Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Feb 1921, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ------------ eR a. we [INGLL CHEN DECION NCDENTS OF THE DAY f= |" Gn Ge BSE SATURDAY BOOK AND MUSIC SALE With Queen's on Thurs- General Public Interest. day Evening. Try Chadwick's coal. Prone 67. | NGL oii ware #ives thy des] 108 Soap aso tar, Orders ut : 5 ij | ciston over Queen's in 1 final in-| Planos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W : ON LATEST FICTION SAVE 35c. PER COPY--All the follow- ing $2.00 Books onsale Saturday at $1.65. The Mountebank by Locke, Returned Empty by Florence Barclay, Harriet the Piper by Kathleen Norris, Winsome Winnie by Stephen, Lea- cock, Lucinda by Anthony Ho pe, N6 Defence by Gilbert Parker. | tereollegiate debate held in Convoca- | Lindsay, Limited, | tion Hall Thursday evening before a | The Cape Vincent, N.Y, Eagle has | | falr © sized audience. The judges, | entered its forty-ninth year. It is a | | . 3 7 ~ ~ . LATEST MUSIC SAVE 10c. PER COPY -- Sale includes such 1 ' : een Gee on tli [5 popular Sembeta? Saher Your Nest, Margie, Avalon, Linger was supported by McGill. {allow money: paid in rental to apply onger 1 7 1 upported by Mc any SL svi 5 ayy ger Letty, Old Fashioned Garden, Broadway Rose, Whisp- Phones: 603 604 1 | ! | ] | COATS, MUFFS, CAPES, STOLES, ROBES and RUGS. New low prices. Your inspection invited. Buy Furs at wholesale prices. JOHN McKAY, Ltd. - THE FUR HOUSE i | Judge E. C. Huycke, Peterboro; Prof. .good, readable paper., { if { CB. Auger, of Victoria College, To- | Police Constable John« Naylon, ! {§ | ronto, 'and R.T. Brymner, of the quite {I} with bronchitis, was report- | i | Bank of Commerce, Kingston, were [ed to be some better on Friday. |] | out considering the decision some | The First Presbyterian church, | |] | time before Judge Huycke, after Cape Vincent, N.Y., has purchased | | congratulating both sides, announced | land for a manse from Mrs. S. 8. ! The, subject of debate was, YRe- | . A N solved that legislation should be (Limited, . | ering, Love Nest, Marimba, S wanee. Every 50c. number on sought to secure abolition of Cana- Ald. R. J. Rodger has been in 1 S t d 40 L . dian appeals to the judicial commit- | Winnipeg atetnding a jewelers' con- sale oaturaay at C.; any six for $2.25. tee of the Privy Coumsil." The at- Jo tign. The next will be held ind LA firmative was upheld by R. O. Camp, | Quebec in 1922, ES I - ney and F. A. Knox, Qfeen's, and the Have you got a bargain at the aue- T T MAGAZINES ON SALE SATURDAY Red Book, Cosmopolitan, American, Ladies' Home Journal, Woman's Home Companion, Pictorial Review, Delineator, McCalls, Good Housekeeping, Hearsts, Green Book, etc., etc. | Black. | negative by W. R. Dillon and R. [ ton sale of dry goods, 248 Princess Telephone 919 that by a slight margin the decision | | Alter six months' rental we will! Perrifault, McGill. All the speakers Street, every afternoon and evening, showed that they hed spent much [1.30 and 7.30 p.m? time in preparation, and the judges The firemen were given a run to remarked that their debates were a | H. Salsberg's, corner of Clergy and credit to the institution which they | Colborne street, amout 8.40 Friday represented. The affirmative said in | morning where a stove pipe caused | part that the privy council was out | some trouble but no damage. i of date, that it did not give justice Among the officers of the R.A.M. | {to all on account of the expense, and | recently chosen at the annual con- that the councillors did not have the | Yention in Londor is grand knowledge of local conditions neces- | SWord bearer, J. W. Robinson. R. sary to give a fair judgment in some | EX- Comp. W. Y. Mills is a member cases. The negative, on the other | Of the executive. - hand, mafl.tained that the council Broadway's leading vaudeville ar- was