THE PEOPLE'S FORUM THE DAILY BRITISH : i ------------------, Ei CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: First insertion. 1c. a word. Each con- | secutlv. insertion thereafter, half cent a word Minimum charge for One insertion, 25¢; three insertions, 60 cents. The above rates are for cash only when charged they are double, WANTED GENERAL S---------- " SECOND-HAND FL ed oak writir price Box N-i Vig oR BUNGALOW TOF QUARTER- State size and Office TO RENT, COTTAGE a on or b May as T. P. De HELP WANTED. GIRL. DINING ROOM re rae Club a emt ------ OR LEASE DOUBLE : ms each; mod- Whig Office -- TO PURCHASE house; about six ern. Apply Box -24 WITH IMPROVEM move into befor ¢ 1264 betwee il Princess S APPLY sD FOR LAUNDR FARM TO RENT, ABOUT by practical farmer: chase Frank Her g. P. O, BE: Toronto. + GENERAL evenin r A Harrie Street . i GIRL TO LOOK AFTER two) HOUSE HOAT OR scow- st ITABLE YOUNG GIRL TO LOOK AFTER TWO for house boat. State price and par- children a couple of hours every( ticulars. A. H. Fisher, 233 Foster afternoon. Tel 2208w ! Ave, Belleville, Ont | APPLY IN THE Coleman Lays, «12% | ne or | RCHASE house 1 Price over . Kindly tion and locatic PERIENCED WOMAN TO ework by the day, half day r Phone AN 1x WANTED TO CHAMBERMAID; MIDDI woman preferred; good w ply Alblon" Hotel, Kingston A -- UPRIGHT PFlANO Palit payment of new olas. C, W. Lind- r'rincass street. SECOND-HAND | or cash or in - pianos and gra A CAPABLE GIRL OR WOMAN FOR y Limiteg Eeneral housework. Apply Mrs. W | Ht. Glover, 264 King street AN ASSISTANT FOR CHEESE FAC- | tory Apply, stating wages to H WH C. Hogan, Silver Springs, Wolfe. Island. { EXPERIENCED GIRLS WANTED -- Also & few beginners. Apply at . McGowan's Cigar Factory, or to H. | Bennett, Bagot street, | | PAINTING On & done, drop a card to! Mounteer, 84 Arch street. HENRY WARD & SON, Paper Hangers and Interior dec r>.ors. Now is the time to Jour interfor decorated. 1867J. PAINTERS, co Phone PALIN EE pe triste sas, | SIX ROOM HOUSE ON JOHNSON ST. | Apply 78 Princes St FIRST CLASS ROOMS anD BU all Improvements, centrally ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. STORAGE FUR FURNITURE AND | merchandise; clean aud dry. Me- Cann, ¥¢ Brock street. Phone 326 or 621 STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and ey. Frost's City Storage, 299-305 BE ------------------------------------ Queen sireet. Phone 526, res. Yayw. | $ AMATEURS WANTED-. | SUITE OF TWO OR THREE ROOMS | "n -- : OF ¥ i 3 ! at Shee Singers, Dancers, | for light housekeeping, furnished | crobats, Magicians, Musical Or unturnished, with all improve- Mets, Impersonators--Iocal tal- Apply 165 Division Street, ! ent-only. Apply at once, BOX OFFIC 'E, GRIFFIN'S THEATRE _mmme--eeee I -- POSITION WANTED, MISS MADGE EDGAR, Stenographer, Ofice. 239 521. A CHEESEMAKER FOR THE WOLFE | Island Cheese fagtory. Apply, stat- NG AND PAPER HANGING --J, ing price per "hundred, without anagan, Painter and Decorator. | furnishings, to J. P. O'Shea, RS3. Estimates freely given Metallic | Wolfe sland. gold letters for store ang office] windows. 247 Montreal street | COME AT ONCE--MEN $6-10 DAILY, Phone 1432. | special short courses; one month = -- cr _ 1 {ute Mechanics' course $50; one TO LET. | jonth Gas Tractor Course 380 i plenty of time to finish for the . " LY OC INCE ET | Spring rush. Hemphill Bros, A {A ATT LY CLARENCE sTREwY] (as Tractor School, 163 King st, . W., Toronto. Board and room $3.50 up. Call or write WANTED--CAPABLE SALESMAN TO represent the following publica- tions in this city, Saturday Night H. Gagnler Commercial Canadian Home Journal and Can dian Farmer Permanent empl ment, excellent proposition application consldereq withaut best | Of references. Write R. 8 Hamil- Richmond St, West, To- ments. FURNISHED ROOMS AT 406 JOHNSON | { Street, corner Frontenac Com. | forts in everything. May rent by | day, week or month Telephone ) 997im. FURNISHED ROOM ON BATH ROOM | floor; can be used by one or two persons; afternoon sun exposure. Board if desired Apply 25 Fron- tenac Street North ) PUBLIC White's Insurance Bagot street Phone ONE, TWO OR THREE NICELY FUR- | nished rooms, furnace and electric | light, gas for cooking Privilege | OL light housekeeping if desired. Apply 185 Colborne St. TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE. clally furnished for light house- - keeping: gas for cooking and light, QUALIFIED, EXPERIENCED TEACH. at the Ploneer Apartments. 