. WEDNESDAY, FEB, 0, 1921. lar purchasing, Joweves, must not Aihout the stamina One must wear' Tooke coll ars to be in style, and in. "the Toss Boxing lessons are now part of the curriculum of University of Toronto students. '| DEMPSEY-CARPENTIER FIGHT IN NEW YORK | Some time back New York threat- ened to quarantine the Dempsey- Carpentier fight. The promotors were given understand they could not market a germ-carrier that threatened the life of the sport here. The inference was backed with a vigorous punch aimed right at "the {¢elassic of the age," which the ring !solons set a $15 limit on prices. Some wise one once said words to | ithe effect that a pendulum so far and then back again. swings This high-priced pendulum of Tex | Rickard's seems now to have reach- led the swinging limit in the trouble direction and is heading back to- pad a less hostile level. Since the fortune grabbing side of tne affair is being scrapped by Rick- ard's intention to work the princi- pals on a percentage basis, the ani- |mosity of New. 'Yorkers is being | moderated. Rickard has never men- | tioned the Dempsey-Carpentier boat ito the boxing commission, Officially | {the solons have learned of the pro- ject omly through the press. Howeyer, tatively that the commission is not disinclined to approve of the bout. | The withdrawal of Brady Cochrane from partnership with | Rickard is taken as the final verdict | that the bout cannot be staged :n London or Paris. Montreal remains, but Rickard would rather take his chance at home. New York at this nroment looks to be the battleground. HENDRIX IS RELEASED He is Let Out By Chicago National | Baseball Club. Claude Hendrix, spitball pitcher of the Chicago Nationals, has bien giv- | en' his unconditional release, William | 10-DAY! BUY A CATARRHOZONE | INHALER Gives Effective Relief in Five Minutes. FINE FOR OOUGHS OR OOLDS. It was their inability to rgach the real source of catarrh and bronchitis that caused the medical profession to drop liquid cough medicines and | adopt "'Catarrhozone" instead. This 'wonderful inhaler provides s method of breathing into the lungs certain rare medicinal vapors which are so healing and comforting as to entirely banish coughs, catarrh and throat trouble in a very short time. The most wonderful thing about Catarrhozone is, that no matter where the germs of bronchitis or catarrh are hidden, Catarrhozone will reach and destroy them. Get the large size, lasts months, ! is sure to relieve you, price $1.00; 'smaller size, 50c; sample or trial {size, 25¢c. All dealers. to | it can be said authori- | und | Veeck, president of the club, announ- ced. '- Hendrix's name was mention ed last fall in connection with a game between Philadelphia and Chi- cago alleged to have been '"'fix-4." {Hendrix was scheduled to pitch Mea- dows, and word reached the Chi- cago officials that gamblers had wag- ered heavily on the result. In an at- | tempt to foil the alleged schema, Grover Alexander was substituted for Hendrix, but Chicago lost. Mr. Veeck said that this incident had nothing to do with the release, however. "JACK" DEMPSEY LEAVES | FOR TOUR OF EUROPE Jack Dempsey, world's heavy- weight champion, is to invade Eur- ope. With his manager, Jack Kearns he is to sail this week for Lon- don, where he will start an exhibi- tion tour that will include England, France and probably other countries. The champion can engage only in exhibition work, as theyterms of his agreement with the promoters of the : Dempsey-Carpentier bout prohibit | him from engaging In a contest in Europe until he meets the French- |! | man, ! It will be the first trip of the heavyweight king to foreign coun- | tries and big financial retyrns are { expected from Carpentiers'\strong- | holds which have had their only im- pression of the champion from mov- | ing pictures. O.H.A. Senior Race. The outcome of the O.H.A. senior championship race is now more puz- zling than ever. Kitchener, Gran- ites and Varsity have each lost two games, but the collegians have still one Victory less than the other two. i | As the leading teams play each other {again, somebody has to lose, which may mean that Aura Lee and Ham- iiton by continuing their winning |streak, might create a tie for second place and thereby qualify for tho championship finals: This prelimi- nary group is only