SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1921. INEARLY CRAZY WITH ECZEMA those who SCOTT'S GARAGE Repairs, Washing and Storage. One 1915 McLaughlin Touring Car for sale cheap, for a quick buyer. 292 BAGOT STREET. Phone 1554w Angrove's Repairs =i' ==" | Scales, Talking Machines, Bleycien.: Blood Bitters for giving Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc, We | such sufferers: no reme do seguir Work right and guarantee done, or can do more for thos 197 WELLINGTON STREET | are almost driven to distractior é |.the terrible torture i Apply it externally and it takes out | the stinging, itching and burning, and promotes a healthy healing Take it internally and it | the source of the disease in the olood --for eczema is a blood disease -- and drives it out of the system Miss L. M. Boutilier, 89 Victoria Road, Halifax, N. 8., writes: --"1 have suffered for years from eczema - { I could not rest day or night. I suf- KINGSTON BATTERY | fared great agony, and nes SERVICE | crazy with the itching and 1 used all kinds of salves, but nothing seemed to help me 1 saw Burdock Blood Bitters advertised, and was ad- vised to try a bottle. I found | relief, and I really cannot, rec it highly enough for what it ha for me." Burdock Blood Bitters tb the market for over fort during that time has been 1: | tured only by Tt I. Mil { Limited, Toronto No rest day or night for (are afflicted with that te | disease, eczema or as it is « | ed, salt rheum | With its unbearable t { ing and torturing relief is g | comed. te ften call- et who with Columbia STORAGE BATTERIES \ < The best on the market for the least money Phone 410w, ~------ ---- "COLUMBIA SIX It's the shutters that make the Columbia Six_ ® true all weather Car. sb Ont skin | Burdock | to! dy t has | go's at | ariy | 4 In the Auto World THE D {Canada Imports Daily i 20,000 Barrels Crude Oil | C. 0. Stillman, president of the Imperial Oil Company, Limited, of Canada, states that work will begin this year the Fort recently within to commercialize i Norman well, hich 3S { brought in by the company [150 miles of the Arctic Circle in nor- | | thern Canada. Mr that every effort make Canada self-sustaining in re- gard to crude oil supplies { Canada is now importing more than 20.000 barrels of crude oil daily from Stillman stated | will be 'made to 1 j the. United States PSYCHIC EFFECT OF AUTO learning to Drive is Developing Idea of self-control. i The of the automobile | tave dope more than any other agen- to animals. No | persons who inventors j cy to stop cruelty doubt many would go so far as to assert the auto-! { on the sole there are mobile has justific »{ prac {&Oorse as a beast of eliminating the! burden. Not that groumd tical Auto Storage EDMOND WALSH, Agent Warm or Cold. Central Garage || porte ison Auto Repairs a Specialty, | Shop 1038, Res, 15374 ° . Res. 13374. - : a Phones: 335 King St. Phone 2185. {| 37% BROCK STREET The man with patches on his It makes a man weary to see a pants, who doesn't owe anybody, has a harder time borrowing money than the well-dressed man 'who owes horse-faced dame wearing a $1,200 coat and a swell hat when he sees a pretty girl who has to wear an old the horse is a past number, but it is becoming so The relationship and horse is one of feeling; the re- between a man lationship between a man and auto- | mobile is one of thinking. When a| driver gets mad at a horse he jerks | { the bit and applies-the whip. When aj driver gets mad at an automobile, his | | friends laugh at him. Because of this | tact the automobile is doing its part | | have been removed. | bolts are drilled to take'a cotter pin, ! of the car, and there is a device which clemps on which furnishes 4 minute quantity of ofl through a felt | pad, which is supposed to keep just enough oil between the leaves for lubrication and not enough to drip or collect dust. -- Attaching Frame Bolts. It is sometimes rather difficult to get bolts that run through the frame | channels back in place after they Where these | the sfimplesi way to replace them is to run a piece of wire through the frame holes and then out through the hole in the bolt. The bolt may then { be drawn through the hole, -- Radiator Outlets, All radiators, says a writer in the current issue -of American Motoris:. have an overflow arrangement to ac commodate the natural expansion of | she water upon being heated during tne operation of the motor; frequen:- ly they are also equipped with blow w the escape of steam the accumulation holes to all If, through airt, and don't fulfil iheir result is that the in- generated will follow t resistance and force it where the radia'or Therefore, it is ahsolute- come cloggot functions, the ternal pres the line of a leak at'a j is weakest ly essential that these outlets be open | at all times -------- For Clear Windshields. There are many inquires these days for something the windshield clear enough for care- | Only | ful driving during a storm. iat uptane of | these outlets be- | whick will keep | AILY BRITISH WHIG. NEW LIGHT-SIX SEDAN -- a Masterpiece of the Studebaker Body Builders' Art Bis and comfort gre combined in the Jig. IX SEDAN with stability and correct de Studebaker's long a in body building assures just that. . In its quietness of power and freedom from vibration this LIGHT.SIx SEDAN sets new standards in closed car comfort. Distracting noises and" discomforting body vibratiofts have been eliminated. ' Think of getting this fine, light-weight enclosed car at such a moderate price -- wh that acknowledged superiority in flexibility, ess and all-round per- formance possible only in a six-cylinder car. See this car--ride in jt-mcOmpare it with other Sedans around its price, on hundreds of dollars higher--and we will rest our case with you. Light in weight, yet affording ample roominess for all as this view of the tomnean indicates TouringCar . . . $188 Landau-Roadster . . '2085 Sedan . . . 