212 and er for 8 8, No. 8 ang 10, Oso and 214 Division strest. Phone 1434w. Olden. Duties to commence Apri) . { Salary 3600.00 per an-| FOUR FLATS (HEATED) CONTAIN. | Norman Thomlison, Sec ing 6 and 7 rooms; centrally locat- | rt Lake, Ont. ed, Nos. 213 and 219 Queen street. | Newly renovated and decorated | throughout. Immediate possession. | Apply E. Blake Thompson, 39 Brock | treet. rs for stores, off} go. LE I 5 r es, office windows; cae. 2 ily applied; will not wash off; free 'LEGAL / samples. Acmo Sign Co., 846 N. : «+ Wells, Chicago. 111. ; CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. ers and Solicitors, 79 .Clarence street, Kingston. B. Cunning- ham, Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank Money to loan. Phone 1999. Sa TEACHERS WANTE D, TEACHER FOR S. 8, NO. 5, LILLY. ville. Salary $300. Apply to W. B Dfysome, sec-treas, Plum Hollow. AGENTS WANTED Agnes 500 % PROFIT st MEN AND WOMEN, NOT To CAN. Vass, but to travel and appoint lo- Cal representatives; $1,092 and ex- Penses guaranteed first year, with Kood chance- to make 2,600 and expenses. State age and qualifica- tion Xperience unnecessary. Winston Co., Dept. G Toronto. Tr meee LAND SURVEYOR F. MILLER, B.Ap., Se. C.K, D.L.S., M.E1C., Napanee, Ont On- tario Land Surveyor. Kingston Of- fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- ence street. Ete | ¥. MAKE MONKEY AT HOME~-$15 TO $60 | pald weekly tor your spare time | writing show cards for us. No canvassing. We instruct and sup- ply you with work. West-Angus Showeard Service, 57F. Colborne St. - Toronto. s POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- SIGNS tects, Merchants Bank Chambers cornép of Brock and Wellington SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, woop, | ___ Streets. etc. large or small, uaranteed XX | &old leaf; posters, » owcards, etc. artistically written and designed by Shaw, at 205 Princess Ingston. 0.L.S,, treat | AIR, L MOLES, WARTS, marks, gkin cancers, scars, etc, re- moved permanently. Satisfactory lasses fitted and furnished after others have falléd. Goltre removed, 35 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J, Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. { ' ns ng 8 BIRTH. FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD 10 W, coll 22 John street Dis. | v Good Blacksmiths Coal is necessary for successful fopge work. We . FOR SALE PHONE 436. F. COOKE. SMALL FARM, AD- Lee, Collins Bay AWNINGS, Tq { | FOUND | HOUSE AND | dress Wm | SMALL A CHILD'S RUBBER. APPLY 30 Plum stre AN AUTOMOBILE Cl4-354. . Apply Ford SAVINGS STEEL iS | 8 Co, TY STRONG each Mill ks. 31.00 Clarence St Garag FOOT SHOW CASE, JONES make. Apply Prince of Wales | 1, 131 Princess street | FIVE A LADIES' RING ON TUESDAY B afternoon. Own nay have same by apply tenac street, 1281m. | | LADY'S FUR CoAT irigerator and furniture. Apply « other articles 165 Division St. 1 i | MARKER-- | | 2 { ONE PAIR OF BOOTS, ON KING- ! Son and St ! GOOD SECOND-HAND LUMBER, COR- rugated sheet steel and other building materials. I. Cohen & Co. « -------------- UME LUT, 66xi32 FOUT FRONTAGE, | 1 Soutn Macdonald street; coeuwp | culck buyer. Batemans Real Estace. THOROUGHBRED JERSEY COW pedigreed; fresh early in April. Ap- ply RR. Alexander, 24 Viclonia St Phone 248J. Kingston J OWNER near Phone 1105 ri L 0. 