Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Feb 1921, p. 14

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@ | TE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THE PEOPLE'S FORUM CONDENSED ADVERTISING HATES: First Insertion, 1¢. a word. Each { seculiv Miseition therealier, cent a word Minimum rion, isc; three WANTED GENERAL con-| _ : Balt] for ns, AR chirge x B » RENT OR SH insert ar 1 : 60 cents. The abuve rates are f« when charged 1! ar © HELP WAMIED. APPLY FRON-| anly,; SECOND-HAND ¥ ible. ed oak writing | price. "Box N Gash TOP QU do State ice 2) LARGE, SECOND - HAND OFFICE table State and price Give description Bux M Whig Of- fice -------- ee ee KITCHEN WOMAN, tenac hotel i ---------------------------------- GEMERAL SERVANT, J. V. Williams, FARM TO RENT, ABOUT 200 ACRE Ly practical farmer, view tg. pur. chlse. Frank Herring, Coleman FP, 0, E. Toronto, A GIRL TO CLERK IN A 5T0 Ply 348 Pr MAIDS Hospital FOR KINGST Apply to Matron: | house a NERAL MAID WANTED. APPLY Mrs. J. A. Minnes, Bagot street and par- Foster State € SECOND A YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CAR} two children in the atiernd 145 Front ~HAND SMITH OF $ r 19 PURCHAS or cash. Price SOME TCHAS A King reet ver 5 WITH references lichardson, 50 WANTED Kindly giv cation. Apj PY MEN BY 4 5 th a wide the month Stewart EMPLC FIREMEN --- if ners $150. later $300 mont Write only (which position), Rail- | way, care of Whig. COOK, APPLY WITH references, to Mrs. J. FF Heveridge 218 J son street between ph p.m WANTED on a fa wi 8 1 art SECOND-HAND UFRIGHT sh or in part payment of new and gralcno'ag. C. W. Lind- Cass Street. PrFIANO AIN AND whole or work LADIES WANTED TO DO light sewing at home; sparc time; good pay; any distance; charges paid stamp for partciuiars Nati Manurtacturing Co., Montreal ston and lowest ol me am PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Grad nr to $30.01 SNURSES WANTED--FOR A acdredited hospital v year geheral nur home Liberal \ Nates-now , WHEN PAINTING Paj a ng done. d 3 Mo $4 Arch street WARD & SON, PAINTERS rs and interior deco- Is the time to have decorated Phone HENE fag 1 COMPANY ty Now comprised of best erior and professiona proposition highiy Investors; favorab reports; hustlers car T i } lan weekly; eve « operation g Whig Offic Ie igan, Painter WE RECOGNIZE No COMPETITION | ---- because of the uni tue and sential nature and U. 8 article, exclusively o trolled by us, clearing $40.00 per day for sal ernment created demand x ness that runs itself on repe ders from the same custon the same territory. If you ca sell: this specialty you wiil fai] se ing [life preserters on a Sinking | FIRST © ship. Curlosity segkers--hanlls ofr' all improvemeuts, Definite co-operation Jerome | ed Apply 243 Bro Laadt, Pres. § Desgrborn Street Chicago, II. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND | merchandise; clean aud dry, M Cann, ¥6 Brock street. Phone 8 or 621 rage . TWO FURNISHED ROOMS 1v ate family, near University Box C-1 Whig Office LASS ROOMS AAD HOARD; trally locat- Street. Pri Ap- AMATEURS WANTED At omce -- Singers, Dancers, Acrobats, Magicians," Musical Acts, Impersonators---local tal- ent only. Apply at once. BOX OFFICE, GRIFF THEATRE | STORE ON PRINCESS | workshop in rear, Apply et STREET WITH Possession my mediately on premises, 79 TURE, CLEAN, ur own Jock and Storage, 299-305 FOR FUR airy rovms; y Frost's City Key § = Queen sireet POBITION WANTED, rtp a l MISS "'MADGH EDGAR, ryaLIc « . Blenographer. "White's: I Sirige. Spey Bagot Airéet. Phone a a . - EXPERIENCED COOK wisnks positon With 'traveling stone ¢rush- er. Cah supply food. by the day ReSnsagry. Apply 42% }) ROOMS AT 406 JOHNSON ire corner Frontenac Com- Mts in everything. May rent by day, week or month. Telephone 98m, FURNISHED 8 © 1 Clarence street, on Wel- i Steam heated; 3 rooms, Pp. t ir} X 247. Kiang Street EE -------- FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE. ally furnished Hght house- K. Bas for coc ng and light, at the Ploneer Apartments. 