We have the best value in 9 4 Boys' Suits in the city. We know it and we want you to know it. Call and see them. All sizes in Boys' Odd Trousers. o o 9 Livingston's 25.97 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." A ------ AAA Andersen Bros. Limited READ THIS For the benefit of our customers we have received 500 bags of choice, sound, White Potatoes--just the right kind for family use. We would recommend our customers to purchase a few bags now while the wea- ther is mild. We can supply your needs at an extraordinary low price. \ CHOICE CELFRY, BOSTON LET- TUCE, PARSLEY and all kinds of Root Vegetables. BANANAS, ORANGES, GRAPE FRUIT: APPLES by the barrel, bushel or peck. A -------------------- AAA THE DAILY B IRE SEAING COOPERATION toric Places in Kingston. The Kingston Historical has under consideratio ant programme in 2a ranging for a big celeora the new officials General Macdonell a: engaged inactive re- going to all eitizens who ed in its work to secure LREIT operation and support. Th under immediate the erection of memorial t historic spots. The selection these places is important, 1 ety is anxious to receive records from all per: in a position to render ar assis ance. Three important places quite definitely settled already. first is the central part ( the i eral hospital used as the first meet- ing of the parliament of Canada; second is Simcoe House on Queen | street, once the Lord Simcoe, governor-general of Can- ada, and the third is he site of the original Fort Frontenac within the enclosure of Tete du Pont barracks. Tablets will be placed on the Gen- eral hospital and Simcoe house, and a memorial will be ere ted at a suit- able place in the Tete du Pont bar- racks. The outline of old Fort Fron- tenac is still to be seen from what remains of thc founda i the ground of the b wks square. In 1923 the will take a leading part in the arrangements for | the celebration of the 250th anni- | versary of the founding of Kingston, | and all historical societies in Ontario will be invited to send representa- { tives. A monster pageant will be a feature of the celebration. MEDICAL DOCTORS', IMPORTANT REQUESTS and conside s over and th i f¢ ation and ons who may be are The Gen- the residence of society 1 ------ Made to Premier Drury and | the Minister of Health. Toronto, Feb. 17 the Ontario Medical delegation of doctors from various cities in the province, including Dr. -Representing Association, a Premier Drury and Hon. Rollo, minister of ing. The deputation urged: | (1). The advisability of making 2 survey of the amount of unattended sickness occurring in Ontario: () the advisability of transferring the pres ent medical school and nursing in- spection from the dep ment of edu- | cation to the health department; (3) the real necessity for measures | which will guarantee continuous and | efficient standardization of drugs; | (4) the necessity for carrying post graduate teaching to the more mote places where practitioners can- not leave their homes 10 attend insti- | tutions of learning. | The medical men also requested a {grant of ten thousand dollars, to- | wards a fund to assist the associa- | tion's committee on education in con- | nection with a post-graduate schedule {it bad arranged. The premier promised that the ca- pinet would give serious considera- tion to the requests. ACCUSE AMERICANS OF LOOTING SUPPLIES Charge Made That 38,000 |" Automobiles Sold to France Were Stolen. aamm---- Paris, Feb. 17.--That Americans Lin charge of army war stocks which had. been sold to France for $400.- 000,000 stole enormous amounts of suppiies owing to disorder and lack | the startling charge made in the Chamber of Deputies by | Brousse, charge stocks. This statement is confirmed, ac- ! cording to L'Intransigeant, by an {official Government report which states that the United States authori- ties sold, unknown to the French, | large quantities of merchandise al- ready bought by France. According to an investigation made by M. Vavasseur, Deputy from Indre- of the liquidation of war appeared are 38,000 automobiles and trucks worth 700,000,000 A et-Loire, among the stocks which dis- { motor francs. | Americans with making away with all that has vanished, but an official inquiry is to be made to fix the re- sponsibility. -------- Sultan Abdicates to Son. The Hague, Feb. 17.--The aged | Sultan of Jokjokarta, Java, one of the two powerful and wealthy poten- tates of tho Dutch East Indies, has H. A. Boyce, Kingston, waited upon | Walte: | health, this morn-| re- | '| MARKET SQUARE, of proper guarding of the camps was | Emanuei | The report does not charge tha! STOCK MARKETS. | Quotations Furnished by Bongard, | Ryerson & Co., 237 Bagot | Street. | ---- i New York Stocks. i Opening merican Car Fndy..124 Locomotive 86 Closing. | 124 i 45 Smelters Baldwin Locomotive Paltimore & Ohio .. Bethlehem Steel * Anaconda C. P.R. io:s:e Central Leather Crucible Steel Lackawanna Steel Mexican Petroleum . Southern Pacific Studebaker Sinclair Oil a----i-- Canadian Stocks. Brazilian 3 i Brompton Canada Cement Canada Steamships Canadian Locomotive Smelters 59 bid | { 20 bid | bid | 2 bid | Cons | Dominion Steel National Breweries N. Y. Exchange .... Riordon Steel of Canada Spanish River Wayagamack on walls on Late J. H. Dennison. James H. Dennison passed away | at. his residence, 133 Collingwood street, at 3 p.m. on Wednesday | lafter an' illness of one week from | | pneumonia, The { | stone cutter and resided in Kingston lal his life. He was known as al | most. industrious man and was high- | ly respected, He was an Orangeman, | and was prominent in labor circles, {always taking an active part in pro- | moting the interest labor in} | Kingston. His wife two sons | survive, Harold, in and | | George, this city. deceased was a | s of and Toronto Are Mining Mica. There are a number ol | working in the mica