THE DAILY BR THE PEOPLE'S FORUM ITISH = RATES: half CONDENSED First insertion secuilv jnsertion ther cent a word Minimu i one insertion, 25¢; three nse 50 cents The above rates a when charged th ADVERTISING ic. a word WANTED GENERAL ATELY, ree m HOUSE Bank of | 13m KD FURNISHED | TO PURCHASE good location f J13, Whig Office | SECOND-HAND FLA | ed oak wri A GOOD HOLS cash. Apply Box HELF WANTED. T TOP QUARTER- er ere on sd = size and CHAMBERMAID - jritish-Ameri APPLY : SECOND - HAND OFFICE State gize and price. Give IX nig Of- PANT MAKER, WM, Brock stree Y MRS, hnson St GENERAL EE -------- Charles r, 187 J AND UPRIGHT PIANO IN ndition Apply stating A WOMAN TO WORK BY THE DAY. | particulars to Box L-§ Apply at Carleton Hotel, 78 Prin-| cess Street, TO RENT, ABOUT ractical farmer; view k Herring 200 ACRES, to Pur- Coleman ------ | FARM TRIMMERS by ---------- WANTED AL MICA nto the ply by letter or perso Mines, Bolingbroke FIRST CLASS SHOE who can run machine Apply Wm. Gorskey, West, Brockville, Ont & BY A with a widow ANO ayment of new pianos and graf C. W. Lina- say Limited, 121 cess street. | ¥ EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR ( eral housework; reference 4 Mrs. R. J. Wilson, cor. U Kensington Phone 1485. ---- ------ --- A FEW GOOD SALESMEN FOR NEW patent household necessity 10.0000 already sold in Write 37 Bloomfield Ave WANTED--MUN AnD BOYS T0 PAT- ronize J. W. Cursun, barber Men's Fe } and bOyg hair cur, 206. Shave, ive | Tore Razors honed 216 Ontario St. ! near asbBrock | BLACKSMITH WANTED TO SHARPEN steel for steam drills. Must Hh e | experience on cross bits up to f inches in hard rock. Scott cholson, 11 Court House Brockville, ------------ee eet ee Spe en WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR AN PEN : . : sre i Ey ca) OPENING FOR AN! PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING | with ambition who Is willing rte ---------- | to learn; splendid prospects PAINTING OR ply mornings to Mr. Godson, . drop a card to Ontario Street Teet Kine portable to F. 8 1p; r sawmill Apply k, Northport, Ont. | WHEN WANTING Paperhanging done A. Mounteer, , | HENRY WARD & Soy, WANTED--A YOUNG LADY TO ACT Papar Hangers and as secretary to a wealthy spinster. | Ww is the ti to have | Applicant receiving position will 1 nteriop decorated Phone | 1867 PAINTERS i ir or deco- | have excellent salary and will tour | the world aboard a palatial yacht | Must have "good references." Af! | ply Constance Talmadge, Allen Theatre, Kingston. -------------------- ) PAPER HANGING --J, | iter and Decorator. 1 iven Metallic tore and { Montreal PAINTING ANI F gan, AMATEURS WANTED At once -- Singers, Dancers, Acrobats, Magicians, Musical Acts, Impersonators--local tal ent only. Apply at once. BOX OFFICE, GRIFFIN'S THEATRE TO LET. LY CLARENCE LARGE APPLY na 394 Montreal "| FIRST CLASS HOOMS AND BOARD, ail improvements, centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 Brack Street. STORAGE FOR® FURNITURE AND merchandise; clean and dry. Me-| Cann, 86 Brock street. Phone 324 or 621. | STORE ON PRINCESS § workshop in rear. Pe s mediately. Apply on premises, Princess Street POSITION WANTED, eemep et eee e MISS MADGE EDGAR, PUBLIC| Stenographer. White's Insurance| Office. 139 Bagot street. panel POSITION AS HOUSE R or waltress hy. r with first class references Bex P-9, ca * woman, | on Apply | : Whig fice. i Bx A ea A YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN wouLn| like to take a child out a few| hours dally; very fond of children | Apply to 235 Colborne St. 1 TEACHERS WANTED. QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED FOR 5. 