i WEDNESDAY, FEB. 0, 1921. DAILY B RITISH WH 1G. SIE | AS WELL AS EVER _ Mirs. Harper Gains 20 Puonds | % And Health is Restored By Taking Tanlac. "When I began taking ,Tanlac I only weighed one hundred and eight Pounds, but I now weigh one hun dred and twenty-eight," said Mrs 8. Harper, of 90 Bond street, To- § ronto, Ont. { "Last year I had a case of influ- enza that was so bad I thought I | was never going to get well. When 1 finally did get up I was in a ter * ribly run-down condition. I suffer ed terribly from indigestion after every meal and had frequent attacks of dizziness. "My feet hurt me =o [ could hard- ly walk and I had a hard time get- ting about. 1 couldn't. sleep and Bot up every morning feeling all } tired out. All my strength seemed | ! to be gradually slipping away from ine and I acutually fell off from a- l hundred and forty-six pounds to a buntired and eight. | "But I took Tanlac on the sugges- tion of a friend and it's just won- derful the way it has relieved me of § &ll my troubles. Two bottles put me in fine condition, but I took two more, just to be sure of clinching | the good work. I have gained back twenty pounds of my lost weight, am strong and well, my feet no longer "hurt me, I can walk anywhere 1 want to and do my work with ease | and feel like a different person alto- | gether. 1 think people are foolish to suffer when they can get Tanlac." Tanlac is sold" in Kingston by A. P. Chown, in Mountain Grove by James Macdonald, and by the lead- ing druggists in every town.--Advt. ---- OVERTURE BY LOCAL MAN ! Nn | Rendered By the Grand Orchestra | This Week. | It 1s a matter of interest to those | fliterested in musical matters that the | fine overture or tone poem, "Endur- | ance," which was played by ths | @rand Opera House orchestra the | F first of {his week, was composed by #& local man, Sergt. D. J. Leary, of the R.C.H.A. This gelection caused much interest and favorable comment from those who h it and many people | enquired as 8 name and author ship. Sergt. ry is to be congratul- ated on this fife piece of work P.W.O.R. | An enthuslastio'parade of the com- | penies of the P.W.O.R.,, was held at | the armouries on Tuesday evening. | Thirty-five recruits wére attested, | which was concedéd to be an Sxeel: lent showing for the week. The drums will practice on Thursday evening, While Friday evening will be devoted to baseball and attestation of re- eruits, NOW WALKS |] | one | trate," in new form. | are Maries Dilworth, Mabelle Mignon, Cosmo Bellew, Lil- | Theatrical - At The Grand. "The Sin That Was His Selznick feature' @tarr Faversham, will be seen Opera House for the la night. 'The story deals wi generation of "Two Ace" gambier and bad this man wins new mant of the most powers 'produced. "The ' the two-reel La: is guaranteed t blues, and teres i a we ed prog me The 'Grand cert orchestra will play Endurance," t cal as well solo and other numbers a pelee, ever ry ire any ture, mAsician, Coming to the Grand. For Thursday only of this management of the Grand week Grocery | Semon | Opera | House offers the leading emotional | actress of the scren, Alice Joyce, "fhe Third Degree," the | sion of Charles Klein's far success. The story of a love mounted all obstacles, and who was ready to s: fice h sition, and in fact life itself the man she loves est vehicle that th had. ture there will be reels 6f Big V. comedies, O. Henry stories, and other interesting subjects, and the Grand's Concert orchestra will offer a special musical programme as well as spec- lalttes by members of the orchestra. --Advt, > f makes is star . -- : "The Boy." When London's gladdest, gayest musical success, "The Boy," Opens its engagement at the Grand Opera House, Friday, Feb. 11th, with a matinee and night performance aSt- urday, a good many old-timers are due for a jolt that will bring a flod of recollections, for the reason that this musical comedy success is Pin- ero's famous farce, "The Magis- For nearly forty years, "The Magistrate divid- ed honors with "Pinafore" in popu- larity with amateur organizations |and there are few indeed who have participated in amateur theatricals who have not essayed a role in ghe | famous old farce. A, S. Byron will be {seen in the role of Magistrate Mee- cast of the Clyde Dilson, bles. Other members lian Lee Anderson, Donald Archer, Gene Laymon.