a court where matters of consti- |tist Frank Crumit is singing "No- tutional importance could be settled [body to Love" on record A-3303. and In the case of Quebec was a ne- | Frank says he would like to sing in cessary hody, your home. Buy the record at Lind- ERNE MARKS STOCK G0, 2 es R. Ex-Comp, J. J. Davis, Ganan- Amateur Night Provided Treat oque, has been chosen grand superin- tendent of the Royal Arch Masons for Patrons--The Prize- winners. Your Favorite Open Evenings |Selections Your faverite aclections, vocal or instrumental, will be found om "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Records. Perhaps it is one of this lst of Musical Masterpieces specially prepared for your com- venience. for the St. Lawrence district. R. Ex- Comp, C. F. Watt, Stirling, is the grand superintendent for Prince Edward district. When Ted Lewis and his jazz band run riot you've simply got to step to his syncopation. Hear him in "Tired of Me" record A-3329 at Lindsay's, 121 Princess street. By the way in this dance record he proves he's 'some' whistler. JUST A FEW Of the Many Bargains That Satur day Shoppers Will Find at NEWMAN & SHAW'S CURTAIN SCRIM--20c.--PLAIN 500 yards of.extra nice quality, plain Curtain Scrim -- with doubl border; White, Ivory, and Ecru sh ades; width, 36 Tihs Bose than the last 30c. line we had in stock ... . . . Saturday, per yard 20c. INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS Minwehaha Medley March---(Hawalidns Guitars) Lua. Kaiif .... Indiana March--(Hawailan Guitars)--Lua Kalli Silver Threads Among the Gold--Neapolitan Trio Oh, Promise Me--Venetian Trio Venetian Love Song--Herhert's Orchestra . Minuet (Paderewski)---Herbert's Orchestra ... Carmen~--Prelude to Act I---Philadelphia Orchestra w. Thursday night the Ernie, Marks Stock Company put op another "big time' for their patrons, when in ad- dition to their play they staged an amateur contest, and it provided the best entertainment of this kind ever given on a local stage. The pro- gramme was a varied one and includ- ed singing, recitations, boxing bouts, dancing and yes, even an exhibition of sword swallowing. It was ce¥ tainly great, and the audience show- ed their appreciation of the efforts of all concerned with warm applause. Little Donald and Winnifrid Hodge captured first prize, They sang very sweetly, "It's A Long Way to Tipperary," and brought down the house. The second prize was | awarded to Marjory Lyons, who de- lighted the audience with recitations. || The youngster showed marked abil- ity. Others who took part In the programme : did well, but then, of course, everyone could not get a prize, and the honors were bestowed on those mentioned. | Ernie Marks and his company put || on "The Round Up," and it was re- celved with much enthusiasm. It || contains a story that holds interest from start to finish. Every member of the cast did well. To-night the company will present, "The Call of sesseane wesw 45054 wswensers $1.25 .64822--31.25 sess sarara W. Hunt, who has been in the em- ploy of the Quinte Fuel, Dock & Supply Co., Deseronto, will leave shortly for Michigan where he was formerly employed. "Lindsay's, 121 Princess street, are receiving mew player plano roll "hits" every month. Send in your name for our monthly mailing list. VOCAL SELECTIONS Thet Tumble Down Shack in Athlone--C. Harrison ......... Dear Old Pal of Mine--Charles Harrison It'g Never Too Late To Ba Sorry--Macdonough Don't Cry Little Girl, Don't Cry--Burr sssesrses Laddie O'Mine--Alda ......... SSas sense isn naspensrsnnn 94779--31.28 My Laddle--Alma GIUCK .eeeencarese 64183--31.25 The Low-Back'd Car--John McCormack ............ sssass 64329-9125 Sweetest Story Ever Told--Braslau e....eeer.c..... teres 84709--31.25 « 216123 ven 18518 VOILE BLOUSES Clearing lot of Ladies' Voile Blouses-- made from best quality selected Voiles; lace trimmed. All sizes 84 to 44. Jome. of + Your choice Saturday . .. $2.49 GOWNS $1.49 Ladies' White Nainsook Gowns--fine quality high or low necks. Also embroidery trimmed. Saturday Bargain ...... $1.49 . All the popular Vocal and Dance Records in stock at: -- THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA J MIDDY BLOUSE BARGAINS .. Special sale of Children's Middy Blouses -- white or with colored trimming; sizes 4 to 10 yeats Saturday, your choice $1.25 ® ese ase COMBINATIONS Ladies' White Combinations with V, Neck; long or short sleeves; sizes 86 to 40. Regular $2.25 to clear on UMBRELLAS, $1.95 Bargain sale of Ladies' Umbrella--sampleg-- * mice assortment to select from--$3 values on Ml $1400--Portsmouth, Gardiner R. H. WADDELL Estate street; near Union street; Arges ang Juiey frame; 4 rooms; 2 lots 132 x 160, $2600--Montreal street; stone, 8 rooms; electricity; gas. 5 $1800--Chatham street; double frame; 4 rooms each; W. C.. i Rental $364. $9000--Earl street; stone; 11 rooms; h, w. flors; h. w. heating; - good bdarding { + house. : $9000--Johnson street; brick; $1900--Go rooms; y © $3500--Markland Bt: rooms; furnace; electridity. Insurance, 9 rooms; h. w. floors; hot water heating; ble. re strébt; brick; & Ww. C.; cellar. | C.B 4 Stocks and Bonds. . [f $6 BROCK sT. | Phones 326, 806. REDUCTIONS Our Last Fur Sale Of The Season We are now selling Furs below the present wholesale prices. While prices will be 1ow- fer next season than they were at the begin- nirigof this season, they will not be as low Bp Present Prices. ; ir Sale ends in a few days. All sales orldadh. y i » 1 CAMPBELL BROS THERE HHH It 100 cases Finest Sumkist Navels Ji il | ment of the Strand will show,in if ii | tion to the regular programme, so |[i || special selected picture for the chil- | [ji == | and V. Horn. Woods," another strong play that comes very highly recommended. At this show all men weighing 250 pounds or over are to be admit- ted free. Saturday afternoon "The Marriage Question" will be present- ed, with "A Good-for-Nothing Hus- band" on Saturday night. The Marks Company has been greeted by capac- ity houses all week. Children's Picture. Mothers will be greatly interest- ed to know that every Saturday, starting to-morrow, the dren. The first attraction of this kind will be shown tomorrow, when Baby Gloria Joy will be presented in || "Ohfldren Not Wanted," which is a || Mothers send || the little ones to the Strand to-mor- |} || most beautiful story. Funeral on Friday. The funeral of the late Mrs. Ros- anna Chapman took place from het late residence, 301 Albert street, ai 2.30 p.m. Friday, to Cataraqui ceme- tery, Rev. Taylor Dale, pastor of Cooke's church, officiating. Until five years ago Mrs, Chapman was a faith- ful member of Cooke's church. Bright and cheerful she never mur- mured all through her illness, al- though unable to leave her home. Deceased was a sister of the late Major Alexander Sharpe and of Mrs. M. H. Claxton, this city. Her birth- place was Fulton, N.Y, spent her life in Kingston. To the sorrowing daughters, Miss Nellie and Mies Ethel, and two sons, Charles and Jack, and other bereaved mem- bers of the family, the sympathy of a large circle of friends goes out, The casket was banked with beauti- ful floral offerings expressing the lov- ing regard in which the deceased was -héld. The pall-bearers were Joseph McKendry, Alexander Sharpe, Bi: Jackson, W. Chapman, J. Pollle es From Slight Colds . GROVE'S L. B. Q. tablets (Laxa- | tive Bromo Quinine tablets) relieve the Headache by curing the Cold. A tonic laxative and germ destroyer. Ask for GROVE'S L. B. Q. ho Look for signature of BE. W. GROV. == | on box. 30c. : meek wife who assumed a "You kick me and I'll kiss you" attitude to husband? ' rick and she is built that | tall and graceful. Bat , and she is huili that long and skicny, i | What bas