MONDAY, ARE Ee ata a naa aon a at a 8 A AA SS PhP bbb Pl bEPd SUPERIOR IR : Austin's bolded FEBRUARY 14, 1021. Drug Store In Cold and Stormy Weather t kK may A Metal or Rubber | Bottle from our ne Ho Ww 8toc Water abi or-- of Cod Liver O1l With Iypophophite . we Wine § W's H Patterson {OCOLS Austv's Drug Sire Kingston Phone 230 deirdre bb bbb Ss Cb ddb bbb db ddd id bd ddd ddd bib ddr bb bide bd bd dd ddd be nm ppm, Talking Machi | All kinds of Phonographs re- paired, cleaned, recharged and adjusted. Main and governor springs for all makes in stock. Quick service, expert workman. J. M. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM ST. Phone 20356J. Watches and Clocks Repaired --Dy---- G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year. Call or 'phone and your or- der will be promptly attended to. 'Phone 1866. 267 Princess St. | 21 Main Street. NERVES LL ~ BONE TO PIEGE "Fruit-a-tives" Conquered Nervous Prestration R. R. No.4, GiLsxar Praixs, Man, "In the year 1910, I had Nervoms Prostration in its worst form; dropping from 170 to 115 pounds. « The doctors had no hope of my recovery, and every medicine I tried proved useless until a friend induced sie to take "Fruit-a-tives", I began to mend almost at once, snd never had such good health as 1 have enjoyed the pas eight years {am mever without *'Fruit-a-tives™ in the house", JAS.S. DELGATY. 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son Phone 1670. Smoke A Blend of Import- ed Virginia Leaf -------- un SCOTT'S GARAGE Repairs, Washing "and Storage. One 1915 McLaughlin Touring Car for sale cheap, for a quick buyer. 202 BAGOT STREET. Phone 1S04w, mt Non PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS Quickly and efficiently attended to. Davie & Barrett Expert Practical Plumbers 203 WELLINGTON STREKRT Phone 658, | | i | Sold by | W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. Wiliamson & Wellwood Tailors Announce Special Reductions IN TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING Style a fit guaranteed. 0 MONTREAL STREET Two Doors From King Edward Theatre A A AA AAA AA FOR SALE DWELLING, BARN AND ONE ACRE OF LAND at city limits ..........$2,600 W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brocl: Streets Phone 424, The Telgmann School of Music Piano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ace cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 13.15j. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | Kingston and Vicinity pra i Will Assist, ! Revs. W. T. G. Brown and J. A. Waddell are to assist in special evan- | gelist %ervices in Gananoque Meth- odist church during this week. Were Kingston Visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glover, Gan- | anoque, spent the past | ston, guests 0' Mr. 2 | Rogers, Sydenham st i | | d reet. Mrs. L. W. Buys Iroquois Block. Ernest Mills, Cardinal, has pur- chased the Carman block in Iroquois | {from 8S, W, Liezert and will enter {the hardware and tinsmithing busi- | ness. Special Value in Negligee Shirts. {| We have just récelved a shipment {of negligee shirts, regular value 182.50, which we will put on sale for {ten days only at $1.50. See our | window. Prevost, Brock street. | Dies Following Heart Attack. The sudden death of Andrew Tho- {mas Houghton, at his home, John | street, Arnprior, on February 3rd, {from an attack of heart failure, re- | moves 'a very prominent and well- known man from this community. | To Hear About China. A joint-meeting of the Board of { Trade and the Kiwanis { called for this afternoon to hear a | statement on "the | the famine area of China," by Gillies | Eadie, Honan, > Cape Vincent Ice for Oswego. | Ten thousand tons of ice from the | 8t. Lawrence river is being received iin Oswego to fill the houses of the New York Central railroad company. It was cut at Cape Vincent and is be- | ing shipped at the rate of 600 tons a day. { In a Critical Condition, H. J. Kilburn, postmaster of Gre- | Inell Island, is in a very critical con- dition at the Sisters' Hospital, Wa- tertown, N.Y., for the past week, fol- lowing a second operation for the amputation of his leg. Hopes of his {recovery have been abandaned. i Cape Vincent Survey Projee& | A Washington dispatch states that | preliminary survey of the harbour at { Cape Vincent, N.Y., is authorized. It makes provision for no ngw pro- | jects but authorized preliminary sur- | veys and the carrying out of certain | | projects in which appropriations al- | | ready are available. New Industry Starts. The new