212 and 214 Division street Phone 1434w. son and © AGENTS 30% PROFIT, GOLD LET- ters for stores, oftice $indows; cas. ily applied; will not wash off. free samples. Acme Sign Co, 846 N Wells, Chicago, Ill. ------e - SELL GASOLINE, TONIC TABLETS; saves gasoline: big profits; buy in| bulk, from /manufactu agents -sell for you! best; particulars Burnk Co, Madison St. ntrally locat 213 and 219 Queen street Newly removated: and decordted throughout. Immediate possession Apply KE. Blake Thompson, 39 Broek Street [ § | { | ' i . Nos Bufra US St CY MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO Vass, but to travel and apg cal representatives: 3 92 penses guaranteed 80od chance to ma experises. State age tions. Experience Winston Co, D pt. G., oops e into two s for suitable tena tichardson & if . Ap cy dwmjted | Folsdrsdostood shoot Ship ob / Leet ee | Serre { UPHOLSTERING. A CALL OR DROP A CARD 10 W. Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR holstering and general repair Leave order 104 Clergy FURNITURE REPAIRED AND ¥EIN. ished; guns repairs; all kinds of small repairs in wood or metal Stanton and Sleeth, 241 Bagot street. By you with work. West-Angus howeard Service, 57F. Colborne St. Toronto, ¥. UP- ing s at or drop a card te street. SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, etc. large or small, guaranteed XX gold leaf; posters, showcards, etc. artistically written and desi = rs | 1 SITUATIONS VACANT + t Bled oy Shaw, at 205 Princess St-det 4 ingston. Cannel Coal paid weekly for your spare 3% For Open Grate Fires. Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. canvassing. We instruct and sup- Foot of Johnson Street et nn DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. * From Hudson Bay on the North to Cuba in the South, our boats, engines, and equipment will be found. Why not try us when in the - market for any of the above mentioned? We can supply you. Satisfaction guaranteed. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. . East End of Wellington St. : Neo. 5. 910.00, No. 6, $12.00 Best ve for Garage or work : heb. : rtd Jor Gras Stoves as We > Cg Te eee Auction Sales 1 am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428. --------e Mary Garden, new director of the Chicago Grand Ofera, faye men may | attend performances J'wearing over- alls if they wish." : ARTER-| OR SCOW-- SUITABLE Napanee, | retest eee. ING AND PAPER HANGING --, Phone 526; res. 959w, | { PROFESSIONAL OFFICE TO RENT ON ' lease from May 1st, between John-| FOR SALE PHONE 436. ¥. COOKE. FOUND wai. LADY'S SCARF, ON EARL 81 Uwner may hav SAI calling at 47 Earl st A SUM ur MONEY morning. Ow Wilson, RR PARCEL OF D Barrie stre | have sam | FOUNTAIN ¥ street er same by applying | Grocery, corner karl | bert streets i TWO RESERVED SEAT TICK- ets for hockey game tonigit Apply 233 Earl street { | FOUND ARTICLES TISED wHEE, { ONE COOK STOVE IN Al CONDITION, Apply 361 King street i |A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY OR. | i , der for five dollars | cents. ee eee ee. SAVINGS STEEL G iv SHALL STRONG } Mills Co, banks. $1.00 eacn Ciarence St. and Al- KITCHEN: RANGE, HOUT 1, splendid condition 155 Bagot street. IANO IN GOOD CONDI. or particulars apply to