THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1921. . NEENNEFESRNNNENRNNERNENENRCEAN! -- 'B J Ro A Send Her a Musical Valentine iY 1 2) ACH NE pA than the old style kind, and will likeiyou better for it. VALENTINE RECORDS Here's a few girls' names-- | pick out your:-- BETTY LEE--Waltz--Prince's Orchestra .. DOLLY, I LOVE YOU--The Happy Six ... MARGIE- Frank Crumit . ROSE--Paul Riese Trio.,................... ... A3352 There's lots more girls' names on Columbia Records. for yours. NEW HITS--JUST PUT ON SALE--THEY'RE GREAT Prince's Orchestra Plays I'll Be With You In Apple Blossom Time" --Medfey Waltz "Baby Dreams"--Medley Waltz June--Medley Fox Trot--Art Hickman's Orchestra Honolulu Eyes--Medley Waltz--Prince's Dance Orchestra Do you remember "CHILI BEAN." Columbia Record A2952. is yet, a big dance hit. successor, 0--8%1.00 It was and Here's its "TIMBUCTOO--Song Fox Trot Played by the invincible Paul Biese Trio--Columbia Record A3352 ~--$1.00. You'll sure like it. Get the Habit: "For Records Try Treadgold's First" Columbia and Brunswick Records. Store open. evenings till 8 p.m. . Saturday, 10.30 p.m. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 PRINCESS STREET Telephone 529. "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" 3 R SEEERENNNNRRNARENENNPARANEENEES hn MCALLISTER & DRAKE AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES EXPERT MECHANICS FOR ALL MAKES OF AUTOMOBILES. AGENTS FOR "WHITE ROSE" GASOLINE AND TORONTO GREAT ROLLS-ROYCE OIL 593 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1750. Phone Res. 1246J. THE MOTOR | Ww require your car to be equipped with a pair of NON-GLARE LENS --passed and approved by the pro- vincial government. We carry in stock the legal lens which com- plies with this law. | VanLuvenBros. Phone 1609, 34-38 Princess Street. "|i In the World of Sport Napanee Hockeyists | + Defeat the Queen's | . ' > 4 Science '22 Team A Napanee correspondent writes: | Queen's "22 Science team, Kingston, | | : | and Napanee played hockey sat the ! | She'll appreciate it far more! 1--$1.65 | --$1.00 | Come here | before a large crowd, and Napanee defeated Queen's by the score of 4 to 1. The ice was heavy and made puck carrying difficult. On numer- Ous occasions both teams broke away for nice rushes, but either overskat- ed the puck or kicked it. The ref- eree was right on his job, and very The Napanee hockey, and if : little escaped his eye team played good covered rink on Wednesday evening | | s | | i | anything had it over their opponents | would be hard to single out any play- | played clean hockey. Napanee was the first to score, Freddie Huffman doing the trick. ten seconds after the face-off, on a shot from close in. Freddie was hurt and had to retire for repairs, and McNeill replaced him. "Bo" seemed to take the eye of the crowd, as he was given a great reception when he came on. Play was up and down the ice, both teams having shots on goal. L. Spencer got away to a nice rush and kicked the puck when in a nice 'position in front of Queen's goal. Young and McNeill worked a combined rush, which resulted in Na- | panee's second goal, Young doing the trick, In the second period, Queen's fore- ed the play, and the puck hovered around Napanee's goal for some time The locals then made it hot for Queen's, and the visitors' goaler was forced to save several in succes- sion with a man short. Affleck, of Queen's broke through on a nice rush jand drew Steacy out of the net and scored. The ice became very heavy and for a time play lagged consider- ably. In the third period the Napanee paid more attention to combination and it soon got results. On a nice rush, Huffman scored on a pass from Young. Tully, of Queen's, went the full length of the ice, but Spenc- i er relieved nicely. Blute rushed and shot on goal, but his shot was wide. Queen's broke away for a three-man. fush but Napanee's de- i fence seemed hard to penetrate, and | McNeill back-checking, secured the | puck and rushed, but again had hard | luck. | the net, scored the last goal. The bell rang with the puck in Napanee's goal, \ The line-up: - Napanee-- Goal,* Steacy; defence, Loucks and L. Spencer; centre, Huffman; left wing, Young; right wing, I. Spencer; subs, Biute and McNeill. | --Queen's--Goal, Bleakney; defence, ! Tully; and Affleck; centre, Poyser; left wing, Handsuld; right wing, Bracken; subs., Wilson, ! and Taylor. 