ildustry recently located at Smith's Falls, the International Button Company, Limited, has com- {menced operations. The product is lan ivory button such ds in every- {day use, and is manufactured from imported | | vegetable ivory, a nuc {from South America. It is expected | 100 persons will be employed. | Oppose Netting Fish. The council of the township of { Front of Leeds and Lansdowne has i placed itself on record as opposed to |the 'continued granting of licenser {for netting fish in the St. Lawrence, {since the waters are being depleted [1 also urges the adoption of the | close season as approved by the Uni- [ted Slates. Appointed School Principal, Word has just been received that Miss Muriel Paul, Napanee, has been appointed principal of the new For Sale One motor boat, 24 ft. long, in' running condition. _E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO, rey | PATTON'S | DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 349 Princess St Le Iman DID YOU EVER TRY. Wagatfiil'y Ginger Marmalade, Wagstan's Vineappie Marmalade, Wagstaft's Brambie Jelly. We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- laaes, Jam and Jellies for sale ati-- Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets License Neo. 53-3714 Phone S44. FRY COLUMBIA SIX It's the shultegs that make the Columbia Six a true all Weather Car. EDMOND WALSH, Agent Central Garage Aute Repairs a Specialty, 335 King St Phone 2185. FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New: location: Corner Ontario and West Sta. Phone 67. Mattresses Don't throw away your old Mattresses. We renoyate all kinds and make them &s good as new. Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w. PILES Are Generally Caused by CONSTIPATION. There are few, if any, complaints more common than hemorrhoids, or piles, as they are commonly called, and scarcely any which cause more trouble, annoyance and misery. Ninety per cent. are troubled with them at some time or other, owing to allowing the bowels to become in a constipated condition. Piles are classed under three head- ings, i.e. itching, bleeding and pro- truding, and the excruciating pains which accompany them cause misery which is beyond description. Ointments and suppositories may help and relieve for a while, but to get rid of them, it is necessary to have a free, easy and natural motion of the bowels, at least once or twice a day, and by doing this the cause will be quickly removed. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills regu- late the flow of bile to act properly on the liver and bowels, thus remov- ing the constipation and all its allied troubles. They contain no calomel or dras- JUST ARRIVED SPINITS--a number to -choose from. ¥ We carry a complete line of Cooking Stoves with Hot Wa- ter Fronts or without. Also a complete line of Fur- niture--modern and antique-- dining room sets, parlor sets, buffets, ete. Cabinet Makers on the prem- ises, who remodel, repairs, ete. We buy all kinds of Furni- ture. Highest prices paid. LESSES, Antique Shop 507 Princess Street Phone 1045w. tic mineral ingredients, being purely vegetable. They are small and easy to take, and do not gripe, weaken or sicken. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c¢. a vial at all druggists or dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ont. ' IT FILLS THE NEED When your doctor decides that you need Scott's Emulsion Ki-mol (Tablets or Gear ron INDIGESTI ) ON 20-8ek week in King. | club was | real situation in | | "peasant Hill" public school of Sa katoon. This is a new school, occupied Feb 1st, having all modern including piano, Her salary | J conveniences; phone, electricity, more than double what she was paid | ing here Married at South A pr 19th Jan., the marriage of Miss Irene Ostrander, the second -daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Ostrander, Royal street, Mr. and Mrs. i Mr. and Mrs | Bay. The | performed by Rev. Mr. Stainton. Af- [ ter the ceremony, the happy couple left for New York. Bay. Peter Collier, son of Peter Collier, South Honored on 25th Wedding Day. Feb. 4th being the twenty-fifth {anniversary of the wedding of Mr. | land Mrs. E. J. Foster, Athens, rela- tives gathered in honor of the occa- | in | {sion. The evening was spent games, music and dancing, with an {intermission for midnight supper, | when all sat down to a well-laid ta- | the | the proper tima | ible, Robert Foster addressed gathering and at | Mrs. Jack Hudson presented Mr. and | Mrs. Foster with a worthy gift as a [token of