2750° Cord Tire Equipped Li F. O. B. Walkerville, Ont. © KINGSTON AUTO SALES CO. LTD. Corner Brock and Montreal Streets. - everybody including his tailor. turban and a shabby coat to raise human standards, and to de- | oBe Who has sat behind a foggy wind- | USE MAXOTIRES ( J * EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBBER CO., | 23584 Omtarie St. Free Air Phone 2030. Willard Attention Now WILL SAVE YOU ANNOYANCE AND EXPENSE LATER ON OUR BERVICE and ADVICE ard The result of years of battery experience. We most strongly recommend great care in keeping your battery well charged while car is in use, and WINTER DRY | STORAGE for it immediately when car is laid up. Our workmen are experts--our charges most reasonable, Send them to us--Kingston's only "Battery Specialists. WILLARD SERVICE STATION 19 Brock Street I was ashamed to take the shabby old gave ta, sout of BERRY. BROT. 253 proud A nothing like Berr: beautiful, ng y enamel Teron they ave all 4a Car out last fall, but since A COLOR VARNISH 1 am 5 Walkerville, Ontarle : Nabors of Liquid Grane, the Worlds dest floor virnis. ' |are sometimes caused because the Everywhere you go in this community the Ford con- \ | springs which also need lubrication. CORNS | velop human character. | Anyone who drives an automobile | { forms the habit of thinking about his | 1 | troubles instead of feeling about {them -- | MIXTURES FOR COLD MORNINGS | Prime Carburetor Before Starting Engine to Save Self-Starter. | You have probably noticed that on | {cold mornings the self-starter whirrs | a few minutes longer than it used to | | before the engine starts. Of course, it] # designed to start the car at any | time, and undoubtedly will start it if | your battery is in proper condition. | But bear in mind that the current | consumption is not by any means | proportional to the time required of the starter to start the car. | The greater viscosity of the cold | oil in winter will make the starting | torque so great as to demand of the | battery three or four times the cur- | | rent required in summer. The lesson | to be learned is this: Help your | starting motor by providing a rich | gas mixture. : Prime the carburetor in the usual way, or, better still, choke the air in- oy Not all of the gasoline in the rich | mixture will reach the cylinder, much lof it will condense on the old walls { of the intake manifold. Hence it is | wise to provide as rich a mixture at | the carburetor as is possible, and the | caretul owner will take this means [of rémoving a good share of the bur- {den from his battery. | Spring Breaks. | A broken spring plate should be re- | paired or replaced at once by a skilled | spring maker, not by any chance a | blacksmith. If the intermediate plates | should break at the centre bolt, the | spring clips should be tightened down until it is possible to have the break | repaired, Very often rebound clips { are loose or broken. Missing rebound | may result in broken main Squeaks, Squeaks which are hard to locate | spring leaves and shackles are not | lubricated. Usually there is a grease {cup or an oil hole on the shackles, | and many drivers remember to oil | here, but fail to recall that there are | bearings between the leaves of the { When the car has been driven for | several months moisture is very apt | to work in between the spring leaves, | producing rust, and soon there is a | squeak. There are a number of ways {of lubricating the spring leaves. | There are clamps which open them | up to permit the application of the oil | and graphite, there are inserts which | provide lubrication for almost the life quers bad roads and stormy weather. It has the power ! The famous Ford engine simple to operate, instant- 1y responsive to your every wish, is so wonderfully de- pendable you seldom give it a thought. The surplus power is there to pull you out of tight corners and this wealth ot reliability and service is avail- able to Ford owners at lowest maintenance cost. ' We render Ford sesvice. : We sell genuine Ford parts, When parts of repairs are needed we have the equipment and the skilled mechanics to give you prompt work at standardized prices. VanLuvenBros. Phone 1609. 34-38 Princess Street. Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, ine stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fing- { ers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle | of "Freezone" for a few cents, suffi | cient to remove every hard corn, soft | corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or ir- ritation. | plenty of clear glass on either sid | shield will know the feeling of anx- helplessness--which | fety --almost e drive There are rain off the windshield, but a wmery simple one ' driver and be carried in the door pocket for instant use. A small bottle filled with alcohol | and glycerine, half and half, and a 80ft cloth to apply it, are all that one | weeds. It is not necessary to paint the whole glass with this. height of the windshield and coat it with the mixture and the rain or stow will not stick to that part, This will give ample vision for driving and when the shower is over there is e. Water in Crank Case. In cold weather water will often | gather in the crankease, for steam | will make its way past the piston | ring8 and coudeuse on the wall. Care- ful drivers will drain the crankcase of their cars often so as to remove this water, which hinders lubrication. The period of time between @ratning | will depend on the size and number | of cylinders, for the larger surfaces | will gather more steam, ~ ---------- Valve Cdp Essential, When an automobile tire valve pe. gins to give trouble, says a tire ex- pert, it will generally be found that dirt has worked into it. There is a rather common belief that the valve cap is an unessential thing and that it makes little difference if it is used or not, This idea is entirely errone- ous, gnd motorists who do not use the valve cap are in danger of trou- ble. When the cap is not used there is a strong likelihood that dirt will work down into the valve and ulti- mately produce a valve leak. While a tire remains inflated this dirt in some cases may do no harm, but when a new inflation is made the air drives the dirt down into the valve and makes an airtight connection impossible. ---- Measure Horse-Power, The area of the piston in square inches, multiplied by the length of the stroke in inches, will give the number of cubic inches displaced by one piston. Multiply this piston dis- placement by the number of cylin- ders and it will give the total piston displacement of the engine in cubic inches. The ordinary automobile engine will develop approximately a2 horsepower for each ten cubie inches of piston displacement. Some, through increased piston speed and greater efficiency, wiil. develop a horsepower to each four cubic inches | of piston displacement. -- Dry Bearings, One cause of insufficient lubrica- tion In the bearings is found in ob- structions in the grooves in the bear- ing holder. Sediment often collects in these grooves so that they can- not perform their appointed function of carrying lubricating ofl to the bearing surface. An excess of gra- phite, if that be used with the oil, sometimes produces t#is condition, Wort! Grease Cheap lay ase ups, grease cups are more than likely to become worthless in a short time... It is almost impossible for the ordin man to turn ome of these cups down. and even it he is able to the operation nay not send the grease home wher: it is meed- ed. The only remedv for this con- dition is to install really efcient grease cups. ofl cups or get a lubri- catfon system of the kind that puts grease in the beafings under igh pressure. : . -- With the cost of gasoline soaring t0 new heights, it will be well to study ways of saving it. A frequent cause of waste is running the engine idle. A great deal more gasoline is used than suspected. Sa stop your engine every time you have occasion to stop the car for a few minutes. cut, especially in the rear tire, may permit the A sm. tread of a a number of mixtures | | sold which are guaranteed to keen may be made by any | Take a | strip six or eight iriches wide and the | | il all small cuts with gum. '"THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR" i ------ mem SERVICE I COULD FILL EVERY INCH OF THIS SPACE WITH SMALL TYPE TRYING TO TELL YOU OF THE SERVICE WE INTEND v GIVING THE CAR OWNERS OF KINGSTON. \ BUT WHY TAKE UP YOUR TIME? There is Only One Way to Convince Yourself. TRY IT. JUST SLIP AROUND AND LOOK US OVER. Absolutely Freproof 2-4 Queen St. A Ze fooks T0 RSERVIC OSCAR F. COOK, PHONE 634. Always at Your Service. SERVICE entrance of sand, which will work into a pocket betwesn the tread and fabric. Such a sand blister soon wears through and makes a serious tire injury, the cure of which might be vulcanization. To forestall this, | It's just the kind of SERVICE you will get The kind of SERVICE you want The kind of SERVICE You are willing to pay for And you only pay for the SERVICE that you get. "MOTOR CARS Early booking is quite safe and far more satisfactory for every one concerned. The purchaser has his new car when desired, and the dealer anticipates his requirements more accurately. We con sider carly booking to be good business and in order to encourage this plan, we are going to allow a special discount on all orders received before March 15th, for cars to be delivered in the month of April. . We all prices against increases or declines up to May 1st, on all cars prior to that date. .. $1675.00 21-32 regular 3-passenger . . . . 21-63 regular 5-passenger 1675.00 21-62 special 3-passenger 1750.00 21-63 special 5-passenger . 1750.00 21-44 Special 3-passenger 2575.00 21-45special 5-passenger 2575.00 21-49 special 7-passenger . .- .. 2950.00 21-45 regular 5-passenger . ....... 2375,00 21-49 regular 7-passenger . . ...... 2685.00 All prices F.O.B. Kingston, with spare tire, bumper, lenses, etc. Allowance of $25.00 will emt where owner drives car from Condition of Engine Bearings. The oil pressure gauge furnishes a' rather accurate means of deter- mining the condition of the engine bearings. As the bearings wear the oil circulates more freely and the pressure naturally drops. If the oil gauge persistently thows low pres- sure it is reasonable 0 assume en- gine bearing wear, provided the regulator is all right. The noises which accompany a rattling drip-pan and loose fenders are rather hard to {ell apart, and this suggestion is offered : Ask someone to stand on the running board and bear on that fender which you suspect of making the noise. If that does not stop it, look for a loose bolt in the drip-pan Wonderful} Bilions € y Prevents Attacks There are two great eauses of bili ousness,--they are constipation and defective liver action. * When Dr. Hamilton's Pills are tak- en, they not only correct comsti- pated bowels, but act upon the liver as well. Quite unlike ordinary medicines which purge and give temporary. re- | lief, Dr. Hamilton's Pills remove factory. ; When better cars are built, McLaughlin will build them. ; Blue Garages, Limited Phone 567. H. M. FAIR, Manager. bad stomach, of billous complaint. Get a 25c .box to-| day.