NON-PHONOGRA PH OWNERS It you have been waiting for a good bargain in a Your big opportunity! There's going to be two happy possessors of two real Phonographs at a price that suits ev rush--so come early' RECORDS--a pig stock of Brun TWO ONLY-- CABINET PHONOGRAPHS Equipped with Exquisite Cabinet designs. A guaranteed Motor. Tone Modifier. Grill Front. Record Shelves (holds 130). - Wooden Horn. And they play all makes of Re- cords with a tone that's a revelation. | FULL CABINET SIZE Complete with Needles, Phono- graph Oil, Record Brush and twen- ty-four selections These sold for $160.00 each last fall. Remember--there are only two of these left. other Fumed Oak. can't get a better where. We know yon bargain class be a first erybody, and there's sure to swick and Columbia Records always. Get the habit: "For Records, Try Treadgold's First." Store open evenings till 8 p.m. Saturdays 10.30 p.m. . TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 PRINCESS STREET Telephone 529, "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" USE MAXOTIRES EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBBER co., 284 Omtarie St. s Free Air Phone 2030. A a Purina Ist. they do whole milk. ° : Is Different Yes, it's unlike any calf meal on the market. It's different because it's better. 2nd. Every ingredient is a pure feed of recognized value, no "'phany"' products of unknown worth. tain anise, or any appetizer. It does not con Calves eat it as greedily as It does not scour; blood flour is one of the important ingredients, which insures freedom from scours. Easy to feed, no boiling, just mix with warm waer. It is balanced just like whole milk. Calves thrive from the first on Purina Calf Chow and it keeps them making gains without sickly periods. It is used by many of the best dairy farms in the country to raise the finest calves. 6th. Bet it is cheap enough to use on any « calf, costs less than half as much as milk feeding. So easy to feed that boys or girls are assured of success. W. P. PETERS Office and Warehouse . . . . Foot-of Princess Street Phone 51 Retail Store 117 Brock Street BRINGING UP FATHER DR. NASH ~~ DENTST 'Phone 735 Phone 217 (twelve records) | for $125.00. Easy terms it desired. | One is in Mahogany: the! any- | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | "JACK" DEMPSEY WANTS A FIGHT EVERY WEEK. i "Jack" Dempsey is frank! | pointed aver | iis bout with Willard until af Carpentier mateh i "I wish I could take | week and someone else j and keep busy," said De ) | "Missing those big purses | I suggested. ""'Shucks!' said Dempsey { bother about money. Jack takes care of all ti Rut I wish I could fight ry week | some sport to get i a ring j those' big fellows and try to | 'em before they drop you." i As a sporting pre tion this i looked interesting to me. "Not 'much chance of their dropping you, though, Jack." Dempsey laughed. "I'm just as.human as anyone else," he said. "When any of those guys tells you he ain't human he's 80t a screw loose. Anybody can be hit on the chin. I expect some day some young fellow will come along and get me on the button, like any- | body else. I've hung it on a few, and I suppose somebody'll hang it on me. I won't say it's an accident, either." { "I see Willard says you beat him | by accident," I said. Dempsey chuckled. "Took about six months to get that acci- { dent ready to happen to Jess," | said. the postpone "1 don't t's drop : 1 | "TRANS-ATLANTIC RACE. : Announce All Pleasure Sailing Craft Eligible. The trans-Atlantic yacht race the cup offered by King Albert, of Belgium, set for July 4th, will be | open to all pleasure sailing craft chartered or owned by their pilots for it properly enrolled in a recognized | ! : f j 3 proper) | champion Ottawas make their last | yacht club, it was announced at New | York, following a meeting between | the Belgian ambbasador and the | United States race committee, The ambassador announced that a | Belgian committee, to be appointed | |'vy King Albert, will co-operate with | the United States committee in regu- | lating the race. | TO LEGALIZE HORSE RACING ! IN STATE OF ILLINOIS Horse racing in Illinois under the regulation of the state racing com- | mission would be legalized in a bill | Introduced in the senate by Senator John Denvir, Chicago. The bill | woula permit the use of pcri-mutuel Petting machines, Ten per cent. of {the gate receipts and a percentage of | the winnings would go to the state. | Licensed racing associations would | be permitted to hold meets of 30 days duration between May 1st and Oct. 1st each year. Old Country Football. Re-played Scottish Cup games re- sulted as follows: Ayr 1, Motherwell 1, Aberdeen 1, Dundas 1. Scottish League games played had the following results: Celtic 2; Lanark 1. Hamilton 1, Hibernians 0. Kilmarnock 4, Dumbarton 1, Raith-2, Midlothian 1. Clyde 2, Patrick 1. Albion 2, Mirren 1. Pacific Coast Standing. Won, Lost. Percent. Vancover .. 