Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1921, p. 7

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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1921. TE ------ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. for Real Bargains in Overcoats. Price 525.00 George Van Horne's 213 PRINCESS ST. (Opposite Grand Opera House) Phone 362w. CLOCK in the afternoons you have a head- ache---your eyes are tired and itchy. Is it your eyes ? After an eye exam- ication such as we give, you will know. Vve examine eyes and fit glasses-- that is all. oJ. "The House of Better Glasses" Opposite the Post Office Phone 698.» =» Kingstcn A lot of married women can tell you that they would still be maidens if the 1 killer had attended to his business before they got married. II AGREED 10 A LEASE Meeting of "Kingston Health Association--Resolution of Condolence Passed. ilth Association, | | ~ | The Kingston He which established, the Sir Oliver Mowat Memorial hospital for tuber- cular patiepts and which. in October, 1916, leased the: sanitorium to the | Dominion govern met on Thurs- day in the Board ie rooms and | re-organized. Ahe icers selected | were Dr. J. C. Conn as president, 4. G. 3)Hott, HH y secpetary- treasurer and Miss A. Hunter as | | acting secretary. } Prior to proceeding t following resolution of was adopted: { | Moved by J. G. Elliott, seconded by | !G. Y. Chown: That this association | | marks with sincere regret the death | or its president, Angus J. Macdonell, i} | who from the inception 'of the organi- | zation displayed zeal, enthusiasm and | | splendid business judgment in the | work the association had under-| { taken. He watched with keen inter- | 5 business the condolence Silver Plate THE HUDSON ama pe -t PROPOSED OCEAN SAILINGS Season 1921 mow ready. C. S. KIRKPATRICK 3 36 Clarence Street. est the development of the beneficial i work of the sanitorium and was keen and earnest in projecting all plans | for the work which had a real place in his mind and heart. As president | he was a capable, energetic head. As | a friend and associate of the gov- ernors he held a warm place in their affections and with sincere sorrow | we have learned of his passing into | the great beyond. The assoeiation | offers heartfelt condolences to those bereaved. During the interregnum the asso. ciation has lost by death the follow- ing governors: Vice-President H.R. | | Duff, Dr. R. K. Kilborn, Messrs. R. | | Meek, R. J. McKelvey and Prof. Coad. Sympathetic and fitting tributes were | paid to the deceased, After discussion the governors con- | curred in extending the lease of the | hospital to the Dominion government | until August 10th, 1923 and there- | | after from year to year. A commit- | | tee of Dr. J. C Connell, W. F. Nickle, | | K.C,, and J. G. Elliott was named to | | consider the future conduct of the | | Institution and to take such action as is deemed desirable, It was felt i | that the institution was too large a | | character to be carried on as a local | | institution and endeavors will be | | made to have it maintained as a fed- | | eral or provincial sanitorinm. It | | would be a great loss to scrap such a fine equipment as the Donmiinion gov- | | ernment has provided for the care of + | the soldiery suffering from tubercu- wee | lar complaints. Those present at the meeting were Drs. J. C. Connell, D. E, Mundell, W. T. Connell, R. J, Gardiner, W. Gib- | son, E, C. D. Macallum, Messrs. G. Y. Chown," J. A. Minnes, S, Trotter and Hudson Pattern rhe Hudson is one of our newest and most popular patterns. We carry a complete stock of | Knives, Forks and Spoons, in all sizes; also a complete stock of fancy pieces. Kinnear & d'Esterre 100 Princess Street KINGSTON Agent, Tel, 568w, 4 Many a wife would like to go ---------- away and take a vacation only she E knows that her fool~husband would A CHINESE LADY feed the poor canary bird on dog biscuits and fill the poodle's plate with bird seed. J. G. Elliott. APPEALS FOR FUNDS 'For Hospital in in Southern China -- Attends Chinese WHEN THE BAND GOES MARCHING BY-- --everybody stops to look and listen. Eager faces crowd every*window. Foot- steps just naturally fall into time. The kiddies are full of excitement. All of which shows how the power of music stirs the soul. And you can have Music in your home every day--music that is enjoyed by every member of the family. Have YOU got a Phonograph?-- a Piano or Player Piano? If you have, you wouldn't be without them for any price. 