E. Ont ADVEN- SQUARE i tion F Anyone Gnding acything and 8. Nelson, Bath Wisiing Lo rescu loe Wuer may do wu LY repuriing the factyg te The dritisn Whig ine wdver- Usement will be printed 1a this Cusviii free of charge Found articles' dues not (r- Ciude 10st dugs, cat norses, etc. These, if lost, be ad- Vertised Lor i the column GOOD SECOND-HAND LUMBER, COR- rugated sheet and other building materi Cohen & Co steel is. 1 CASE, JONES | FOOT SHOW ~ ice of Wales | Bros. make. Apply Pr «unch, 191 Princess str LUT, 686x182 FOUT FRONTAGE | on South Macdonald street; Cheap for quick buyer. Batemans Real Ferate nay ONK LO! LINK. INITIAL i" p be rewarded water- write SYDENHAM, A i t | GOLD RIMMED i lease return and receive r "Nos t ROADSTE ondi tires Ee RIRTIY Tr Apply 87 | BRINDLE rtery, { feet and breast i61 King street ang | ward ' Elna dill eee i} "| FOUR WYANDOTT COCK- | i Is from Guild's Pen, Rockwood, | P'rice $3.50 Ir of Dr Johnson mn ire F GLASSES IN | A PAIR © Ivory case Saturday | near library Manufac- street Re on Brock, Princess or { Finder please return s' Lite, 55 Brock to APFHONOLA ve own che ; $5 per month. C. W iited. 121 Princess St | $ ns; 1 Terms §7 cas Lindsay, | war emt e------------------------------------ | BETWEEN 15 RUSSELL STR + corner of Stephen, either « 1 Montreal 00 b please 'Reward , STRAYED OR STOLEN. | ri JL = SWEDEN- | sell the life af- | 1s return " COLLIE, WITH BROWN SPOT on 'head, answers to "Laddie." Any- one harb same hi date will be | t arte t Please FARM FOR SA and; mile dwe GOOD | Sta- mall; r 106 ef SR ---- Street, Kin DR. A. E. KNAPP, DE closed until March 30tn Ontario and price or DEN. | | VanDusen, Plc- | i | DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, over | tists, 15% Wellington street, Carnovsky's. Phone 346 | DR, RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 | { Princess. Street. Phone 1350. Open! PURE evenings by appointment. Wi PERSONAL particulars AND RED ROCK 3 $5.00 tte Cockerels, ! ing eggs from prize | 3.00 to $5.00 per 15 | -------- White, Portsmouth. Phone | YOUNG WANTS | F-Box le, T { BRED BA ite Wyar p - | WEALTHY | husband | ledo, Ohio i ------ - - ------ og ADY WANTS League, To-! % 1 * te ---------------------------- I | SEND A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY | order. Five dollars costs three | % cents. | I 0,000, | 0.00. | A FIRST CLASS BARBER'S OUTFIT-- | | whole outfit complete for one hun- | dred dol A real bargain to a/ quick buyer. For full particulars, | apply to W. H. Wagar, Enterprise, Ont. * T™ WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF | EL ORTH good second hand fueniture and] en, stoves. Any person having stoves | ---------------- and furniture to dispose of, we will r T pay highest prices I. Thompson, | HORT " 333 Princess sireet. Phone 1600w, "| MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, | house furniture, specialize in mill~ tary boots; buy all kinds second- hand goods; highest. prices paid. L | Routbard. Phone 1723. 289 Prin- cess Street. | WEALTHY YoUvG | 1 -Dox A ing lots well locat- en's University. Ap- Smythe, 71-73 Clar- Kingston, Ont. { ply 8g & ence street, Ebb ddd i * | CIVIL ENGINEER, 27, WIT wants wife W-Box 4 f Columbus. Ohio | -- i ---- ars. | LADY FARMER, 35, WORTH 50,000, | | would marry N-Box 1124,-League f Detroit. Mich | | ---- C. IFORNIA BACHELOR §$40.000. will marry E Club, Ft. Wayne, Ind. MARRY---THOUSANI more, 000 to $400,000; 1ist free. Ralph ciseo, Cal -------- MARRY «-- MARRIAGE MEECTORY with photos and descriptigns; free: pay when married, The Exchange, | Dept. 504, Kansag City, M, GASOLINE ENGI? Goold, Shapely and M