Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Feb 1921, p. 14

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THURSDAY, FEBRUAKY im, You, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | A SPLENDID PARADE ii -- Of "A" Company, Frontenac Regi. § ment, Wednesday Evening. ' "A" Company Fronte i ment, had. (a splendid I I . Wedne e t € more than fi 1en € t great improver A Chance for The Late Mrs, W.- Elliott. drill movements, i Mrs. Roxanna Elliott, widow of the : ins de equipment makes a late William Elliott, Mallorytowa, gunn a : ne : : passed away at the residence ofsher |¥, . once. OR. ¥ ; B. E. Elliott, 314 Albert streei, y, °° rE, Le Wl : : : on Thursday, after an illness two |, int y : . . § o \ : . ! days. The deceased was seventy. |LeTest s own by all ran ks At the very beginning of Spring when every woman is on . eight years of age and was born at | = ,.. °°. "1° 1 bscoba ' 5s : Mallorytown, being a daughter of the |, T0¢ E3Ie of indoor baseball was | tiptoe awaiting to see what the new wearables and fab- . o Albon Suid ane 1s survjveq by team ' select sd to mee > . d h b . 1 . . d ue sou, B E: lieu, 0ue Braid. | chine gunhers it ovening : rics, and when substantial savings are most appreciate calla, aihlee J » & sister, J : F tte GInld a, ined to the | BEM 1@ garrison se s on Fri-4 . . . Lucy ial, at present confined to the [501° O16 th me of this store presents display after display of brand new Brockville General hospital with a to with Jycken hip ihe resus of an accent, tere No Larter & timely merchandise. These offerings follow closely the rn ecently, and one brother, William A . 3 - Guild, Mallorytown. The funeral . . . «a . to buy the material for a | will take place from 314 Albert | | dictation of fashion, yet they are surprisingly low in street Friday morning tothe G.T. R. | 1 . Station, Rev. J. A. Waddell officiat- » A | price. | ing. Interment will be made at Mal- | i i lorytown. b | ® le er e uit | The Late Mrs. Tobin. Catherine Doherty, widow of the! late Thomas Tobin, passed away at her residence, Portsmouth, at 8 a.m. CURA anion : . Thursday after an il'ness extending SRT E 3 ; . : over 0 weeks. She vas past seven- > Wn { | = SPECIA ty years and spent most of her life in : 2 Portsmouth is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Harris, Rochester, ana rs Fuge Tos Aaies cor | | HERE Nf YOU NEED AND WANT.ARE NOW LOW PRICED { I A a a ---- | . WANT DR. EDWARDS As they are actually marked at much Jess than IN THE CABINET [ESSE : : : : \ ! ern | [EE the prices which are going to prevail during er 'The Frontenac Conservatives : 2% the coming months. It will pay you to look . ° Send a Resolution to 7 8 | Fh ahead to summer and to anticipate its require- i i . 1 Premier Meighen ments, as well as those of the immediate § Tro ienas Donservatives want Ps | LT ERA PRY present. Offered in fresh, Spring-like pat- . W. Edwards, M.P., in the domin- | - ATINS | iA jE ego) . . Fine Blue Botany Wool Worsted ion cabinet, and a resolution has been ! 'ho after "Yea service as 22 3 i x Se. terns, and a host of delightful colorings at : sent to Right Hon. Arthur Meighen | ¢°Toter in To 2S resigned ELI\y great savings--are --clear.cut-- Indigo Dye -- Sun | requesting that in the event of cabi- \J \ : ~ y : | net reconstruction, the member for | Ad or Embroidered Printed proof--a good weight--width 58 | Frontenac county, who for so many| Gr dge LF, be Ay and Plain Voiles hs | years has been a strong supporter of an y ent hl De . | the government, be chosen as one of | the Ic > T i ht. | i Organdies the new ministers. 