SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1921. { WHAT'S YOUR GOAL? Sie By the Rev. Charles Stelzle. Some men are pair a dollar a min- | to remember that this is not a sign A little baby. A little child. Don't they appeal to you ? Doesn't your ute for their speeches because they've { that you a iecessarily worge than 3 tak ime thi some thr h, Large Benefits oe ices. not make a cent a day that way, be- - i | cause t} 1 all their time holl- to Policyhoiders ua ai fue vine yo aries during 1920 'amounted to $215,298.47. { does the talking on | Fact is, it's a man's character that In addition, the sum of $508,813.00 was trans- {speaks for him--'"what you are ferred to Policyholders Reserve Fund and { keeps thuadering so loudly into my | ears that I cannot hear what you $47,275.28 was transferred to Policyholders' 156%." snd 8 wer mas Surplus. . | You've heard of the man of whom . . it is sald: "His word is as good as his This makes a sum total of $771,386.75 paid to { bond." ® j or placed to the credit of Crown Life Policy- | The words of such a man count for { : 50 much bacawse he's careful to holders during 1920. weigh his words-- and because you Participating' Policyholders in the Crown Life 2 wash In ou bis promise; " . ] d t oz of all hits J b th | t often happens that exactly the are 'entitle o 70 Of all pro carne Y the {same words, spoken by different Company in addition to the guarantees contained { men, mean very different things. It's in their Policies. | because the men are different. There- | foref we place a different value upon what they suy--at par, below par, above par--that's our estimate of | same words spoken by three different fu . | men. us. The opportunities are rapidly expanding. | What are your words worth--how We have a very attractive proposition to offer. | much do they weigh? i »* . » { Many of us worry because we are CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO., TORONTO . ||| |arircers. "Wa"uive no prams in" rte Complete Report for 1920 gladly sent on request. 386 Th 0k lox ue mon W. H. Penwarden, 120 Collingwood 8t., Kingston | averboary, - . | We are !'ke the fellow who said, { "I don't know where Pm going but {I'm on my way." Or like the dog that sat, lonely, in the railroad station because he had chewed up his tag. Business men who would like to undertake life insurance work are invited to correspdnd with 9 : : - | It doesn't matter so much what f i! | your occupation may be--whether it | A - E {is in the home ,the school, the shop | ideal, the striving after which makes x y | a or the store---your life will be im- 3 i =a po jmensely relleved from anxiety and ) ' 5 fi i 4 | | petty worries if you have some big : ells | De J | i sry i | every little worry seem like pebbles F % RR Hi ---- 4 | on the highway to the strong travel- { | e# who is journeying home. These & COD -- ' i pot | are mere Incidents in his progress il | | and he is mindful of them because of | L ] VE R (0) | L | Rs 3 0 i calmness. | The assurance that one is on the ! | way and not merely drifting brings | ) With not | Once to strengthen that weak spot. | courage in time of storm. | a ship in sight and no land to be | {seen anywhere, with nothing but a | there was no excuse for your ry . : : We've been old that "talk is | Cash: payments to Policyholders and Benefici- eheap"--but it depends upon who | | | 3 { others ay be an indication that you are better than others, If you were hopelessly bad or! weak or viclous, nobody would pay | any attention to you--you would be "beyond criticism'-- and such peo- ple' are the only kind who are never | Can you think of a single man or | woman who ever really counted in! this world, who was not subjected to the bitterest criticism of which | their opponents were capable? Think of the presidents. of the | United States--the highest person- | ages in alkthe land. | Think of sincere and devoted men | and women who gave their lives in | efforts to better the conditions of} thelr fellows -- misunderstood and slaughtered beyond belief, even by | those whom they helped. Think of the Man of Galilee! Re- viled, spit upon, crucified! Even God | Himselr does not escape criticism! Then think again of the criticisms | that made you so unhappy to-day-- | does it not seem extremely petty and | small in comparison? | Count yourself fortunate to be re- | garded as worthy of being criticised. | Hold up your head and smile-- | but not unkindly-- at the smallness of some of those whose chief delight | seems to consist in picking flaws in others' work and characters. . - . | You failed miserably to-day. |- You know it so well, that no amount of philosophising