12 3 .600 Seattle .. ... 10 9 .526 Vietorla «+ ... ¢ 12 .368 Grand Compiexion Improver! Better Than Cosmetics When it's so easy to bring back the bloom of youth to faded cheeks, when skin distigurements can be re- moved, isn't it foolish to plaster on cosmetics? : . Go to the root of the trouble--re- move the cause---correct the condi- tion that keeps you from looking as you ought. Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills and very soon you'll have a complex- fon to be proud of. How much bappier you'll feel--pimples gone, cheeks rosy again, eygs bright, spirits good, joyous health again return- ed. Never a failure with Dr. Ham- fiton's Pills. Get a 25c¢c box to-day. Smoke : A distinctive blend. of a selected Virginia leaf Kearns | only | with | me | he | BOX IN GERMANY. Georges Carpentier, heavyweight champion of Europe and, challenger of Jack Dempsey for the worlds chaipionship, said at Stockholm that he was not booked for any en- gagements, previous to his meeting with the champion Carpentier, with Francois Descamps, and his sparring his manager, World of Sport | | CARPENTIER WILL NOT "3 i partner, Jules Lanears, are here on | an exhibition tour. a2 German in Berlin is not true, Descamps said. . "There are not enpugh marks in the world to get "The story that we were to fight | | us into Germany. Georges had four | years with them, you know, and he doesn't want any more. | "We know that we can_ heat any | | heavyweight in Europe, buf the class | | 18 50 poor that pr8moters cannot put | up enough money to meet our de- | mands. hibition work until we meet Demp- sey, and then we'll give them all a | chance for the title." TO HONOR HANS WAGNER Admirers Will Celebrate the Birth. day of the Former Pirate. Baseball celebrities, old and young, gathered around a table at Pittsburg, in the centre of which was a large stove, in commemoration We'll, probably continue ex- | | | of the forty-seventh birthday of John | "Honus Wagner, who for many | years cavorted around the mid-sec- | j tion between third and second base [for the Pittsburg Pirates. | The celebration in honor of the "Grand Old Man of Baseball" was | in charge of an organization known as the "Stove League," whose aim is | to keep the interest in a high pitch the year round. St. Pats Must Win. The Toronto Star says: "The scheduled appearance of the season here on Saturday night when they | There are three why the Patricks. good reasons | meet St. | perfectly | The first is that, since their defeat in Hamilton last night, Canadiens baseball at | Green Shirts have to win this game. | | have tied with them for first place | |in the second half of the race. Tha | second is that, in the first series, Ot- , | tawa humiliated the Irishmen twice | before home crowds and St. Pats | have got to win to get even. The | third is that nothing but a victory | will satisfy the local fans. "Against St. Patricks, the Sena- | | tors have always shown better and more consistent form than against {any of the other clubs. The last | game between the two teams here a week ago yesterday was one of tae best games of the season. Since then Ottawa has been strengthened by the reinstatement of Harry Broad- bent. Their defeat in Ottawa means little or nothing." A New Hockey League: Hamilton Herald:--Some weeks | ago the Herald published a report | to the effect that some of the senior O.H.A. clubs were figuring on start- ing a league of their own, to be known as the Big Four, with Tigers, Kitchener, Toronto Argos and Aura Lee or Parkdale entered. The re- port was denied by Kitchener. How- ever, there was more truth than fic- tion in the story, in spite of the re- fusal of the Kitchener club author- ities to admit it. To-day we read of Kitchener being in sympathy with any new league that 'will do away with their unnecessarily heavy body- checking that has been going on in the O.H.A, in recent years. St. Pat's vs. Canadiens. St. Patricks and Canadiens, which clubs are now tied for leadership of the second half of the Nationa] Hock- ey League schedule, will play in Montreal Monday night. This game was originally scheduled to be play- ed March 12th, but has been brought forward to allow an earlier