--Advt. At The Strand. Tonight will be the last chance you have to see Sessue Hayakawa in Li Ting Lang, which is being presented at the Strand with a special prolog. In addition to the above fea- | h * ; musical comedy success "The Boy," in | Tr, po- | to save | the. strong- | has ever | { ' Some of the charming gi i rls with London's" greatest which comes to the {Grand Opera House, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 11-12, with | la bargain matinee, Saturday. SPORTING NEW | | | Bethel Winners. | Bethel led at the Y.M.C.A. gymnasium on {Tuesday evening. They defeated St. James' by a score of 31 to 17. {Holland and Kennedy played a good {game for the winners, while Arthur Twigg did most of the scoring for the St. James' team. this game puts Bethel ham Street Methodist teams on a equal standing. Both have {lost the one game so far this season. {On Tuesday eveming next they will {meet and the winners should have a {good chance of capturing the Clif- {ford Drury memorial trophy teams: _ Bethel--Forwards, Kennedy and (Holland; centre, Godwin; defence, F. J. Wilson and Bruce. St. James'--Forwards, A. Ada and |A. Twigg; centre; George Ada; de- {fence, Atchison and Bailey. Referee--Lewis, of Queen's. and Syden- RM.C, 5, K.C.I. 2. R.M.C. won from K.C.I. in a jun- ior intercollegiate fixture played at [the covered rink Tuesday evening were winners of the sen- {for 8.5.A.A.A. basketball game play- The result of lane's won from a. The | | Kingston club from Ottawa and Que- bec, and tournaments with these teams may be arranged later. Curling Games. Jour games in the club series were | played at the local curling rink on | Tuesday evening. The ice was in first {class condition and the games were | | closely contested. Practically all the | {postponed games have been played. R. N. McFarlane's rink' defeated Sleeth"s by 15 to 7; J. A. McFar- N Slater's by 18 to! {5; H. T. Wallace's defeated J. F.| Macdonald's by 10 to 6, and M. P.| Reid's won from W. H. Wormwith's | by 13 to 11. | | IL. | Queen's Assault At Arms. { It has been decided that the as-| sault-at-arms at Queen's university | {will take place on Monday evening | next, The winners will represent | {Queen's in the Intercollegiate assault- | {at-arms. . | | The university authorities have de- | {cided' that the assault-at-arms team |to go to Yale University for exhib. | {tion bouts will be composed to eight | boxers who will be trained by "Billie" | Hughes. The team will not be an- | nounced until after Monday evening | next, ' Febru ~ Thursday ary 10th 9A.M. 25 doz. Women's Overgaiters; 12 buttons; latest styles; all colors and sizes. Men's Cashmerette Overshoes; 1 buckle. Women's, Misses' and Infants' Lace and Button Boots. Women's and Girls' Overshoes. Felt House Slippers for Men, Women and Children. Other lines too numerous to mention. ne Dollar a Pair All sales for cash. No refunds. No exchange. See Our Windows LLAN M. REID SHOE STORE x = Jeter r ater inee GERMAN WAR PLOT THAT MISSED FIRE she encircled the globe to bring troops home from Russia. The Mount Vernon had several narrow escapes when that strain the Germans expected did come. Once she was torpedoed and 35 of her crew killed, but made her way to a French port. A + FORGOT TO HAVE MURDERER HANGED Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 9.