a qualifying Yound and the teams to finish first nd second play off for the cham- pion, so that even if a team cannot land, in first place it still has a chance to qualify by either finishing pAecond or getting in a tie for second. There are so many possibilities in the race in the tem games yet to play that it would be foolish to haz- ard a guess at the outcome. The group will be finished in less than three weeks andl every game yet to be played should furnish a sensa- tional contest. Kilty Stadium to Seat 75,000. The New York American 'League baseball team has completed arrange- ments for building a two-million-dol- lar stadium on the north bank of the Harlam river, in the northern part of the city, to accommodate 75,000. It is hoped to have it ready for the opening of the 1922 season. The Kil- ties hold a lease on the polo grounds, the official home of the. National League club, until the ead of 1922 ® Lakefield to Enter O.H.A. There is a movement on foot hero to put Lakefield on the hockey, map. | A $12,000 rink is planned to inejude | a full-sized hockey cushion, two! curling rinks and ample skating cap- | acity for spectators, as well as spacious dressing-rooms. Lakefield has produced many notable players in past years and has a big crop of youngsters who are ¢oming on. Tt is intended to enter teams in the 4 O.H.A. junior series next season. Mankind is divided into two classes--those wHo drive autos and those who dodge them. fthe system 'of waste products, pro- 'and well-being. d from the highest quali ty and oy are on to retain their style throueh. the MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG pao VANCOUVER OOKE sty! es both in hard and soft co that _ deal ales __are_showing every is & DRAKE AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES EXPERT MECHANICS FOR ALL MAKES OF AUTOMOBILES. AGENTS FOR "WHITE ROSE" GASOLINE AND TORONTO GREAT ROLLS-ROYCE OIL LOSE CANADIAN HENLEY UNLESS THEY SPEED UP by St. Catharines is getting uneasy | . again over the prospect of losing the | Royal Canadian Henley Regatta and | with the approach of spring the citi- zens are commencing to evince a | lively interest in the matter. The Royal Canadian Henley Regatta As- | sociation has laid plans for the mov- | ing of the clubhouse of the St. Cath- | arines Rowing Club's quarters to the foot of Anne street in Port Dalhou- sie. Various organizations through- | out the city have promised a mem- | bership of 250, by whith it is expect- | ed to' raise $2,500. The new loca. aquatic club will go in for rowing, canoeing, swimming and dinghy sail- ing. Col. Arthur Bishop reports that the Navy League will co-operate | with the new organization and it is] confidently expected to get the as- sistance of the federal department of | public works in improving the course. 593 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1750. Phone Res. 1246). mm Rn nn THOROUGH IN Mt a ------ AS PLEASANT TO TAKE lf CONTAIN Boston Sought Entry. It has leakéd out that at the N.H.L. meeting at Montreal an offer ! was received from Boston of $10,000 | for a franchise in the N.H.L. The | ly stipulation was that four play- ers be given to Boston along with the franchise. Perhaps Boston and | one other United States city will be | |takeft in next year to make the cir- | cuit one of six clubs. Have a Good Complexion! The Flower of Good Health The true secret of complexion lies in the blood. Keep-it rich, pure, nu- tritious, and, above all, keep the sys- tem regular. No a' | to complexion compares with Dr. Hamilton's Pills; They tone and enrich the blood, clear Special Sale of Kitchen Cabinets 12 designs to choose from-- White Enamel, Oak, etc. "All latest attachments. R. J. Reid Leading Undertaker Phone 577w. mote good digestion, and in short, establish sound health, which, after all, is the keynote to all happiness Don't delay; the charm of a lovely complexion and all 'the blessings of health are yours, once you employ this old-time family remedy. All dealers sell Hamiltdn's Pills in 25c¢. boxes. MACDONALD'S Cut Brier "More Tobacco for the Money Canada's best ~- the ECONOMY Packa by Makers of Hollow Damp- Cement Blocks, Bricks, Bills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick Streets. Mgr: H. F, NORMAN Phone 730w. CERTAINLY DON'T ' LOOK AS THOUGH | YOU EVER CAUGHT UP WATHAT!