closing of the season. To-night Canadiens will have Hamilton as their visitors, while Ottawa will play at Toronto. Toronto and Canadiens should both win their games. Ottawa players have apparently cracked under the strain and are playing far below their standard of the earlier season. Allan Cup Draw. Allan Cup trustees announce that Brandon, Man., is moving heaven and earth to have the finals for the trophy held in that city. The trus- tees, however, have always allowed the Canadian Amateur Association to settle that question, and expect the finals will be in Winnipeg. They ex- pect the draw to be Manitoba vs. Thunder Bay, Ontario vs. Quebec; winner of latter vs. winners of Manjtoba-Thunder Bay series. WE GUARANTEE to get anything you want for your Motor Car, Motor Boat, Mo- tor-cycle, Truck or Tractor. Prompt service our specialty. Automotive Equipment Tourists' Bureau, Manufacturers, Agents, Accessories 109 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON LOOK US OVER what excellent! foretaking care in your car and cost of looking once a week or! Drop in and see faculties" we ha of your car Bring tell you the we'll after it regularly once a month as you prefer We have a McLaughlin Six Road- ,» latest model, for sale. Scott's Garage 298 Ragot Street. Phone 1Nd4w, GET YOUR Motor Oils--Cup Grease-- Transmission Grease, at: -- W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. Phone 216. | Mar February Furniture Bs Ye Rl LE 3 3 5 Everything reduced; grand opportunity to buy high class furniture at low prices. R. J. Reid Leading Undertaker - - Phone 577w. ~~ KING GEORGE'S Plug Chewing Tobacco Is a satisfactory chew. De- ously sweet and juicy, non irntating to the mouth and tongue, everybody enjoys its LINGERING FLAVOR | Mar. 12{Apr. 281June 2 . SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1921. -- ------------ RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRU AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention ; t ftention grven your family or Ps Boing to or returning from ihe Old Country. Tr ipformation and rates apply te J. P, HANLEY, Fo, CP. ana 1 A GY. Ry. Kingston, Ontario Open day and night AWCHOR-DONALL REGULAR SERVICES Halifax te Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg TSS Saxonia ........ Mar. 12/Apr. 23 TO LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW From Portland Cassandra---Mar. 30 Saturnia--Apr. 20 N. Y., GLASGOW, (via Mar. 26/Apr. 23|May 21 NEW YORK--LIVERPOOL . 8iApr. 16/May 17 . 16{Apr. 30 I . 'Aug. Viet. N.X,, CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMW™N Feb. péMar. 22/Apr. 12 ..Aquitania Apr. {May 12{June § Mauretania +. .Imperator N.Y, CHERBOURG & LONDON May 3/June 16/July 28 NEW YORK, PLYMOUTH, CHER. BOURG. HAMBURG 10/Apr. 21{June 2 1GO, GIBRALTAR, PATRAS, TRI N.Y,TO V FRUME and DUBROVNIK ( March March For rates of freight and further particulars apply to local agents or THE ROBERT REFORDCO., Limes GENERAL AGENTS #0 KING STREET EAST TORONTO, ONT. ST. JOHN=--LIVERPOOL Mar. 3jApr. 2 ..Minnedosa Mar:5 .... .. Corsican imp. Britain Metagama . Victorian Mar. mp. Mar. , 24iApr. 22 26{Apr. 27 ow Apr. ...Pretorian ST. JOHN--HAVRE--LONDON +18 ,.. St. John--Southa pton--Antwerp Apr. Yl .... «+Scandinavian Apr. 16 .. Corsican Apply Local 8. 8. or Rallway Agents or 1 King St. East Adelaide 2108 TORONTO a ---- eS rT. Ne COLUMBIA SIX It's the shutters that make the Columbia Six a trae sli weather Car, EDMOND WALSH, Agent Central Garage Auto Repairs a Specialty, 235 King St. + « Phone 23188 All Sleighs Now in Stock Reduced in Price. McNAMEE & SLACK Phone 1217w, 54 QUEEN ST. Horse-shoeing and Repairing, RH -- FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta Phone 07. A bully gets through life because he knows that most people would rather be imposed upon than indulge in a row, . BY GEORGE McMANUS. ON YOUR WAY TO THE OFFICE CALL ON COUNT = HRT AH. HERE COMES THE COUNT - THIS OH: THAT 13 Yoo BAD 19 SHE VERY 11)? WELL "SHE BAD LAST NIGHT | FELY 50 DE CHANGE AND TELL HIM BPM FEQ I'M SORRY THAT "LL BE ME! UNABLE TOGO To HIS RECEPTION : "TELL iM I'm TERRIBLY Sommy: HAD TO CO TO THE PREY ME A LoT TROUBLE « MOVIES BY ME SELF! PICTURES 188 Princess Street. WE TAKE X-RAY ) ; of troublesome teeth. ' * Dormoform Gas administered for ex. traction. Safe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9-6. vr . Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers of Hollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults, . And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick Streets. Mgr.: H. F. NORMAN Phone 730w.