THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SER AENEAN ENE OREN ER ER IS THE TIME to have your Bicycle made ready for the coming season it unt 1d rush starts and then have t F 1e, fi 8 » You know You pay no more by having your Bicycle made ready would later on and you have th satisfaction of knowing that it ready for the first day you want to ride. We enamel, repair and in general, make old Bleycles run and like new. Bring yours here now vhila th Don't leave t your turn. now than you be will look re's time. Don't wait for the rush! Better Still Trade that old Bicycle in on a new one. You will certainly have better satisfaction and more pleasure from & new Bicyclo than one Which has been repaired over and over again. It'll cost you a littl more, bnt you'll find it will pay in the end Remember--it"s befter to pay the price of a good Bicycle than the penalty of a poor one. Drop in and let's show you the best bicycles made. MASSEY--RED BIRD--INDIAN Guaranteed to last. too. Easy terms Store open evenings till § p.m. Saturdays 10.30 p.m, TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 PRINCESS STREET "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" Telephone 529. FOR SALE--EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH CLASS BONDS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO due 1941--price to yield Six Per Cent.--payable half yearlys PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN due 193 Six Per Cent.--payable half yearly. Victory and other bonds bought and sold. Apply to:-- J. 0. HUTTON 6--Price to Yield --. - 67 CLARENCE STREET » Phone 708. E.WARBURTON The "VETCRAFT" Store = = = = = OPPOSITE BIBBY'S 79 PRINCESS STREET As our prices cannot be reduced below, they will remain at "COST" until removal of our business to corner of Barrie and Princess streets, opposite the Y.M.C.A., when the premises are ready for occupation. NAAN nid) In the World of Sport BASEBALL CLUBS : CHANGE MANAGERS Seven Out of Sixteen Major League Organizations Un=- der New Leadership. Seven of the sixteen clu major baseball leagues, thr National and four in the A | will take the field for paign under the lea | managers. The beginnir j every baseball season { time since there has, been such eral shakeup amoung the field g { of the major league clubs | With all the changes of ladders | that have been made from yedf to year there are two managers who | stand out prominently in the. his- | tory of baseball because of their long service with their respe e clubs-- | Connie Mack of the P! lphis | Athletics, and John J. McGraw of the New York Giants, Mack has led the | Athletics since they entered the Am- | erican League in 1901, and has won six pennants and three wo 's cham- pionships, McGraw beca manager of the Giant 1902 and like Mack, has piloted ims to six pennan but has we e world's champion- ship only once. One of the most notable changes | among the managers for the coming seasoii is the appointment of Ty { Cobb to lead the Detroit Tigers as the successor of Hughey Jennings. | The latt quit the Tigers after 14 | years, during which he won three | pennants, to become assistant to | Manager McGraw of the Giants. What { Cobb will do as a major league man- | ager will be closely watched by the | fans throughout the country. As a | player he has won about every honor | | the' game affords with the exception { of playing on a 'world's champion- ship team, and has been proclaimed | | by all -one of the greatest plavers in | | the history of baseball, and by some i | the greatest. While Ty is not the Cobb of a few ars ago he still is a great player | nerals ye {and it remains to be seen what ef- | tect, it any, the duties of manager | | win have upon his playing. Like | | Tris Speaker, manager of the world's | | champion Cleveland team, Cobb will | | continue to play centre field, and he | ana Speaker will be the only play- | '] 'Helps a Weak Throat | Cures Bronchitis| | | | Strengthens the Voice | | | By Breathing the Healing Balsams 'of Catarrhozone You Are Relieved Without Using Drugs. ozone inhaler medicated air that fis full of healing, soothing balsams, full of piney antisceptic essences that re- semble the air of the pine woods in the Adirondacks. This piney vapor has a truly marvelous action on weak an nealth to the bronchitic, stops that hacking irritating cough, prevents hoarseness and difficult breathing 2 can't find anything .for weak- | | ------ | You breathe through the Catarrh- throats. It brings strength throated people on earth more bene ficial than Catarrhozone. It means heaven on earth to the man that has had bronchitis, catarrh or throat irritation. You will realize this the first time vou use Catarrhozone which is a scientific preparation speclally designed for diseases of the nose, throat and bronchial tubes. Get the large size, it lasts two months, costs $1.00; medium size 560c; sample size, 25c. All storekeepers and druggists [ Last Week of Big Shoe Sale Men's Black Bluchers -- round toes; reg. $8.50. Now . .