2 measured in money. Visit our Music Room and ask to hear a Nordheimer or Steinway Piano, Aeolian Phgnograph, or Columbia Grafonola or a Victor Victrola with your choice of Victor Records. f you haven't, you are missing a source of pleasure, the value of which cannot be Payments arranged. R. J. RODGER \132 Princess St. Sunday School Banquet. On Thursday evening, the Chinese of the city who attend at Sydenham street Methodist bible schoel, enter- tained their teachers to a banquet in the lecture hall of the church. The { party consisted of eighty-five, of whom thirty-five were Chinese, The special feature of the evening was an address given by Miss Chew, M.A., a graduate of the University of California. This Chinese lady stated that her visit to the city was for the purpose of collecting funds for the erection of a hospital in southern China, Miss Chew has visited many places in the United States, and-had peen successful in collecting about $100,000. She is now visiting the towns and cities in Canada. Since she came to Kingston on Wednesday, she had been successful in obtaining $400 from the local Chinese. \ Miss Chew said that one reason for collecting this money was that she thought it was her duty to do some- thing for the country of her birth. Her brother, who entered the univer- sity the same time that she did, in- tended to graduate as a doctor but he was killed by an automobile in Cali- fornia. Short addresses were given by Rev. W. T. G. Brown, E. P, Jenkins, R. F. Graham and A. Shaw, After the sup- per, a social time was spent. ¢ The Chinese department of Syden- ham street bible school, which is un- der the direction of R. H. Ward, is doing a great work. © Asks Separation, The first Chinese woman of Cana- da to avail herself of the Dominion divorce law is Mrs. Wong Lal of Vancouver, who has petitioned the Sout i a legal separation from her { Kingston Old | ster proces | city. This will las the new hi ionto at 8 a.m. | at some beautify! spot on the road, a -------- MAY COME IN AUTOMOBILES Kingston Old Boys of Toronto Propose Visit Here Next Summer, recent 3oys in the L.O.O.F. hall, College street, Toronto, a dis- cussion was raised over the proposal to pe a motor trip to Kingstgn in mer. This excited great in- Following a s d every owner of an auto- mobile will be asked to join a mon- Dominion Day It is hoped that mobile Club may take up the scheme at this end, and co-operate in every | { way possible to make the visit of the | 0ld Boys one of complete enjoyment. | is | taking an active part in promoting | G. Russell Donaldson, Toronto, the automobile trip, and he expects meeting of on to the old limestone | likely take place about | The arrangements | | for the trip will be discussed at the | | next meetirfg of the executive com- | | mittee : the Kingston Auto- | $3.35 LADIES' BROWN OXFORDS that one hundred cars or more will be | required to bring the visitors down. | The trip over the "Kingston road," as the roadbed is in fine shape. expected that the cars will leave Tor- have a picnic lunch and reach Kingston about 5.30 p.m. LATE MRS. MARY J. SCOTT. Was Bora in Kingston Township In i 1847. Mrs. Mary J. Scott, widow of the late George Scott, passed away at her home on January 18th. Deceased was born in the town- i ship of Kingston, nedr Portsmouth, {in 1847. She was the daughter of the late Marmaduke Willborn. In 1873 deceased was united in marriage to George Scott, of the Bath Road. They were blessed with ten children, five boys and five girls. In 1881 Mr. and Mrs, Scott, with their | family, moved to Ernesttown to the old Johnston farm, three miles south- | west of Camden East, where part of the family still reside. In 1887 Mr. Scott passed away. Mrs. life's battles with eight children. She was ever bright and cheerful and struggled bravely in the noblest of earthly vocations--that of a mother and home-maker. She was a woman of unusual ability and sound judg- ment, dealings. ed beyond her home. She was al- ways ready with a helping hand in times of need or distress. In religion she was a member of the Methodist church from childhood, many years was prevented from re- gular attendance at the sanctuary. Mrs. Scott's passing away has left a great grief in her home which can never be healed and a sorrow in the community. < One brother, eleven grandchildren and six children survive. Three daughters and one son predeceased her. Harry is located at Ladour, B.C., Fred and Mrs. Whitely reside in Montreal. Lillia a trained nurse, Percy and George at home, The funeral service was conducted by deceased's pastor, Rev. Mr, Lati- mer, at her home. The remains were placed in Riverside vault, Napanee, and will be taken to Cataraqul in the spring and placed beside her father, who predeceased her thirty-three years ago. VISITED HIS OLD HOME HERE H. 0. Gage Is Now Located at Craig Kyle, Alta. H. C. Gage, Craig Kyle, Alta., has left the city for Paisley, Ont., after three weeks' visit with his father, Richard Gage, who is eighty-seven years old. He also visited his broth- ers, D. B. and J. R. B,, of this city. It is twelve years since Mr. Gage left Kingston and he noticed many changes and improvements in the limestone ¢Ify. He is employed in farming in the west, having bought one whole section containing . 