Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1921, p. 4

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A Quick Relief for Headache Aheadacheis frequently caused bybadly digested food; the gases and acids resulting therefromare absorbed by the blood which in turn irritates the nerves and causes painful symptoms called headache, neuralgia, rheuma- tism, etc. 15 to 30 drops of Mother I's § will correct fanlty digestion afford relief. --td nm / Mattresses Don't throw away your old Mattresses ate kinds and 1s ke t 1 58 guod as new 2etl oir prices. Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone £100w. tt | woop Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO. Foot West Street Phone 133. First, Doctors =~ Then a Skin Specialist FRONTENAC | DESERT LAKE. | Feb. 4.--The sleighing is fine ahd {on the lakes is good siedin The | men are busy hauling logs and lum- {ber. James Campbell has moved into {his new home. Mr. Derbys! called to Kingston on a bu | Visitors: Mrs. Clark at Stuart Lea- mon"s; Mr. and Mrs Hamil- | ton at Willlam Albertson's; William {Wilson at his father's, James Wil- Geo json. Mrs. E. Page is on the sick list with a cold; Mrs. Babcock is not im- | | proving much. Mrs. W. Albertson is cm the sick list. Little Morrill Snook {has been sick for some time with a jeold. J. J. "Abrams is putting an extra | jgang of men in the mi . Great | praise is due to our mail man, who, {storm or shine is always on time. HOLLEFORD. Feb. 7 {hauling spar for a while, i & fewr-days last week with his son at 1 Belleville. Miss Shay has returned af- {ler spehding a week with relatives at {Harrowsmith, The Synday school was iteken up yesterday ana large num- | {bers attended the services at Har- rowsmith, the men meeting at the Paul's Methodist church, while | the women worshipped in the Metho {dist church. 4°. Babcock and family | visited at L. Baker's, Harrowsmith, i recently. Quite a number from here |aftéended the meeting at Sydenham in the interests of the condensery. | St. ZEALAND. Countryside, | The miners have ceghed | but are! busy at the pit. G. T. Babcock spent | "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. The "Flu" will certainly get a Warm reception this winter if it dares show its ugly head in our peaceful midst, for the people are confident now that they can deal ft sucha smashing blow it will never survive, In every village, town and city in Canada, families are fortifying them- selves with the greatest "Flu" am- munition known to science--Buok- ley's Bronchitis Mixture. Colds, coughs, ete.--the advance guards of u--are met with withering fire, and | relief from these troubles is sure every time. One hundred thousand Canadians are only too willing to tes- tify to the great healing power this remedy contains. It has conquered coughs of 35 years' standing. It can- not fail to do for you what it has done for others. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose, as it is sold under a money-back guarantee to banish coughs, colds, bronehitls, bronchial asthma and preveat you from getting the "Flu." It is not a syrup, but a scientific mixture, 20 times stronger than any other cough cure. One dose gives instant relief. Price, 75 cents. Take no substitute, None genuine without my signature, | Ask yonr druggist a Seld in Kingston. by : Mahood's Drug Store T. H, Sargent F. J. Hoag A. G. Harris J. B. McLeod and other 'rellable drug stores. Soperton. (George e Sunday visi- Mrs. ;G. Roddick, Danby, Lyndhurs tors at H. Slack Prince Edward SALEM. Feb. 5.--In Belleville on Wednes- | day the death occurred of Arclen L. | Blakely, only son of Mr. and Mrs. » THE "FLU" EVENTS AT SYDENHAM BEWARE OF Dare Not Return High 8chool "At Home"-- Play Presented by the Dramatic Club. Sydenham, Feb. 7.