about the | matter can make the failure seem | | excusable It was plainly your own fault-- | | that's all there is to it, Well s admit it. Let's take it | at {ts worst--there was no excuse ! for your failure. { And now having made this frank | confession, let's see what it involves. | First: It shouldsbe worth a great | deal to you to know that you have | failed. | The knowledge réveals that | there's a weak spot in your make- i | | latter--that needs to be braced up. | | Second: The fact that you know | wherein you failed puts you in the | position whére you can begin at | Third: The fact that you realize | ! waste of water all about--the cap- | is still more hopeful. | tain of the ocean steamer is neverthe- | It you were trying yourself with | less calm and serene. His course is | Yourself, it would be a species of | Con hs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, | worked out. He has a compass | Weakness or conceit that' might | hooping Cough, Asthma, Ete. which directs him and a chart to | stand in the way of your Sajoins 1a show him the way--and he's steer. | the strength or the knowledge MATHIEC'S SYRUP is a sovereign tonic combining ing a3 the compass directs. | ¥ou need in order to save you from the curative properties of TAR and the strengthening It's a mighty.good thing, once in | future failure. ¢ | But fourth, and best of all: Re- | virtues of C D LIVER iL. | a while to stop and ask yourself, consequences of sucha grave character that you should | there anything toward which I am not risk using inferior preparations. MATHIEU'S SYRUP ls the only genuine remedy whose te- | cession of daily jobs putation has caused tocrop upmany of doubt! value. { :- 9 . | working? \ Or is life merely a suc- | | be as the beginning of life." And so, to-morrow morning, i you'll forget the fallures which are behind, and you'll reach unto the It somebody has . criticized vou | successes which are ahead. ON SALE EVE TERE | harshly to-day it may be comforting | And you'll'press on--and win! | | \ . | This Husa Catalog of EDISON AMBEROL RECORDS To Owners of Amberola Phonographs The fortunate owners of Edison's wonder- ite music of other lands. You cannot ful Amberola not only have the world's think of any kind of music that is not greatest phonograph value, but also have obtainable on Amberol Records! Cae the greatest collection of the world's Eyery month twenty-five to thirty new choicest music at their command. The Amberol Records are issued, including the new Amberol Record catalog proves this. a1est popular songs, up 4to- the - minute Over 800 of the world's leading artists dance hits, one-steps, waltzes, fox trots, --singers and musicians--have made more played by leading jazz orchestras. than 4000 Amberol Records for exclusive Many people have traded in their "talk- use on Edison's Amberola Phonograph! ing machines" and bought Amberolas Every variety of music is here for your when they learned that Amberol Records enjoyment. Grand opera by woild-fa- are made to play exclusively on Edison's mous grand opers stars and orchestras. Amberola Phonograph! Band music of every description --sym- We will send phonies, marches, the latest popular dance' this big, new hits and musical comedy selections. Amberol Record Noted concert singers, vaudeviile head- Catalog FREE to liners, celebrated comedians. Ballads, any Amberola hymns, oratorios. . Instrumental music of owner upon re- every character. Novelty records, chil- quest. Write for dren's records, foreign records, the favor- gourcatalog today. THE J. M. GREENE MUSIC CO. LIMITED "The Home of Good Music" Princess Street. | IRISH GUERILLA WARFARE, The Outlaws Are Endeavoring | to Make Military Lorries Travel Slowly. | Dublin, Feb. 18.--Obstructionist | tactics on an extensive scale are be- | ing carried out by rebels in County | Cork which, although in the martial | law area, continues to be the centre | of operations. Apparently the plan | is to make roads unsafe for govern- ment lorries and-tenders, A number ~| of bridges are reported destroyed and roads damaged barricaded and trench ed. The country around Kinsdale and Skibbereen is receiving special attention. Similar obstructions wer caused in Kerry and Clare, though not nearly so wide-spread as in Cork tormented by eriticism. 