Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1921, p. 14

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THE DAILY RRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 9, 1921. (Founded 1847): Livingston's We have been selling Men's Ready-to- Wear Suits, regular $30.00 to $40.00 values, for $24.50 And our sale of above Suits was very large. We haye now added many higher priced Suits to make the assorts ment of sizes complete, and can now give you the best values at - $24.50 that you have seen in six years. Come in and see them. ®e o # Livingston's 75-77 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." Twilight 4 * Ld (Continued From Pa Miss Moody and Winnipeg, who a Varsity girls' "baske week, were the g Jolliffe, 26 Fro in Kingston. ronio on Sunday sume their studies at lege. ; . . Miss Derbyshire, Brockville, i guest of Mrs. Stuart Crawford, Alfre street. Col. and Mrs. McKee will be among the visiting Badminton Club | players from Montreal. | General Hodgins, Ottawa, is at the {Chateau Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs@W. H street, went up to Tor« { day. Miss / {visiting the i street, returned t« - Craig, nto on Tues: » s Wilson, Union ronto today. is now m, Villa Miss Louise Toronto, rg, T. street. 1 Panet, Col. Egert®n, Shenowith, Messrs. Macdougall will who will D. R. Hemmir Brig.-Gen Col Might, Mercer and among the men ladies' and men's tournament at the !{ Badminton courts. -. * . Miss Nora Macnee, Union street. will entertain in honor of Miss "| Kathleen Carruthers There was a jolly supper after the i performance of the "Dumb Wife" on Tuesday evening at Queen'c cafe- teria for the faculty players. . jam. street, returned on Tuesday * from a ten day's visit at Algonquin Park." Miss Fox, Toronto, returned with Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Miss Gweneth Merrick came from Beloiel, Quebec, .to be with Miss Lucy Merrick, Aberdeen street, . Mrs. 1 G. street, spent the {onto, the guest of Miss Thelma Bog- fart, Havergal school. ---- { STOCK MARKETS. | i | Quotations Furnished by Bongard, | Ryerson & Co., 237 Bagot Street. New York Stocks. Opening. Closing. Am. Internat. Corp. . 461% 45% | Anderson Bros. Limited Special Assortment of SEA AND LAKE FISH --L ake Whitefish Trout Pike Pickerel Herrings 500 lbs. Place, delicious, White Sea FISH-- especially tasty fried ........15¢. Ib. 500 lbs. Sea Herrings . ........12%¢. Ib. 500 Ibs. Lake Herrings . .........10c.Ib. Pickled Lake Herrings--10 Ib. kegs . $1.40 Pickled Lake Herrings . . . . . .". 10¢c. per Ib. Labrador Salt Herrings--large size . 5c. Ib.' SALMON SMACKS--Fancy cuts, Spring Salmon; delicious; cooked ready to eat; aI «4 v. non vanenns res 300 The RS 'GREEN STUFF--Celery, Lettuce, Rhu- barb and Parsley. POULTRY SPEGIAL- : 1,000 16s. Scratch Feed (Mixed Grain) Per 100 1bs............°... . $375 v PerS0lba. N\......i....... 8188 Per pound Haddock Halibut Smelts B. C. Salmon Herrings --_------ Phones: 458-459, Wholesale 1767. Am. Sumatra Tobac'o 79% 801% Smelters 42% 42 | Baldwin Locomotive -. 8914 950 1 | Baltimore & Ohio ... 341; 34% { Bethlehem Steel "B". 563 573% ic. P. R. 11614 | Crucible Steel ...... $ | General Motors | Mexican Petroleum | Missouri Pacific { New Haven Northern Pacific .... 855 Republic Iron & Steel 66 Reading U. 8S. Rubber Royal Dutch (N.Y.). Southern Pacific St. Paul | Studebaker U. 8S. Steel 9534 14% 1914 Canadian Stocks. Brazilian Brompton €anada Bread Candda Cement Canada Steamships Cons. Smelters Dominion Steel Dominion Textile . General Electric ........ 105 bid Maple Leaf 145 bid {National Breweries ...... 53 bid N. Y. Exchange .... 13 Riordon 140 bid Captured a Butterfly, ° Nr. Patton, of Patton's Dye Works, Princess street, to-day cap- tured a yellow butterfly. of year, and causes Mr, Patton to insist that summer has eome to the upper part of Princess street. i ---- Presented $60,000. Halifax, Feb, 9.