--On Friday "evening the high school assembly hall presented a gay and most at- tractive appearance on the occasion of the annual "At Home," given by the staff and students. Many form- er students at the school, besides out- , of-town guests, attended the func- | Dancing commenced at eight | | o'clock, music being furnished by | Light | tion. | Allen's orchestra, Kingston. | refreshments were served during the evening. The patronesses were Mrs [J. Duff, Miss Hunter, Miss Morrow jand Miss Tovell. The committees in | charge of the procedure looked well | after their work, and added much to | the enjoyment of the many who were | present. : | "The Young Village Doctor," the | Sydenham Dramatic Club's play, was { presented here last Wednesday ev- ening in Wesley hall. The hall was | crowded. The play was given In go)d | form, and scarcely a hitch occurred | during the whole performance. The cast of characters was well made, Between acts music was furnishéd by the Novelty Six orchestra. The stage settings were well looked after, and | the electric foot-lights sbowed off | the actors to advantage. The con- cert was arranged by the Women's i this added to the effactiveress, | | | Institute. in the village on Wednesday evening when news reached here that the | local hockey team had beaten Ver- | ona. The game was a crucial one, and the local boys did well to come cout with flying colors. Regarding | the talk of the ineligibility of one {of the players the club feels fairly | certain of its position, and does not | believe it violated any rule. Miss L. Foster left last Tuesday | | | There was considerable jubilation | BRONCHITIS EL ------ | Bronchitis is generally caussd by | neglecting a cold, or exposure to wet {and inclement weather. It begins with a tightness across the chest, dif-| ficulty in breathing, and a wheezing | sound comes from the lungs, There | | is a raising of phlegm, especially the | first thing in the morning. This is at | first white, but later becomes of a | greenish or yellowish color and is| occasionally streaked with blood. | On the first sign of bronchitis you | should check it immediately by us-| ing Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, | thereby prevent it becoming chronic, | and perhaps developing into some |amore serious lung trouble. [ Mrs. Brice Culham, Sheffeld, Ont., | writes: --"In December, 1919, I was | very sick with bronchitis, and had to stay in the house all. winter. One day I saw Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup advertised, so I got a small bottle which-helped me very much; {1 then got a 60c. size, and it complete- | ly relieved me.. I cannot praise "Dr. Wood's" enough for what it did. Two | of my neighbors are now using it for | colds." | Don't accept a substitute for Dr. | Wood's Norway Pine Syrup; the gen- | ulne is put up in a yellow wrapper; [three pine trees the trade mark; price 35c. and 60c.; manufactured | only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, | Toronto, Ont. A ~~ SALE OF PROPERTY. | The Noxon Farm Goes to Mr. Ross, Smithfield. Wellington, Feb. 5.--The pipeless furnace is all the rage here. T. M. Nash has put in some eighteen fur- inaces. The Prince Edward Oil Company has resumed ' business again. *Our coal dealer, Arthur Thomas, has taken over the business. | | Mrs, A. Williams and daughter, To- | ronto, are the guests of Arthur and Mrs. Goodmurphy. C. G. Burkley is visting his parents here. Alex. Tate | returned from Detroit, after spending NEWS FROM ThE had reached bis eighty-ninth year. | Carleton Place, at the home of her | Francis Richardson, son of Mr. and DISTRICT Culied From the Whig's Many Bright Exchanges--Brief Items Full of Interest. J. M. Quinn has been appointed assessor at Carleton Place at $325 year. . \JAlbert Vandusen has purchased the Judge Merrill property on Hill Street, Picton The marriage of Mary Ina Jones to Stanley H. Brown, both of Belle- ville, was solemnized, Feb. 5th. Alfred Casselmad has been instal- | led as postmaster of Williamsburg in succession to the late W. C. Strader. | The death occurred in Ottawa on | Tuesday of Mrs. Fanny Jackson, wi- | dow of Joseph Jackson, a former | resident of Brockville. Mrs. Haley, an aged resident of Prescott, had the misfortune to fall on a cement walk on Friday, severe- ly fracturing her hip. The death took place at North Augusta, on Wednesday, of John Kyle, a much respected resident who On Thursday, at Brockville, Rev. J. B. Saunders united in marriage Sherwood Elliot and Miss Elizabeth White, both residents of Sherwood Springs. The O'Connor estate have dis- posed, of their property on Horton street, Renfrew, to John Logan, who has been living in the house for some time. The death occurred suddenly in Winnipeg, an Jan, 26th, of Janet, relict of the late David Walsh, of son, R. B. Craig. At Mount Royal College, Calgary, Alta., on February 1st, William Mrs.J. F. Richardson, Maitiand, died in his twen'y-first vear. At the Methodist parsonage, Lyn, on Feb. 3rd, the marriage