-- Sheriff Grant, of Ouchita Par- ish, notified Governor Parker yesterday that he had forgotten to hang Lonnie Eaton, negro, convicted of murder, on Febru- ary 4th, as required by the sen- tence, and asked what to do with the prisoner. The gov- Belleville Here Friday. The first game Of the Ontario mateur Basketball association is to | take place at Queen's gymnasium on game, and R.M.UC. added one, making {Friday evening next, when Belleville the score 3 to 2. The play was fast | wij] maet Queen's. and the cadets had to work hard to be at the blue and whites. In the second period especially did the cok | legiates show their hockey ability, by a score of 5 to 2. The first period ended 2 to 0 for RM.C In the sec- fond period the callegiate boys were | A abls to score their only points of the Thousands who have seen this master \ film were delighted, as well as with * A most interesting subject by |the prolog which was a show in it- Byangelist Taylor in Gospel Hall [self. Starting tomorrow Alice Brads "The Forgiveness of Sin." What does | will be seen in "A Dark La: ¢ it mean? How is it brought about? | Would you dare to say to : JT "Take me |" when you had no a wovcases came before Magistrate | nce in the world that he wanted you ARlison In the Court House, on Wed- | OF Would ever say "Come"? It takes néfdRY Morning and were adjourned | nerve for anybody to propose, when e of the illness of one of the | the answer is upcertain. It's hard nts. They were Johnston vs. | [OF a man to be refused. What would Ilroy and Johnston vs. Sills, both | 8 Woman do if rebuffed? Oh, you ing out of the purchase of hay. |S5aY, no man could rebuff a proposing @y will be heard on Friday. woman; he'd accept her just through {What has become of the old-fash- | Shéer gallantry, whether he really hed German who called you a {Wanted her or not, Oh, but would | mf" when he got mad? he? Dr. Garth Vincent was not | especially noted for his politeness to | Gillespie the fair sex. He was rather more | eartburn } ° 1 . Liver Trouble brusque and cutting than good breed- | Rooney : ing allowed, at times. He seemed [Sullivan At the curling rink on Wednesday | rtd ddr bbb bbb {{ When the liver becomes torpid and amed, it cannot furnish sufficient 'to take delight in being rude to Kath- | morning the ladies curling rink | @ to the bowels, thus causing them erine Dereham, yet she startled him | Wallace +--+ P. Donnely skipped by Mrs. Welch won from by saying "Take me!" You will be | . | Miss Birch by a score of 8 to 2. In the legislature on Tuesday Dr. Cunningham | become constipated. The stomach is also affected; case of heartburn there is a startled, too, by the many tense situ- | Graydon . ------ Forbes Godfrey rose to ask Mr. ations and the fine acting of Alice | McLeod McKelvey LATE E. J. WAGAR { Raney if he proposed any action to the elaine and burming pain in the tomach, attended by disturbed ap- Brady, James L. Crane, and other | : pared. i | have the name of C. J. Foy, K.C,, re- G. Carr-Harris - Donzely ip 2 In Peterboro--Burial Took | moved from the list of K.C.'s. He bas- petite, caused by great acidity. When- er too much food is taken, it is methbers of a distinguished cast in | P- "A Dark Lantern," coming to the Sawyer Mepouad Place at Enterprise. jed the question on a report of a Strand theatre tomorrow for three | Suge There died at Peterb on Feb | speech by Mr. Foy at Kingston in : days. In connection with this mag-| Referee--Prof. Malcolm, Queen's. | 314, at his home, corner of Romaine | Which the lawyer had attacked the lI 0, Jerment, and JSlcome az. {and Lock streets, Edward James | Orange order and declared that he s ; d what is thrown up, is sour and metimes bitter. nificent photoplay the usual good Wagar. The deceased was a son of | Would not agree to the sentiment of me liver trouble symptoms are Vessel Used as U.8. Troopship Was Doctored, After Seizure. Tonight. - New York, Feb. 9.--A German war plot that failed was revealed here today. Four defective bolts taken from the machinery of the United States transport Mount Vernon told the tale. They were discovered by the en- gineering forces of Commander R. D. Gatewood, director of the Ship- ping Board's division of construction and repairs, and placed on exhibition at his office. Here is the story. After the Mount Vernon--formerly the Kronprinzes- sin Cecile, the famous 'gold ship' that raced into, Bar Harbor in the early days of the war--had been seized as a troopship, her German crew cut two-thirds of 'the way through the four six-inch bolts that connected the engines with the main crank shaft. The skilfully made