Pp 2 Excelsior Motor- | MARRY--FREE PHOTOS, BEAUTIFUL IDE ladles; descriptiong and directory; Ra en mas ried flex Flap SOi¥ ycles in good running order. Also | sm ------------ ae hollow ground and baby MARRY FOR W tires put while you wait Bicycle Works, 3 King street! Phor | $1,000 SECURES 200 ACR five cows, machinery, potatoes, hay ---- --_-- | etc; carries 80 head stock; MARRY SOON, MARRY WELL--gRT. | acres woodland; = fruit; 2500. ter your condition in life, Cana- | equipped maple orchard; warm 10- dian Matrimonial paper. Big issue. | room house; 2 good barns; Descriptions," names, addresses only $3300; easy jerme, Page 15¢. A. McCreery, Publisher, Cha- 8. Tee catalogue argain y + Cha States Strout Agency, 308 A.F tham, Ontario. Manning Chambers, Toronto, Ont. ONE Y d skateg carriage NESS; Muller's 8, 371 and| oorEen ie 1032w, Mrs. Warn, . Los Angeles, 3 LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA--IF YOU ori any friend wishes to learn of a sue- a . . , Sati) regiment adr 11 Seu | ma own movmY_xsrumes ow Sratio Ave, Mount Clemens, | duction in prices to clear balance | of 1920 crop. Clover honey in 2% HAIR, MOLES WARTS, BIRTH. | and 10 1b. lithographed pails; bass- marks, skin cancers, scars, ete, re- | Jacd in 2% ius litho, Bails. and 1 moved permanently. Satisfactory | ib, 3-41 >. and 7 oz. glass J ; also glasses fitted and furnished after | 3 smal} quantity of Sized BoBey in others have failed. Goitre removed. , Era. D. pails. 1t pay 35 years' experienc you to write at once for prices. S e. Dr. Elmer J. | Stews Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin A. Stewart, Cataraqui, Ont. MARRY FOR SPEEDY MARRIAGE, | absolutely the best, largest in the | country, established 16 years, thou- | sands wealthy members, both sexes | wishing early marriage, strictly | confidential. description free. The | Old Reliable Club MRS. WROBEL, Box 26, Oakland, Calif. ere eee tee emg MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS, LY me: best and most successful "Home Maker;" hundreds rich. wish | Jarrisge Soon; trietly confiden- | Al; most reliable: years of experf- nH i "G . ' ®, , ence; descriptions free. "The Sue. 3 Zendla soon man a Farm. { I 3) y Cool.- Bouth exposure gives | cessful Club," Mrs. Ball, Box 556, vale 1 p Oakland, Calif, { prevalent summer breeze off lake. | nd, . i Terms to suit purch sers Apply = SS AR | to Mills Company, 78 Clarence St. | CARPENTERING { D. A. Cays, Brock street B A bea itiful and strong skiff WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER | for sale fre James Selby, Contractor, Iniv SALE -- PRETTIEST LITTLE! in Frontenac County, known lobinson's Dairy Farm." Fine frame dwelling, also cement dwelling Splendid barns, stables, | ete. Two silos. windmill, orchard maple bush. Spring water in kit- chens. Also well and cistern water. Beautfiul Lake Ontario! shore line of fully 14 mile, semi- | circular in form. = Situated about | two miles west of golf links, near Kingston City Good auto roads. N | BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. | ! $730--FOR SALE--RUILDING LOTS ON | ! Alwington Avenue; good location. | LAND SURVEYOR F. F. MILLER, B he Se. CE, G.L.S, has ME] Napanee, Ont. On- tario n urvéyor. Kingston Of- p fice: Walken & Walkem, 93 <lar- near Raglan Road, me | $800----GARROTT T FOR SALE | TWO LOTS ON SOUTH MACDONELL | street, 33x132; small building; very cheap fob quick sale. $1100--BUILDING LOT, SYDENHAM ST, i \ HOUSE AND SMALL FARM. AD- dress Wm. Lee, Collins Bay. FOUR HORSES, SET DOUBLE HAR- ness, single harnéss, top buggy, open buggy, small Columbia gra- B hone and 20 records Apply 30 lum