Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1921, p. 9

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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1021. THE | DAILY BRITISH From the Countryside lously ill js recovering. Mrs. William | Webster left today for a visit, with Itriends at l.ake Eiloida. George | Moulton had the misfortune to injure {his foot while at work In the bush. | Mrs. Thomas Patterson is gaining at TORPID LIVER | FOR OVER 4 MONTHS. The duty of the liver is to prepare and secrete bile and serve as a filter to the blood, cleansing it of all im- purities and poisons. } When the liver becomes laxy, slow | or torpid it is not working properly, | and does not supply sufficient bile to thoroughly act on the howels and carry off the waste products of the ORR nD. tha ile pois become | Pb. 9.--T. Babcock is engaged in | Knowlton bus sold his farm to Robt. Slogted aide > Sus and liver | drawing hay. Therc is good travell | Kearney, We regret his departure troubies follow. : {ig on the lake mow. A number of {from our midst. Candlemas day, as teams are engaged in drawing rock. [the old people tell us was an id- Milburn's Laxa-Liver ¥iils quickly : remove the secretions, cléar away tho {Some of the mines are :n operation. [eal one here and most people prediet an early spring. Richard Wells had waste and effete matter by ating di- - i rectly on the liver, and making the BELLROUK. | the mishap to fall on a lantern while bile pass through the howels instead T.~Messrs. Edward aud |doing chores at his buildings ana ot sliowing it to get tate the blood, ed from Toronto and [sustained bad cuts about the hands. AU ae on mall aroun, Ont,, |Aré opeiiing helr feldsfiar mind, {The annual milk mecting was held writes:--"] was very badly fun Purchased froMy John Jlmmous. [Saturday evening at Athens. A num- down, and had a torpid liver fof four | ¥rank Clark has\returced here after [por from here attended the party mouths. I tried several remedies, [spending some months at Canonto. | held st Addison, Friday night. Syducy Oramt has gone to visit his a but got no relief. One day my his- uand Lrought me home e vial of Mil. son, Harold, at Westbrook. , B. F. burn's Laxa-Liver Pills, and before | Revell was in tha city on Saturday. 1 had used half of it | was much bet- {Clafence Revell is receiving the eou- | LEEDS ter. 1 only used two als, and I am gratulstions of friends, hating suc- cessfully passed his marine examina- MORTON. Feb. 7.-~Mr. and Mrs. ¥red Quin- soy, Gananoque, and Mr. and Mrs. a different person to-day. 1 can safely recommend Laxa-Liv 1 pid MineAd Lana-Liver Pills to tions at Queen's University. Byron, Lansdowne, were rocent visit. ore at B. N, Henderson's. The buzs any one troubled with liver troubie." Milbhurn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 26¢. & vial at all dealers or maied di- rect on receipt of pricé by The T. Milbura Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. | of the sawing machine is heard in this locality, A number of the villagers are putting in ice. Miss El- len Smith and Miss Dier, Athens, were Sunday visitors at J. N. Somer- SAGE TEA BEAUTIFTES AND DARKENS HAIR Fi TR Don't Stay Gray! It Darkess So! Natorally That Nobody Can Tell. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ed- gers, Leeds, spent Sunday ai B. N. You can turn gray, faded hair oy y beautifully dark and lustrous almost Henderson's. Mr. and Mis. Als. over night if you'll get a bottie of Bfuce spent Sunday at W. G. Barl's, \Wyeth's Sa and" Sulpour Sots | Sevley's Bay. A number from here pound" at any drug store. Millions | attended thg hockey match nt West. of botiles of this old famous Sage port on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 'I'ea Recipe, improved by the addi- Sherman Norrie, Keelerville, called tion of other ingredients, are sold on friends in the village on Satur? annually, says a well-known druggist day. Miss Jennie York is spending a few days with friends at Jones' Falls. " Fo Can 3 BUNKER'S HILL. the Brockville hospital. Stephen Company QF (/} 1871 HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL VLD A 1921 Fab, Goats have JUBILEE YEAR ALF a century has elapsed since the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada issued its first policy in 1871. . The figures submitted herewith indicate the size, strength and outstanding position to which the company has att#ined among the life assurance institutions of the world, as a result of its operations during those first fifty years. - SYNOPSIS OF RESULTS FOR 1920 ASSETS Assets as at 31st December, 1920 . , , © 7 7 7 © Increase over 19190 . SNOW ROAD. Fed. 8.