1A spl i and al I . | There was a megting of the execu- 2 bh) 3 8 38 Ginghams | tive of the county last week, presided | of Cooke's church Ber 3 / aPC 4 8 Prints jover by Dr. Geddes, Verona, and the was accompanist. ) lly ed. | "gb { chairman of the different townships | Crosby's orchestra supplied music for 5 Percales and subdivisions have subscribed to 1g from ni ( elve. About | the resolution as well as all of thele | past presidents, urgir upon Premier ® ® » ning was spent { Meighen the desirability of including -------------------- {the member for Frontenac in tho | The Late John P. Hoard. ! : yeabinet. | At Foxboro village on Tuesday | | eo {John Cephas Hoard passed away. | (Founded 1847) | Wolfe Island Team DRITHIOR Was SET Sonne OF ous HE Sli K DISPI A Y Of Horses Afe Drowned and was born in Seymour township 75-77 BROCK STREET | He was a retired farmer. Mr. Hoard . A valuable team of horses owned moved from Brighton to Foxboro " : If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." { by Ace Hough, Wolfe Island, proke soventont vears ago. Deceased was | OFFERS MANY SURPRISES | through the ice near the Montreal!a Methodist in religion. A widow, . . . . . . . i "Transportation Company's elevator one brother, Reuben, Stirling, and It 18 fairly brimming over with beautiful Silken on Thursday morning at 11.30 o'clock | one, sister, Mrs. W. Anderson, | . . . and were drowned. One cow and a|Hoard's Station, survive. | materials--ideas for Dresses, Suits, Blouses, ~~~~~~~~~~-- | calf were saved. It is thought that | se-------- : ndred and one other in- f the horses struck a weak piece of ice. Gievn Another Chance. ! Sport Skirts and a hu e . inches. | is . | A"lad, who has been before the teresting uses. Crepe Silks are 1n the fore- | CONVICTS FOR HAMILTON | juvenile court a score or more times. | fi | | was again before Magistrate Farrell] ground, but Satins, Charmeuses, Taffetas and | Guard Takes Away Two Men Who | on Thursday. The youngster does not | . . i Are Adjudged Insane. like to go to school apd the truancy | any number of Silks of novelty weave, also mn- | Guard George Sullivan ' left for officer has been doing everything vite favorable attention and selection with i | Hamilton on Th irsday with two pri- | possible to get the lad to keep at his . 1 . d f . . 1 . erson oS | soners of the Portsmouth penitenti-| studies. However, he has been given their gorgeous new co orings an ascinating y {ary adjudged insane. They will be|another chance, and it is hoped that ys : ® | placed in the Hamilton Criminal asy- | he will maké good. original Spring patterns. | | lum. ------ | e '® | The case of Leo Rogers has not yet | St. Thomas Collegiate Institute i Limited | been definitely decided by the alien-|teachers have threatened to strike | | ists, and he is still held under obser- i unless their demands for an increase | a-- a-- | vation. Some officials are of the op-|is granted by March 31st. 1 | inion that Rogers is ready to fake in- | > sanity in order to get away from the | PAILY MEMORANDUM: ; g ® ® "Satisfaction Always" Our Motto. | confines of the Portsmouth institu- | Street Church hall this evening : {tion and avoid the consequences of EDGAR 11 9 nip | his assault upon Inspector Duncan. HANSON CROZIER & { » F RID AY " SEOUR Mirae. PRINTERS ! Go the scissors and in less time than it takes to | quotations Furnished by Bongard, | Ly tell it you have a whole garment cut out with- isfvi | IR trent P| MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. | out wasting an inch of material, providing, of SAUSAGE--We suggest for a satisfying ||| 8 ' . ! | change from regular line of Meats, any | { American Car Fndy..123% 123 1 of late vi . : one of the four popular brands shown on lam. Remar Toh S0% 84 1-31 run from. her lath sewing and may be chosen in a host of desir- our counters--this week at lower prices. [Baldwin Locomotive . $9% $8% | street, Friday. ac 230 pm. | -to-the-mi Pp [Baltimora & Ole. . 