becom~ of the old-fasi- manage- | i addi- | |i but she |i To-morrow will be the last Saturday of our Sale and Mon- day the last day. _ FURS MILLINERY HATS and CAPS Here are a few of the many interesting items: ! FURS Ladies' French Seal Coats $95 Ladies' Nataral Wallaby Coats $ $05 Ladies' Mink Marmot Coats Ladies' Muskrat Coats (Hud- Seal Collar, Cuffs and Belt Beautiful Mink Muffs $37.50 Black Siberian Wolf Muffs $3 Bleck Siberian Wolf Sets (Stole and Muff) for ... Men's Fur Coats--Black Dog ~--also Sheared Goat for $25 Children's Black Lamb Coats BOF. ceive a» Hats marked up to $12.00 MEN'S HATS Genuine Velour Hats--8$9.00 quality for ...... Velour Hats--$6 quality for $3 MEN'S caps | Winter Caps with Fur Bands-- a big variety to choose from, reduced to No Cap in the store now over $2.00 ALL SALES FOR CASH Futs--Hats-- Millinery 126 and 128 PRINCESS ST. 3 59 celia ees $1.95 Saturday ............, $1.25 Don't forget our big sale of Floor Rugs. Pictorial Patterns for April now Newman & Shaw "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" Saturday is the last day. on sale. RT | 218T BATTALION CLUB HOLDS MEETING | Elects Lieut.=Col. H. E. Pense President--Vimy Event in April. Atl a meeting of the 21st Battallon Club, held at the armouries on Thursday evening, with a good at- tendance, Brig.General Ww, 8 || Hughes and Lieut.-Col. H. E. || Pense, two commanding officers of | the unit, were re-elected honoraty- president and president respectively ll | for the ensuing year. : At this meeting nominations - of || officers for next year were received. | The honorary president and presid- | ent were re-elected by acclamation. || At the annual meeting, to be held | early in March, voting will take place | on the names of those nominated for | the offices of secretary, treasurer | and chairmen of the committees, Much business was discussed. | Progress regarding the arrangements | for the Vimy event, in April, was re- | ported by the committee in charge, f and committees were appointed to arrange for a whist drive in March {and the practicability of establish- | | ing rooms for the club in the city, * Calcium chloride has been shown to be useful lor hastening the hard- ening of concrete, With a little of the substance added to some ce- | ments, the hardening of the concrets increased about 100 per cent. in one and two days. Many a conceited husband who ed if he knew that he is merets en- dured for the sake of the children. An alloy of aluminum with ten per cent. of calcium fs reported to be not only lighter than aluminum, but to have exceptional merits. SE i, Going at $ 700--Dwellnig and 2 14 acres, 6 miles from here, Going at $2100--Dwelling on Hickson Avenue. Going at $2150~--Dwelling on Earl street. Going at $2100---Bungalow on T homas Street. Going at $2100--Dwelling, shop, barn, and extra lot. Going at $3000--Dwelling; all im provements, barn, Albert Street. and a full list at office. \ FIRE INSURANCE, E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Real Kstate Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. - - - Phones 539w and B539J. ---- » ty i George Mills & Co | imagines that his wife couldn't get / J . | along without him would be surpris- | == ftom heprerand = BIG SATURDAY BARGAINS $4.95 Men's Mahogany Brown Bals--nice, neat, narrow toes; solid leather Goodyear welted soles; a shoe that we can guarantee, line regularly sold at $9.00. Saturday, all sizes Men's Mahogany Brown Bals; nice, medium, natrow toe last; solid leather sewn sole; form. 2 Semi. Oxfords -- nice; neat Shoes with military heels -- a regular $6.00 value. erly sold at $700. Saturday, all sizes Baturday, All sizes .... $3.95 $4.85--Big Girls' Heavy Brown Brogue Oxfords--$4.85 . S. J. MARTIN "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" 185 Princess St.

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