Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Feb 1921, p. 4

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USE MAXOTIRES ~ EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBBER CO, 254 Ontarie St. Free Alr Phone 2030, The Satisfaction of Safety Your Valunbles are never reallysafec utside a Safety . Deposit Box, Theft and fire are not the only dangers. There is always the possibility of losing or misplacing Papers, Jewels or Plate. A Safety Deposit 2 Box in this Bank affords protection for your valuables ; and the yearly rental is very reasonable, " THE: MERCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864. ENGIN BRANC! A. TOFIELD, Manager, M, VERONA np asioen ora BRANCHES, 5 ht PF 4 ih w McCLYMONT. Manages Mountain open Fridays. apoit Donat to rent at geton Branch, Make the Most of Your | Investments When planning an investment, it is advisable to obtain the one which affords the maximum of security, the most convenient facilities for collecting interest, and the highest yield con- sistent with the two. Such an investment is to be found in Canadian Government and Municipal Bonds, which, at existing prices, provide interest returns ranging from 6.10% to 79% Write for a list of these bonds. Wood, Gundy & Company Canadian Pacific Railway Bldg. Saskatoon New York Toronto London, Eng. Toronto Montreal Winnipeg JUST ARRIVED (Carload) Cane Mola Feeding Molasses 45c. per Imperial Gallon, in barrels No feeder can afford to be without it. W. P. PETERS Office and Warehouse . + Foot of Princess Street . Phone 51. 117 BROCK STREET Retail Store Phone 217 [STOCK TAKING SALE] ALL LINES REDUCED BEFORE STOCK TAKING WARM FELT SLIPPERS __CLUB BAGS & SUIT CASES We must turn our stock into cash. This is an opportune time for you to secure a bargain in fine Footwear. The Sawyer Shoe Store 184 Princess St. --BOOTS, SHOES ) --SLIPPERS, MOCCASINS. | Phone Store 159. From The Countryside LEEDS RIDEAU LAKE. Feb, 9.--Although the sleighing is poor few have yet resorted to wheels. The farmers aré hauling and sawing wood. A quantity of sand | {and gravel is also being drawn in | preparation for road work John | Scanlan is still in the Hotel Dleu, | { Kingston, guffering from an eye in-| | jury. Ignatius Donaghue left on | Monday to resume his studies in To- | ironto. Mrs. J. O'Meara and Miss Cassidy, Yarker, spent the week-end iat the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. i Donaghue. Mr. and Mrs. A. N, { Koen and daughte rspent the weak- {end at J. J. Donaghue's Mr. and { Mrs. Frantis Egan were recent visi- {tors at the home of J. J. Donaghue. | | | LYNDHURST. Feb. 9 --Mrs. S. Rathall has re-| turned from the hospital on Brock- { ville very much improved after her | operation. Mrs. C. Galloway has re- turned home after her operation. The ! residents of Lyndhurst have begun | to move, W. Neal has moved up to | | his new home to-day. Ford Cheetim ' nas bought the place where he has had his barber shop. Lyndhurst | home talent put on a good play here | on Friday and again on Mondy. The play is 'Much Ado About Billy." | They had a full house both nights. A car load of young people came over here for the play. They got in a bad | mix-up. The car ran in the ditch and | turned bottom up. No person was | hur#; but the car was badly smash- |ed. The top, one wheel, the wind- jhe, and the fenders were brok- | en, | {Lennox & Addington TAMWORTH. Feb. 10.--Mr. and Mrs. McGee, | Saskatoon, are visiting friends in | town. Pat. Hopkins, while motoring | near Asselstine's hill, noticed a very | large deer. It crossed the road in | | front of him. Following the service lin the Presbyterian church on Sun-| |day a vote was taken on the question | of uniting with the Methodists. The | i vote stood 19 to 9 in favor of union. | | The second vote taken was unani- | {mous in favor of union. Mrs. McGee | | has returned home from Toronto. | | The 1.0.0.F. banquet Wednesday ev- i | ening was a great success. Enterprise | {lodge turned out in large numbers. { | | | | . | : VENNACHER. Feb. 10.--Herbert Ball accomp- | anied iBied his.gister, Mrs. sister, Mrs. Arnold McGin- | Do not suffer another day with 1tching, Bleed- | ing, or otrud- | ing Piles. No | surgical oper. ation A _Pquited; | Chase's Diitment will relieve You at once > yo Jpating benefit 60c. dealers, or DEA Bates & Cc. Limi ] Toronto. Sample Box free it you mention ee enclose 2¢. 8 Samp V0 pa ¥ postago. \ Phone House 806w. Some Reasons Why You Should Buy a Used Car Now | --We have reduced prices to present used car values, making loss impossible from any coaditions. 2--We have a larger selection of used cars now than will be on hand in spring. --We guarantee no reduction in new car prices---while i increases are not improbable. # 4-A shortage of cars is sure to fol low the cuvtailed production of . new automobiles. 5--Buying a used car, now based on to-day's valuation, froma feput- is absolute protection against loss from any conditions able dealer, i aff¢cting the new car industry. _ 6--The same high grade sevice of a new car is obtainable in a used . car, at a greatly reduced price, i f purchased from :2- BOYD'S GARAGE | Brock St. a | tend, | to a large number. { the conductor. { marked the woman. | but 1 haven't got time to laugh," re- nig, to her Some at Toronto, He " to Kingston beforg he returns | me. George Jackson, Sr:, North Bay, is renewing atguaintance around here, He has sold his farm here to Zara Snider, who intends moving on it in the spring. Everton Flake and A. L. Beber are drawing ga2ds from Lavant-station for R. W. Cornen going Lackie Creek. A. H. Gregg is taking pulp-wood to the Coulten Creek. DOINGS AT ATHENS. Some Property Changes in the Vil. lage are Noted. Athens, Feb. 11.--Lewis Stevens has purchased the parish property, adjoining the public school, Welling- ton street, and is taking possession at See; Robert Kearney, Isaac street, Raa pPUrendsed Stephep Knowlton's far! Delta road. Mrs. M. Rappell has leased Mrs, A. Johnston's Church street property. A. R. Brown is mak- ing improvements in the interior of his recently acquired property, cor- ner of Main and Reld streets. A gar- age purchased from C. Grey, has been nioved to the premises. | During the absence of Dr. C. B. Lillie and Mrs. Lillie in Florida for the next couple of months, their apartments are being occupied by Mr. | and Mrs. Francis Sheldon. Philip | | Yates has sold his farm at Hard Is- | land to Leander Chapman, Jone's | Falls, who takes possession the first | of next month, Mr. and Mrs. Yates Have leased the Taylor house, Wiltse | | street, east, and will move into town about the first of March. A sale of household effects of the aa Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Taylor took | place on th) 2nd, inst, These old and respected residents passed away with- | a few weeks of each other. Dave | | Kavanagh has been appointed man- |ager of the Farmers' Co-operative { Club. John Milvena has been select- ed to fill the vacancy in the council. {| Frank Blanche- has been re-appoint ed village officer. On the evening of tho 1st, inst., the | | Eckhardt' 8 gave their popular musi- | cal entertainment in the local town | hall. The 1.0.0.F. gave an 'At | Home" in the hall on Monday even] ing 7th inst. The special services be- ing conducted jointly by pastor New- | ton and Nichols are being continued this week. On Sabbath last, eighteen men motored from Westport to at- On the Sabbath previous,' six- |' teen men from the same villdge were in attendance. The W.A. of Christ church held a social evening recently at the rectory. Lanter slides, views of Japan, were | exhibited by Rev. V, O. Boyle and J. BE. Burchell, B.A. It is reported that special services will soon bq held in fhe township hall under the direction of the Pente- Stanley Grigg aud G. W. | ¢ Jackson are drawing pulp-wood to | THE DAILY BRITISH W HIG. MUNDAY, radi Any 1a, Tux. ns NAVY CuT S CIGARETTES == costal mission. A SUPPER AT SYDENHAM. Saw Mill receives a Large Quantity of Logs. Sydenham, Feb. 10.