0. F. PIN, have same at 6 Ridea between 5 and pm MASONIC 7 Pin. OWNER INAy have same at 2:0 Syd- AY | | | enham Street . | 1 street, LADY'S SCARF, ON Owner may have s | calling at 47 karl street, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- | {| FORD ROADSTER, 1914 MODEL, IN » TISED vHEE, { good condition; three new tires; 5 ! cheap to a quick buyer. Apply §7 Anyone finding anything and Pi | street Phone vishing to reach ihe oWuer may | | -- do so by teporung the fucts to *A The British Whig The adver. [| Ltisemant will be printed ia this cu.umn free of charge, i Found articies" does not ir- { st dog cattle, horses. These. if lost, may be ad- tized for inthe 'Lost' culufnu . HOTEL, for upstairg work. | References required m Hotel, Cobourg, Ont. ; AFPHONOLA AND TEN ¥ Jus; your own cholce, $42.50 | Terms §igeash; $5 per month. C. W | Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princess St "BERTIIA CALKINS," E capacity 500 net tons. Can pected at Picton, Ontario r particulars and price on SCHOONE [= ication. T. lL. VanDusen, Pic-| on Brock, Princess or ne ont, Finder please ret turers" Life, 5% n, 1 R, STOVE PA- aler, peg float, | fixtures, glass | boots, fitting | King Street, ! window rests' for Jennings, wer 'tal stool H Shoe Store, CEPT E TITER PrP Pr REP ee NEW AND REPAIR WORK, ESTI- og FOR SALE mates given on small jobs. Drop a o" card, nt Page, 8 Pembroke tf, RPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER see Jamey S Contractor, 212 University 4 Phone 1898w UPHOLSTERING. . CALL OR DROP A CARD TO WwW. J. Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st WW, HAROLD FOR \VOUR UP- | St holstering and general repairing 2ac Leave orderg at or drop a card to pay 104 Clergy street i 333 Princess street. AND CLOTHING, se furniture, speclalize In mili- | boots; buy ail kinds secund- id goods; highest prices paid. I, utbard. Phone 1723. 2x9 Prin- cess Street. 4 ence street, Kingston, Ont. Chdeddd dds : | FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF second hand turniture and es Any person having stoves furniture to dispose of, we wil | highest prices. I. Thompson, Phone 1600w, FF. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN- ished: guns repairs; all kinds of small repairs in wood or Stanton and Sleeth, 241 Street. MEN ko COVERED BUTTONS MADE der in all popular shape Upholstering and repair E. J. Goodridge, 244 WA venue. ONE OF THE BEST STOCK FARMS IN | Frontenac County, containing 20v acres clay loam; two good awell- ings; bank barn; another barn shed, drive house, hen house, hog house, wind mill; everything com- " plete; lots of wood and water; goud + DENTAL. tocation; easy drive to Kingston, tem a iy r 3 tf NAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE RibeeD. D. Snyder, 163 Alfred st, ntil March 30th - | HIGH CLASS DAIRY FARM, CONSIST. | | ing of 150 acres, 100 in high state | vl cultivation and 50 acres ip wood lot; good stone house; first class outbuildings; lots of water; close to church, school and railroad. Will sell tarm separate or stock and machinery suitable to purchaser. Address Harris McDougall, Faijr- field, Ontario. DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street. over | Carnovsky's. Phone 346. | DR. RUPERT PF. MILLAN, DENTIST, 81 Princess Street. Phone 1850. Open evenin by i nt. FINANCIAL STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; ablished in 1860; only the most reliable companies repre- > sented. Office 95 Clarence street, * opposite the post office. | 4 for sale--100 ft long. Price and *| | 4 particulars upon application to | % Room 101, Booth Bldg. Ottawa. | 4 Ont. 3 President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- y president, A. B. Cunningham. | - olen Money issued on city and farm | { | | * 1 Teh ee STEAMER FOR SALE T'assenger and freight steamer a! LOAN AND INVEST- FRONTENAC i J incorporated 1861 ment Society; ie Beidesde sea olois aa iBor ds. TREE RETP PP properties, municipal and county BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, debentures; mortgages purchased; 750--FOR SALE--BUILDING LOTS ON investment bonds for sale; deposits received and Interest allowed Alwington Avenue; good location. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 ence street. Kingston { $1100--BUILDING LOT, SY DENHAM ST, | near Raglan Road. CHIROPRACTIC. ! -- 00--GARROTT ST, LIS, D.C, Ph. C.,, Cor | -- and Mack Streets, | a iL . Consultation free FOR SALE hs | Hours of Iho ON SOUTH MACDONELL | 0 =n "el, 533x132; small building; very cheap for quick sale. WM. A. MARCE ner Nelson Kingston, Ont Telephone 1086] p.m. $1900--FRAME BUNGALOW; NEW; north end: 4 rooms; B. and C. Lot 338x132; for immediate possession. FOR SALE. | PURE BRED BARRED ROCK AND White Wyandotte Cockerels, Ja41 each. Hatching eggs from prize winners, $3.00 to $5.00 per 15. | Joseph White, Portsmouth. Phone | 2301 ring 4. SPECIAL OFFER Se PAIR OF Bi cycle Tires a+ §1 each while they last. Bicycles cleaned and stored; also skates hollow ground. Raby carriages retired and repaired. Muller's Bicycle Works, 371 and 37; King street. Phone 1032w | ' -- ONE IDEAL GASOLIN GINE | VICTORY BONDS FOR SALE, MONEY | ~ made by Goold, Shapely and Muir | to Loan. | Co, 1% h. p. 2 Excelsior Motor-| cycles in good running order Also | skates hollow ground and baby | carriage tires put while you wait Muller's Bicycle Works, 371 and | 373 King street. Phone 1032w { nn | $2000--FRAME HOUSE; 11 ROOMS; | about an acre of land; suitable for | summer boarders; near Westport, | -- | HOUSE; 4 ROOMS; B. | lights and furnace; 200---FRANE and C.; electric gouud cellar, $2, $5,000--BRICK SEMI-DETACHED; 5 | rooms; BB. and C.; hot air; gas; dor: | age. FARNS--SEV ERAL GOOD FARMS FOR | sale. G. A. BATEMAN, | 139 Welllugton Street, Kingston, | have it for sale--always. | Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. Foot of Johnson Street 5 SALE s "We'have in for immed ate delivery a number of secund- hand "drticles of hr such as: -- 'Boller Feed Pumps." arine Steam E . " loromotive Air Pumps, " gine Mot Water Boilers, 3 Stationary Steam Engines. Marine Stationhry gasoline Engines. . We shall be jleazed t~ supply you. : DAVIS DRY DOCK: CO. . 2 East End of WellingtonSt. Auction Sales Quebec Heaters I am the best auctioneer in om. Best Store for Garage or work shop. cooks and other Stoves =e BEDFORD The well. Phone 1721 or 1 ' A. man has to be sick before he LTRK Phone 705° will take care of himself. That i 'the reason why factors 100k prosper- ous. % i J. MAXWELL Contractor and Builder Hockey Matc COVERED RINK Saturday General Repairing Phone 2310J. 17 Victoria Street. at 1 p.m. sharp CATARAQUI va. WOLFE ISLAND Admiss cisersans B30 Dr.Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St, Phone 236. CARNIVAL 50,000 SAMPLES Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder 50,000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles to horsemen who give the Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for Colie, Inflammation of the Lungs, Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper, " ete, nd 25c. for Malling Package TRE pr oN og etc. Agents wanted. Write your. Men are rrpocritical in many address Jlatnly. DR. BELL, V.S, KINGSTON, ont. | "27% Dut they do not, go around kissing each other, ' PALACE RINK TO-NIGHT Prizes for best fancy dresses. 7' FOR SALE MACK STREET--Frame Semi-Bungalow: . rooms; all $4,700.00. COLLINGWOOD STREET -- Pressed Brick, Semi-Bungalow; all * 8 ern; hardwood floors downstairs; Stationary Tubs. $1150.00 cash Payment. Price $5550.00. » THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 6 rooms; 3 bed- modern, hardwood floors throughout. Price Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street WHIG. T AIMLESS HUNT "On a hunting trip he just wanders about and never shoots a thing." "Wanders without aim, | suppose." HOPED IT WOULD FIT Lady Visitor--I'm sure | have the key to your unfortunate position, you poor man. Prisoner--I sure hope "twill fit the lock to this cell, mum! "Were things very high at the re sort you visited last summer?" "Yes, quite; | spent my vacation in the mountains." . OH Jovy! Hurry feliers, this mince ple stuff in it! Fly: has the real DIFFERENT Employer: You want an increase in salary? Why, I've been 'Yinking of taking you into the firm. In that case would you still want to In. crease? Employee: Oh, ne. Under such | elrcumstances | should. be firmly op- posed to any increase expenses. vg in our running rm. = Oo WOULD APPRECIATE CHANGE Diner: Doubtless waiting is an ii} pald and monotonous job. Waiter: | must say I'd appreciate a little change. LIKE MANY OTHERS "She says her husband attends | church regularly. "Yes, he goes with her to the Christmas service every year. EVIDENCE PROPERLY USED Prosecutsr: And, your honor, the Accused is also sald te have stolen this flag-- Judge: evidence. Well, sir, we'll waive that CASH AND CARRY SAVES YOU MONEY OUR SPECIALS 5 lbs. best R. Oats ..,....25¢. 5 Ibs. Corn Meal .......25c. 2 1bs. Juicy Prunes . . .. .. H. A. Margarine .... .. .. 2 pkgs. Jelly Powders-- any flavor ........... 24c, » All kinds of Soap Oc. Finest Black Tea--the kind----our "ani 380, HOPKINSON'S Cor: Grocery Streets | Mall Route No. 4, from the Postmaster- | General's pleasure. | Office of Wolfe Island, and at the office THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1921. GRAND-ALL THIS WEEK .THE ERNIE MARKS STOCK CO. TONIGHT: "THE ROUND UP." Also Amateur Night. : FRIDAY NIGHT: "THE CALL OF THE WOODS» Change of Play Nightiy--6--- Big Vaudeville Acte--g Bargain Matinee Saturday 1S5e. 23¢. Evening 13-25-35-50. COME AND HAVE A BIG LAUGHLT O-NIGHT 1S AMATEUR NIGHT! wivive: Norma Talmadge in "THE PROBATION WIFE" Alse Thomas Mel ghen, the Favorite. EDDIE COLLINS IN A RIP-ROARING COMEDY GRIFFIN'S it tame waa MATINEE, 2.30, at Prices: Mat. 25-23¢. i EE ------ 'NOW Romance in full bloom at the ALLEN RINGING THE VILLAGE BELLE Hoo Ray ! Here's Charles in a New Picture From His Studio. His Best Comedy--a Gale of Giggles From Title to Tail-Piece! CHARLES RAY in "19 and Phyllis" Fred Weedon & Co, L ate of "The Dumbells' In a1 Act Farcial Comedy | "DEMOBILIZATION" "I'he Toomerville Trolley" that meets all the Tralns--a Fontaine Fox Two Reel Comedy) Bray Pictograph Allen Pictorial OVERTURE--"POET aad PEASANT" By Allen Premier Concert Orchestra, Sid Hoff- man Directing MATINEE 2.15 p.m. STRAND WE LEAD--OTHERS FOLLOW! EVENING 7.30 Proven Te Be Firat in Pletures and Music PRESENTING TO-DAY ENID BENNETT IN "SILK HOSIERY" Presented with a Prolog. . . "The Fashion Shop" CONCERT i SETTING FOR THE PROLOG + SUPPLIED BY STEACY'S Limited COMING MONDAY el Orchestra COMIC CLASSICS ALMA RUBENS HAROLD LLOYD | IN "RESTLESS SOULS in "NUMBER PLEASE" DANCING LESSONS Every Night AT GARDEN HALL Hours 7 pm. to 9 pam. . 4 All the Latest Dances MRS. 8. COHEN 111 BROCK ST. Hall Phone 357 - Residence 1878 SPER Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmagter-General, will be received at Ottawa, until noon, on Friday, the Sth April, 1921, for the conveyance of His Majesiv s Mu'ls, on a proposed con- tract for four years, six times per week on the route Wolic Island Rursl WAGSTAFFE"S Pure Orange MARMALADE Made from Seville Oranges and Granulated Cave Sugar only, TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST, "NOTICE Unless the Motor Cyele eft with me fn August, 1919, by an unknown party In redeemed on or before February 28th, Printed notices containing further in- fiurmation as to donditions of projpused contract may be seen-and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post the same will be sold at public ane- tion to pay expenses. FRED DENYES, ri of the Post Office Inspector J. CAMPBELL STRANGE Acting Post Office Inspector Post Office Inspector's Office, Kingston, Feb. 23r¢ Ontario, The British government bill in- creasing unemployment insurance Payments passed its second reading in the House of Commons. Satire is a good-natured joke that is always half "ire." Stocks are apt to recover from a fall quicker than the operator does. DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1 Ford Sedan. 1 McLaughlin Light Six. : "These cars are of good appearance; in first class running conditon, and as we need the room for our 1921 stock of new cars, are' prepared to dispose of them at bargain prices for a quick sale. CHEVROLET AGENCY . BAWDEN & EDWARDS 30 MONTREAL STREET . PHONE 400.