the are held by their friends. At St. George's Cathedral, There were large congregations in lall the Anglican churches on Sunday {and the Bishop of Ontario's Lenten | | pastoral was read at the morning ser- | the | George's cathedral Bishop was the preacher in the morn- ing, and at evensong Arnold Fair sang during the offertory, "An Ev- ening Prayer." This little lad, who has a voice remarkable for its purity" and sweetness, is the youngest soloist lin the city, being only ten years of |age. vices, In St | Alexander Miskelly Fell Dead. { Alexander Miskelly, aged seventy- three, Smith's Falls, dropped dead a [tow days aguv when talking in the | yard of his residence with Samuel |Swan. He had been out for a drive land had just placed his horse in the byrn when he was stricken with |hpart failure. He was born near | Haston"s Corners and lived there un- {1A1 1908, when he moved to Smith's Falls. His wife, two sons, Bruce and William, and one daughter, Bes- sie, Thomasburg, survive, Opera House in Frankford. Frankford. C. F. Herman has pur- lot on Trent street opposite Dr. Ma- lone's, where he intead: to erect modern theatre at a cost of approxi- | mately seven thousand dollars. The building will be about 32x90 feet and will have a seating capacity of four hundred. It will have a suit- ablo stage. To Build a Jail. The Bancroft Times in its issue of | last week has the following item: ' Through the efforts of Reeve Em- bury, warden-elect for Hastings county, he has been successful in get- the county for the erection of a new jail here this spring. He also re- ceived the assurance of $300 for school! purposes in this village and an additional $300 for street im- provements. ¢ Local Churches May Unite. The managing boards of Chalmers | P! tele-{ two ; event tobk place on the to Alva Collier, son of | marriage ceremony was | esteem in which they | An opera house will be erected in | chased from Mrs, William Latta the | ting a special grant of $1,500 from | + , the First Congregational wurches have been considering a in of co-operation between these churches, whereby the latter uld unite with Chalmers. A meet- of Chalmers congregation has n called for next week to con- er the plan proposed. ies' Aid Society of Chal- Dr. R of the mers 1 has made Rev, J a life governor » Kingston General hospital. | Officers' Re-Union. Following a suggestion made by | Major-General Sir Archibald Mac donell, K.C.B., CM.G, . DSO. a| meeting has béen called to discuss | tentative arrangements for a re- | union dinner in Montreal of the of- ! icers who served with the First Can- | adian Division. It is stated that the officers eligible to attend the pro- posed dinner are those who served | | with the First Division in France, or who were in the ranks of that divis- | ion and subsequently obtained com= | missions in oth Planning Winter Carnival, According to the present plans | | of the Thousand Island Fish and Game Club, Clayton, N.Y., will be | equally as popular next season as a | winter resort, it is now as a sum- | mer resort. . A winter carnival, with full programme of winter sports, is | {now being gone over in detail. | | An ice palace will be one of the fea- tures. For many years the matter of | making the Thousand Islands and St. Lawrence river popular in winter has i been under discussion and it now seems as if the question has come to a focus and that the hopes of the riv- | er residents will be realized. 1 -------------------- as John M'Caw Passes Away. | One of South Marysburg's promi- | nent citizens passed away on Feb. | | 9th, at his home near Milford in his | seventy-first year. Deceased was | | borh in the ownship of South Marys- i | burg, on the farm adjoining the one where he died. As a young man he | | purchased the farm next the old | homestead, and had resided there | for the last fifty years. Mr. McCaw | leaves four children, George, who | resides on a farm in the same neigh- | { borhood, Clayton on the old home- | | stead, Mrs. Herb Walker, also of Mil- | ford and Miss Hilla at home. Mr. McCaw Had been ill for the past three | years, suffering from hardening of ! the arteries. He was a strong cons | i servative. S------ | What Queen's Girls Are Doing. General hockey practices took place | on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. {Girls from all the years played to- | gether, to get into condition for the | year practices and games, to take place at an early date. | Year "22 held its regular meeting | on Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, | The