'Babcock land ! George Walters, of Napanee, ref- | ereed a hard game and was impartial | in his rulings. Bad Breath IS CAUSED BY CATARRH Canadians suffer more from Ca- {tarrh than from any other disease. On this account Catarrh is dangerous i and should be checked at the-outset. | It isn't necessary to take internal ! medicine to relieve Catarrh. There is a far better method. i Doctors now treat Catarrh by send- ing a purifying, healing vapor through the breathing organs. In this way the germs of Catarrh are destroyed. The only successful vapor treat- ment is CATARRHOZONE, which the patient breathes through a spe- cial inhaler to the real seat of the Joubls. The rich, piney essences of atarrozone, heal and soothe all in- flamed surfaces. They effectively treat the nose, throat, and lungs with a powerful antiseptic that de- stroys irritation at once. Catarrhozone brings into the sys- tem the balmy air of the pine fo It relieves completely colds, coughs, catarrh, weak throat, and bron- chitis. Once tried, Catarrhozone is always used. Nothing so pleasant, so simple, 80 quick to relieve. Accept mo substitute. Large size lasts two months, and costs $1.00; small size 650c; sample trial size 26c; at all dealers. : A er for conspicuous playing, as they all | 5 | Bave their best, and what is more, "Bo" secured the puck, how- | | ever, and on a scramble in front of | Thorburn | in skating and combination plays. It] THE LATEST IN | which crown forces in Ireland ARMORED CARS. Because of the numerous attacks by bombs and bullets to are being subjected, the auth- oriticshave adopted a unique means for protection o® auxili- ary police while on duty. The men travel about in armored cars, which have the appearance of traveling hen coops. The sides of thé cars are highly-tempered steel plates, high enough for the men to seek cover, and the entire car is covered with a heavy wire mesh as protection against bombs. The steel plates of the cars are of such strength that steel-jacketed bul- lets make but a dent in the plates. The photogrpah shows one of the cars on diify in Dublin. TO ARRANGE SCHEDULE. International Baseball League Meet- ing in New York, The schedule meeting of the Inter- national Baseball League will be held in New York next Monday and Tues- day. President MeCaffery, Treasurer Holman and Business Manager Knot- ty Lee will leave Toronto on Thurs- | day night for New York, where they will meet the new manager, Larry Doyle, and plans will be made for the spring training trip. The leafs will report at Columbus, Ga., on March 10th, and will have six weeks' training and exifibition games | before opening the championship sea- son at Baltimore on April 20th. Two games have already been arranged at Birmingham, Ala., and two with the Toledo Club at Augusta, Ga. CLAIM WORLD'S RECORD Toledo Horse Makes Mark in Ottaga Ice Races. Lawyer Swift, 2.09 quarter, the black pacer by Heir-at-Law, owned and driven by Harry Gray, of Toledo, { Ohio, won the five mile race, the fea- ture event in the ice races at Ottawa in 12.15 1-2. 'This is claimed to be {a world's record for the distance on either ice or turf. The Toledo horse | beat out Romala, own»r and driver, | James Stewart, Los Angeles, Cal., in | a neck and neck finish. There were | six horses in the race. First league football games play- | ed resulted as follows: Bradford City 1, West Bromwich i i { Old Country Football, i Aston Villa 0, Burnley 0. Liverpool 2, Manchester United 0. Newcastle 1, Chelsea 0. | In the Third league games Crys- | tal Palace defeated wrimsby 2 to 0 and Luton beat Reading 6 to 0. Scottish league game results were: Rangers 1, Raiti¥ 0. Dundee 1, Clydebank 