mines at Aylen | | Lake. This mine vas discovered | thirty-five years ago by Charles La- rone, a resident of Calabogie, who at | the time was skidding logs in Mac- donald's lumber camp, of which | Sandy Campbell was foreman. One of the logs he was dragging to the skidway sank into the soft soil and | uncovered the mica. Mr, Larone is now disabled by rheumatism as a result of as a river driver, but he is an auth- history of the lumber industries in this dis- | men still | | ority on the and mining trict. eee ee Two Days' Sale of Shoes at Lockett's. Saturday and Monday Lockett's | | will place on sale about 300 prs. wo- | men's high and Oxford shoes, and | about 150 prs. men's boots at half | regular price. These are nearly all | high-grade shoes in black, brown and i | colors. Read our space advts. next | Friday. erm i Red Ripe and Full Flavored. | Fresh strawberries, tomatoes and | | rhubarb, at Carnovsky's. ~ Band at Palace Rink to-night ee TEN: HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR 1 { | DAILY MEMORANDUM. i | | PRINTERS KINGSTON. -------- ! MARRIED. | MES---GRANT--At the old | stead; Sydenham, on former Under-Secretary in | DIED. { DENNISON--I1 Kingston, on Feb. 16th. | Tea1. James H. Deanison, ages $3 s from his late residence ingwood Street, Friday to Cataragul Cemetery. 133 at IN MEMORIAM. In fond me ry of ym Herbert | Alexander, Who died Feb. 17th, 1920.1 also Baby Bobble, who died Jan 2nd, | i 1810. | One year has passed since that sad day | {| When our Joved one went home with | 1 to stay, | One of the besy that God could lend A loving father, a faithful friend | When days are dark and friends are | few, Dear husband how We long for you, Gone and forgotten by some it Is true But dear to our mémory you shall ever ye. -- Wife and children. [nar | IN MEMORIAM. | In loving memory of Mabel Viola | Thomas, Who departed this life on Feb. | 17th, 1920. i One loving to our hearts is gone RITI SH WHI G. ee ------------ » (3 A while judging it into lines of style. style as the Grst Corset essential. ra -- C. C. a la GRACE are here in a construction of these Corsets. will not break. All white. | | tf his, thirty-five years' | ! | Any Corsets has good qualiti Corset which adapts itself most readily to your type of figure, Fvery woman recognizes Women know our Corsets, ur Corset Department ee ------------------ THE ATHLETIC CORSET Is first and fortmost a Corset built for comfort. The Elastic inset sec- tions here and there gives freedom co every movement of the These Corsets have gained great favor. They come in back lace style, 4 hose supporters. Flesh and white. is the well known ANTIPON BEE. a la GRACE CORSETS are featuring elastic bust for stout and medium figures © Moderately but here are aew prices. The ladies of o are trained to fit Corsets comfortable and gracefully. $2.50 to $3.75. es--but buy and wear the ------------------------------------------------------------ Priced body. wide variety of makes and models; only good materials are used in the The bones Included in the wide range C.C. Priced ..........-$3.75, $4.00 to $5.50 GODDESS CORSETS + (Lace Front ) It is hardly necessary to give a word pic- ture of these celebrated Corsets. They are par- ticularly well known to the medium and stout figure. The boning is guaranteed in every Cor- _get under this name and comfort is assured \Flesh and White. Priced _..$3.50 to $6.00 Kleinerts Waterproof Baby Rubber simply pull them on in a jiffy--light weight and come in pure white and natural color rubber. Priced . . D. and A. CORSETS every wi Priced 1 (Back Lace) in all sizes; well 4 Hose Support within the reach Corset made . White only; man, Every Pair Guaranteed JIFFY BABY PANTS Pants-- Elastic' Waist Band and Elastic Knee Bands-- sanitary. They 75¢. and 90¢ John Laidlaw & Son, Limited Nothing Better Than This decided to abdicate in favor of his | 3 voice we loved is still eldest son, the Crown Prince of Jok- | A place made vacant in our hearts, jokarta, who has been trained in { Can never more be filled Here 13 one of the best wearing Perfect in style, comfort and fit. ~--Father, arve a Baked Portland Haddock if you would please everyone; roast or bake it, whole stuffed with forcemeat to which has been added juice of half a lemon. European ways in Holland. Before leaving here for the Indies, a few weeks ago, the young man inform- ed his father that he would not take the sultan's throne unless the ab- dicating potentate, with his entire court, removed to another town than ed, rather than cause trouble. Jokjokarta, and the father consent. | mother and sisters. "CARD OF T | Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Norman wish to | thank their friends and neighbors for their kind sympathy and fioral gffer- ings during their sad Bod men], JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers. equal to a $1 0.00 Shoe. Shoes we have. It sells for $6.00, and we think in actual wear it is Just the right shape and a nice, sensible Portland Haddock, dressed ......15¢c. Ib. Portland Haddock, to fry, fancy brill 15¢ 1b LAKE and SEA FISH in great variety. 254 and 236 PRINCESS STREKT. Pucune 147 for Ambul.nce. heel; Kid Toe Cap; one w.dth only. - A NSN \ "ROBERT J. REID : The Leading U v Sizes 2} to 7. ockett's One man was killed and thousands of persons crowding lower Broad- way, New York, were thrown into a panic to-day when a manhole ex- ploded. ! Early opening of navigation is forecast by ice conditions. St. Mary's river is expected to be! ors, clear for traffic between the Soos by : Ambulance Phone 1839. {the end of the week. ~~ - . pisnure, | JOHN CORNELIUS Alexander Howatt, { Kan., president of the Kausas Min- Undertaker Embaimer 7 \Pariers: acess Street ers' union, was found guilty of con- = | Lempt of court and sentenced to jail. Undertaker. Phone 577. 230 Prince. Street. ---- Phones: 458459. Wholesale 1767.