honorary president, G. Keill, M. ! A., addressed the year. Miss Edith | Tuttle read the "Twenty Tooler," the | vear's paper, and the 'Hen-coop" | Jazz orchestra furnished the music, {which was enthusiastically received. | On Friday, Feb. 11th, the journal | | staff gave the social evening in Grant | Hall, As the regular meeting of the Le- vana Society fell on Ash Wednesday, it was postponed to a later date. The caste of the four one-act plays to be given by the Dramatic Society this month, held a reading rehearsal last week. Y ON THE HUMAN SIDE OF GREAT. NESS. By Edgar A. Guest. My boy and I were walking yesterday And met a great man known to worldly fame. He smiled upon the lad and asked his name, Talked of the sports the youngster loves to play, And stroked his head in my familiar way. And wished his son had such a sturdy frame; Listened to all the young lips had to say As though from thm rich pearls of wisdom, came, When he had said good-bye and wan- dered on, 1 saw the boy's eyes follow him,' ; and then, "Oh, dad!" he cried, "he's just like Uncle John And you and Mr. Brown and other men!" For such a truth 'twere well worth going far. He'd learned how human great men really are. Divide the Pot. A wager added zest at a charity drive luncheon to Speculation as to what figure would be reached by the day's subscriptions. A group of com- mittee chairmen, seated at one of the tables on the platform, each had jot- ted down on a piece of paper his par- ticular estimate. Also each had con- tributed 25 cents for the pot to go to the man making the nearest guess. Along that table, gathering up the emptied dishes, came a waiter. A black hand reached past and fingers schooled in tip-taking cleared. the saucer of the assembled quarters. "Thankee, sul, thankee," sald the owner of the pocket into whose ample folds the quarters jingled. The presi- dent of the Chamber of Commerce arose to the occasion, but catching the humor of the situation, he effect- ed a compromise whereby the negro waiter and the winner dlvided the pot between them. i Even when a man fails at every- thing else he can always become an alidilidia STEER "KIDNEY 4 FE FOR RAEONATIS usterole Loosens Up Those Stiff Joints-- Drives Out Pain You'll wow why thousands use tp or REE 5 F fe 31S i 7: Hi : il I i i : Ma y At what age should a woman mar- ry? Opinions differ quite a bit. An English clergyman related that an! elderly lady in his parish who was about to get married consulted him | on the wisdom of her step. "You see, sir," she said, "the other night I got out of bed and tumbled | down on the floor and I hadn't no; | body to pick me up again, so I efficiency expert and tell other men 'how things should be dome. ~--Boston Transcript. . thought it was time I got married." Pine Lumber We can quote a specially low price on 2 inch Used Pine Shorts, ex Elevator. & S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. J \ |= A Pe tt A A tl et wr. Tt 2. te At et re eat te atte A YOUR OPPORTUNITY MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14th to "Say It With Flowers" Qur Valentine decorations given free --make every box of Cut Flowers or Plant an appropriate Valentine. "We Strive to Serve." " FLORIS? FOR SALE Brick house, 7 rooms, electric light, hot water heating, large lot, garage. Price...» ... $4,100. A. F. PURCELL Phone 704 1113 Brock St. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ~~ - Stock Taking Sale of ELECTRIC IRONS from ..$3.00 up. Call and see them. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC 17 If you keep your money in a Savings Bank at 3%, while there are good 6% Gov- ernment Bonds available, don't blame us. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Investments." 237 BAGOT STREET. 835 Bay Street, Toronto. PHONE 1728, | RED LETTER SHOE SALE Our Great Red Letter Shoe Sale is drawing to a close. Don't be disappointed if you do not get a bargain. They are here for you----every member of family. 25% Off Every Pair in Stock Men's High Grade Shoes shown in Black and Brown Calf, also Black and Chocolate Vici Kid; wide and narrow toes; many styles to choose from. Regular lines $14.00, $15.00 and $17.00. $9.95 Special lot, Black and Brown Calf. $6.95 J. H Sutherland & Bro HOME OF GOOD SHOES Men's sizes 6 to 10. TWEDDELL'S OVERCOATS For the best values at $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, - $35.00, $40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT, TWEDDELL"S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel)