4 » ' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1021. 3 THREE-YEAR ben BEFORE HONE BURNS PROBS: Friday, fair and cold. STEACY'S Prescriptions Put up with care and ac- curacy and always under the proprietor. to Mrs. Jackson's on the day of the fire -and on his return home found | his wife burning up in the Meuse." To Be Recommended to Re-. Witness said he had gone to the scene lof the fire with Thomas Forsythe duce Expenses of the land found the house was compietely Universities. | rancy. On the way to Napanee, on the next day he questioned in regard to | the fire. 'He told me he had gone VERY SPECIAL! Mesh Bag supervision of the Your doctor would advise this as he is assured that his medi- HS pe pen | destroyed. The cellar was 16x20 feet and in the west corner were human | bones. Found a sill in the cellar that cines reach you as he would have them. Have. your prescriptions and family medicine put up at: -- Best's The Popular Drug Store. Phone OC. Open Sundays. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Toronto, Feb. 17.--The royal com- mission on university "finances has | recommended no radical changes in the relation of Toronto, Queen's and | Western universities to oue another, or to the provincial government, it The University of To- Offer. We will sell while they last, a very ex- cellent lot of large sized Silver Mesh Bags, measuring 10 inches across at --$10.00-- These are the best Furnished Bags we have had and a very is understood. ronto will continue as the provincial university, while Queen's and Wes- tern will rbceive, as in the past, an- | nual grants from the government. The principals of decentralization | of education has been approved by | the commission, it is believed, but | its application will not affect, the in- | ter-relation of the three universities | so much as it will the relation of the | high school to the university. | Three Year Art Course. | The chief proposal in this direction must have been thrown in. He saw 2 vacant spot 'from which the stil had | been removed. The bones were badly | {broken up. It was possible that the | | bones were broken by people walk- ing on them, but they were in the | corner of the cellar, witness saw a |stove in the west end of the cellar |about two feet from the bones, but |did not think the bomes could have | | been broken by the stove. He had | |spent three weeks on the investiga- | | tion. | On cross-examination witness said {did not know the technical names {of the bones found. Said he thought | the stove probably fell into the cel- {lar first and then the body. | This concluded the evidence for the prosecution. It was contended by J. M. Simpson | that the crown has not proved a case FEBRUARY SALE or | is understood to be the transfer of | against his client and that the court the first year of the arts course from | acquit the prisomer. His lordship said thé sphere at the university to that |he did not see his way to do this and | real bargain. Insure Against After Regrets. by vi oe rea. ||| SMITH BROS. Made and Fitted by | Jewalers - Limited | The optometrist of to-day to do 850 Kirg Street good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus but must have that knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI- ENCE CAN GIVE. | eee THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the carpen- It is this combination of min} ter Hae. Re ives on all hinds and: machinery of experience of repairs. and mn also hard- and equipment that makes sud Route of all kinds, io orders | ' " will recelve prompt attemtion, Sho Keeley's service unique in pri Tobi FRR wy » Kingston. | A A A A AA AAA AAA At a dinner of Calgary Polo Club | at the Calgary Palliser, the ponies, in elaborate stalls, were present as hosts. Had they been consulted, horse sense would have impelled them to say neigh. In the depths of the sea fish are said to move about silently. mmm Our February Wear Ever Aluminium Sale Begins La MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21st For One Week Only Watch this space for Special Annpunce- ment. McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. Big Busy Hardware, Kingston. Phope237 - -. . . . - ALES RR RAAT OOR Kingston STEERER ERRATA COTA AAO Ee E = B ss EE E EE ss po Eg E EE = E E = = E E = : = = cs = E Es BE = E E E = Es E E ss E = E ss E E = E es Eo] Ss ES E .s E E E>] = = ss =E E = gc ES E BE = se = =] ES = EE 2] gs cs Es E ts' s s - F-=] E E Li Es ES to] me = E EB ss E E = S = E ss £ S E sc = This is the time of year to look over your decorations and prepare for the coming of Spring. We have a pretty range of Velours, Repps, Poplins, Chintz, etc., in all the popular shades, suitable for over curtains and furniture covering. : Just now we also have a large stock of Em- broidered Nets, Madrases, Lace Curtains, Scrims and Voiles, neat and attractive and very reasonably priced. Ask us to Demonstrate the "HOOVER" SWEEPER ? T.F. Harrison Co., Limited Phoce 90 of the local collegiate and high |. school, thus presumably making the | jury. university course one of three years instead of four. The decentralization scheme has not been adopted unqualifiedly, how- ever, it is understood, since the com- mission will probably recommend the concentration in the provincial Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0 [ows ee ey Key oe Vella Ve Established 1840. | university at Toronto of the Higher oer case is to prove that a murder | branches of graduate and research wark, and possibly even the work of the engineering and applied science fdculty as well. When appearing before the com- mission, the representatives of Queen's and Western approved the | principle of centering certain forms of graduate and research work in To- ronto, so this proposal will raise no great trouble, Western has no én- gineering department, but Qiieen's has a well-established school of min- ing and undoubtedly would protest very loudly at any attempt to curb its future development. Financial Assistance. As for the financial assistance which the universities at Kingston and London will receive, no definite figures are yet available, but it is understood that very sweeping re- ductions will be made in the financial budgets submitted by those two col- leges. It is believed that the coms mission has recommended that Var- sity be given fifty per cent. of the succession duties in order to pro- vide it with definite and growing source of revenue. The commission, while acknowledging the govern- ment"s responsibility to Queen's and Western, will probably suggest that they continue to receive their sup- port in the form of annual fixed grants. The report of the commission is now in the hands of the printers and will probably be tabled in the house next week. Birth Rate in England Highest on Record London, Feb. 17.