3 1} \ Save them then. Use every precaution. Take no chance. up, or in your line-up--probably the | ' Whe a heart yearn to pick them up, to cuddle them close to you, to shield them from all barm?. sure it does else you're not human. Being human you love them. Their very helplessness makes you reach out in all your strength to aid oer In health there's no flower so beautiful. In illness there's mo night so ack. When sickness comes, as sickness will, remember it's just a baby, just @ child and if the Physician 'isn't at hand don't try some remedy that you may have around the house for your own use. Fletcher's Castoria was made especially for babies' ills and you can use t with perfect safety as any doctor will tell you. Keep it in the house. gre. Children Cry For A Word About Truth. TT "Great is Truth, and mighty above all things." So says the Old LILLDN Testament, yet it is equally true to-day. Truth shows ne favers, Ho fears no enemies. hor From the inception of Fletcher's Castoria, Truth has been the watchword, and to the conscientious adherence to this motto in the preparation of Fletcher's Castoria as well as in its advertising is due the secret of its popular demand. rs a eae i All imitations, all substitutes, all just-as- ations i! the element of Truth, lack the i mu a all ake blance even in the words of those who would deceive. And youl Mothers, mothers with the fate of the World in your hands, can you be deceived? Certainly not. Fletcher's Castoria is prepared for Infants and Children. It is distinctly a remedy for the little-ones. The BABY'S need for a med- icine to take the place of Castor Oil, Paregoric and Soothing Syrups was the sole thought that led to its discovery. Never try to correct BABY'S troubles with a medicine that you would use for yourself. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CABTORIA senvine CASTORIA Awwars gg Bears the Signature of yosis JOLLA § MN he Exact Copy of Wrapper. ' fF] THE eENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK SITY, | rrr rr ------ aioe ----. Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise to | "What is the purpose of my life? Is member that "each new day may | 25 p.c. OFF CHARM BLACK TEA Fragrant, rich and refreshing, and best of all Package Teas. 'Quarter Pond FREE with every pound. Geo. Robertson & Son, Limited You Never Tire Of GET YOUR Cuticura Soap Because of its absolute i * >. ua and refreshing fragrance, it io Motor Oils--Cup Grease-- Transmission ideal for every-day toilet pur- Roses. Always include the Grease, at:-- utic \ ura Talcum in your toilet W. H. COCKBURN & CO, preparations. Olwtment 25 and 0c. Talenm 25c. Sold RE As Corner Wellington and Princess Btreet. Fhose 216. Soap shaves without mug. County, It is the custom of the troops and police being conveyed by motor to at a high raté of speed in order to] avoid possible ambushes, and the rebel objeé: is undoubtedly to eheck the dash of cars and thus facilitate attack. \ J Several postmen were held up in' Southwest Cork and mails seized, no less than seven such seizures occur- ring near Bantry. Indeed, authentic information latterly from this small section of Ireland, varying as it did from shooting of individuals to oper- ations in which hundreds of repub- licans were engaged, has indicated an unprecedented state of affairs in the history of this intensified guerilla warfare, A In one or two districts arms are either being surrendered or deposited where they may be found. This is the case of Greystones, a fashionable seaside resort on the Wicklow coast, where, I am cflicially informed, a con. siderable quantity of arms and am- munition has been handed to the police, while others have been thrown into the sea. . At Head Fort, County Galway, a second consignment of arms has been surrendered, and further writ- ten resignations from the Irish re- publican army received. This is the effect, according to the pfficial state- ment, of representatives from thre clergy and others, but as I pointed out previously, such cases ate very isplated, aad there is nothing even remotely approaching an important surrender of arms. 5 After a week's occupation of the Dingle peninsula the crown forces have withdrawn and train service was resumed. No statement as to result of the operationg in a military aspect is forthcoming. More than 400 permits have been issued to Kitchener residents to keep firearms at their residences and vlaces of busihess. Austria's civil servants have threatened to strike if their wage James W. Waterson was killed by The Guelph Independent Labor 60 cents a dozen at Montreal. Montreal. \ election. ni travel through the disturbed districts | demands are not granted. a tree being cut down om a farm Party will not join with the Liberals Eggs dropped ten cents further to [as he was passing: in a rig near | of South Wellington in the téderal mm -- -- Retiring Business Sale Of Boots and Shoes We are nearing the end of our sale -- there are still lots of bargains. Everything | going at less than half price. rian ph A & . rh rR