nt WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23, 1021. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. air, The guests included Mrs. Hugh mees--1 [Ryan, Mrs. Heber Lafferty, Mrs. ig. {deL. Greenwood, Mrs. W. H. P. EI- {kins, Mrs. P. G. C. Campbell, Mrs. IR. Leech, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss {Alison Macdonell, Miss Lillian Adair, (Montreal), Miss Mary and Mies | [Helen Strange, Miss Margaret Hem- { ming, Miss Edith Carruthers, Miss Marfon Ogilvie, Miss Aline Rutbher- { d, Miss Harriet Gardi s (Notice--Hereat' '¢, the WHIE, if | rons More Gardiner ang Miss Common with other papers all ge "is a canada, will make a charge o | ralok' i ' for hid an engagement, mar-| Mrs. H. C. Welch's rink was in, riage or reception announcement.) {charge of the Curling Club tea on =: | Tuesday and were to be congratu- To get the Whig"s society writer, {lated on the charming decorations telephone No. 857w., 189 Earl street, | of _the table, where daffodils, with - Have your prescriptions and Offer family medicine put up at: -- I : : : ~~ [their spring-like 'air, were chosen | \ . i" {for the flowers. The tea assistants | We will sell while On Feb. 19th, Mr. and Mrs. John | Charles McKay, Mrs, J. | Bests i . | were Mrs, | L ] Ashley, Livingston avenue, cele- np pevertdge, Mrs. ©. P, Borland, | - they last, a very ex- cellent lot of large The Popular Drug Store. Phone 5¢C. PROBS: --Thursday, fair, and moderately cold. Oran Prescriptions | soos ike | Twilight curacy and always under the . and ac- supervision of the » Your doctor would advise this to 5.30 O clock a8 he is assured that his medi- would proprietor. THURSDAY SALE OF NEW COLORED cines reach you as he have them. brated the twenty-fifth anniversary | Edwin Rees and Mrs. Ernest | of their wedding day and by giving | During the afternoon Mrs, | sized Silver Mesh Bags, measuring 10 | Sparks. 2 Jeceplion on Salurday afternoon )yero)rs rink played Miss 4. Birchig] and evening allowed their friends, inches across at [ rink' for the consolation prize, Mrs. | many in number, the pleasure of Welch's team being victorious. wishing them many more happy {years of wedded life. The rooms These are the best Furnished Bags we have had and a very . Open Sundays, There were several tables of uridge | were beautifully decorated in whice ss 0» real bargain. in play. jand stiver, Sider the direction ol] The Toronto Garrison Badminton Yes, ols = Mac enue, t Saa0Oque: | club will come down to Kingston oni Woe Poa. nar: {Friday evening, and on Saturday will 25 - ; ; ile ne B hits | play the Kingston teams for the Hod- ng Siiver louering, 2 ite Sad Sih: | gson and Kingston trophies. There yor orig > Voor Rn 5 i ii x will be several gaities for the visiting | big white wedding be anc pink | fat * at q ! te nsists ol eight ladies carnations and fern were in the bay fo ot men. The Saturday tea at | window, where the happy couple | : Aro fos will be one of the sos |stood, as they did twenty-five years | or events of the week | {ago, to receive. their guests' good |? ee j wishes. In the afternoon Mrs, Ash-| Miss Helen Meek, University ave- | ley wore a smart frock of midnight | Zave a charming house dance on | blue taffeta, and in the evening she {D8 ga evening tn Honor of two po- | hose a soft grey voile; her bouquet | . visitors in town, Miss pv Cn: 4 | pular young | was of mauve and white sweet peas. i arzery Henderson, Ottawa, and Miss | The tea table was lovely with its| dolyn Wood. London | ® { x _ | Gwendolyn od, Li . centre of a huge wedding cake, rest "a ing on an Irish crochet centre, sur- Mrs. Howard Penhale and Miss | Jewelers . Limited {rounded with tulle and crowned with {Mary Strange will give an afternoon | {orange blossoms. Pink carnations {4o, a. the Country Club on Thurs- {in silver vases, white candles in Sil- | gay fn honor of Miss Kathleen Car- | ver sticks and silver candlebra, and ruthers. {a handsome silver tea and coffee | * Pot Roast |equipage of which Mrs, J. G. Ettin- | Mrs. Stewart