took place of Samuel H, Dunster to Miss Lula | Etta Hendry, older daughter of Al-| WEDNESDAY, FEB. 0, 1091, RESULTS LEAVE NOTHING LACKING The results obtained from takin VITAL, the great long tested oy and nerve tonic, have always proven highly gratifying. Letting right down to the root of most ailments VITAL so completely nourishes the organs. of the body, their proper functioning is but a logical result. Thousands of anemic, bloodless women, veritable "bundles" of nerves, have been hourished back to perfect health, able to fulfil their life's responsibilities, through the use of VITAL. Likewise, prematurely aged men have been rejuvenated, re. strengthened and restored to youthe ful health. Vital can be secured at all druggists, price 50 cts. For Sale By Mahood Drug Co. Clear Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap and Talcum far Qasim Re mt Stymie PUT STOMACH IN FINE CONDITION Says Indigestion Results From an Excess of Hydrochloric Acid. Undigested food delayed in the stomach decays, or rather, ferments the same as food left in. the open air, says a noted authority. He also tells us that Indigestion is caused by Hy- per-acidity, meaning, there is an ex- cess of hydro-chloric acid in the stomach which prevents complete di~ gestion and starts food fermentation. Thus everything eaten sours®in the stomach much like garbage sours in a can, forming acrid fluids and gases which inflate the stomach like a toy baloon. Then we feel a heavy, lumpy misery in the chest, we belch up gis, we eructate sour food or have heart- burn, flatulence, water-brash or nau- sea. He tells us to lay aside all diges- Then abottleof D.D.D. | 'We shall publish every week for the benefit of skin sufferers in this section, a few worde | written by Canadian people --some of ther of | Jrominenc--all heartfeit stories of relief from ble suffering. A sentence or two from a jeiler from J. W. Corns, $8 Melbourne Ave., Toronto, a man of fine . "1 have been a sufferer for two with eczema oh th. legs and ankies, § jed three or four different doctors. 1 went to Hh. Blakely, Consecon. He had been | ill only a week of pleural-pneumonia. | for her home in London, where she Deceased was born in Salem, and had | will take a rest to recover from her spent his life here until about three | illness. or four years ago when he gave up | The condensery has added a new farming and moved to Belleville, en- | whistle to its establishment, which gaging in the insurance business. | serves both as a warning to its em- His work was attended with much | ployees, and as a guide for the time- a week with his son George, who is | assoclated with the National Detroit | Bank. L. K. Shourds has purchased | "Cosy Nook" from Jack Shourie, and | Mrs. Grier, formerly of Kingston, has engaged it for the coming summer, | Her many friends are looking for- | ward for her coming, bert Hendry, all of Mallorytown. tive alds and instead get from any On January. 21st the 'marriage | pharmacy four ounces of Jad Salts took place quietly at Iroquois, of | 2nd take a tablespoonful in a glass Ada, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, | Of Water before breakfast and drink James Lapierre, Iroquois, and George | While It 18 effervescing and further- Charland, of the GT.R a 'E more, to continue this for a week. ar'and, of the G.T.R., Brockviile. | ywyj)e relief follows the first dose, it Harry J. Fox, who for several ||s important to neutralize the acid- Feb. 6.--The farmers are busy drawing pulp-wood to Ungava siding. The many friends of G. H. Garrett are pleased to see him around again after a severe attack of tonsilitis. [ Mrs. William H, Garrett and little son, Roscoe Lyle, have arrived home ® skin specialist. All of no usc. | doilar bottle of D. D. D.~thai isall. am perfectly well." if you wish to : that Mr. Corns Partie. n ® ZHE Totlon for Skin Mahoot's Drug Store, Kingston used or" Todat ¥ try a bottle of this Prescription oa 0 rema: kable we will guarantoe relief on the first iwttle or vour . Mop that itch today. $00 & D. D. D. Soap, too, ' ID. Auto Tops recovered and cush- fons repaired. New 'Celluloids and glass lights sets in side and back curtains. FS Covers and Boat Tops and all kinds of general repairing. R. H. Jones 390 PRINCESS STREET Phone 152. DONT SUFFER WITH NEURALGIA Use Soothing Musterole When those sharp pains go shooting through your head, whea your skull seems as if it would split, just rub alittle Musterole on your temples and neck. It dr out the jnlauiation, Soothes away the pain,usuallygi quickrelief, Musterole is te ointment, made with oil Better than aclean, of mustard. Phone 409, Salmon---reg. 2%¢. 