Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Feb 1921, p. 3

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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1921. THE DAILY BRIT ISH WHIG. ---- ero mm - ee -- --- - Ean |other tournaments was heard with | ttt tts "tpg Prescriptions : Told In | Montreal club was m ich enjoyed. ug : eyes PROBS: Sunday, fair; much colder. : ; Twilight | Put up with care and ac- ! =~ g Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Grant, Ottawa, Col-W.-B-Losste-and Mrs LessIls curacy and always under the y X = / z are in town on a visit to their son, . VERY SPECIAL! Cadet Grant, Royal Militar, pads From 7 to 9.30 O'clock who arrived from England this week, supervision of the proprietor are with Mr. and Mrs. Brigstocke, (Notice--Hereaf' 'r, the Whig, in and are at the Chateay Belvidere. ¢ --------ty Your doctor would advise this ' common with other papers ail éver Miss a py _ ; as he is assured that his medi- Canada, will make a charge of $1 ois Mary Cg Wd in i B sngagement, mar- {ta } Mr. Mrs. Robert cines reach you as he would esh Ba for Inserting aa shia > na Callander, will attend the drawing- > . ' > riage or reception annou nt {pg 2 have them. -- room > ----e wend To get the Whig's society writer,| RF. Segsworth, who was in tawn : : Havé your prescriptions and Offer ¢'ephone No. 857w., 159 Earl street. with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dalton, + ' family medicine put up at:-- | | : ts : | Johnson street, has returned to To. | i Mrs. W. A Jones n it Ye- | ronto. . . . hue, gave a char a nce | Miss Eleanor Minnes "Hilleroft * e 1 1 Top : . lon Wend | € ] , illerott, 9 i w 1 sell while joe her sister, M Gwendolen Weod went up to Toronto on Friday to Best S they last, a very ex- ff London, on Friday "in the drawing | Visit Miss Anella Mines, at Brank- , Jones, who received in the drawing | some Hall. cellent lot of large jroom, wore handsome gown of rose{ myo Augustus Craig, Toronto, . . | colored tulle, w gold lace bod- | wyq 1ag heen with Mrs. W. G. Craig, | sized Silver Mesh {ice and knots of French flowers. Miss | Barrie street, is now with Mrs. James ~ " Wood, who received with her, Was | rai Johnson street, 3 Bags, measuring 10 frocked in blue satin of the palest g . wie : er ------ . hue embroidered in silver. The din- M Philip Dumoulin h 1 Mrs ilip R has come inches across at |ing room was turned into a Sitting | from Toronto to join Mr. Dumoulin. out place, made most attractive with | Mr. Mackenzie, Montreal, and Mrs. 2 --$10.00-- rose shaded ligh deep seats ar { Hagltin, Toronto, were with Col. Keele Ir M 0 D 0 {fragrant spring blossoms. A buffet {and Mrs. W. P. Wilgar for the Sci- | ' Supper was served at midnight, and | ence dinner on Thursday. y *y Hie Velo Ve These are the best afterwards dancing was continued Dr. Herridge Who has been in : . till the merry party broke up : m Ottawa ay Furnished Bags we Jar ™ JoNN irom Duawg Jor a ley days . "- The ladies of Sydenha street ing Martin Tes is wi | have had and a ver i = os 3 Irving Martin, Toronto, is with . y {| Methodist church have be 1 digging | yg sisters, the Misses Martin, Clergy real bargain. deep into thei- Qwn chests and into . those of their friends. to find gar- 8 Chi te Whitton, Toronto ents 3 "hi to at th : ments in hich to appear at their is in town f the 'week-end. . ; entertainment in ald of the Chinese . Famine fund. A dress worn at rast : H i .s 5 1 Miss Jean Easton, Renfrew, is with Insure Against After Regrets. by Queen . Ironia 5 roronation bag been {her sister, Kathiden, who is attend- A Using Glasses Prescribed, inearthed and 'another worn when ing Queen's, and is at the home of o . Edward VII was in Toronto in 1860 Bri a r arrie Made and Fitted by |as the Prince of Wales. A bonnet [37 50a Mrs. H. A. Tofield, Barrie : 5 1a S sireel. Jewelers . Limited J ast WOTR uinety Joars 230 by 2 gil Miss Holland, Kingston, spent the . Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0 of the Warving millions of the egos MOCK wil trends fn Napanee We have ready th + HV. VU, Established 1840. las 3 i spins : w | Mrs. and Miss MacPhail, Kingston, € have rea three outstan 1 1 5 | 2% empire, : &- 3 fare the guests of Mrs. Gilbert, Huron y d ng bargains that should crowd 856 Kirg Street | So many visitors took advantage | Street. Toronto, this busy shopping centre to the doors. These are no ordinary. spe- Miss M. E. Coumbs, assistant sup- | The Popular Drug Store. » hone OL. Open Sundays. The optometrist of to-day to do | oud work Shes Jot oly be . {of the knowledge that Mrs. R. K [erintendent of the Mowat Sanitorium . 