Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Feb 1921, p. 2

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THE DA I L Y B R I T I S H Ww H | GC. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1921. FATHER KELLY PREACHED At Special Mass Attended by | The Kingston Hide and Fur Market Quotations Bulletin [the Newman Givb The Hide and Skin market is steadily de- {|| Sr . - The members of the Newman Club clining, demand being very poor, also the attended a special mass celebrated : : : . {in the chapeéi of the Hotel Dieu at class of stock coming in. Quotations: Pum oe Father wed vex Ato Se. per 1b. Casey, spiritual director of the Deacons cesses 25 10 500, Veals 6 to 7c. per lb. ) LR -- Jo 2 SHEET MUSIC SALE Kingston, Feb. 14.--(To the Edi- | tor): The report of the Ontario Li- cense Board just issued contains some valuable information as to the | working of the act during the last year. } The statement has been made that there is more drinking in* Kingston now than under the license system. Taking the report of 1909, which | was a fair sample of license times, | : it appears that in Kingston there | : were 28 taverns and 7 shop licenses. (After many years experience with li- | !quor dealers and a wide knowledge and acquaintance with the affairs of prices are from 5c. to 10c. lower than elsewhere. the license holders, I estimate that $1,125,000 was taken by the 35 li- | To All Subscribers of the Mail and Globe quor sellers in 1909. Comparing this | with the figiras of 3% 7990 report, | By handing in your name to the office here you can obtain the Ill Saturday editions, instead of wait ing for mail delivery by the post- in on liquor sold over the counter $136,771. Added t this is the « . 9 man on Mondays. Phone 919 giving correct name and street ad- dress, also whether Mail or Globe. : NLR POPULAR. MUSIC--reg. 15c. per copy OPERATIC MUSIC--from some of New York's biggest successes --tegular50e, |... ... 0.0 Three for Fifty Cents Three for a Quarter ev. of club. A masterly sermon was Ty : : et. v Sheep Skins, fresh taken off . Save Money on Y our Music Purchases preached by the Rev. T. A. Kelly, Smith's' Falls, who will be remem- bered as rector of St. Mary's cathed- ral 'some twenty years ago. + His Horse Hides--No. |, up to . . . Kip Skins Raw Fur Red Foxes up to Skunk . . subject was "The Great Reconstruc- ~ On all the higher priced Operatic and standard numbers our Raccoon tion." In clear, convincing language, | with lucid argument and true philo- sophic sequence, he traced the story {of the fall and redemption of man, and urged his hearers to be always ready to defend the Christian dog- ma: ! At a regular meeting club Eg lin the Knights of Columbus rooms, at 3 pm., a cordial vote of thanks was accorded the gifted preacher and to the sisters of the Hotel Dieu toy the use of the chapel An address beautifully v up to $1.25 up to $3.00 'e up to $5.00 Present ,indications point to a fair de- mand for Spring Muskrat. Above quotations are for prime skins. JOHN MCcKAY, Limited 149 TO 157 BROCK ST. of the | { {amount of liquor imported during | {the year thfough the express com- | illuminat- | Panies. The exact amount of this is | Pap not known, pliable Infor- | led by the talented sisters of the | ot k ; but from Te hue | { Hotel Dien was presented to Dr. (ation I find it has not exceeded aa | | Casey to mark the distinction con. aVerage of twelve cases a day dur- | ferred pon ing the year 1920. A fair value of | University this would not exceed $108,000. This | oe |leaves a balance of over $880,000 of THE MENS BROTHERHOOD evry itis |ger and brought in by underground Opening Meeting Held at the American Silver bought at 5 % premium. The College Book Store Telephone 919 him Laval | | traffic. It would take forty bootleg- gers making 365 trips each to bring in the country necessary to equal the | Open Evenings And His Master's Voice Records For anyone wiro wants a handsome, well-made Talking Machine, the Vicirola XI. is a most happy choice. It has simplicity of line which makes {t harmonize with good furniture, so that one may place it among one's dearest household possessions, and many years of en- Joyment are ahead for the happy owner. As for the motor---always the crux in talking machines--it, of course, has all the reliable quali- ties that one associates with the name of 'Victrola' and the cabinet is of mahogany. The price is $240.00. Sacred Songs $1.00--for the Lenten Season--$1.00 16008--Beautiful Isle of Somewhersz, Jarvis. Christ Arose, Hay- den Qt. 15020--When the World Forgets, Rodeheaver. "In the Garden, Rodeheaver-Ash. 17782--Whispering Hope, Baker: Abide Kline-Baker. MAHOOD BROS. THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA Kline- With Me, R. H. WADDELL Spanish River Pulp and Pa- 1000 pkgs., fresh stock 10¢. pk. Belleville Creamery .. 60c. lb. 500 Ibs, Choice Tub But- ter per Mills Ltd., 89: Bonds, due March 1st, 1941. Price 99 and : interest, yielding 8.10¢;, Regina Public School District 61% % Gold Bonds, due Feb. 1st, 1951. Price 103.37 vield- ing 6% %. "ome ea. SHORTENING 500 lbs. extra choice . .20c. 1b. URE LARD 300 1bs. Mathews Pure Flour FLOUR ~ 100 bags 12s. White Rose 73c. 300 doz. Choice Lemons 25¢ dz, 300 doz. Navel Oranges (80C,) ........... A5c. da, 500 Ibs. extra Choice «ue, 2 Ibs, 25¢. / 9 Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. Victory Bonds bought and sold. Real Estate--Insurance--In- vestments, 86 BROCK STREET : 86 BROCK ST. EE EE Ss : os . Y.M.C.A. on Saturday Afternoon. | The Men's Brotherhood meeting i} | was held in the Y.M.C.A. parlors on i] | Sunday afternoon. It was the opening [of what is hoped may prove a great | benefit to a large number of men who {have not been regular church goers I | Those in charge are greatly encour- i |aged by the splendid attendance | Ald. R. J. Rodger occupied the chalr, if | and the opening address was given i | by Rev. W. Taylor Dale. His subjec® i | vas 'One is your Master even Christ {and all ye are brethren." The speaker [illustrated his remarks by relating the effect of the brotherhood.-move- |} | ment in a district of Edinburgh, Scot- t (land, where the men would not at- | | tend church services. After it had { been in operation some i {ehurch-going habit became establish- ed in the community. a A very fine musical programme | was rendered, solos being sung by D. | Couper and J. D., Bankier, and or- '} | chestra selections played by W, J. Christmas, Arthur Christmas, H. Salsbury, A. Pardoe, and F. J. Sals- bury, Bert Couper accompanied on the piano. Says Merit System Is in the Crucible The merit system is "in the cru- cible," according to the February Civilian just to hand, and it warns readers to be prepared for a bitter fight during the next few months. In a leading article the Civilian says that it has received informa- tion that a resolution ig to be intro- dyced with the object of removing the outside service from the juris- diction of the civil service commis- sion. There are other indecations of such a move, it says, and adds: "These signs are authentic, and should give every civil servant food for careful thought. The fight to | retain what has been gained during | the last few years, after sacrifice and strenuous effort on behalf of the service, promises to be renewed | with fresh intensity during the next session of parliament. There are those who would return to the patronage system, and their anxiety to do so is ill-concealed. The genu- ine believers in the merit system must gird their loins and be pre- pared for a renewal of the conflict it they wish to hold what has al- ready been secured and obtain effi- clericy and fair play in the service. A principle is at stake; purity in pub- lic service is being challenged; merit will be supplanted by incom- petente if all real adherents of the deal of worthiness in public office do not let their voices be heard." WR Men's Hats BELOW PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICES Our sale of Men's Hats will continue only a few days' longer. : We are now selling all our Hats at 25% DISCOUNT \ This makes thé prices lower than they will be during the coming Spring. CAMPBELL BRO : 122 PRINCESS STREET 1% FIRE SUNDAY NIGHT. Firemen Called to Tannery Davis & Son. Fire from some unknown cause occurred at the tamnery of A. Davis & Son, Ltd.,, on Sunday night. The exact amount of the damagé could not be ascertained, but it is under- stood that it will not go over $1, 000. The fire started on the dry wheel. An alarm was given from box 45, at 8.09 o'dlock. of A. Hotel Diieu Euchre Party. The progressive euchre parties. held in Nurses' hall, under the aus- pices of the Ladies' Auxiliary of tae Hotel Dieu hospital, have proved very successful and enjoyable. At the last one Mrs. Charles O'Connor, Parl street, won the ladies' prize, a vetcraft flower basket, while Capt. Sauve won the gentleman's prize, a veteraft cigar tray. Weather Notes, A depression centred in the "more thern portion of the state of New York is increasing in energy, while a cold wave is situated to the north ward of Lake Superior. fallen over Alberta and more local- ly in Saskatchewan, and show is now falling in eastern Ontario and western Quebec. St. Valentine's Day. Today is St. Valentine's Day, and &s a result the Kingston letter car- riers were "love laden'™ on their rounds. Qufte a heavy batch of very pretty" valentines passed through the Kingston post office. Planos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W. lindsay, Limited. { {aredth part of time tha | {amount sold under the license sys- | {tem. No such traffic exists, and it Is safe to say that there is not a hun- the liquor sold in Kingston in 1920 that there was in 1909. Yours truly. ---CHAS. R. WEBSTER. | A SERMON TO STUDENTS | By Principal Dyde In Sydenham Street Church. In Sydenhan¥ street Methodist {church on Sunday evening Principal {Dyde, of Queen's Theological College, {preached a very instructive sermon ito students. During the course of his {address he made reference to the |great war. He said. we-must realize {that the nation chosen by God as an | Instrument of justice cannot escape suffering. This was one of the things which weighed upon the mind of Lin- coln during the civil war. Why {should the north suffer such agony {in a war for freedom? And Lincoln |seeking to answer this hard question says that if the body politic is diseas- .