--The annual meetiog, of the congregation of the Presbyterian church was held on Tuesday evening. Jom Fair, Niagara. is visiting his sister, Mrs. D. Gemmili. Miss Haze! Dunean has returned te her home at McDonald's Cerners, after spending a wésk at A. Wecods'. Messrs. Wil- bert Trombiey and Ernie Millar Bave gone to Matheson. Mr. and Mes. Robert McGonegali have retursed from Flower Station, Misses Mars- bell Johnston and Bessie Kennedy tpent Baturday at Sharbot Lake. C. Kennedy in spending a few days at his home here, owing to {li-health. Mrs. Wright, Ottawa, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Duncan. $114,839,444.48 9,127,076.21 . . . . . . . . . . . INCOME Cash Income from Premiums, Interest, Rents, etc., Increase over 1919. . -,. , .., , | 28,751,578.43 in 199% § : © 3,047,377.33 PROFITS PAID OR ALLOTTED Profits Paid or Allotted to Policyholdersin 1920 , , . 7 § 1,615,645.64 : SURPLUS Total Suritus 31st December, 1920, over all Habilities and capitel , , . . , «ct : . $ 8,364,667.15 . . . . . M . According to the Com 's Standard, viz., assurances, the Orn (8) Tobie, with 1 Rad 3 par cont. Interest, and of annuities, . O. Select Annuity Tables with 8)4 per cent. interest). TOTAL PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS Death Claims, Matured Endowments, Profits, etc., during 1920 . Payments to Policyholders since organization . , . .- ASSURANCES ISSUED DURING 1920 Assurances issued and paid for in cash during 1920. . . Increase over 819, , , ,, [4 BUSINESS IN FORCE Life Assurances in force 31st December, 1920 . . Increase over 1919 , | | WOLFE ISLAND. Feb, 8---A grand assombly was held on Monday evening in the C.M.B.A, hall, under the manage- ment of Mrs. Edward Payne, presid- | ent of the ladies' auxiliary of the | Sacred Heart church, There were | about one hundred fia seventy cou- | ples in attendance. Music was fur- nished by Salsbury's five-piece or- | chestra, 'Kingston. Several violin se- lections were given during the even- ing by Miss Minnie Hogan and Peter Hogan, Mrs. Leo Spoor and brothers, Ed- ward, Hugh and John McLaren, Buf- falo, N.Y., are visiting their moth- er, Mrs. 8. McLaren, who has been ill. Sixty-five couples were present at the dance on Saturday evening In the C.M.B.A. hall. here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because aftec one or two applications the gray hair van- ishes and your locks become luxuri- antly dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth. Gray- haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth"s Sage and Sulphur Compound to-night and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few 'days. $ 10,960,402.00 102,187,934.30 ---- ----. tts LANARK FALLBROOK. Feb. 8.--The weather is very mild and spring-like. Rev. Mr. Férguscn, Lanark, took the sérvice in Playtfair- ville, on Sunday, for Rev. Mr. Mat- thews. Mr. McConnell is in this lo- cality in the interests of mines, it is expected that gome of them will open tp in the spring. Bert Karr and 'R. Anderson are attending the agricul- ture course in Lanark. A number from here attended the band con- cert in Perth last fight. The people have been busy hauling ice. R=Mun- ro, Maberly, spent a few days the guest of Ralph Walworth. $106,891,266.23 20,342,410.79 - $486,641,235.17 70,282.773.12 . . - . . . THE COMPANY'S GROWTH 90,461.95 473,632.93 2.473,514.19 10,486,801.17 38,164,790.37 114,839,444.48 --] 48,210.93 141,402.81 889,078.87 2,789,236.52 9,675,453.94 28,78! $95.43 ~~ tr $ Firewood. Large quantity of sound Rallway Ties tor sale cheap. Al tents réduced to clear, We need the room. lL. Cohen & Co.' COLE LAKE, Feb. 7.--The sawing machines of Thomas Butterill and Harvey Bab- cock, which have been operating in this vicinity, are finished. Ray, sec- ond son of Mr. and Mrs. Bdward Kennedy, who has been fll, is on the road to recovery. William Lee, GRANDMOTHER KNEW i 275 Ontario St. Phone 837, There Was Nothing So for Congestion as sang But old-fashioned aster burned and "acted. Get the relief f ening, and children St Thos, Howe's; Miss io reside, and Mr. and Mrs. Slinger- who had the misfortune of sprain- ing his ankle last week, is slowly im- Lennox. & Addington proving. Gerald Bull and A. Pearson, Moscow, spent Sunday at C. W. Ball's. Miss Eva Moon, Godfrey, is visiting at George Kennedy's. Miss Bessie Kennedy and Miss Eliza Jud attended the "At Home" given by he Sydenk. .. high school on Friday ev- Wesley Shillington, who is attending Sydenham high school, spent the week-end with his parents. Roy Butterill is sawing wood at Mos- cow. Mrs. Butterill has recovered from her recent illness, A M PARHAM, Feb. 7.