8. No. 4, Denbigh. Salary $600 ool year. Write John Petti- retary-Treasurer, Denbigh, NINE-ROOMEI BRICK HOUSE, AT 17 Nelson street, with elect amd gas. Apply Mrs. Prince street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, ary, airy rocms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299.305 Queen street. Phone 726, res. 98%w. i TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE- | clally furnished four light house- keeping; gas for cooking and light, | at the Piofeer Apartments, 212 and! 214 Division Street. Phone 1434w. | 8¢ r, Sec | A FURNISHED APARTMEN or three rooms ft all modern conv and in a able. KINGSTON AND VICINITY TO handle line of farm implements and threshers. Apply Box 0-8, Whig Office, AGENTS 300% PROFIT GOLD LET- ters for stores, office Windows; cgs- ily applied; will not wash Off; free Acme, Flan Co, 846 N. centrally 9 Queen street and decorated Immediate possession Apply E. Blake Thompson, 39% Brock Street. =. ~esT SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, woob, etc. large or small, guaranteed X.\ gold leaf, pusiers, showcards, ete. artistically written and designed by Shaw, at 205 Princess St-wat Kingston. SITUATIONS VACANT ete eee MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$15 TO $60 pald weekly tor your spare time writing show cards for us No canvassing. We instruct and sup- | ply you with work. Wést-Angus | Showeard Service, 571. Colborne st. | Toronto. | ----- FINANCIAL | | LEGAL & SMITH, BARRIST- i9 .Clarence . Cunning- STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established in 1860; , only the most reliable companies repre- sented. Office 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Soclety; incorporated 1861. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C,; vicé- president, A. B., Conningham. CUNNINGHAM erg and' Solicitors, street, Kingston. J . B ham, Cyril M. Cmith INVEST-| sMBROSE SHEA, BA, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank Money to loan. Phone 1999. $4 Arch street } n-| HAIR, new he . == Apply Box J-4, Whig | FOUND COMBINATION PADLOCK. Piy at Abernetiny"s snoe 8 GENTLEMAN'S GOLD SIGNET rng, last week. Apply at 5¥ Union Street W , Al- ture OWNER A SMALE DOOR KEY. applying may have same by at Whig Office SUM OF MUNEY opposite x Senool. same Holmes, School BLACK WOOLLEN MITT. OWN- er may have same at 56 Wel- lington Street. FUUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED VHEE, Anyone finding anything and Wishing to reaca ne uwuer may Uo so Wy reporting the fucts to Tne dritish Whig. The adver. Usvineud, will be printed in this Cu.dsin Iree of charge Found articles" dues not Ine cindy lust dugs, cattle, unorses, ec. Thoese, if lost, uay Le ad- | verused fur in the 'Lost cuviumn i BARRIE Dairy | | ON by kastern | | A BLACK SILK BOW WITH GOLD brooch, with naval crest Reward tor return to Miss Bidwell, 49 King Street MAN'S OPAL RING, WHICH THE owner values not in dollars but as a deceased brother's gift. Liberal] reward at Whig to finder who re- turns same. LADY'S GOLD WRIST WATCH, BE- tween Sydenham and Spaffordton on Thursday evening Jan 20th Finder please notify Rutledge B Sydenham. Reward DENTAL. DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, closed until March 30th OFFICE SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. 159 Wellington street, over Phone 346. | DRS. tists, Carnovsky's DR. RUPERT I'. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phone 15850. Open evenings by appointment CHIROPRACTIC. WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C ner Nelson and NM Kingston, Ont Consulta Telephone 1086j. Houry 9 m to p.m. to FOR SALE OR EXCHANG 320 ACRE FARM IN SASKATCHEWAN 250 acres under cultivation. Will take city or country property. dress Box 190, G 7 . BIRT cancers, scars, etc, re-| moved permanently Satisfactory | glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Goltre removed 35 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J E klar, Nose, Throat MOL marks, ski ARCHITECT | | POWER, SON AND OREVER, ARCHI- | tects, Merchants Bank .Chambers corner of Brock and Wellington streets. | LAND SURVEYOR | *, Fi MILLER, B.Ap, Se, CE, O.L.S,| D.L&, M.k1C, Napanee, Ont. On-| tario Land Surveyor Kingston Of-! dice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- ence street CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER see James Selby, Contractor, 212 University Aver Phone 159sw. | Ee -.. pre | UPHOLSTERING. i - eee eee: CALL OR DROP A CARD TO Ww. J, Gavine, upholsterer, 216' Bagot st. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and genera] repairing Leave orders at or drop a card te 104 Clergy street. FURNITURE' REPAIRED AND FIN- ished; guns repairs; all kinds of small repairs In wood metal. Stanton and Sleeth, Bagot street, PF. or 241 | GENUINE GRAPHONOLA efoto > FOR SALE" PHONE 436. F. COOKE. SAVING 7 AWNINGS, SMALL STRONG STEEL banks. $1.00 each. Mills Co, Clarence St. Ss vy A FIRST CLASS GROCERY BUSINESS, in good locality, in city. Write Box F-31, Whig Office. HAPPY THOUGHT STOVE, BABY CRIR and Baby Carriage, and other fur- niture. 40 Gore Street. FIVE FOOT SHOW CASE, JONES Bros. make, Apply Prince of Wales Launch, 191 Princess street. UNE LOT, 668x132 FOUT FRONTAGE. on South Macdonald street; cheap for quick buyer. Batemans Real Estate. CADILLAC VACCUM-CLEANER WITH all extra attachments for cleaning wolls, hangings, upholsterings. etc. $40.00. Apply 204 King Street. ANL TEN selections; your own choice, $42.50. Terms §/ cash; $5 per month. C. W Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princess Sg, HEAVEN AND HELL -- SWEDEN. borg's great work on the life af- ter death and a real worid beyond. Over 400 pages, only 25c. post paid. 0. Law, 486 Euclid Ave. Toronto. "BERTHA CALKINS)" carrying capacity 500 net tons. Can he inspected at Picton, Ontario Further particulars and price on application. T VanDusen, Pic- ton, Ont. CEE PIP re FOR SALE A few building lots well locat- ed near Queen's Uni ty. p- piy King & Smythe, 7 3 Clar- ence street, Kingston, Ont SCHOONER L. = | | WF HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF good second hand furniture stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of. we will poy highest prices. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. I'hone 1600w. AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, house furniture, spectalize in mili- tar boots; buy h d gnods; highest prices paid Routbard. Phone 1723. cess Street, SPECIAL OFFER 050 PAIR OF cycle Tires a* $1 75 each while they last. Bicycles cleaned and stored: also skates hollow grouad. carriages retired and Muller's Bicycle Works, 371 and 377 King street. Phone 1032w. MEN I. ] STEAMER FOR § I'assenger and freight steamer for sale--100 ft. long Price and particulars application to Room 101, Bidg.. Ottawa, Ont. hdesireofeodrdeddeofedoddoodedodeeodedefood ride BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. $750--~FOR SALE--DUILDING LOTS ON Alwington Avenue; good location. upon Booth { $1100--BUILDING LOT, SYDENHAM ST, near Raglan Road. $800---GARROTT ST. 8$1400--PRINCESS AND ALBERT STS, FOR SALE TWO LOTS ON SOUTH MACDONELL street, 33x132; small building; very cheap for quick sale. $1900---FRAME BUNGALOW; NEW; north end; 4 rooms; B. and C. Lot 33x132; for immediate possession. $2000--FRAME HOUSE; 11 ROOMS; about an acre of land; suitable for summer boarders; near Westport. $2,200--FRAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS; B and C:; electric lights and furnace; good cellar. §3,000--BRICK SEMI-DETACHED; 8 rooms; B. and C.; hot air; gas; gar- age. VICTORY BONDS FOR SALE, MONEY to Loan. $1400--FRAME: 5 ROOMS; provements; good locality. FARMS-SEVERAL GOOD FARMS FOR sale. G. A. BATEMAN, 150 Wellington Street, Kingston, GANANOQUE Money issued on city and farm | rim ot properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- ence streel, Kingston, \ FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO 'W, DRIS- voll, 22 John street --- Cannel Coal For Open Grate Fires. Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. Foot of Johrison Street Davis Dry Dock Co. BUILDERS OF: Engine Repairs Motor Boat Engines. Regulation Life Boats | Boat Repairs ' Special Machinery Automobile Repairs ' Dry Docking and Other Repairs in Wood and Iron. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. East End of Wellington St. | =| Auction Sales Quebec Heaters I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. | Make me prove it. "Best Stove for Garage or work shop. Cooks and other Stoves as ; BEDFORD The Auctioneer, LTORK Phone 705 A lot of men devote all of their charity to telling how they would give away other people's money if they hadyit. | the death of Amelia 1. Powley, wife Feb. 9.--Labor conditions in Gan- anoque, which it was conjectured, would probably improve at the be- ginning of the new year, have shown s0 far little if any advancement. Al- though prices have been lowered in a number® of lines on foodstuffs and other staple articles of aousehold needs, the work problem seems un- improved. There is a considerable number of unemployed bread win- ners. The local factories are doing the best they can, married men gett- ing in almost every case the prefer- ence. Still with but three or four days work a week the problem of labor here is one which is very dif- ficult of solution. : The funeral of Mrs. Peter Bishop, who passed away on Saturday last at the family resifence, Stone street north, was held on Monday morning, to St. John's church where a solemn requiem mass was sung for the re- pose of her soul by Rev. Father Ke- hoe. The remains were placed in Gananoque vault, > The ladies of the congregation of St. John's church tendered a compli- mentary dance to those who assisted in connection with the bazaar last ek. . Ice cutting has been started in this section. The ice is reported as of ex- cellent quality, and the thickness well up to the average, The special services in connection with the Forward Movement in Grace church on Monday and las: evening were conducted by Rev. E. Richardson Kelly, Cataraqui, and were both well attended. James G. Lawson was the soloist om Monday evening, and last eveming the Mes- dames A. L. Knight and W. J. Kelly rendered a duet. 3 Word has been received here of of Wm. J. Smyth, Cataraqui, which occurred in Kingston on Monday. De- | ed we. [cowed was for many years a resident of this town where her husband con- ducted the West Ward grocery store. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Wiskin, North street, are spending a few weeks In Brantford, guests of the former's father, Thomas Wiskin. CONCERT AT ST. JOHN'S. Under the Auspices of the Women's | Auxiliary, A fine concert wag given in the parish hall of St. John's church, Portsmouth, on Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Woman's Association. Rev. Hilyard Smith presided, and the programme was most entertaining. It included a hu- morous reading by J. B. Walkem, K.C., the new chancellor of the dio- cese of Ontario. Mr. Walkem was heartily congratulated, and the mem- bers of St. John's feel that a distine- tion has come to it in Mr. Walkem's selection for the honor. Mr. Walkem also sang. Canon FitzGerald gave a humorous and instructive talk on "Ireland and the Irish." A pleasing musical proghamme was rendered under arrangements carried out by A. E. Cogswell, organist, who ac- companied the singers, J. D. Bankier, Miss Henstridge and Miss Phyllis Smith, the small daughter of the rec- tor. Refreshments were served by the ladies: The sum of $21.60 was realized for the Woman's Associa- Ption. French Club of Queen's. The French club of Queen's Uni- versity was addressed by Prof. P. G. C. 'Campbell at a meeting held Tuesday afternoon. The subject was *Paris," and lantern slides helped to make the lecture extremely interest- ing. H. Griffin contributed a piano solo to the programme. The election of officers resulted: President, J. Gaw; secretary, J. P. Young; treas- urer, Miss P. Macfarland. At the close of the meeting a social time was spent and. refreshments were serv- hb all kinds second- | 289 Prin- Raby | repaired, | NO IM. | WHIG. GRAND Feb. H-12th BARGAIN MATINEE SATURDAY By Special Arrangement With Sir Alfred Butt v { i | ! | ! 2 First Canadian Tour «-- Londons Musical pcktatl entertainment de ° PRICES--Nights ........ Bargain Matinee Entire Orch. $1.00. Bal. 30c.-75¢. Gal 25¢. Seats now om sale. + com WAGSTAFFE'S Pure Orange " MARMALADE Made from Seville Oranges and Granulated Cane Sugar only. TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST, Dr.Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 2586. SHROVE TUESDAY EVENTS {Held in St. Luke's, St. James' | and 8t. George's The Women's Auxiliary of St. GRAND--T0-NIGHT LAST SHOWING WILLIAM FAVERSHAM In Frank L. Pack ard's Famous Story "THE SIN THAT WAS HIS" LARRY SEMON COMEDY AND OTHER REELS : | GRAND'S i OVERTURE BASSOON CON } By request SOLO | ORCHESTRA | "ENDURANCE" Prices: Mat. Adulgs, 23¢.; Children , « 25¢. and 33¢. Tax included. GRAND, Thursday Only SPECIAL FEATILRE PROGRAM ALICE JOYCE IN CHARLES KLEIN'S " AMOUS PLAY THE THIRD DEGR EE'? COMEDIES AND OTHER REELS SELECTION: GRANDS ? OVE "SIR OF A SOUTHERN COMING MO EA DAY, OWE ORCHESTRA PEASAN MOO kk#2 IN "THE POOR sSiMpP" ra I . - § THE BRIGHTEST SPOT IN KINGSTON Singing, Dancing, Comedy and Vaudeville GRIFFIN'S Afternoons, wr STRAND Last Time To-night "Li-Ting-Lang" & Prolog THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ALICE BRADY in "A Dark Lantern" The Woman Always Pays Even for Innocence PHYLLIS DEVLIN, Soprano. Supreme Musie Evenings at 7.30 POLLARD COMEDY TRAVELOGUES VALENTINES PARTY Valentines Night Valentines, Balloons, Confettl,, Special Music, Community Singing. Reserved sents sold in advance. MONDAY--Wallace RAd in "THE CHARM SCHOOL" | Halls. | | | Luke's parish observed Shrove Tues- day in the old-time way, by giving | a pancake social in the hall from 5 | | i {to 9.30 p.m., the last festivity tillaaf- | ter Easter, for St. Luke's is one of the parishes in which Lent is strictly observed. Miss Belle Hentig took i the fee at the door, and then the | visitors were received by the presid- ent, Miss Waddingham. Tables with dainty china and a few bright daf- | fodils on each, at which delicious hot | pancakes, tea buns and tea were served, were arranged about the --- ¥ L L E N jl "ISOBEL" OR | THE TRAILS Times END" a T COMING urs., Fri. and Sat, CONSTANCE TALMADGE "GOOD REFERENCES" She Had No Job! She Had No References! She Had No Money! alizing Comedy! ug and New ! A Tensing, T It's Refre | room, while at the end of the hall | was the tea table with its gleaming | | silver and larger centre of daffodils, | with Mrs. R. Reynolds and Mrs. | George Laturney pouring tea. The other ladies on the committee were Mrs. J. McCammon, Mrs. A. J. Mur- | ray, Mrs, F. J. Johnson, Mrs. D. H. | |, Rider, Mrs. George Dart, Mrs. E. Baker and Mrs. George Compton. A | | home-made table laden with tooth- | | some dainties and centered with a | | spray of cactus, was in charge of | [ Mrs. W. McFedridge, Mrs. S. Green, | BIRDS--BIRDS--WILD GEESE In Moving Pleture and Intensely Interesting Lecture BY JACK MINER Famous Farmer Bird Lover, and Protector of Wild Birds. Owner of Kingsbille Bird Sanctuary Under auspices Queen's Naturalist Club, Victoria Home and School Club and Kingston Humane Society. GRANT HALL, TUES. FEB. 15th, at 8 p.m. TICKE 50¢., at Uglow's, ! | and Miss Florence Hentig. | Rev. J. dePencler Wright was pres- ent and had a word of greeting for | [everyone, reminding them that the | | church attendance campaign is be- ing carried on this week in St. | Luke's as well as in the other Ang- | lican parishes, During the evening the following | musicians provided a fine pro-| gramme: Miss Daisy Johnson on her violin accompanied by Miss Gertie ||]. Jennings; Mr, and Mrs. W. 8. Gra-| ham with the saxaphone and piano; | Mrs. Percy Bell and Mrs. Percy Burns played several piano numbers and Mrs, Bell sang as well; Miss Eth- elmay Sutherland and Miss Nellie | Prince also sang charmingly. Miss Rose Compton acted as accompanist, | and Miss Grace Taft was a piano solo- ist. | St. Luke's can boast of being the | only church hall in Kingston to pos- | sess a real stage, curtains and scen- ery, the last being excellent, the work of Mr. O'Connor, of Mowat | sanitorium, Entertainment at St. James. St. James' was still another Angli- can church to give a Shrove Tuesday entertainment, which took the form | of a three act comedy, entitled "Just | Like Percival," presented by the par-| ochial A. Y. P. A. The hall was filled | with Interested spectators who were | loud in their applause of the clever: | young actors whose rendering of this | right little play was excellent. Miss! Annie Langwith as Mrs. Harvey, the widow about to be consoled by Mr. Hudson (W. Calvert), filled the part splendidly. Miss Ruth Hughes, as Ethel Chester, was charming. A. Hendrie took the part of Percival very cleverly. Miss Winnifrid Guild as Mrs. Maypole, was a great suc- cess, as was W. Bailey as her son. Miss Bessie Vince and Miss Grace Taft filled their parts excellently. Between the acts Charles Woodhouse sang "The Newsboy", in a sweet full voice, and Albert Bunt's monologue in costume was met with much laughter and applause. The stage was prettily decorated and all the ar-/ rangements reflected great credit vp- on -those responstble for them. St. George's A. Y. P. A. Bt. "George's A.Y.P.A. heid their | annual pancake social in the church | hall on Shrove Tuesday, when the bright organization that has for its members many of the younger work- ers of the cathedral parish, eujoyed a jolly evening, playing games ané lis- tening to the splendid music of St. George's orchestra. The pancakes and hot coffee were a great success. Sebastian Flynn, for the past twenty eight years Chief of Police; Water- 100, has resigned. 7 Nt sae st wt st A BUSINESS CHANCE | FOR A BUSINESS MAN Scotland Woolen Mills Co. Limited Canada's best known Tailors, want a live man in the Clothing, Gents' Furnishing, or Tailoring business, to accept local Agency for the sale of Made-to-measure Suit or Overcoat at a fixed price of $30.00--No More, No Less. Here is a wonderful opportunity. We supply all the neces- sary selling equipment absolutely FREE, including full suit lengths of cloth for store and window display. A Scotland Woolen Mills Co. Agent is started out well fortified for a rigorous and successful campaign without one cent of expense. We will -only: consider applications from wide-awake busi. ness men with an A1 location in this town. Write to:-- Scotland Woolen Mills Co., Limited 50-52 Richmond Toronto, Ont. == === = EEE een =r CHEVROLET "The Product of Experience' i Reems ermal Made in Connda : OMEN appreciate the simplicity and ease of the Chevrolet "FB 40" Sedan. Its beauty is equal to its abil- ity and ustfulness, and both are suited to 'every occasion where efficient, comfortable transpor- tation is desirable. Bawden & Edwards, Montreal St. LHR Hg HEESESus SEs