--A subscription {of $60,000 by S. M~Brookfield, Hali- | fax, to the University of Mount Alli- | son was anncunced at a meeting of | local workers. The campaign or be- half of the college begins tomorrow. Little Lady Oranges At fifteen cents, are all sold for this week-end. larger orange at 20c. dozen. novsky's. Car- The death occurred at Beauvoir manor, St. Louis road, of Elizabeth Frances MacPherson, widow of the late Hon. R. R. Dobell, and daugh- ter of the late Hom. Sir D. L. Mac- Pherson, of Toronto. Mrs. Dobell had attained her seventy-sixth year, | | A splendid entertainment was giv- en at the Home for" the Aged, om | Tuesday evening, by the Charity Circle of King's Daughters. The lad- jes were talented; an excellent musi- cal programme wus rendered. It is understood in military circles that a regular camp will be held for training purposes at Valcartier this year. A smart wife can handle*her hus- band in such 2 way that she'll make the poor boob imagine that he is the boss Colon Archer, designer of the fam- | ous polar exploration ship, "Fram," $ any & princess hae» oi Many a has a slave for a mother, ; : Ly _- Montreal Gazette Gore | who" has been | b3 | come up! {from Montreal on Safurday to play | Mr. and Mrs. Elmeg_Davis, Syden- " | public 159 3%. | BEALE TR TF PIPER + ded dbo dd bh (This is | {an unusual occurrence for this time | We can give you a, ! + § CHINESE FAMINE Funo} The following subseriptions have been received by the Whig : Mrs. Ernest McCallum A. 'K. $ Sunday Morning Bible Class, Y.M.CA, Mrs. H. M. Spafford °) Rev, G. A. Bell ADVISES GOVERNMENT TO GO TO THE PEOPLE Declares That Time is Ripe for a Test of Strength. Montreal, Feb: 9. --Under the cap- | tion "Why not an appeal," the Mont- real Gazette, one of the Meighen gov- ernment"s most influential suppor- | ters, urges editorially upon' the fed- | eral govefnment the advisability of | {a general election after the supply bill has been proceeded with. The | Gazette says in part: | 'The bye-elections won by the gov-| ernment mean merely the retention ! of seats and indieate no new popular | confidence, while the contested seats, like East Elgin and West Peterboro, have swung to the opposition, and weakened to that extent the strength of the ministry. . It happefls- that at the moment the time is pro- piticus for an election, save that sup- plies have not been voted. "ta The advice we have to give to the | government is to proceed with the supply bill and then permit the elec- torate to express its preference for parties in order that stable admini- stration and confident policy may be carried on, certain; the life of the ministry hangs by a thread; and under this circumstance strong and effective ad- ministration of affairs is impossible." LATEST AFTERNOON NEWS On Friday afternoon the public accounts will be brought down by Hon. Peter Smith, provincial treas- urer.. It is expected that these will show a deficit of about two million' dollars for the past year. On Tues- | day next Hon. Mr. Smith will speak on the budget. - | | The Ontario department of educa- tion may eliminate from its auth- {orized reading books for the Ontario | schools, the naval history, | "Flag and Fleet," by Colonel Wil- | | liam Wood, Quebec city. - This work | {has been criticizgd as "both inacoy- [rate and insulting." i | Hon. Walter Rollo told a deputa- | {tion from the Ontario builders' ex- | change that there would not be any | attempt during the present session | of the legislature to increase the al- lowances now made to injfired work- | jen under the provisions of the | Workmen's Compensation Act. | | Immediate dismissal of J. P. Jack- | son, superintendent of the Queen | | Victoria, Niagara Falls park, and | ian investigation into the administra- | {tion of P. W. Ellis, chairman of the | park cemmission, is demanded in a | petition signed by more than seven | hundred residents of Niagara Falls. | | | -* BRITISH EMPIRE OFFICE ISSUES A DENIAL London, Feb. 9.