--Howard Bertrim, To- Tonto, is at J. A, Goodfellow's; Mrs. A. Kennedy at W. D. Bertrim's Mrs. F. Wagar and Mrs. T. E. Wagar at Den Wagat's;. Mrs. .D. Goodfellow H. Gocdfellow at Tichborne; Mrs. A. Slingerland at J. Hannah's, Tich- herpe. B. Cornwall has purchased the iarm of Angus McLeod. Mr, and Mrs. McLeod are going to Tamworth sp of land will return to Winnipeg, Mrs. Alter and Mra. T. Swerbrick, Tich- borne, at M. Cronk's; Mr. and Mrs. W .Loueks are at G. R. Howe's, Wagarville; W. Goodfellow and familyat Wm. McCunber's, . Wagars ville. Mr. and Mrs. T. BE. Wagar and A. Babcock at T. Wagar's, Wagar- ville. Fred Barr, Oshawa, home for ing friends at Newb irgh. visitors were: Mrs. R. BE. Asselstine, MOSCOW. . Feb. 8.--J. Green, Petworth, has moved on he place vacated by H. Miss Nelli2 Allen !s visit- Week-end . Martin. rs. F. Cline and Gaca'd at Napanee, 'the auxiliary for thls month meets 2t the hums of Mrs. A. Bene J. I'at- terson was in Peterboro last waek owing to the death of B, Wagar. Har- ry Vanluven and family and Mri. G. Neely, of Napanee, spent Sunday at EB, ey match was played at Moscow be- tween Yarker and Moscow. The score Was 0 to 2 in favor of Moscow, Vanluven's. On Feb. 5th a hock- a -- CAMDEN EAST. Feb. 9.--R. .W. Longmore and Miss McGaughey visited hor sister at Deseronto recently. George Riley ent a day ln Napapee. The patrons the cheese Iactory met in the hall on Thursday last to arrange matters for the coming year. The oyster sup- per and dance given by the Orange. men of this vicinity was well attends ed. Mr. and Mrs. A. Parrott, Switzer. ville, at I. H. Stover's cn Sunday. W. J. Loucks spent a few days at Parhar:. Mr. Hannah, assessor fod Camden, visited this village on Mone day and Tuesday. Saveral frcm liere attended the quarteriy board at Vie- land F™Blakely were shocked to hear of his death at his home in Belleville on Thursday last. Mr. Blakely had been sick only a week with pleuro-pneumonia and was thought to be progressing toward récovery when his heart weakened and death came. Mr. Blakely was thirty-eight years of age and was district managér of Canada Life In- surance Co, for Hastings, Lennox and Prince Edward. He leaves be- sides his wife, four "children, his parents at Consecon and a sister at Trenton. Mr. Blakely's wife is a grand-daughter of Peter Burr of this place. The funeral was held on Saturday at Belleville under Ma- sonic direction. The annual social gathering of the ladies of the Home, Interest Clup was held at the home of Mrs. Webster Talcott, on Friday evening. The husbands of the ladies were invited along with other friends. A programme was furnish ed and refreshments served. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Wellington, spent sev- eral days at Webster Talcott's last week. Dr. White and wife, of Plc- fon, were guests at Homer White's last week. W. J. Gerow and wife are spending several weeks in To- ronto, Owing to the absence of snow the teaming of logs ahd wood is seriousiy interfered -with. The swamps are all frozen in good shape. "USE MAXOTIRES EASTERN OANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBBER CO., Free Alr Phoae 3050, SCOTT'S GARAGE Fk a quick buyer. WN RAGHT Rr Thone 1994w, SALE ALL LINES REDUCED BEFORE STOCK TAKING --BOOTS, SHOES --WARM FELT SLIPPERS ~--SLIPPERS, MOCCASINS. --CLUB BAGS & SUIT CASES II 'We must turn our stock into cash. This is an opportune time for you to secure a bargain in fine Footwear. The Sawyer Shoe Store 184 Princess St. 284 Ontarie St. Phone Store 159. / SUCCESSFUL REVIVAL SERVICES Held in St. Paslis Methodist Chureh, Hurrowsmilp. Harrowsmith, Feb. 7.~~The reviv- al services which have been in prog- ress Ic St. Paul's Methodist church for the past fifteen oe closed on Bunday wight. The ure was crowded to the doors long before gy the hour set for the service and matly could not obtain seats. The pastor, Rev. A. W. Stewart, was as sisted by J. J. Lindsay, of the Christ. {jan Men's Brotherhood federation. _ | These meetings have been a heip and | inspiration to all who attended. Rev, 2. Buck, Winfield, Kansas, whe has been with his father, D. Buck, for the pést two weeks, returns home oa Tuesday. G. E. Campbell has taken .