640 acres. the land, which averaged seven bushels of wheat to the acre last year, with fifty bushels of oats. Mr. Gage states that the cattle in the west run in the open all winter and feed on the large oat stacks which cover a half acre of land. The cows burrow under the straw when it is cold and warm and healthy. They work with five and seven horses on the seed drill and plow. Mr. Gage and a neighbor have bought a threshing outfit and thresh their own grain, They do not go in for very much dairying, principally raising fat cattle for the meat market. Mr. Gage is a harness maker by Si MID-WINTER SPECIALS In Footwear Men's Mahogany Calf Boots--Ileather sole and rubber heels--in recede and broad | Women's Brown and Black High Top Shoes, with Louis or Military Heels . $4.95 Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE trade, but prefers farming in the KE TWICE TOLD TALES | TEN YEARS AGO. Walter Telfer, proprietor British-American Hotel, is sping Duun's Bulletin, of Toronto for $50,- 000 damages. Dun's printed a state- ment that the hotel was bankrupt but corrected the statement later. At a sale on the farm of Robert Shannon, Sunbury, registered cows brought $265 and grade cows as high as $91. Richard Waldren, dry goods mer- chant, fell outside his own home this morning and broke a bone in his wrist. sHon. Adam Beck will submit a =| power proposition to Kingston jn a week's time. Work is expected to commence in the!spring on the new dormitory at' of fhe News of Kingston TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, The young people of Brock street Methodist church raised $100 by a "Birthday Party", in the church las: night. The Ayr hockey team arrived in the city this afternoon to meet Queen's tonight. . W. Kent wants the city to cleaa the sidewalks, charging each citizen according to frontage and relieving winter unemployment. The fourth annual conference of Queen's Theological Alumni opens to- night. The government has alr prom- ised Kingston's depu 2 new drill-hall or armouries, Rev. Mr. Souter of the sunny sou i Rev. uthern states, assisting the " ghway is now called, | { will be one of the most delightful It is | Scott was left alone to fight | honest and upright in all her | Her kindly interest extend- | but through infirmities and cares for | His son, George, helps to till | twenty- | All sizes 2} to 6; regular $6.00 values. Thisisa special bargain we procured last week and will giv€ you the opportunity of saving at least $2.50. $6.95 Sale of MEN'S BROGUES $1.95 Sale of GIRLS' BUTTON BOOTS $2.95 Fao a Sale of WOMEN'S KID Abernethy's Shoe HERE IT IS! I. C. 8. Instruction in any one of the . following Commercial Courses will fit you for a better position. Study at home in your spare time. Let us know which of these interests you, full information on request. No obligations, INTERNATIONAL CORRESPON. , DENCE SCHOOLS, CANADIAN Limited Address M. M. SIMS, Representative 130 Clarence St, Kingston Complete Commercial. Bookkeeping & Bus. Forms. Commercial Correspondence. Stenographic. Secretarial. Business Management. Chartered Afcountant. Rallroad Accounting. Cost Accounting. Mark (x) opposite one wanted. NAME . ADDRESS ..... ssmssersns as esse eee PICKERING'S WEEK END SPECIALS Seedless or Anger ...20c. doa. Choice Prunes ....2 lbs. 25c. Pure Cane Syrup ..8 lbs. 25¢. Jell-o Powder Custard Powder ... Egg-o Baking Powder 1 1b. 385¢c. EGGS, BEEF, PORK AND LAMB PRICES ARE DOWN ee Le C. H. Pickering 490 and 492 Princess Street. Phone 530. west. On his trip home he will visit at Toronto, Paisley, and Winnipeg, where he will visit his brothers. He expects to arrive at Craig Kyle about 19 last of February. While here he sWas able to obtain a splendid snap- 'shot of the big German guns to give Capt. McCrimmon, who helped to capture it. Capt. McCrimmon re- sides at Craig Kyle and is a close fri- end of the former Kingstonian. 'Would Not Have Helped Any. Mrs. Jarkinson was much pertubed to learn that her nine-year-old hope- ful had been engaged in a pitched battle with the bad boy down the street. Therefore, she summoned Horace for an accounting. "When," she demanded, "that awful boy threw stones at you, why didn't you come to me and teil me instead of throw- ing back at him?" "Tell you, moth- er!" said the boy, with unfeigned as- tonishment. "Why, what good would that have done? You couldn't Hit a barn door." Baby Bombs. | "Baby" incendiary bombs, which! British aircraft {ised during thé war, | were so small that a Handley-Page | aeroplane could carry 4,000 of them. In six weeks 85,000 of these bombs | were dropped on German industrial towns. er i a i ---- The fable of the tortoise and the teaches us that perseverance Our Big Furniture Sale Second To None--QOur Way Sagless Spring If you really want to be sure of a good night's sleep, try our "Way Sagless Spring and Kapok Mattress," which are so reasonable in cost, every family can afford the best. Every sale we make bring us new customers. sme A Our trade is growing right along. --- hi J AMES REID The Leading Undertaker Phone 147 for service. SAVE THE BROKEN PARTS ote, ail Welacd und ade us strong DRAW. WINNETT ni ya? "Worn and . broken DSNTAL SURGEON. WRIGHT'S Machine Works Sever of dobbs, and Welling E. LUCKIN VETRANS' MEAT MARKET Phone 153. SATURDAY SPECIALS STEAKS FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF : Stewing Shoulder ..... Round :..c0e0vsnvunnns SIMI. vvsiosinsnrme, BEE Porterhduse Hamburg . ..12%e, 15c. Stewing Cuts ..... 'Bolling Cuts .......... semen 20¢, er 25¢; sess sanann LAMB cass 37. cosansasaess B30 essssraneves. BBC .82¢. and 85e¢. Fronts .... loins .... Chops ,.ecesss assess nsness 20c. to SDc. Ib. win sn ssn DB0 AN vessaccneie in PORK and BEEF SAUSAGE 200 Ibs. CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER > 200 Ibs. CHOICE CREAMERY BUTTER ...... WE SAVE YOU MONEY--WHY PAY MORE ? i

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