5 tins for $1.10 Macaroni 10¢. per package Eggs being scarce, use Bird's Egg substitute SPECIAL! White Beans----hand pilcked-- d | evening by the Swiss Bell ringers was largely attended by residents Thermogene generates heat, relieves by M direct action through pores and blood ves- se! | after spending a week with friends near Kingston. Mrs. T. Garrett and daughter, Myrtle, also Gracie Mec- | Veigh, are on the sick list. ¥. E. | Garrett, who has been working ai | Bethed, spent Sunday at home. Wil- liam Rutherford, J. R. Ferguson and sister Leta, Pine Shade, spent Thiirs- | Disease | day evening at a skating party at | | Lake View farm. B.S. No. 3 has se- | cured Miss White, Prescott, for tea- {cher. Mr. and Mrs. F. Giddings spent | Sunday at D. Buchanan's, Thomas Garrett made a flying visit to D. Rid- | dell's, Robertsville, one day this week. Chandler & Jones Co. have secured all the team's they want. Visitors: John White, Victor Eng- lish, The Misses Muriel and Lula Warington, H, McCharles, Muriel 8. Cubbage at T. Garrett's, ARDEN. Feb. 7.--The funeral of the late Oakland Card, son of Mr. and Mrs. { Hiram Card, of thls place, who died iat Chaumont, N.Y., on Jan. 28th, was Lield on Feb. 2nd. Interment was at | Brownville, N.Y. The late Mr. Card was born in Arden where his early life was spent. About fourteen years ago he moved to Chaumont, N.Y. He married Miss Mildred Phelps, daugh- {on July 4th, 1914. He was a member of Chaumont Grange. The late Mr. Card bad been in {ill-health for the past three years. Surviving besides the widow and parents are three chil- drén, Inez, aged five years, Earl aged three, and Benjamin, aged two, One brother, Leonard, who lives in Laura, Sask., seven sisters, Misses Jennieand Olive at Arden; Marjorié, Cleveland, O.; Mrs. Claud Myers, Cleveland, O.; Mrs. Fred Stander, British Columbia; | Mrs. Danlel Fisher, Watertown, N. Y.; Mrs. Marcus McFarland, Depau- ville, N.Y. The father and mother were at the funeral returning home Friday, 4th. The sorrowing friends have the sympathy of this commu- nity in their bereavement. The late Mr. Card was a prosperous farmer at one time but owing to ill-health had to quit. He will be remembered by a great many in this locality. LEEDS ter of Benjamin Phelps, Brownville, | success and his early passing is a great regret to a large circle of friends. He was nearly thirty-seven years of age, and besides his parents and one sister he leaves a wife, for- merly Miss Edith Ward, Consecon, three sons, Reginald, Ronald and Malcolm, and a daughter Mary, Much sympathy is extended to the {bereaved ones in their great loss. | Glenburnie News. ' | Glenburnie, Feb. 5.--The United Dairymen"s Co-operative Society held a meeting in the public school- | house last Tuesday night. Mr. Mar- tin gave an interesting talk on co- operative cheese selling. The U.F.W.O, held a successful euchre and dance Wednesday even- ing. Those present played euchre till ten o'clock and then danced till one o'clock. . : A. Bruton had a bee, drawing hay. H. Bruton is home, after spending some time in Kingston. Mrs. Lillian Coulter was taken to the General Hospital on Tuesday last. A number from here went to the dance at Inverary, Thursday night. The public school is progressing | favorably under the management of | Miss Cochrane. M. Daly had the misfortune to hurt his foot while sawing wood at Mr. Gamble's, large number attended the funeral of -the late Mr. McConville, Catara- qui. : Hockey at Westport. Westport, Feb. 7.