| possession of his property, recemtly purchased trom Thomas Dowker. Mrs. J. 8. Gallaghan has returned from a visit with friends in Portland. The remains of the late Samuel Cow- dy, father of Thomas Cowdy, this place, will arrive ~ by C.P.R. from Mountain Grove; on Tuesday after moon, and will be placed ia the vault here. Miss Muriel Stewart spent the week-end with tylends at Albert Col- 1y's, Belleville. Mrs. B. 3 Kingston, was guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. J. Smith, last week. let, in the Methodist church. Sad News came (0 this village on Tuesday when we heard of the death of a re- turned soldier In the person of Harry Salsbury. He was gassed and never recovered trom the shotk. Much sym- pathy is felt for Als parents, broth. ers and sisters. We are glad to hear that Harry Robinsoh is Detter again. the week-and. | -- ND. DUE 10 ACDITY ! Fed. 6.--~The farmers are busy \ | arawing palp-%ood tc Ungara siding. Wells Safe, Certain, Speedy, Reliet For Acid Indigestion' The niany friends of G. H. Garrett are pitased to seo him around agaia - So-called stomath troubles, such | after a sévere aitack of ionsilitis. as indigestion, gas, sourneas, stom-| Mrs. Willlam H. Garrett and little acheache and inability to retin food are ip probably nine cases cut of ten, . Some Reasons Why You Should Buy a Used Car Now 1+We have reduced prices to present used car values, making we -- son, Roscoe Lrle, have arrived home sim evidence that excessive alter spending a week witha friends near Kingston. . Mrs. T. Garrett and tion of scid is taking place Jn the i stomach causing the formation u duighuar, Myrtle, alsé Gracte Mec Prince Edward eigh, are un the sick list. T. BE. Et 200 ROR upg GOTO 0. ae Neen norhing causes that tull oppressive burning | Bethed, spent Sunday at home. Wil- > > ---- feeling sometimes known as heart.' lam Rutherford, J. R: Ferguson and ' burn, while the acid irritates and in- | sister Leta, Pine Shade, spent Thurs- |. _ BLOOMFIELD. | Ch Tun Srouhis Rt CHARS a ros | Lone arta ® cbatieg purer at | Veh. 1.--The many friends of Arp ach. h e View . S.8, No. 3 has se- aztgasiva development or secretion of | cured Miss White, Prescott, for tea- . cher. Mr. and Mrs. F. Giddings spent we oop tt a) Sunday at D. Buchanan's. Thomas and to neutralize tho acid, and make Garrett made a flying visit to D. Rid- it bland and harmless, a teaspvontul : deil's, Robertavills, one day this of bisurated magnesia, a good and Week. Chandler & Jomes Co. have | alldelive cotrestor of acld Suiach, Jsured pi the Saas they want. au ea-1n a quarter of "a Visitors: John White, Victor Eng- Siass of bot or ald Waler AIC Ale jzp, The Misses Mursl abd Lute jag or whaneéver 200 or acidity Jo felt. This swetont the, ovariagion. H. MeChaties, Matin} 2. fiwten Sasa sey Ee in a few momarts and is a pe ty | er less and incapeasive remedy to WASHBURN'S CORNERS, harm} R15 Feb. T.--ideal' weatlior prevents An - antacid, such as bisurated | for the lumbermen in this vicinity. magnesia - which ca be obtalzed|Mr. and Mrs. Latayetts Washburn from any druggist in"eitker powder | were called to Merrickville owing to OF tablet form enables the stomach ing death of the latter's mother.|" to do its work properly without the ga. Stl Ne: ab aid of artifiial digestentn. Magnex ws] Hy natant Ssiéuding .onmes ia scvacal forms, s¢ certain Fr w pales 3 x - at 10 ack for -- culy nis pe | What visited . Reid recently, fe loss im from any conditions. ' now than will be on hand 2--We have a larger selection of used cars . e no reduction in new car prices--while increases are le. » . uying a used car, now based on to-day's valuation, from a reput- dealer, is absolute protection against loss from any conditions able of a new car is obtainable in a used car, at a greatly reduced price, if purchased from: -- 6--The same high grade - Haloes are very often seen around Ihe moon, and you may take it that are signs of atmospheric dis- turbance. An old saw goes: "Circle near, water far; ' Circle far, water near." " w pre- ; 5 Barnes, who has been wer-

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