$4.95 Men's Brown Bluchers-- Good- year welts; round toes; Vis- colized sole; rubber heels; reg. Men's Black Bal. -- Goodyear welts; pointed toes: regular $8.50. Now ........ $4.95 Men's Brown Bal -- Goodyear welts; pointed toes: regular $10.00. Now $6.00 $9.75. eee Now ........ $5.00 These are just a few of the real values going during last week of sale. THE VICTORY SHOE STORE | course will total (normally |, pari-mutuals S ot race-goers being unable to bet | | paid has been devised. | eers are organizing s {ting the state to obtain | FAIR BRITISH GOLFERS US. LADIES "(7 >» oh re ar | Glorious Relief! Corns major leagues. | ba the high { managers in the 1150 are said ti managers. In add said to have received an the Cleveland club for wi and world's r the city, interest i: ning the FRANCE FINDS MONEY FOR RACING PURPOSES | i, Despite the desperate financial situation in France and the insistent | demands for huge German repara- | tions to tide the nat over the:| crisis, the purses for the racing sea- Son commencing at the i e | 7.342 's | about $1.468 i compared with 5,000,000 ancs last year and less than 4,000,000 in 1914. Approximately 1,206,000,000 | last year, tho because of the lack of booths, "This | year scores of additional booths | have been installed at all race | courses, and a new and speedier sys- tem of figuring the dividends to be War profit- | les at Mali. , and are to Engli come sons, Lafitte and Cha offering fabulous salaries trainers and jockeys to There is considerable agitation in | the chamber of deputies for the es- | tablishment of pari-mutual booths in | Paris and other large cities, so that | betters may wager there instead of with the book-makers, thus permit- | a ten per | tax. cent. Automobile touring companies, or- | ganized to carry tourists to the bat- | tlefields, but finding no passengers, | announce a cheap service to the race | courses. ---------- CHALLENGE he news that American women are coming here to play for the Brit- {ish woman's golf championship at | Turnberry, Ayr, in Scotland, in May has aroused great interest among | | English and Scottish women players. | The visit was discussed by the com- | mittee of the Women's United Ser- | vices Golf Association . in London, | and they decided to challenge the American women to a match during | their visit, | With so many open competitions | being played in England previous to | the championship at Turnberry, the | American players will get plenty of | first-class practise, *Wtid a meeting be- | tween them and the best of Great | | Britain's players will prove one of the | chief attractions of the season. | In view of the visit of so many | American amateurs this year several of the leading English clubs, like | Sunningdale and Walton Heath, are | discussing the question of trying to arrange a team match in which the best of English amateurs will meet the Americans, in singles and four- somes. | MAY CALL TRY OFF Lacrosse Tour of Shamrocks Still Very Uncertain, Although there is five thousand dollars in the bank at Montreal de- posited by Con Jones, Vancouver, to cover the expenses of a Shamrock la- | crosse team going to the Pacific] Coast for May, the trip is not by any means certain. Meetings of the la- crosse club to finally settle the mat- ter have been postponed day to day, but some decision is to be reached this yeek. The uncertainty is due, it is said, to the disastrous failure of a boxing tournament which was ex- pected to have made a lot of money for the team. No Date Arranged. Until such time that a winner in the back group composed of Harrow- smith, Sydenham and Verona is de- clared the trustees of the county hoc- key league will not set a date for the final