street." Phone 21267. SPECIAL OFFER Co PAIR OF Bi- cycle Tires a* $1.76 each while they t Bicycles cleaned and stored: |. also skates hollow grouad. Rab: carriage, retired and ' repaire Muller's Bicycle Works, 371 and 37; King street. Phone 1032w. $IDOO--FRAME BUNGALOW; NEW; north end; 4 rooms; B. and C. Lot 383x132; for Immediate possession. ME HOUSE; 11 ROOMS; about an acre of land; suitable for summer boarders; near Westport. $2,200-FRAME HO and C.; electric good cellar, USE; 4 ROOMS; B lights and furnace; BRICK SEMI-DETACHED; s rooms; B. and C.; hot air; gas; gar- age. TETTPIPTTIPOIIT PIT editeesdr STEAMER FOR SALE % SRd4fralght steamer for sale--100 ft. long. Price and rticulars upon piblication to coon 101, Booth Bidg. Ot Wa, nt. * 4 - VICTORY BONDS FOR SALE, MONEY to Loan. 3 -- : FARMS SEVERAL GOOD FARMS FOR % sale. + A. BATEMAN, costs three } WATER | Twenty | AMBROSE SHEA, DLA, Invited for 1 R. M..C be obtained from.- QUARTERMASTER, R.M.C, Telephone 2340w, » cutting and st Partic Ri Ae Kingston Covered Rink Exhibition Hockey REGIOPOLIS COLLEGE va. GANANOQUE SATURDAY, FER. 19, 1921 7.30 p.m, \ Admission aie A (1 udes war tax) (Skating after game) --~---- Event No. 28 Kingston Covered Rink Intermediate Hockey Semi-Final Championship QUEEN'S ve. MeGILL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 1921 A "an Reserved seaty . . sid Prices include war tax. AUCTION SALE Furniture and Farm Stock, ete, at Residence of Late W. J. Joyce, Divi- sion Street, (opp. powder magazine) at 1.30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 23rd. Household furniture buggies sulky, sleigh, 4 cows, eep 6 mos credit on stock if desired M MURRAY Phone 501J. AUCTION SALE Grade Holstetn and Ayreshire Cattle at Residence of Mr, L. Theriault, 11 NDERS | 4 i | | | { | Auctioneer. Concession Street, at 1.00 p.m, Tues- | day, March ist. 7 grade Holsteins, 2 grade Avreshires (5 years old), 2 grad: Holsteins years old MURRAY Auctioneer. WM. Phone S91J. Members of The Medical Profession | are reminded of the lecture MONDAY | mt 5 p.m. on "INFLUENZA," by PROF, REID in the new Medical Queen's University, Buildings, IIIT] / CAPTAIN J Public Library 'Bulletin IS YOUR HOBBY Automobiling, Birds, Gardening, Photography or anythifg else? If so, consult the books at THE PUBLIC LIBRARY IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIME Effective February 27th, 1921 For particulars apply to nearest Agent. Canadian National Railways LEGAL 4 CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, DARRIST- Clarence Cunning. 9 ers and Solicitors B. street, Kingston A ham, Cyril M. Sifiith BARRISTER Law office, corner of er Royal Bank. ne 1989 and Solicitor. King and Broek, ov h ARCHITEC POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- tects, Merchants Bank .Chambers corner of Brock and Wellington streets. . G. 150 Wellington Street," CHIROPRACTIC. WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C, Ph. C,, Cor ner Nelson and Mack Streets, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free Telephone 1086]. Hours § to 12 na m. 1 to § pm. FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, DRIS- coll, 22 John street FINANCIAL HE SAFE WAY TO SEND BY MAIL x is by Dominion Express Money Or- ders STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established in 1860; only the most reliable companies repre- sented. Office 85 Clarence street, opposite the post office.» FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- ment Soclety; incomporated 1861 President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- president, A. B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits recelved and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwrighf, maneger, 37 Clar- ence street. Kingston. AT THE HIGHEST FIGURED EVER PAID FOR A PRODUCTION --DIRECT FROM ITS WONDERFUL MONTREAL SHOWING-- THE "Are You | BRUCE SCENIC | MRS. 8S. 