--At Wesley hall on Wednesday evening, the quar- | terly Ladies' Aid supper was served Supper began at Four tables were set, {and all thuse were occupied twice, and some a third time. Following the repast came a short but enjoyable | programme, _ including a chorus, vocal solos and duets, piano solo, a | play by some high school pupils, and a little community singing. The sum realized was in excess of any amount received at similar, previous gather- ings. , Miss A. Johnson, Boston, formerly well-known in this district, has been spending a few days with Miss E. Lawson, Another successful euchre and dance was carried out by the ladies of St. Patrick's church, Railton, last Monday evening. Mrs. A. Alkenbrack returned on Tuesday fron. attending the funeral of her father-ia law, the late Cor- nelius Alkenbrack, near «Napanee, Hugh Barclay was taken to the Gen- eral hospital, Kingston, on Monday last, an X-ray examination, made on Wednesday night; revealed an abscess on the brain. His recovery is being hoped for by all. F. W. Read left for his home in Westboro on Tuesday where he will remain until spring. A few Queen's students/ spent Wednesday at home, as there were no classes that day. Thomas Redmond has just finished tearing down the building behind the water-tank at the station... Some of the material he will use in erecting a house on the Harrowsmith road. A latge quantity of logs is being receiv. ed at the saw-mill from the farmers to be sawn into timber. six o'clock, Saw He Got Time, A woman about to board an Ave- nue Road trolley on Sunday, asked the conductor: "Does this car go to King street?" "No, madam," replied | "That's funny," re- | "Yes, madam, | torted the conduetor, pulling his bell rope. The next day the superinten- .' dent of the line called the conductor before him and asked: "What was it you said to that woman yester- day, when she said it was funny your car did not go to King street?" The conductor grinned, and replied, "1 said yes, it was funny, but I was late and did not' have time to laugh." "Take three days off without pay afid laugh," replied the superintend- ent. > Among the new locks to preveat | automobile theft is one that operates | a valve in an intake manifold. { New Zealand has 85,000 tele phones in use, an average of one to every sixteen Inhabitants. An inventor has patented a port- able compressed air tank for inflat- | ing automobile tires. i A distillery for the production of alcohol from sotol, a native plant, | has been built In México. b . The teléscoping joints of a new | | metal lead pencil can be drawn out | util it forms a foot rule. d THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY LIMITED. 24th ANNUAL STATEMENT BALANCE SHEET, DECEMBER 31st, 1920 LIABILITIES. Capital Account-- Capital Stock Subscribed Capital fully paid .... Capital partly paid ... Reserve re balance Domifion Income War Tax, ete. ... Dividends declared and un-, Jeary 3rd, 1921 Profit and Loss ....... ASSETS Capital Accounte Office Premises and Bafety Deposit Vaults, Toronto, Calgary and Brantford... The Trusts Buylldings, Lim- ited Stock® Office Furniture Real Estate--held for sale ... Loans on Stocks and Bonds. Bonds and Debentures ™ 646,739.15 269,786.35 $1,735,505.13 Guaranteed Trust Accolunt-- Trust Funds for Invéstment.§ 4, Trust Depos! Quaranteeq Trust Account. Mortgages Principal Interest $01,096.97 '921.619.91 ARS of Nowioundiahd Bunda Canadian gi es, School District and Rural Tel ne Debentures ... Other Bonds and Debentures Cash in Chartered Banks .. Other Assets--amount due from Domindon Govertment $5,422.456.38 Trusts Estates, Trusts and Agency Acoount-- Funds and Investments .... 916,383,761,38 | sale office premises are vested in the Trusts Bulldings. Limited, all the stock of whieh fa bald by the Canadian Appraisal Semjeay. Timited, at , A the 0. and the img Company has outstanding $980.000.06 ® and shares of a par value of S30.G0.C0. ° H. B, SMTOCKDALN, JAMES J. WARREN, : " . We have audited the books for the year ending fist December. and varified the sash. bank belaness of corporation. We have examined the. statement. and it agrees with the beaks "corparation, After Sine Farmed i esseneen opinion 42-13 tha position oF the soreraion: 4nd WIL our t and according to the best of our and the tions mivel us. We certify that sets forth fairly and truly the kta, of (he adairs of of the and that all come within our notice have beem within the powers of the aerporation, Bots and Agency AOCOURS-- and Agency Toronte. 3th January, Wal, SALE OF SHOES STILL ON- Women » igh eut Royal Purple Heogue Shoes; Npwar $11.00 to $12.50, NOW Women's high cut Guumetal Brogue Shoes; regular $11 to $12.00, NOW . .e These are a few of the real bargains on sale BOW at:--= THE VICTORY SHOE STORE No eredit No approval.

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