game. Verona and Sydenham play the game which was ordered to be replayed on Thursday and should Sydenham win they will meet Wolfe Island in the finals. Verona has a chance of tying up the league. -------- Joyceville Wanted Game, -~ The management of the Joyceville hockey team asked the Regiopolis heavyweight championship. it } titude on the part of the title holder | France. | FOUR EASTERN ALLAN CUP CHALLENGES 2. Winnipeg, pres an Amateur Hoe- as advised W, A. of the OH. A. that $ for the Allan Cup associ have io. Hoe- ven Mr. Hewitt authority to arrange | for the elimination games covering | the teams from those associations. | He asks that there shall be no un- necessary delay in producing the | winner to go to Winnipeg for the! finals as early as possible for at the | present time everything points to an | rly spring in the West, and he is anxious to see the final games iyed on keen Will Not Materialize. It seems to be pretty well estab- | lished that the match between Jack Dempsey and Jess Willard, which | | Was postponed some time ago until Labor day, will not materialize. For | reasons best known to himself, | Dempsey does not want to meet the from whom he wrested the | This at- | lends additional strength to the be - lief that Dethpsey is not exactly the | Titan which he appeared to be af- | ter he stopped Willard at Toledo, and that Dempsey is not possessed of | of great confidence in his ability to | repeat over the Kansan. Whatever the reason, those who look for the | fight to take place are going to be | disappointed. The Southern League has decided not to increase its player limit, re- | taining its last year's rule of 15 men, | six of whom must be men who have | never played inas high as Class A, |} | Callouses, Foot { Lumps Go You'll feel hke a kla again, you'll | be tickled to death at the painless, | quick riddance of all your corns once | you paint on' Putnam's Extractor. | Do it to-day! Dealers everywhere | have been selling this safe, depend- | able and sure remedy for nearly fifty years. Only costs a quarter. Does the trick every time. Putnam's Corn Extractor was the | first corn remover on the market, has | to-day the largest sale, ana simply | because it's by long odds the best. --_-- Girls! Girls! | Save Your Hair | With Cuticura Soap Ointment, toeleardandraff an. 2S. Can. Depot: Lymans, Limited, St. P (rey Smoke KE T&B Sold wherever good tobacco is sold { ~ Ee - (= a er S.--2 = A = 2 Packag == 0d hockey team to play an exhibition game at Joyceville on Tuesday after- roon but on account of Regiopolis going to Walfe Island the game will have to be played at a later date. EE -------------------- w Manager Robinson has eut the Dodger squad down to 31 men, all whom will leave for New Orleans March 7.. Thirteen pitchers four catchers are on the list. hy and Si A More Tobacco for the Money br es 15° % IbTins 85¢ WEDNESDAY, FEB, 23, 1921. AN WHITE. PINE We have on hand a we in the most useful widths Il assorted stock of Soft White Pine and thickhesses. Grades right and prices right. Allan Lumber Co, Phone1042, ; ; ; 3 Victoria Street HH" nn ah BL ST February Furniture ER Everything reduced; grand opportunity to buy high class furniture at low prices. R. J. Reid Leading Undertaker Phone 577w. - - MCcALLISTER & DRAKE AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES EXPERT MECHANICS FOR ALL MAKES OF AUTOMOBILES. AGENTS FOR "WHITE ROSE" GASOLINE AND TORONTO GREAT ROLLS-ROYCE OIL 593 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1750. Phone Res. 12463. WE GUARANTEE your Motor Car, Motor Boat, Mo- tor-cycle, Truck or Tractor. Prompt service our specialty, Automotive Equipment Tourists' Bureau, Manufacturers, Agents, Accessories i 109 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON to ge* anything you want for FT 23 2S2532Q == Yn Cut Br ier (ILE Ci Cut' ig ny Cr Lt 2 GN Lm oe ae 'Phone 733 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teeth. OFFICE HOURS: 9.6. Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers of Hollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. : Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick Streets. Mgr.: H. F. NORMAN Phone 730w. rh er <0 TO a ID RATHER THAN DANCE - JAIL YOU OUGHT TOBE IN JAIL FOR THE way You Ce po WHATS THE MATTER WITH You # you BE HALF As, TIRED IFAT wAS A FIGHT. THAT ACCOUNTS FOR YOUR ACT) LIKE A CAMEL