£d,. all are responsible and all must suffer. "It 1 am indifferent to my neigh- {bor's way of thinking or his habits of |life, I am failing in my duty as a | Christian, and furthermore am living {in a fool's paradise; and can I charge {God with injustice if he treats me as a fool?" said the preacher. Dr. Dyde said there were people in"the time of Joel, as there always are people, whose hold upon the di- vine is so feeble that with the least strain they let go. An earthquake, a disaster at sea, the failure of a bank, indeed almost any adverse circum- stancé is enough to destroy their faith. They think that God could not allow such things to happen, and as f they do happen, they leap to the con- clusion that there is no God. Hence when the famine came in those days of Joel, some people"wére upset and lost their faith, and perhaps with real 'trouble of mind they asked: "Where is your God?" To Meet In Toronto. A convention of the Ontario Muni- cipal Electric Association has been called to meet in Toronto on Feb. 25. Among the important matters that will be up for discussion is the pro- posal to impose an additional tax on mbnicipalities for power. It is stated that the name of R. F', Elliott, chair- man of the Kingston utilities com- mission, will be placed on the final ballot for the board of directors. "Lindsay's, 121 Princess street, are receiving new player plano roll "hits" every month. Send in your name for our monthly mailing list. fi | from a parish péppy-show to an ex- of province-wide reputation. HI H 1 I agement {land he is right. Belleville fair needs A . Ya : a Nstan : SMART HATS 'We have just put in stock an- othér fresh lot of Satin and Silk Hats, many of them stiaw trim. med and all so suitable for présent wear. $3.75 up to $8.00 Trimmed Hats, Shaped and Ready-to-Wears in Velvet on sale $1.30 to $3.50 || terprising organization ceptional programme of attractions, expectation of producing. satisfactory i ston mey think that she is in the will be delighted:™ --Fancy Gabardines. --Colored Poplin. 3 -- Sport Suiting. --White Fancy Voiles. --Embroidered Voiles. --Plain Colored Voiles. --Fancy Colored Voiles. """l are RUN YOUR EYE over this list of Summer Dress Goods now in stock and the first time you are on Princess Street drop in our store and see the range. You ~_Florette Organdy. --Printed Voile. --Voile De Soie --Shower Voile. --Tissue Nubbe. --Spot Voile. --Dress Ginghams. --Prints, etc., etc. priced remarkably low. PICTORIAL PATTERNS FOR MARCH 'Newman & Shaw "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" BELLEVILLE 18 LOOKING FOR A "BOB" BUSHELL | To Put Poor Old Belleville's Fair on the Map. Under the heading of "Wanted, A | Bob Bushell to Put Belleville Fair on | the Map," the Belleville Intelligencer of Saturday has the following: | "One man raised the Kingston fair | | | | | That man was "Bob" Bushell, and he did it with push, pep and publicity. "Bob" ascribes miost of the success of the Kingston fair under his man- to newspaper advertising first of all a publicity man who knows his business, backed by an en- committee progressive enough to provide an éx- It the Belleville fair is to remain fa the qld rut the sooner it is wound up the betier, as of late years it has been a poor adveitisement for the city. Either a first tlass exhibition or none at all should be the decision in régatd to Belleville fair, which must be treated as a business proposition with a substantial investment in the i results. Who is the man who will put Belleville fair on the map as "Hob" Bushell did Kingston fair?" A -------------------------- 8 Made "Slipping" Good. The Ottawa Citizen says: "King- terflies on the main thoroughfare, but actions speak louder than words. Peterborough must take precedence of the Limestone City. She tossed her political banana peel right out A --. JUST 'WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THREE NEW BRICK BUNGALOWS--5 rooms: electric light; 3 piece bath; good cellars and yard. Prices aqcording to lo- cations, : ON COLLINGWOOD STREET---Detached brick dwelling; all im- provements . $4,100. ON NELSON STREET---Frame Bungalow $2,850 ON KING STREET.--Blue Tea Rooms; fitted up for Luncheon and Tea Rooms--as a going concern. E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate . Cor. Johason &nd Division Streets. «~ - - Phones 339w and 530J. = belt since she found two but- on the avenue." Martin's Shoe Store Off®ing You Quality Goods at Less Than Pre-war Prices! SPECIAL FOR THE MEN $5.95 Men's high grade Black and Brown Bools--narrow anil wide toes--fbur different styles to choose from and all Good- year welted soles. These are regular $10 values, but bought at a big reduction in price, and at this price are the best value you have seén in years. All sizes. Now S. J. MARTIN "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" 185 Princess St.

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