FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1921. $ FEEPEII FFI P PIB HS , y Ausi's Drug Store Sede ded Bd d TEEert bee SHAVING SUPPLIES-- Razors, Strops, Brushes, Shaving Soap, Sticks, Cream Powder, and After- Shave Lotions. | 21 .CARE OF THE TEETH-- We think we have the best Tooth Brushés we can buy. They wear well, i One of these good Brush- es and a tube of "Septa- Chlor" Tooth Paste will keep your teeth white, Austin's Drug Store 'wraer Kiag And Mucker square Kingaton Phone 23¢ Sded dood je 4 Bate i ibe oe dole | ® | Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 Watches and Clocks Repaired | ny re G. W. LYONS aro guaranteed for ome year. Call or 'phone and your or- dor will be promptly attended to. 'Phone 1866. 267 Princess St. FAULTY PLUMBING IS COSTLY NO MATTER HOW LOW THE PRICE Our Plumbing and Tinsmithing is being built up on a quality first basis. If you are going to build we will be pleased to quote you prices on the tata! fixtures and the cost of installation. Davie & Barrett Plnmbers and Tinsmiths 203 WELLINGTON STREET Phone 688, , SRR, Nps tgs © W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. For Sale One motor boat, 24 . long, in running condition, E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ON TARIO, rr ---------------------------------------- | PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a. Specialty, Phone 214. 849 Princess St. -- Sere, DID YOU EVER TRY Nagsina'n Ginger Marmalade, Wagatas'y Fi " wad » Flueuppie Marmalade, have a full line of Streets Alur as and building automobile parts, ' WRIGHT'S Machine Works Phone 1264. Smoke BUILDING ?|, REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son Main Street. DR.A.W.WINNETT D.ENTAL SURGEON, vorner of Johmsun and Wellington Phone 363 To avenue SAVE THE BROKEN PARTS Brass strong welding broken iron, Steel made as on and Cast ded and n e specialize up worn 0 Princess St. - Mellowed Virginia leaf, blended by experts 25% "Reduction --On-- SUITS, OVERCOATS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS All new and up-to-date stock. Call and take advantage of our genuine bargains. IL ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET One seldom meets another that is smarter than himself. TT = AI RRA | | NI | Phone 1670. man T swing. A novel feature is the change to a One-Step which makes a whirlwind finish. This and Broadway Rose' -- Walts, completes two 'selections Dance Orchestra which you will wa: themon "His Master's Voice" Record 216235--10-inch $1.00 A Young Man's se Grieving for Broadwa; y Rose She Gt Oh Gee Fiji Casey at the Casey Takes My Bonnie Lassie Den't You? INSTR IN A MONASTERY GARDEN Minuetto and THE DAILY BRITIS H WHIG. ~ Kingston and Vicinity To Have A Nomination. : D. J. Callaghan having resigned position in Tyendinaga council a nomination to fill the vacancy will be beld at Melrose on Monday. __, Le Sars A Dwelling Burned. The dwelling of Leonard Mel- bourne, Empey Hill, was destroyed by fire on Thursday night. There was a considerable quantity of house- hold goods burned. Special Value in Negligee Shirts. We have just received a shipment of negligee shirts, 'regular value $2.50, which we will put on sale for ten days only at $1.50. See our window. Prevost, Broek street. ' i -- ars Clergyman Recovered. Rev. T. S. Symington has return- ed to his pastorate in London, Ont., after having spent four days (strick- en by serious illness) at the home of his uncle, Thomas Symington, Na- panee. To Open A Shop. ceeded in saving a feed barn belong- ing to the bakery, as well as other adjacent buildings. An oven is be- lieved to have caused the fire. He Died in Ottawa, Death took place on Wednesday of Charles Af Goyette, aged eighty- five at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. H. A. Berryman, Ottawa. Mr. Goyette had lived in Ottawa for the past twenty-two years, He resided for many years at Kingston. The body was brought to Kingston for in- terment. Likely to Have Memorial. There is a movement on foot to erect some kind of a memorial to the young men from Calabogie district who lost their lives in the war and to perpetuate the names of all those who enlisted. Calabogie's honor roll would be as long in. proportion to population as that of any community in the county. ---- Mallorytown Event. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Ho- The property known as "The Lonsdale Hotel," Deseronto, owned | by Joseph Ford, has been purchas- |ed by Mr. Parker, Toronto. He will | move into his mew home in the | course of a few weeks and intends | to start a bake shop and ice-cream | parlor. A Gift To The Lodge. Miss Mary C. Post has presented |to Bay of Quinte Lodge, No. 143, I. 0. 