--The big hock- ey match played on the lake rink Saturday afternoon between West- port and Newboro resulted 1 to 1. Two wéeks ago they played on New- boro rink and the score was 2 to 2. Mrs. W. Begley has returned home after spending the past month in the , west. Mrs. M. A. Dooher, Lombardy, spent the week-end with relatives here. Reeves A. C. Bradley and G. 8. Duncan were in Brockville last week attending counties' council meeting. Mrs. John Seanlan was a Kingston visitor last week. Frank Egan, Lansing, Mich., is spending a few days in twn. Wilfred Fredenburg left last week for Horn Payne, where he has secured a good position. Mrs. David Ain is visiting friends in Mont- real. Mrs. J. R. Breakenridge is | visiting friends in Ottawa. CAINTOWN Feb, 4. --Sleighing is goed and the farmers are hauling wood. A large number attended the sale at Mrs. Powell's on Friday. Stock and farm implemennts went for the highest prices. C. J. Imerson, of Lyn, w the auctioneer. Mrs, James Watson is on the sick list, Mrs. E. C. Webster, Luynhurst, is visiting at W. A. Graham's for a few days. Ken- days with friends in New York state. Frederick Moore spent Friday last in Brockville. The concert given in the hall at Mallorytown on Saturday from this vicinity. Mrs. Eli Tennant was in Brockville for a few days last week. - : CHARLESTON. neth Leeder is enjoying a few holi- Feb. 7.--W. Heffernan, Kingston, © MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Al Never § carries its point. argue with a wasp; it al- was a visitor at his home here over Sunday. R. Foster, Brockville, was a visitor here for a couple of days last week and he, with Mrs. Foster, at- tended the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Foster at Glen Morris, on Friday evening. W. Halliday had his sale on Friday; everything sold high. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Halliday, Brockville, spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Halliday. Miss May Latimer has teen visiting in Athens. E. Foster, Glen Morris, has been drawigg wood for R. Foster. E. Dandy and Mrs. F. Modler, Landsdowne, and Mr. and pleces in the village. { A social evening for the young | | people of the Methodist church was | | held in Wesley hall on Friday night. | The attendance was good, and every- | one voted the evening a success. | Games in which all could indulge great enjoyment. Refreshments were served toward the close, { Justice was happily done. | Ing's entertainment was brought to a conclusion by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" and "God Save The King." Two runaways occurred on' Friday sulted from either of them. One team of horses started from the grist mill, with the wagon: full of bags, and came up the street till they reached the Union hotel, when they turned up Wheatley street, and did not stop till halted by some boys at the public railway station, and in this the sleigh was damaged to some extent. Mr. Garvin, Belleville, was a re- cent visitor with his paients here. Mrs. E. B. Lytle spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Tovell, last week. Among the week-end visitors here were: Miss Ruth Read, Queen's, Kingston, with Prjends; Miss Aloy- ents; Frank Roche, Wolfe Island, with his mother; Miss Marion, Clow, Ottawa, with her parents, A number from here attended the hockey match at Harrowsmith Sat- urday afternoon, where Verona turn- gd out the winner. _Mr. and Mrs. Quinn, Burridge, are vikiting with the latter's mother, Mrs. Freemon. Quarterly sacremental service was observed in Grace Meth- odist church on Sunday morning, and was characterized by a very large at- tendance. A reception service was also held, and twenty-two united in membership with the church. Addington Agricultural Society. The annual meeting of the Adding- ton Agriculiural Society was held in Centreville with a god attendance present. The society is in a good thriving condition. The following officers were elected: Hon. President--J. B. Aylesworth, President--A. W. Milligan. 1st Vice President--R. J. Hannah, 2nd Vice President--John Cassidy. | Sec.-Treas.--Geo. A. McGill Manager--E. W. Lochhead. Directors--Fred. Brown, W. J. Mc- | Gill, Clarence Hannah, Jos. Cavan- | augh, Jos. Tate, Leo. Flynn, Wilbur { Wilson, P. J. Murphy, Anson Me- | - | Keown. Associate Directors---Morley Huff- man, A. C. Tummon, W. C. Loyst, Henry Young, Thos. McNeely, Sam- uel Miller, Fred McDonald, Bert. Elliott, Elmer Alcombrack, W. W. Redden, Elgin Vannest, Jos. Dillon, Jas. Fisher, Johnston Cousins, John W. Reid, Clarence Lochhead, Edw. Harrison, Mrs. 0s. Brown, Mrs. C. E. Breault, Mrs. Jos. Tate, Miss Eva Cassidy, Mrs. Grover Wagar. Inverary Jgas Band. I .Inverary, Feb. 5.