1 1 bh u . t ast . | 1 - 4 : 3 {erinten t of the ] ' » 3: : * hy . Bay pL, te best mechan. I ius vivo, wag valving oor iengeut of 1s Nova: Sautienipw, cial values, but bargains that scintillate as being extraordinary! Come that knowledge in its use ~i _ > : ires | R€Dfrew, also visited friends in Pem- "ye - . = Fav it AY Ins jcharming rooms, where open fires ! l h h h 1 1 WHICH ONLY LONG Expr fc ng ag) early, even though the quantities are bountiful--they will b ick- ENCE CAN GIVE. THOMAS COPLEY and fragrant flowers 4dded their | Ns J. M. Campbell, "Glen Lyon," | q y ¢ qu ck welcome to that of the hostess and | od rs at hed av : Telephone 987. her daughter, 'were filled with a con- j wil) entertain 2 bridge on Monday ly snapped up. It is this combination of min) Wanting anything done in the carpen- | giant stream of visitors. Miss Grace | [OF Miss Kathleen Carruthers. and machinery of experience tery line. Estimates given on all kinds | : : The Saturday tea-dance at the and equipment that makes of repairs amd new work also hard-, McRae made the tea in the dining |. au Belvidere is one-- of th Keeley's service unique in Sou3 Bests of alt kinds. AN Shop | 700m, Where sweet peas and primu- {afternoon's social events Kingston. rN recely, Jrompt attention, | lae centred the table, and Miss | Ee Trants ' { Laura Kilborn assisted her in seeing i and s D 7 [the visitor's wants were supplied Mr. and Mrs. B. Ronan Van : 1 bicih g 4 '» Luven, Alfred: street, gave a Joiiy | Henry Butler, aged fifty, has just house dance on Friday evenin i been convicted in New York and sent | Mrs.- James Cappon enterfjained at [honor r thoi rests Ye and 2 a A man has to talk about the wea- | to jail for the 34th time. He has|luncheon at the Country Club on Fri- | Monor o guests, Mr. yrs ther or politics, But a woman can spent 1620 days of the past eight | day in hohdr of Miss Kathleen Carr. [CEFSsler 2eQuirs, Who returned to) talk about nothing in particular. years in jails. | thers. The table was lovely with gol-| Mr. Hazen, Toronto, was with Col i is an =~ den dallodlis and. the. guests wore: fand Mrs. Wilgar, Mack street, for | | £2 EGE rs. Saypplel), Mew 5, [00 Wes Wilets, . s E ) F h |W. KC aches, Mra. Howard Poshate | Miss Lucille and Miss Stuart or. | alr Dlac 1 Mrs. J. Carl Murchie, Miss Mary fries, Montreal, went to Ottawa this : k to be presented to their ex- | |Strange, Miss Margaret Hemming, | V©© 3 . } y » 5 Me oll, Miss X , |cellencies at the drawing room at! A . Miss Alison Macdone!l, Miss Marion the parliament buildings to-night. | Fos / OC 1n S Al ini S 1 | I Ogilvie, Miss Nora Macnee and Miss | gilvi 115s 3 nce They are the guests of Mrs, Travers | Edith Carruthers. . se » | Lewis. i oo ro a {; | Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Union | : LH 2% - } Ah By L . |street, entertained at bridge on] Mrs. W. Harty, Roselawn, and | . ; : { Thursday for Miss Kathleen Carru-|her sister, Mrs. C. Gibson, who is | A] all or . { thers, that much feted March bride. | With her, will go to Toronto on Mon- | 1 ; day. | Three tables were in play and the ? . | : . {fortunate prize winners were Mrs.{ A.D. Cartwright, Ottawa, is in| We have Just received from New York, { Hubert Ryan and Miss Nora Macnee. |tOWR for the week-end with Dr. and s The Sota made the tea in the Mrs. R. C. Cartwright, University 3,000 pairs of Black Silk Boot Hose--the drawing room, fragrant with the avenue. | ' . . . ' « . . blossoms of early spring. Miss Olive Woodman, Earl street, | Silk Boot is 14 inches in height--with a Lisle Gaiter Top, Toe and ¢ oo = returned on Friday from a visit to Mrs. William Phillips, Maitland | Toronto and Whitby, Heel. The sizes are 81,.9,9)and 10. The lowest price Silk 'Hose [street, was the hostess of a small ar a als Buen) Lbwi £ : the guest of the Misses Richmon , * a LE * . * bridge on Thursday afternoon Toure Tees or ees, nuuubY, that we know of in Canada is retailing at 50c. a pair, and is widely : rt street, will |beliford on Friday. . . . . em, Albers sivest, will [beliford op Sridey. advertised as being a sensational value. While they last-- | entertain . the Levana Society of : " 3 | n's t ea-hour on-Tuesdav Mrs. Edward Low has geturne to! [users t 4% . " |Ottawa after a visit to her daughter, | TO-NIGHT "seri 4 Pairs for $1.00. Mrs. R. N. F. MacFarlane. John- | Mrs. W. P. Wilgar, Mack street. son street, entertained a bridge of | Miss Marjorie Minnes returned to | 1 three tables on Friday evening. | Montreal this week. i N : v=» | Mrs. McGarry came down from | There was a large attendance of | Toronto on Friday and is the guest | members at the meeting of the Bad-|of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Strachan, | : {minton . Club on Wednesday after- [King street. | . peon and the possibility of several is A=» | 1 n tt ------ Miss M. Sheilds, Gananoque, is | e axXO anne ( ) ¢ - nn with Mrs. Charles McKay, Villa St. | M OTH E RI Clare Apartments, for the week-end. . Miss. Dorothy Chown, "'Sunny- he LIT A ey SOND, Suny TO NIGHT ERE .+...18¢c. a yard. Friday for a visit of a few weeks. "California Syrup of Figs" | "Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Sterne were in | 1,500 yds. of heavy, White Flannelette: full 27 inches wide and an Child's Best Laxative town from Trinton for the Science | Big Busy Hardware, Kingston, Phope 237 . - --... . Kingston . wail Mes: Ciicrion Livingston, extra special value at the new Spr ing price of 25¢c. a yard. We se- Z| 0 : o : : : A, G Beremarr pore rarest tm fl. cured this spenialiton from a. amall. mapsfactarcr. in Montreal, ol. Toronto. . . . Mrs. Laurier Taylor, Kingston, is | needed 'spot' cash, so are passing the saving on to you. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. | J. Close, Brockville, and brother, | TONIGHT ................18c.& yard. Fred Close, Mrs. James McKenna has returned | from Watertown, N.Y., after visiting | there for a few days, bringing with | ° . . her, her sister, Mrs. Thomas Cork. (Continued On Pages 9 and 15) ew e C ain ms : Accept ~autorsia® syrup on gs T20, Bembere of Jd Kingaton | 1,200 yds. of handsome Curtain Scrims in plain and fancy bordered rat 3 only--Ilook for the name Calif 3 2 Sturdy 2 : . This is the time of year to look over your f}i sav look for the m You are wolf land tea on Saturday afternoon, Feb. plain colors; the. shades are White, Ivory, Cream, Ecru and Paris; 1 2 3 | : ix, through the decorations and prepare for the coming of JJ) your child is having the best ana | 26th. from three to s Eh the | most harmless physic for the ttle | kindness of Nursing Staff of Syden- | . . . . Spring. We have a pretty range of Velours, stoma, Ber 22d bowels, Chitren bam Hospital, in . their delightiul bought direct from a Canadian mill at a price to command the atten- ove o. directions | home on King street. riends no . : : 3 z Repps, Poplins, Chintz, etc., in all the popular | F Sach bottle. You must say "Call-{arranging for tables will be welcome tion of Canadians to their own products. While the quantity lasts to- AAR sO Begins MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2Ist For One Week Only Watch this space for Special Announce. Imm I o exchanges--approbations or phone orders can be accepted. ment. McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. rs We Sia a A A Hi | H ta lf : These sensational values are on sale for to-night only--so take full advantage of this exceptional sale opportunity by shopping here to-night between 7 and 9.30 o'clock. ] : fornia." ; i ' : . ' : shades, suitable for over curtains and furniture | op atAst haw a night we will sell it at bare cost. Y ourchoice . . To-night, 23¢c. a y. i 2 Sn! A $7 SPECIAL Just now we also have a large stock of Em- For FRIDAY and SATURDAY of this week we offer you a § broidered Nets, Madrases, Lace Curtains, i} Scrims and Voiles, neat and attractive and Ask us to Demonstrate the | i solid leather, genuine Goodyear Welt Shoe for Men--regular x | $10.00, $11.00 and $12.00 value; in Black and Brown; narrow '""HOOVER" SWEEPER ? Ty oxic. No shoddy or jab stock in this lot. T.F. Harrison Co., Limited Ps 0 JI JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE | § very reasonably priced. Steacy's - Limite The Store That Forced Prices tc the New Low Levels Skates Ground . Repairs. | { | ! | |

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