343% 347% | pegs Cotaraiy Cometaiy®: Po able up-to-the-minute styles. OXFORD... ......... .......... 9c, | Bethlehem Steel "B", 56% 563% | Anaconda 38% 38 NOR ceaai.. oe 1 2c. lc. P.R ... 116% : Hr I Soujan. belov L ". is vss 380, JliSeatrat Leather .... | 917 | Ponca! rivate) Friday, Feb, 25th, at] . ia COUNTRY ..........0...:... 306 JJoeetsoton it don 303%) ihe To flulin B00 CR John Laidlaw & Son, Limited "Tasty and appetizing." i 8 Lackawanna Steel .. 551 o'clock for the happy repose of her| \ soul. i Street. DIED. wt New York Stocks. CHAPMAN--In Kingston, on Feb. 23rd, | course, that you use one of our handy But 1971, Rosannah Crumley Sharp, wi | tericks Patterns. They make child's play of Opening. Closing. § Hardy Edward Chap-| | Marine Pfd. 51% 51% | Friends and acquaintances are kindly! [= ! Mexican Petroleum re {Northern Pacific .... ; OBL --In Portsmouth, © eb. | {Plerce Arrow : S rey, ed wife of 1 late Republic Iron & Steel 6714 4 Tho Tobin, aged 74 years and] z 8 months. { Reading . Funeral notice nater. LAKE SEA U. 8. Rubber 67% 4 BLLIOTT-In Kingston, on Feb. 24th | 1 * Southern Pacific ... 78 21, Roxanna Gulid, widow of the Pickerel Halibut ob Teg a late 'Win Elliot, aged 1s years aig » > ss o onins. ¢ - P ike B. C. Salmon Westinghouse Funeral from her late residence. Si us d oll ave Lake Trout Mackerel Interment at Malioryiown, Ont. White Fish Brill Brazilian b CARD OF THANKS ® H . . Brompton We wish to thank.gour many friends > errings . Herrings Canada Cement .... for their Kindne eben ar eautiful | Canada Steamships Socal Serisy Se ar ruven? oa v COD FISH buy itinbulk . .....20c. 1b. ' [lems smetters -.. 32 19 | of ioring pistatd so einer' Lake Herrings "salt," Shredded Cod Fish Sengral Fone 1 | © JAMES REID The Toe is right--not high, not too flat--easy Labrador salt, | and 2 Ib. pk. Cod F ish National Breweries . The Old Firm of Undertake . . N. Y. Exchange .... 13% 254 and 236 PRINCESS STREET. fitting--just enough swing to the last. OYSTERS--Sealshipt in Glass Jars. he? Riorgon cs a ng Phene 147 for Ambul nce. Sealshipt in bulk. Bish Fira I ee al" ROBERT J.REID Gunmetal Calf--Slip Fresh Lettuce, Parsley, Rhubarb, Celery Gets Blow In Boston. Ponca ng Ur co: Sole .... .... $8.50 Ogdensburg, N.Y., Feb. 24--A - 300 Ibs. Creamery Butter .......55¢. Ib. chamber of commerce luncheon was M. P. KEYES K Kid. J . on held in Rochester yesterday, when Unde and Embal " angaroo nn 250 Ibs. Dairy BUTTER sah avis <u DSC, Ib.x advocates of the deeper St. Lawrence Vndertabns Prony 228 Princess St. g : : * project presented their case. Oppon- Ambulance Phone 1 hy 3 300 dozen Oranges at . . .". . Special Prices air, Saze. Oppom Single Sole fees $8.00 - hy : decision -of the Boston chamber of{ JOHN CORNELIUS | --_------------ commerce to oppose the plan may Undertaker and ' Embaimer : . strengthen the opposition. Yr 2599 4 . For some time it was supposed : § Phones: 458459. Wholesale 1767. [| 77 wom ime it was suppor || Lockett's ? member, acting as an individual, had ! 3 been touring the country speaking in favor of the deeper St. Lawrence. ¥ eddin | --p----

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