--The for- eign office to-day issued a statement declaring to be with- out foundation the reports pub- + lished in the United States, Tuesday, to the effect that an official of the foreign office # had uttered a warning of in- + creasing seriousness of Anglo- # American relations. J *| [Ped ede t pr reer ere | | DAILY MEMORANDUM: Band at the Palace Rink to-night. | Princess St. Church Valentine Tea | and sale, Friday, Feb. 11th, from 3-7 p.m. "HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS { MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. BORN. | BONGARD--In Kingston Geheral Hos: | pital, February sth, 1821, {0 Mr. and! Mrs. H. J. Bongard, a daughter, FULTON---In Kingston, on February 7 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Fulton, 73 Stephen street, a daughter (Maude). odo oe ode ode de ob ob pe DIED. GRACE--In Kingston, Feb. 6th, 1921, Reta Jean Grace, age one month, ~ihree days; infant daughter of Mr and Mrs, IF. J. Grace, 37 Mack sireet. Funeral was held Monday from resi- dence to St. Mary's Cemetery. HARTRICK--In Pprismouth, on Sth, 1821, John Hartrick, eighty-three years. Funeral private from his late residence, Portsmouth, on Thursday afternoon at two g¢'clock to Cataraqui Ceme- tery. 4 CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. N. Henry Maclean and SOfS~ Wish to express their apprecia- tion of the heartielt sympathy extend- ed to them by relatives, friends and neighbors in many various ways dur ing the hos of fliness and in their be reavemend of their dearly beioved Wil- ie. d Feb aged J A MES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers. and 256 PRINCESS STREET. Phcne 147 for Ambul nce. ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker. Phone 577. 230 Prince... Street. M: P. KEYES . Underta_.er and Embalmer, Undertaking Par.ors. 228 Princess St, i Am Phone 1839. JOHN @ORNELIUS Undertaker and Embaimer i: 274 Princess Street The situation is now un- | v | SR LAIDLAW'S THURSDAY BULLETIN VALUE GIVING ITEMS These February offerings bring the awaited opportunity to purchase immediate needs-- at most substantial savings--Dbe- cause of new prices, lowered on account of new market condi- tions. With the items named here as guide women can quickly. make lists of their requirements :-- BLEACED BED SHEETING? yards wide for double beds; good Canadian makes; free from dressing 49c., 62¢c. yard SPECIAL CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON--Best Canadian makes _ --Wabasso brands--40, 42, 44, 46 ins. wide . .42c., 50c., 60c. yd. WHITE CANADIAN COTPON --in good, strong makes; 36 inches wide "tessa aan, : 19¢. and 25c¢. yd. ENGLISH COTTON---Free from dressing; in light and heavy makes; width 300s. ............ .40c. and 50c¢. yard. EXTRA FINE MADAPOLAM COTTON--generally used for un- dergarmerts. Yardwide ... ..... .. 35¢. yd. NAVY BLUE SERGE ALL WOOL--42 ins. wide . Price $1.50 yd. NAVY BLUE ENGLISH SERGE al] wool; 56 inches wide: extra valuegprice ...... termed dinar. ia. 32.00 yard BLACK MESSALINE SILK--be autiful dress weight! 35 ins. wide. Price /........ Ereriiaseiransis saab ve. $108 vad LADIES' WINTER COMBINAT IONS--long, short and no sleeves: 'ankle and knee length. Priced ......... aves. $2.25 to $3.50 WOMEN'S KNITTED DRAWERS. Knee ard ankle length. Col- ors Natural and White. Price . 90c. to $2.00 pr. WOMEN'S BLACK CASHMERETTE HOSE -- all sizes. Priced at... «s+ ve... .40c. a pair WOMEN'S BLACK CASHMERE HOSE fine grade; all wool, Priced ......>. "se en Sevres srs rset bea. SB.e ses 000.000 000000 a0 THURSDAY, SPECIAL SALE - SERGE, GABERDINE, TRICOTINE (NAVY ONLY) SERGE Reg. Price Sale Price $5.50 all wool $3.50 | GABERDINE | TRICOTINE 35:55 all wool $3.30, 35:50 all wool $3750 i . all woo . . all woo . ora a wool 33.0 $6.50 all wool $4.25 $5.95 all wool $3.90 $7.00 all wool $4.50| $7.00 all wool $4.50] $6.50 all wool $4.25 $9.50 all wool $5.50 $7.50 all wool $4.75 | $7.00 all wool $4.50 54 to 58 ins. wide. {52 to 56 inches wide | 52 to 56 inches wide. ' John Laidlaw & Son, Limited .. $1.00 pair. : ] Ee ------------ a SOMETHING SPECIAL For This Week Ladies' Brown Calf Oxford -- Welt sole; semi-Brogue; a stylish, service- ~ able Shoe. Worth $10.00. Selling this week | $6.95 HHH O00

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