Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1921, p. 14

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FOUNDED, 1847 FOUNDED 1847 CLOTHING EVENT OFFERING Unrestricted Choice of Our Entire Stock OF MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS Regularly $30, $35.00, $37.50, $40. $24.50 Regularly $45, $47.50, $50, $55.00 $37.50 Regularly $60, $65, $70, $75. $49.50 Due to these exceedingly low prices there will be a slight Charge where alterations are desired. No C.0.D.'s, approvals or returns. ® ® 9 Livingston's 75-77 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays tb Walk." . | Anderson Bros. Limited MAJESTIC BRAND OLEOMARGARINE Largest seller of its kind in the world We are receiving many repeat orders. The merits of this wholesome and economical produce appeals to hundreds of house- wives. SATURDAY SPECIALS Extra Choice Western BEEF 15¢. | Boiling Cuts , Pot Roasts . . . .20c.| Oven Roasts ... . 25¢. Blade Ribs . . . .28¢.| Choice Ribs . .30c. Rolled Roasts . 286, Hamburg Steak 18c. 300 lbs. Beef Dripp ng.........20c Ib. 400 lbs. Bulk Se voor 20c Ib, 350 lbs. Pure Lard . 26¢. 1b. qo FONG POR er Roasts . . 32¢. to 35¢. F Shou Ronees eves trains. 30c db, 3001bs. Bean Pork ............22:. 1b. ONTARIO LAMB Select weights; jeal fancy quality; fronts, oins, BUTTER--Finest Creamery Solids 58¢. Ib. Rhubarb--Celery--Lettuce--Parsley Stewing Cuts . . :458-459. Wholesale 1767. 18 |NEWS OFF THE WIRES | Nidings From Places Far and | Near Are Briefly | Recounted. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. '| IN CONDENSED FORM | Freder, Lek Gilbert, Orillia, was ac- 'quitted at Barrie of murdering Robt. ironsides. A meeting in-Massey Hall, to protest against disloyalty, up in disorder. Workmen in West Flanders at- tempted to seize several manufactur- ing plants to exploit them for their own use,' W. L. Robertson, final j of Manitoba university, has Cc ed to Knox Presbyterian church, P Arthur. The London Times says it under- 'stands that the Prince of Wales has planned a tour of India in October or November next. Two engineers were killed and ten passengers injured when a Missouri broke Pacific passenger train was wrecked | at Hot Springs, Ark. | * Dr, J. G. Rutherford, C.M.G., is | mentfoned as the probable successor | to the Rt. Hon. Arthur: L, Sifton in { the Meighen cabinet, | The steamship Princess Beatrice, tof the Canadian Pacific coast service, lis aground at Steep Island, Fucker | Bay, B.C.#All passengers $ The order for medical of those going into the Mack | River district in connection with the oil strike, is cancelled from this | date. | Premier Taschereau affirmed, on { Thursday, in the Quebec Assembly | that his government pinned its fate | to the succes$ or failure of the diquor | bill. Purchase by the United States of {all German cables and her South | African and Pacific colonies was pro- | posed in a resolution introduiced by | Senator France, republican, Mary- | land. At Minneapolis, Oscar Hansen | Toronto, | i | PW. Chairman of Qu | Falls Park Commi I 700 residents of Niagars i laid charges of 25 of wal admit | PREMIER DRURY IS | BEHIND "DRY" FORCES | Takes Strong Si Stand as Private Citizen Against Inter= provincial Trade. Toronto, Feb. 11.--Premier E. C. Drury in the capacity of a private ci- tizen came out boldly yesterday and said he would do all he could to sec- ure an affirmative vote on the refer- endum, April 18th, on the question of stopping the importation of intoxi- cating Tiguors into the Province, The Premier took the position it would be improper for him to take a stand on this question as Leader of the Government, it having been referred to the people. Premier Drury made the declara- tion at a meeting of representative {made the unique plea, according to {the police, that he was driven to a | | life of banditry because he marrie ad | | two women and had to support wa! | families, | At Great Falls, Jiont.,, some men | put to wark by the city at $5 a day | {to afford relief to local unemploy- | {ment were called out on strike by | ithe federal labor union, delmanding | {the men be paid $5.50, the union | | scale. i Positive assurances were received | | Thursday by democratic leaders in | the U.S. senate that President Wil- {9 ison will veto the Agricultural Em- | ergency Tariff bill now pending in {the upper House. | The Japanese housa of representa- tives rejected by a vote of 38 to 285, a resolution offered by Yukio Osaki, former leader of thd Kenzi-Kai, or opposition party, proposing a cur- tailment of naval armaments, W. F. NICKLE HEADS LIVE STOCK MEN Ask Ontario Government to Secure Reduction in Freight Rates. Toronto, Feb. 11. --Representing the live. stock interests of Kastern Canada, a deputation headed by W. F. Nickle, K.C., Kingston, waited upon the Drury cabinet to-day- to draw the attention of the govern- ment to the high freight rates which, in view of falling prices and increasing costs, arg seriously handicapping the live stock busi- ness. The prime minister gave the deputation a sympathetic hearing, and the cabinet will likely give sup- port if the live stock make ap- plication for a reduction of freight rates as applied to live stock. STOCK MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co., 287 Bagot Street. New York Stocks. Opening. Closing. American Sugar .... 91 923% Smelters 431% 42% Baldwin Locomotive . 8914 891% Baltimore & Ohio ... 33% 34 Anaconda 3955 3915 C..PR.oovennennn 117 Central Leather .... 40 Crucible Steel 94% General Motors 14% International Paper . 5 58% Mexican Petroleum .158% 158% Republic Iron & Steel 65% 66 Reading 79% U. 8. Rubber 69 3% Royal Dutch (N.Y.). 60 Studebaker 661% Sinclair Oil 24% 823% Canadian Stocks. ! {rasiliss rompton Canada Cement Canada Steamships . 38 | Canada Steam. Pid. . Cons. Smelters Dominion Bridge Dominion Steel ... a. National Breweries . N. Y. Exchange .../= 1423 bid Messenger Was Injured. George 8. Gordon, messenger at the post office, was taken with a weak spell while doing some work in. the basement at the post office, Thursday forenoon, and fell on the floor. He suffered severe cuts on his head. He was u i when business men held at the King Ed- ward hotef 3 yesterday under the aus- pices of the Toronto Committee, | Favor O.T.A. Appeals To County Judges | Toronto, Feb. 11.---A resolution urging that if the Ontario Temper- | ance Act was amended to permit of | lives als to county judges from the | decision of magistrates such appeals should be heard substantially as new trials with an entirely new taking of evidence, caused something of a stir when it was made by W. 8. Ormis- ton, of Uxbridge, at the closing meeting of the Ontario Bar Associa- | tion at Osgoode Hall, yesterday | afternoon, It was finally decided to refer the matter to the council of the association for consideration. Canadian Bootlegger Falls for U.S. "Bull" Ogdensburg, N.Y., Feb. 11.--A story received here from St. Cath- arines, Ont., is to the effect that a Canadian who took across the river a boatload of liquor valued at $5,- 000, upon reaching his landing place on the American side, owas obliged ing indjvidual, who covered him with a gun and "confiscated" the load. It later developed that the confiscating was nothing more than a holdup by a bandit bootlegger, not in the ring with which the Canadian was co- operating. Fresh cocoanuts, Carnovsky's. Canon Lionel Saint Georges Lind- say, domestic prelate and dean of the Metropolitan chapter of Quebec, died on Thursday, aged pihety-one. Ald. F. J. O'Connor lectured in Brockville on Thursday night be- fore the Knights of Columbus. W. J. Crothers, Jr., Kingston, is spending a few days in Ottawa. Malaga grapes at Carnovsky's. | a DAILY MEMORANDUM, "The Boy," Grand, Friday 8.15 and Saturday 2.30, HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. BORN. WHAN---In Kingston, on Feb. 6th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Whan, 66 Ontario street, a daughter. DIED. BUCK--At Harrowsmith, on Feb. 10th, 1921, Danford St Buck, in his seventieth yea Funeral Saturday, Thebruary 12th, at 2 am. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fuyly Invited to attend. IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of Levi Holley Torry who departed this life, Feb. 11th, One precious to our hearts is gone, The voice we loved is stilled, Hhe place made vacant in our home Can never more be flied. The Father in His Nisdom, called boon His love had And MAougn; on earth . Pody les, His soul safe in peaven. -~Wife and son. "CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends, neighbors and relatives for sympathy shown during our recent reave- ment in the eath of our father. + --Hartrick family. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers. 254 and 956 PRINCESS STREET. Phcne 147 for Ambul nce. discovered by some of the employees, | A few stitches were necessary to close the wound. He was removed to his home at 290 Albert street. A caséd, in which a lad Is accused of stealing a witch from a local store, will be aired in the juvenile court on Monday. Thomas Massales died at Parry Sound as a result of being crushed nifietden months ago at Nobel _ California pears at Carnoveky's. ROBERT 3. J. REID Phgne 877, 4 Ariens WM] M. P. KEYES Underta_.er aud Embalmer, Undertaking Parlors, 228 Princess St. Ambulance Phone 1839. CORNELIUS Parlors: 274 i Bboy von Referendum | to yield his cargo to an official look-} -- -- r-- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1921. FOR THLE SATURDAY + SHOPPER This is a time when thrifty shoppers look for' wanted de- pendable merchandise at new lower prices. we have assembled some of the more striking reductions to be found here and there throughout our store. Every department is ready with a seasonable mon ey- saving offer. SALE STARTS 9.30 o'clock With this in mind BLEACHED PLAIN SHEETING 72 inches wide; 200 yards splen- did quality of Bleached Cana- dian-made double bed plain Sheeting: a quality that will give good service. The new Spring price, 75c. yard. SATURDAY ...... 59. yard PILLOW CASES 42 inches wide; 10 dozen strong Pillow Cases; made of good quality Cotton; one size only; plain hem. The former price, 50¢. each. SATURDAY ...... 32c. each. ALL WOOL ENGLISH SERGE 44 ins. wide--200 yards English made Serge and particularly suitable for Girls' School Dress- es or Women's Separate Skirts. Note the shades: Reseda Green, Grey, Brown and Copen. Former price $2.50 yard. SATURDAY ..... $1.49 yard COSTUME VELVET. 85 inches wide--30 yards of the celebrated (Worrells) Chiffon finish Silk Pile Velvet, Twill back; to be had while the lot lasts in the Myrtle, Former price $3.50. SATURDAY $2.00 yard following shades: Burgundy, Grey, Plum, Navy. - SATURDAY CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON 42 and 44 inches wide: 300 yds. fine grade Wabasso Circular Pil- low Cotton; strong even weave; free from the usual dressing. EXTRA SPECIAL . .49c¢. yard WHITE FLANNELETTE SPECIAL 1,000 yards good quality White Flannelette; made from strong Cotton Yarn; well napped; 27 inches wide. 35c. value. SAFURDAY + 19¢. yard VELVET CORDUROY 27 inches wide--130 yards English Corduroy Velvet; fast dyes and beautiful deep pile, gener. ally used for Girls' School Dresses, Boys' Suits and Ladies' Bath Robes. The colors: Brown, Sky, Copen, Black, Grey. Former price $1.75, SATURDAY ..... $1.25 yard BLEACHED ENGLISH BATH TOWELS 23 dozen soft White Cotton Terry Bath Towels, with plain hem ends; made close and thick from a high-grade Cotton Yarn. Size 18 x 36. Form- er price 50c. each. 29c. each - . 9 cl CAN MEN AND WOMEN BE FRIENDS (By W. L. George, the English Novelist. Read what The Delineator has to say about it in the March No. For This Week Ladies' Brown Calf Oxford -- Welt sole; semi-Brogue; a stylish, service- able Shoe. Worth $10.00. Selling this weék $6.95 Lockett's

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