M. Robertson, Syd- | Over Roast |ger and Mrs, S. A. MacKenzie took jenham street, entertained the Bridge | Rib Roast [charge during the afternoon, the Club, of which she is a member, on | -------- former wearing taupe silk and the! afternoc PORK Monday afternoon. Sh Mee {latter a handsome gown of beaded . oulder "THOMAS COPLEY | Je oes 1 Sous: | georgette. Mrs. J. W. Edwards was a guest ! Mrs. 8 Telephone 987. [Who were charmingly frocked, were |, a juncheon party at the Ottawa | cory time: atimates Riven omail kinds Miss Carrio Milton, Miss MCKegg. | County Club an Brier. sheen ne | of repairs and new work also hard- | Miss Harriet and Miss Hazel Ashley | Mrs. Hugh Guthrie | wood floors of all kinds. All orders | ite Miss Edith Ashley, in a pretty Dr. Frederick Cays and Mrs. Cavs, | In | wellington street, are visiting in | will receiv: prompt attentiva. Shop ; 28 Queen Street. pink frock, admitted the visitors. Speakers Bolduc of the senate and [the evening, when the silver decora- | paitimore, Md | Rhodes of the commons, were sworn tions on the electric lights gave an Miss N. Beard, Ottawa, who has | in as members of the privy council |2dditional air of gaiety to the Scene, | been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John E. i Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1425W S. WHITEMAN 360 Bagot Street. Princess Meat Market Special for Friday and Sa- urday: CHOICE BEEF-- Round Steak T Bone Steak Sirloin Steak , Bolling Beef Stewing Beef Dress Voiles! Established 1840. 830 Kirg Street | | . | I of Canada. at the rural credits' plan. The legislature is inclined to balk | Visitors, and then Mrs. MacKenzie, USE MAXOTIRES EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBBER co., 284 Ontario St. "Free Alr Phone 2030. {the rooms were again filled with | Gow, Union street, returned home on | Tuesday. { Mrs. to Aylmer on Monday. . | * | | |who is a house guest of Mr. and Chrysler McGuire returned | | Mrs. Ashley, received with the host |and hostess. Many lovely silver gifts | were brought or sent from distant { friends to this popular couple. Deli- |cious home-made refreshments were | served during the evening, with Mrs. | John Bannister and Miss Maud | Leonard in charge of the supper Raymond Tuite, Kingston, fis spending the week-end with his par- ents in Belleville. Miss Fawcette Elliott, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Clarke, Belleville, Miss Edna Berry, Kingston Mills, Kingston, A I NN NANA AA tA Ae etree hatter ree Ji 2 =v SS or a) HOUSEHOLD FABRICS When any of the Curtains, Drapes, Chintzes and Carpets in your house look dingy, do not imagine that their usefulness bas passed. Send them to Parker's to be cleaned or dyed. You will be amazed and delighted with the result. Whatever the nature of the fabric to be cleaned, we can do it to your satisfaction. Parker's Dye Works lust Cleaners Dyers @9 PRINCESS STREET : 3 KINGSTON This is the time of year to look over your decorations and prepare for the coming of Spring. We have a pretty range of Velours, Repps, Poplins, Chintz, etc., in all the popular shades, suitable for over curtains and furniture covering. - Just now we also have a large stock of Em- broidered Nets, Madrases, [ace Curtains, Scrims and Voiles, neat and attractive and very reasonably priced. Ask us to Demonstrate the "HOOVER" SWEEPER ? | table. * . - Mrs, W. E. McNeill, Albert street, |was At Home on Tuesday afternoon |to the Levana Society and her kind t in Kiggst 'be | {hospitality was greatly appreciated spending Be ne B ngston, the {by the scores of girls who availed |8uest of Mrs. A er] ort eacey. themselves of it. Mrs. McNeill was . | {assisted in receiving by Mrs. Bruce | Miss Ethel O'Brien, who was with | Taylor Mrs. O. D. Skelton, hon. |Mr. and Mrss. Herbert Steacy, King | president of Levana, and Mrs, W. C. [Street, has returned to Toronto. | |Clark, hon, president of Q.W.C.A.| Mrs. James Walsh and daughter, | The drawing-room was lovely with Kingston, are spending a few weeks | {red candles &nd red carnations, |!