--Miss £me fun. "I ter, Miss Gertrude Gibson and Miss Vera Calvers are visiting friends in Kingston. Tle oftering for the China famine suffsrers came to $61.17. The members of the dramatic club are getting up the play "Miss Burby's Boarders," to be given probably this month. If you are driving within a mile or $0 of Inverary and hear music you cannot locate, if it is good and strong and you are no' sure about its sweet- ness, you may decide it is the Inver- ary Jj d practising. It will be heard from later in its full efficiency. After putting up a bluff a man is sure to stumble over it. | were played for several hours with | to which | The even- ! afternoon, but nothing serious re-| schiool. The other happened near the | shia Hogan, Kingston, with her par- | Mr. and Mrs. John Peters, who sold out their property here, are now in Detroit, having purchased a beau- tiful residence there. The price pald | was $8500, Mrs. Marjorie Herrington |is home from Oshawa for the win- | ter owing to the ill-health of her | mother... Miss Morton has returged to Toronto after spending ne | | weeks in Wellington. Mrs. (Rev.) Robbins returned from a visit at her mother's and sis- | ters, Little Brittain. Mrs. N. | Rorke is visiting at Cressy. Roy Mor- | rison has purchased the property owned by the = late Phoebe Good- murphy. Mr. Ford has purchased the | Frank Wier property. Real estate | is at a premium, not a house empty. Mrs. Wilson Ireland, Lake Shore road, sntertained the Ladies' Ald of {| Wellington. Mrs. W. W. FitzGerald 1s at Toronto visiting her son, Har- | old. Mr. Ross, Smithfield, has purchas- {ed the Samuel Noxon property. Mr. | Noxon sold this property for$9,600, | the house costing $7,000, barns, $3,- 1500 aff'd 70 acres of as good land as | is in the county. Over 1,100 barrels | of fine apples were sold from the or- | chard this year. Mr. Ross paid $17,- | 000 for the farm, some implements and live stock. - It goes to show what | real estate is worth. years was in the employ of the J. J. Haines' Shoe House, Napanee, has purchased the shoe business of the late T. H. Rumford, Georgetown, and taken possession. The funeral took place at Strath- roy on Sunday of Miss Nellie Mar- garet Miller, superintendent of the Ross Memorial hospial, Lindsay, and formerly superintendent of the Brockville General hospital. George Williams, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams, Tam- worth, was married on Jan. 25th, in Napanee, to Miss Sarah Irwin, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, Tamworth. E. B. Sheffield, who leaves. Pem- broke to accept a position with the ity, remove the gas-making mass, start the liver,.stimulate the kidneys and thus promote a free flow of pure digestive juices. » Jad Salts 'is inexpensive and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia and sodium phosphate. This harmless salts is used by thousapds of people for stomach trouble with excellent re- sults. LEARY NY HDRES AGENCY FOR ALL Goodwins Ltd, Montreal, was pre- sented with an address and an appropriate gift by the Methodist church choir, of which he had been a valued member. . Eva Grace Campbell, wife of Robert Stanley Riddell, Admaston, died in, Victoria Hospital, Renfrew, Tuesday morning, following an operation which was performed Sat- urday evening. The deceased was born in Admaston twenty-four years ago. Discovered an Honest Thief. Sioux City, Iowa, Feb. 8. -- F. D. Hass, railroad yardmaster, who was held up and robbed of $12 the other night, declares that he has discover- ed an honest thief. He found the following note at his office: "I'm the fellow who robbed you. I was broke and out of a job and my wife and kids were going hungry. But I got a job here and as soon as I get a little money ahead I will return what I stole from you." Hass said if he knew who the man was he'd give him "another $12 for being so honest." Lots of men wouldn't know what to do with their money if they should ever get out of debt. The love that never grows less is STEAMSHIP LINES cial attention given your "tamil; riends goihg to en returning (roo Old Country, For Information and rates J. P. HANLEY, apply to C.P, ana 1 Ontaro A GT. .. Kingston, Opn Tari BIg, on Williamson & Wellwood - Tailors ymnounce Special Reductions IN TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING Style and ft guaranteed. 30 MONTREAL STREET Two Doors From King Kdward Theatre Talking Machines All kinds of ree paired, cleaned, recharged and adjusted. Main and rnor springs for all makes iti stock. Quick service, expert workman. | Pp J. M. PATRICK 140 SYDENHAM 8ST. hone 205eJ. the love for money. cn -- Going Out Of - Business Sale iin as LAST HALF HALF PRICE

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