'COHEN | | SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1921. GRAND TO-NIGHT The Peer of all HERBERT'S GREATER MINSTRELS All Star Minstrel Ar tists of Ability! SINGERS--DAN( ERS--COMEDIANS =SPECIAL ORCHESTRA-- Colored Shows, PRICES :--Evening 23-50-75-$1.00 and $1.30 Seats mow on sale. mont Monday, February 21st. THE ERNIE MARKS STOCK CO. WITH ERNIE AND KITTY MARKS Change of Play Nightly--¢ Vaudeville Acts NOTE.~~Monday Night Only, One La dies' Ticket FREE WW Ith Every &o0c. Reserved Seat Purch used Hefore @ p.m, A 35--350¢. & Grand -- One Week -- Commencing MONDAY NIGHT: "MY KENTUCKY SUE" LAS a A -------- Where Pictures and Music of Quaitly Rule "GODLESS MEN" A Drama of the Deep Sea, Now Playing NEXT ATTRACTION-- MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED. The Most Beautiful Woman in the World KATHERINE MACDONALD In Her Greatest Triumph "PASSIONS PLAYGROUND" OVERTURE wanna en "RIGOLETTO" SPECIAL CHRISTIE COMEDY . "OUT FOR THE NIGHT" 'DANCING LESSONS Every Night AT GARDEN HALL Hours 7 p.m. to. ® p.m. All the Latest Dances 111 BROCK ST. Residence 1878 TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the position of Pursed and Caterer for Steamer Wolfe Islande for season of 1921 will be received b the Clerk up to 12 o'clock noon, © Saturday, February 20th, Tenders may be for each position separately or both combined. Lowest or any tender not necessard il accepted. By order of Township Council. J. D. COSGROVE, Township Clerk at Wolfe Island, this 12th day f February, 1921. . Dr.Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Hall Phone 357 - WAGSTAFFE'S Pure Orange MARMALADE Made from Seville Oranges and Granulated Cane Sugar only. Dated a TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST. Phone 256. Na NN cpt P| 30,000 SAMPLES Dr. Bells Veterinary Wonder 50,000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles Free to horsemen who give the Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for Colic, Inflammation of the Lungs, Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper ete. Send 256. for Malling Package ete Agents wanted Write your address plainly, DR. BELL, V.8, KINGSTON, Oat. Township of Kingste n| »rs kindly take notice that due the municipality ity w 5th, be POSITIVELY © Ratepay all tax rates after March lected with costs 1 ol- H 8S. MeIVOR, i Collector, FOR SALE MACK STREET--Frame Semi-Bungdlow:; 6 rooms; 3 bed- rooms; all modern, hardwoad floors throughout. Price $4,700.00. COLLINGWOOD STREET modern; hardwood floors downstairs; $1150.00 cash payment, Price $0660.00, THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. 56 Brock Street _~---- at tt tra -Pressed Brick, Semi-Bungalow; all Stationary Tubs. DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1 Ford Sedan. 1 McLaughlin Light Six. These cars are of good appearance; in first class running conditon, and as we need the room for our 1921 stock of new cars, are prepared to dispose of them at bargain prices for a quick sale. CHEVROLET AGENCY BAWDEN & EDWARDS 30 MONTREAL STREET PHONE 400. UE | Tw. ------ BLE SEASON'S GREATEST SENSATION o Legally Married" A complete departure from anything yet shown on the Screen! "As True As Life Itself" G--Performances Only--g6 Commencing MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21st eNO advance in prices

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