0. F., Picton; a large finely bound Bible which belonged to her brother, the late P. W. Post, who was a faith- {ful and highly esteemed member of | this lodge for forty-five years. This {action the part of Miss Post is very | much appreciated by the lodge, as it | i | | |18 another token of the interest she nas always taken in this lodge. Bakery Gutted by Fire. | Fire wiped out the bakery at Elgin, | of Messrs. Ferguson and Ferguson, | the frame building being a total loss. | Members of a bucket brigade suc- Angrove's Repairs | Seales, Talking Machines, Bleyclen, e Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. do repair work right and guarantee satisfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STREET "MARGIE" (4 Fox Trot, One-Step) ward McDonald, Mallorytown, gave | a miscellaneous shower to Miss Grace | McAvoy, who is about to be married. | The home was tastefully decorated with yellow roses and green foliage. { Many friends of the bride-elect as- | sembled to shower their best wishes and beautiful gifts, which were nu- merous and useful. Miss McAvoy is a very popular gir?, Belleville Lions Club, The Lions Club, Belleville, at their noon luncheon elected the following officers for the ensuing year: --Presi- dent, R. L. Gorman; first vice-presi- dent, Raymond Zufelt; second vice- pres.,, R. D. Ponton; treasurer, Ernie Dickens; directors, E. Cherry, Dr. M. J. O'Callaghan, Fred Deacon, Chris Lewis. The club is in a flourish- ing condition and has a large mem- bership. -------- | Boat is Dismantled. The Great Lakes -passenger liner Northland, which went down the river late in 1919 and has since been |lying at Sorel, has been purchased by {the Sincennes-McNaughton line and is being dismantled. The Northland, which was bisected to pass through the St. Lawrence canals, was to have been placed in trans-Atlantic traffic. The termination of the war .com- \ HIS amazingly popular number doubtless owes its won. derful success toits, beautiful melody and rh ymthical by the Waldorf-Astoria nt just as soon as you hear The newest and most popular selections are on DANCE NUMBERS Waldorf-Astoria Heart--Fox Trot You--Pox Trot Harry Thomas Harry Thomas "His Master's Voice" Records Trot Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orch. Dance Orehorcn | 16206 Ticjanena Astoria Dance Orchestra ~Astoria Dance Orchestra 216233 The Hula Bines--F, The Wedding Bines---Fos Trot VOCAL SELECTIONS ves Them All the Ha! Ha! Ha! i Say Gee! You Ought to See My Gee Gee Dentist (Monologue) the Censue (Monologue) Billy From Bly UMENTAL His Master's Voice Orchestra Barcarolle enr{ All on 10-inch Double-Sided, $1.00 Lewis Jarmes | 116240 Jones the Se Russell Hunti: Ruseell Hunts, Jateass Charles Hart and Chorne Charles Harmison 316241 nd Chorus }21622¢ Any "His Master's Voice" dealer will gladly play any selection you wish to hear [siase the owners to change their plans and the vessel is now being | disassembled. . -- Back to Old Home Town. T. A. Sammon will next summer | {return to Pembroke to reside. After ispending some months in Ottawa he {has decided that Pembroke holds | greater attractions for him than the | {capital and he has been in town for ithe past week, completing arrange- iments for the erection of a new jdwelling-house on the property on | | Renfrew street, opposite the convent, i ir SCRANTON COAL is unquestionably the best Hard Coal that comes into this market. It is the only kind we have in the domestic sizes. We still have a limited supply of Chest- nut, Stove and Egg. .S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415, { which he purchased from the F, O. Parent estate a few weeks ago. Auto For the Police. The police commissioners have placed an order for an auto for the | police department, The car has not been turned out yet, and in the mean- | time the police department has the use of anv "or car. The police cer- | tainly need a car as they can cover | 80 much ground with it, and in rush | calls to the outskirts of the city they | | can make good time. At the present | time the city has to pay for taxi-hire | taking prisoners from the police sta- | PRICES ARE DOWN. SEE OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF POTTED .STOCK. A. D. HOLTON £80 PRINCESS STREET Phone, 661: Res., 2030W. | tion to the jail and from the jail | to the police station, when on re- | | mand. | Oldest Building in Deseronto, J | In the east end of Deseronto, the | Post says, Benjamin Richardson is | | tearing down a building that was un- | |doubtedly erected by or for the late | Col. Culbertson before Deseronto | was in the dream stage. Of material hewed by hand the building was per- haps the first school at what was {then known as Culbertson's wharf. | Some of our older people got their | first knowledge of the rudiments of education within the,four walls of | it. Mr. Hearnes bought the property from Col. Culbertson and in time ii passed on to his son, James H. Hearnes, now a resident of Deser- onto. The building was probably the oldest in the town---going back over | a hundred years to the date of erec- | | tion. The material in it is in a good |state of preservation. Mr. Richard- | [son will use it to put up a stable on | bis property. | | | | | Fell From Moving Train. | Herbert M. Snider, formerly of | Delta, a resident of Brockville since | June last, is a patient at St. Jos- | eph's hospital, Sudbury, suffering from severe injurtes received on Feb. 14th, at Milnet, where he is employed as a telegraph operator by the C.N.R. Mrs. Snider has been ad- vised that her hushand was giving an engineer his orders on a moving | train when he fell from the steps and was caught by a portion of the locomotive, being dragged about fifty feet along the track before the train J 4 TN ret wo ------ FOR SALE ; Brick house, 7 rooms, electric light, hot water heating, large lot, garage. ; Price raise. 34,100. A. F. PURCELL 704 : 1113 Brock St. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ® * Phone ee thee ot paw ri rm H dy = Stock Taking Sale of ELECTRIC IRONS from ..$3.00 up. Call and see them. - HALLIDAY ELECTRIC (0. ~ Pa-- City of Toronto 6 p.c. Bonds Due Any Year From 1021 te 1051--Interest Semi-Annually nvestment and particulars We shall shortly offer the above i days We as to price will be availabe in a few strongly to get You may be disa was stopped. All the clothing was torn from his body and painful gashes were inflicted in his right knee and left foot, several stitches being necessary to close the wounds. | The victim is also suffering consid- erably from bruises, Snider, after coming to Brockville, was employ- | ed for a short time at the gas works. His father, Alfred Snider, section foreman of the C.N.R. at Crosby, has | gone to Sudbury to visit the son, AGAIN IN THE TOILS Protace Blanchard, Express Employee Charged With Theft, Re-arrested. | SKIPPED HIS BAIL, | | | Belleville, Ont., Feb. 25.--Inspec- | tor W. Graham, of the C.P.R. detec- [ie department, arrived here, hav- | ing in charge Protace Blanchard, a | [young man committed for trial by | Magistrate Masson on a charge of | SteaMng a package of money, the | property of the Dominion Express | Co. Blanchrad, after being .com- | mitted last fall for trial, was re-| leased on bail and left for the west, | where he was apprenended. | ------ Shooting by Sentry Closed Incident. Washington, Feb. 25.--The inci- | dent of the fatal shooting by a | Japanese sentry of Lieut. Ww. H. | Langdon, a United States naval of- | ficer, at Vladivostok last month, is regarded by officials as definitely closed, except for the matter of re- | parations, as a result of the action of | the Japanese government in punirh- ing those responsible for the trag- edy and remewed expression of re- gret, as conveyed in its reply tn the recent American note, This vow was expressed by Secre- tary of State Colby. ------ i | | | { | i are not going to be b and to prove this you have only to look af presen for the smaller Municipals. Place your order with your bond house and you will save y ourself some trouble, £ more as- sured of having your application filled and be boosting an old Toronto house, that has seen fit to establish in your city. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Investments." 237 BAGOT STREET. 85 Bay Street, Toronto. E LAST CHANCE If you need Shoes you certainly can save money on our cut prices. This will be the last week of | OUR ANNUAL RED LETTER SALE 25% DISCOUNT ON ALL SHOES IN STOCK » + This Is a great chance to save money, as Shoes will not be as cheap as people expect. : Special lots of Shoes for all members of family. No discount on Rubbers, J. H. Sutherland & Bro. HOME OF GOOD SHOES PHONE 1728. \ ---------- Debs is ned, Washington, Feb, 25. -- Visiting and mail privileges of Eugene V. Debs, a prisoner in the federal peni- tentiary at Atlanta, Ga, have been temporarily suspended as a discipli- nary measure because of an inter- view he gave to the press, in which ie makes of Marma- es, Jam and Jellies for sale Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streeqy Licenses No. 5-37149 VEY R. J. RODGER 132 Princess St. TENN the president of the United States was attacked. It probably will be lifted within a week. Debs is serving a ten years' sen- tence for violation of the espionage iaws, and President Wilson has twice refused to commute his sentence or Phone 1844. Victor Records and Needles FOR SALE 'MAHOOD BROS. Agents Victor-Victolas. 113 Princess Street. grant a pardon. -------- Swallows Safety Pin ; Dies. Ottawa, Feb. 25.--John M. Dar- ragh, aged fifteen, whose home was at 211 Slater street, swallowed ap open safety pin a few days ago and has died "from pleuro-pneumonia. The pin was removed almost imme- : at city Hmits ..........82600 diately after the accident, but to no F.W. (Jeweller) COATES 158 Princess Street. Agent Vi Victor avail. had a mania for swallowing things. A reformer is usually a man who criticizes other men for doing openly what the reformer likes to do on | Phone 301 J. the quiet, " Forthe best values at h '§ $20.00, $25.00, $30.00(/032 § "$35.00, $40.00 vif BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT; - TWEDDELL'S -131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) a,