} Gananoque with friends. while in the tea room, where Mrs. | Mrs. Macdougall, Toronto, is the J.T. McNeill was in-charge, yel- | Buest of her mother, Mrs. Wurtell, | low, another of Queen's eolors, was | Sydenham Apartments, Brock street. | ' : Mrs. J. P. Fleming, Earl street, | the tint chosen, carried out in the daffodils that nodded their golden |D@s returned from Cleveland, Ohio. heads from the tea table, and the * se pale gold candles in brass sticks that Mrs. Donald MacPhail and Miss were used for decoration. Miss Bes- Mary MacPhajl, King street, who | sie Abernethy, president of the Le- were in Toronto for the Primrose- | vana, and Miss Agnes Condie were Moss wedding, on Saturday, returned | pouring tea and cutting ices, and to town on Monday. their assistants were Mrs. S. E. Re- Mrs. S..A. Mackenzie, Gananoque, |velle, Miss Helen de Renzy, Miss who made many friends in Kings- Cora Messer, Miss Julia Sexmith, ton when her husband, Major Mac- Miss Helen Dickson, Miss Sara kenzie, was quartered here during | Young, Miss Mildred Hallett, Miss the war, spent the week-end with | Dorothy Brown. and Miss Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. Ashley, Livingston ave- | Wert. During thé afternoon Miss nue; | Sophronia Maecfarland, Miss Marjory Mr. Carr, Napanee, is the guest of | Booth and Miss Marion Macarthur Rev. W. Ennis Kidd and Mrs. Kidd, | sang charmingly and some of the Wellington street. | members of Queen's girls' orchestra *e oo | played to everyone's pleasure. They George Van Horn, Pittsburgh, Ont., | were Miss Goldie Bartels, Miss Lili- announces the engagement of his on- | an Desrochers, Miss Jean Douglas ly daughter, Stella Mead, to J. Rus-| and Miss Anita Martin, : sell Bennett, eldest son of Mr. and "vs Mrs. John Bennett, Kingston, Ont, | Mrs. J. M. Campbell, "Glen He maryisge to take place By Lyon," entertained at bridge on ¥ Monday in honor of Miss Kathleen (Continued On Pages 8 and 13) Carruthers. Three tables were in play, the guests who won the pretty | souvenirs being Miss Nora Macnee, [Miss Margaret Hemming and Miss i} | Kathleen Carruthers. At the tea if | hour the players were joined by some more frienas of the bride-elect in the big dining room where, at the i polished table, with dainty lace doi- [ Lies, and daffodils lifting their gold- en trumpets from a silver basket set in pale green tulle, the hostess made | the tea and Mrs. Howard Pennale cut the ices. The drawing room, library and hall were spring-iike with ferns and daffodils, and the open fires were very welcome to ihe visitors entering from the wintry RUBBERS! RUBBERS! RUBBERS! We are still selling Men's First Quality Heavy Rubbers for $1.35 and lightweight for $1.65. Now is the time you need them. Have you got yours? - Rubber Boots--black with red sole and heel ........ Fela Asa Nara reat aa $5.00 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK ST. mother, Mrs, + Henry. Johnston, Athens. | | | | is visiting at the home of her --~ Miss Edith Brownlee, Ottawa, is | } | FREEZONE Corns Lift Off | | with Fingers Drop a little "Freezone" on an ach- ing corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. It doesn't hurt a | bit. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, without a particle of pain. 35c¢. A YARD Regularly priced from 75~. to $1.25 a Yard Sale Starts at 9.30 o'clock Come Early for First Choice. 2,500 yds. of beautiful imported Dress Voiles in a host of attractive patterns. This is positively the most stupendous bargain in high-grade Voile that has been our privilege to offer in six years. The designs and colorings are all of fashion's favorites for the new Spring' and Summer season, Your choice cf fifty of t he season's newest designs in a full 40 inch width, high-grade American Voile. Regular 75¢c. to $1.25 qualities---while the quantity lasts, your unrestricted choice . Thursday 35c. All sales for cash. No returns accepted. A" Steacy's - Limited The Store That Forced Prices to the New Low Levels J