0. Kilmarnock 3, Albion 1. Hamilton 1, Morton 0. Ayr 0, Airdrie 1. In a Scottish cup replay Midloth- ian and Clyde drew, no goals being scored. Quebec's New Race Tracks. The province of Quebec is threat- ened with new race tracks this year be surprising if a popular movement towards their suppression were start- ed. At least thre new ones in Hull, Quebec City, and across the River St, Lawrence from Montreal, are an- nounced. The latter is to be close to the Country and Golf Club on land supposed to be owned by the govern- ment. Protests are to be made on the ground of the crowds such places attract and the consequent lowering of the value of the adjoining proper- ty. - Toronto Globe: George Kennedy went up into the Northern Ontario Hockey Association in search of play- ing talent and returned to Montreal to report that he could not get any of the men he wanted. He says the stars are getting" well paid and de- cline to make the plunge into profes. sionalism. Are they, or is the owner of the Canadiens "'alibi-ing?" ' to such an extent that it should not | THIS WOMAN LEGISLATOR VOTES FOR BOXING Hopes of the American Legion that its bill legalizing box:fy in Indiana would become a law were strength- 1 ened at Indianapolis when Mrs. Julia {| D. Nelson, the only woman member {of the house, voted against an at- | tempt to kill the measure. The bill passed second reading in {the house and was sent up to en- | grossment with only a few amend- | ments. As it now stands, provision | is made for fifteen-round decision | contests, governed by a commission | of three members and a secretary, to be appointed by the governor. 8al- aries of commissioners would be $1,- 000 annually. A Péculiar Curling Season. This winter the local curlers have {been up against very peculiar weath- | er On Wednesday some of the curl- je€rs stated that all of the ¢lub bon- piels, which had been arranged for | Saturdays, had to be cancelled on ac- count of there being no ice. An ex- president of the club bet the cigars | that there would be ice for the club bonspiel on Satrday next. Putnam's Extrattor { .Rids Your Feet of Sore Corns No substitute has ever been de- vised that gives the quick, painless tars tobe in | Collar purchasing. however, must not dp . ; is n Rout the stamina One must wear Tooke col style, an Tooke DOKE d from the highest quality and the are 1 Rooke styles both in hard and soft co EO" to retain their sivle through. the hat deal howinz_evervw) fhat dealers are showing _evervw Special Sale of Kitchen Cabinets . 12 designs to choose from--White Enamel, Oak, etc. All latest attachments. R. J. Reid < Leading Undertaker Phone 57 7o%, 'E. WARBURTON The ""VETCRAFT" Store 79 PRINCESS STREET OPPOSITE BIBBY'S As our prices cannot be reduced below, they will remain at "COST" until removal of our business to corner of Barrie and Princess streets, opposite the Y.M.C.A., when the premises are ready for occupation. 2 results you get from Putnam's Pain-: {less Corn and Wart Extractor. Its {success is unequalled. It' soothes, {eases, heals and painlessly removes callouses, bunions, warts and corns {in twenty-four hours. Perfect satis- {faction guaranteed with 25¢ bottle {of Putnam's Painless ° Corn and | Wart Extractor. Refuse a substi {tute preparation. Putnam's is sold by druggists everywhere. ' Smoke T&B Mellowed Virginia leaf, blended by experts { WITHIN THE LAW Means you have to secure NON-GLARE LENS for your car. We carry a full stock of different makes that conform to the law at prices from .......... $2.00 to 86.00 per, set. Lemmon& Sons ; 187 Princess St. -------- ----r ge BY [HOLD These THIS STORE. Street, "Phone 735 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teeth. ! Dormoform Gas administered for ex- 3 traction. ' Safe and painless, OFFICE HOURS: 9-6. Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers of Hollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults, And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick Streets, FLOWERS ' ~ ro WHIAE | GO ON A HAT AND i ¥ c--