--Births in Eng- land and Wales during 1920 reach- ed the highest figure ever recorded, and the death rate was the lowest, according to an official report of the Registrar-General. The birth rate per thousand of the total popula- tion was 25.44, and the death "rate was 12.4. The deaths of infants un- der the age of one year were 80 per thousand. A man will spend eight hours a day yelping that luck is against him, And then he wonders why he hasn't any luck. GRIP Take Grove's Quinine fablets so. Be sure you get The genuine bears this signature ©. Zprore Nothing Like J. on the Market Nothing Like It on the Market. If you are not using "Campanas Italian Balm" you are not getting the best remedy for chapped hands and rough skin. "Italian Balm" is prepared from many different oils;" balsams, essences and perfumes ga- thered from all parts of the world, and carefully blended intb a remedy both soothing and healing. "Get a bottle from your druggist and use it daily." All druggists have it. # semen who came to shoot, remained | that the case must be given to the | Evidence for Defence. ! Council for the accused then ad- | dressed the jury. He told them that | | Young was not at the house at the | | time of the fire; had been away all | | afternoon. The first thing in a mur- { has been done. He intended to prove | {to the gentlemen of the jury that as | | husband and wife the Youngs got | {along well together. The first witness | {for the defence was then called and | sworn. | | Dr. Dobbie, chief physician of | | Weston Free Hospital, said he re-| |membered having a patient named |Ellen Arch. She came from Madoc | land was suffering from a pulmonary | disease. She was admitted to the hos- pital, July 2nd, 1911, and on Oct. 18th, 1912, discharged because she | left of her own accord. Her habits were rather simple-minded with an | occasional show of temper. She came | from a reformatory to them. She | was not very robust and her disease | might develop into consumption. In answer to J. M. Simpson, witness] said consumption may produce an af- | fection of the heart that would prove fatal. In answer to the counsel for the prosecution. James Hutchinson, Brockville, witness said consumption might produce a hemorrhage, which would cause sudden death, especial- ly after some sudden strain.. Mrs. Jennie Kellar sald her maiden name was Tina Rodger. Her mother, (the deceased Mrs. James Young), married for the second time, Edward Ash and was sent to the reformatory for marrying Ash, from there she was sent to Weston hospital. She did not know if she was properly dis- charged from that institution. Her mother was married again to James Young, and they got along very well. Witness stayed with them for a month in 1918. Her mother was weak and suffered from consumption. She saw them again in 1919. They were not quarrelsome. James Young carried the water and wood, and wit- ness' mother did the house work. Mrs. Dora Gifford, sister of previous witness, gave similar evidence. She sald James Young and her mother got along well and seemed to have everything they needed. She had plenty of nourishing food rand the two seemed to be fond of each other. Dr. John D. Willoughby gave some evidence in regard to anatomy as did Dr. R. A. Leonard, Napanee, At 9.30 p.m. court adjourned until 9.30 o'clock on Thursday morning. James--=Grant Wedding. Miss Beatrice E. Grant, youngest daughter of the late James Grant, Sydenham, was Quietly married at the old homestead on Wednesday, Feb. 16th, by George Stafford; to Alva F. James, of Kingston. The bride was dressed in a moire poplin gown of ashes of roses shade trim- med with gold lace and carried a shower bouquet of roses. She was | given away by her brother, Barna- bas After the ceremony dinner was served and the party spent a pleas- ant hour in social intercourse. The bride went away in a broadcloth suit of reindeer shade with hat to match and wearing the groom's gift, a necks lace set with whole pearls, She re- ceived a number of handsome pres- ents, among them being substantial cheques from her brothers, Mr. and Mrs. James took the four o'clock train west and were given a royal send-off by the Women's Institute which turned out in a body to show- er them with confetti and good wishes. ESCAPED LYNCHING Clyde, Ga., Feb. 17.--Negro pos- to pray here last night at their pri- sonef's call. This ended plans for a lynching and Israel Waters, negro, charged with having attacked a school girl of his own race, and cap- tured by a posse of white and negro residents, went to jail instead. The, whites turned Waters over to the ne- groes for punishment following his capture. He said today he had been stood up to be shot, and when he asked the brethren to pray for him, the mob changed its mind about the shooting. : A man makes so much fuss over his pipe clogging up that you would WHITE! Positively the greatest event of its kind in our history. Qur prices are forced down to the lowest market quota- tions for quality merchandise. See our specials in: -- White Cotton White Sheeting Pillow Cotton Hemstitched Sheets Table Damask White Repp Bath Towels Towelling White Flannelette White Chamoisette Gloves Dress Pique Huck Towels White Hosiery White Habutai Silk New Spring Corsets White Lawn Aprons Damask Table Cloths Whitewear At Unbeatable Low Prices! '* Embroidery Lien White Voile As an extra special attraction to this extraordinary bargain event we will offer for to-morrow only and posi- tively not again this month-- Treble Discount Stamps ! SHOP TO-MORROW AND SAVE 15% On all regular cash purchases--this should prove an excellent opportunity for planning and purchasing your new Easter wardrobe and general outfitting -- 'also for housekeepers to replenish household necessities and house furnishings. I - Sale Hours 9 to 5.30 Friday Steacy's - Limited The Store That Forced Prices tc the New Low Levels think it was the house burning down. >