cuts remained hidden by the fittings of the engines, and were only discovered recently when the engines were taken apart. It is to be presumed that in certain United States detention camps there were trained German engineers who waited eagerly for reports which did not come of "something happening" | to the converted troopship. For it | believed that the bolts were left bate- ly holding, with the hope that the craft would just creep out into U- boat lanes and then fall a prey to the undersea craft when a sudden strain on the engines came with an order for full speed ahead. But the breakdown never came. Luck or toughness of steel permitted the liner to thake a dozen round trips tErough submarine infested seas car- hancement Urs | A hockey team composed of science & |students will leave for Napanee on | { with the result that Cunningham and Wednesday afternoon to play an ex- lp Sugel counted. For the cadets, Carr- ition hockey game in that town lg {Harris and Rooney played good hoec- this evening. . [og ernor has put the problem up PS to Attorney-General Coco: key. MeKay in goal for K.CI. was! called upon to save a number of | Ladies Point Competition. + Sheriff Grant's letter said 'he good ones. The teams were: At the curling rink on Tuesday + had been so busy with other R.M.C. K.C.I. morning the ladies played in the # matters-on February 4th that : | points competition. The highest score # the scheduled hanging had Dae McKay |made was 14 points, | % "completely slipped his mind." efence i Stewart Sills Science Men Vs. Napanee, | « Goal --an | Ladies Curling. | * + J + * * * * + * + * + + + * * + + + + + + i Wants Name Removed. ti In Senior O.H.A, Games. Granites 3, Aura Lee 1. Kitchener 11, Toroato |nauts 1. JAMES GQ. CANE Prominent lumberman and Iliberai politician, of Toronto, who died after a week's jliness. A» | : short subjects will be shown includ- | | Argo- | the late Mr. and Mrs. George G.| 'One King, One Flag," if that fiag n under the right shoulder, yel- ing a Snub Pollard comedy and Bur- {ton Holmes travelogues, Phillis Dev- Wagar, Enterprise, where he spent | Wa8 the British flag. Mr. Raney had | lin. will sing in her usual captivating his boyhood days, and was in the gro- not gead the report and, therefore, lowness of the skin and eyes, floating | Way. The famous Strand orchestra | Big Game To-Night cery business until four years ago could not comment upon it. specks before the eyes, coated tongue, | Will give a special concert which will | Tita oF g ia 0-Night. when ie moved with La amily io - bad taste in the morning, foul{round out a splendid bill. Next | \is evening at the covered rink, h ful Aplin . {Queen's intermediates ahd the cad Peterboro, where he was successful. breath, water brash, jaundice, con-| Monday, Valentine's night, will be | 15.08 @ cadets |, ast June he was stricken with heart stipation, etc. the event of the season. Preparations [°f the Royal Military College will i hen Keep your liver active by using , , {meet {n the second game of the in-|9iS€ase and since then had been un- x for the Valentine party are under ; ble to follow his regul k. O Milburn"s Laxa-Liver Pills and you |. . . it will be. [termediate Intercollegiate series, | #Dle to follow guar work, On : way and a real gala night it will be. | i h day. J 27th, h : Will have no heartburn or other liver Valentin Balloo Serpentine | Queen's won the game by a score of | LRursday, Jan. 27th, he was seized troubles. Being purely vegetable| Ylentines, Balloons, Tpentine { F 50 a real good @%hibition can | Vith @ sudden attack, from which he they do not gripe, weaken or sicken | Confetti, special solos, both vocal and ee Lx i Can | rew gradually weaker, and died on like the old-fashioned purgatives gen- Feb. 2nd. erally do. instrumental, and community sing- |De expected. In religion he was a Methodist, Mrs. Mary Strome, Glasnevin, . During 1920 the fire loss in Belle- ville totalled $41,728, while property valued at $510,700 was endangered. The fire chief of Belleville is ask- ing to be provided with a motor drive en fire engine, CASTORIA For Infants and Children InUse For Over 30 Years The government will meet parlia- ment and proceed with business as if West Peterboro and J. H. Burnham had never existed. iliousnes HOOD'S PILLS To Have a Tournament. Tickets can be On Friday the Badminton Club of ing are on the programme. The at- Buak., writes: --"T boo wer and was a faithful member of St. traction will be Wallace Reid in "The burn's Laxa-Liver Pills, and they have cleared me of heartburn and liver trouble. I don't think they can be beaten by amy other medicine, and 1 can highly recommend them." Price 25c. a vial at all dealers or malled direct on receipt of price by - The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- te, Ont. ~ EAR OIL HEAD NOISES. Simply hy it Back of the Ears and Insert in Nostrils. Proof of suc- conn "mh a druggist. mG re MAHOOD DRUG CO. Ltd. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE A. D. Leonard, I Mfrs. 70 5th Aven N. Y. Clty, Charm School." bought in advance for reserved sta(s, --Advt. os At the Allen, Billy McVeigh, driving into the face of a blinding blizzard, comes face to face with--Isobel ! Beauti- ful, pure and sweet, but the wife of another man--the man he had sworn to take, dead or alive! A situation that will thrill you--never did you see such wonderful and beautiful photography. To-day will be the last showing of "The Trail's End," an epic of the northland, the most remarkable story of the north- west. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Constance Talmadge will be seen in "Good References." It has an appeal that will fascinate, thrill and amuse everybody from the president of the company down to his gum-chewing Remington ath- lete. Tired business men and viva- cious ladies will respond in a body to the lure of Connie ! This is the story of a pretty "jane", A peach of a stenog., called Mary Wayne, : Who tried to get a job without any references But finds that employers have cer- tain preferences. Montreal will play the Kingston team for the Hodgeson trophy, woh by the local players before the war, but thrown into competition again last year. The trophy is still in the hands of the Kingston Club. This match 1s only open to ladies. On Sat- urday both the ladies and the mén will play for the Kingston cup and the Toronto cup, Some very good games will take place, the interest in Badminten being very keen. Chal- lenges have been received by the LEEMING MIL MONTREAL m for Dr. James' church, whose pastor conduct- | ed a short service at the house. The remains were taken to Enterprise on Friday evening. The funeral service was held on Saturday morning, first by the brethrén of the Masonic or- der at the house, then to the Metho- ! dist church where the sermon 'was | preached by Rev. J. G. Robeson, who was assisted In the service by Rev. | Mr. Clark, Tamworth. Deceased is | survived by his wife and two daugh- | ters, Marion and Constance at home, | cone daughter, Lillian, Kingston, and | one son, George, Merritton, a broth- | er and sister, Hubert, Enterprise, and { Mrs. C. W. Card, Napanee. He was a | member of the Masonic order, the | Chosen Friends, the 1.0.0.F. and L. | O.L., No. 431, Enterprise. The floral tributes were many. Supporters of the Drury govern-| .ment on Wednesday held a caucus to consider the Tolmie minority re- port of the Ontario Temperance act committee, The labor men will nearly all support the Tolmie sug- gestion. { Hon. L. P. Pelletier, judge of the | '| Quebec court of appedls, died at Québec on Tuesday #fter a brief ill- ness. He was for many years an out- | standing figure in political and legal | circles. $ rying on each voyage from 3,000 to 4,000 men. Just to round things out, SALE Wotie OF STILL $11.00 to to $12.00, NOW .......... Crple Brogue Shoes: regular Waothen's high cut Gunmetal Brogue Shoes; regular $11 "essen an SHOES ON ces usesunas Women's Mahogany Calf Brogue Oxfords; regular $9.00 Now Women's Gunmetal Brogue 'Oxfords --regular $5.00, Now Serres sss rattan Perc nriara 80.00 Ser rast assesses "These are a fow of the real Bargains on dale How atime THE VICTORY SHOE STORE