Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Feb 1921, p. 16

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THE DAILY PRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 192, i pant i bt RE BFR ERR RRR } { INDUSTRIAL PAGE. : - "Hi Read the new Industrial Page, which appears for the. first time to-day.. There wil. be interesting facts on it every Saturday, supplied mainly by. the firms who are co-operating with the Whig to boom the business and industry of King- ston. Their cards appear on the page and all lines of work in the city are represented. Told In {| Twilight i EE EE IIIT (Continued From Pages 3 and 8) Mrs. Howard Penhale and Miss i | St¥ange gave a teg at the Country! | Club on Thursday afternoon in hon- | or of Kathleen Carruthers, next Wed-s| : Tho waw department is Jer. | nesday's bride. At the tea table, : Jnanen and is a booster. ive | which was centred with a silver bowl (+ Suppor for your town's | filled with daffodils, Mrs. P. G. C. le al or your own. | Campbell made the tea, Mrs. W, H. PR. Elking was in charge of the coffee |[¥ *F +d d 4 pdt +2 eo 9 VALUE GIVING ITEMS This is the time when thet hrifty shopper looks for want- ed, dependable merchandise at new lower prices. With this in mind we have assembled some of the more striking reduc- tions to be found here and there throughout our store. Every department is ready with a seas onable money-saving offer. PEPE FLAP PEELS b eed | pot, and the ices were cut by Mrs. - IR. J. Leach. The guests included {In Memory of John Wilfred Whalen. { Mrs Heber Lafferty, Mrs. Schmidlin, | A gloom spread over Cataraqui and Mrs. W. K. Macnee, Mrs. J. Carl | district when it was learned on Sun- | Murchie, Mrs. Garnet Grier, Mrs. | day night that Wilfred Whalen was g | Harry Richardson, Miss Kathleen | dead. He answered his country's | and Edith Carruthers, Miss Mollie [call to arms and enlisting in 1915 : | Saunders, Miss Eleanor Phelan, Miss | served in the 59th Battalion, 'later | Laura Kilborn, Miss Aileen Rogers, | transferred to the 26th, C.E.F. Early Miss Margaret Hemming, Miss Mar- | in the spring of 1918, while in the fon Ogilvie, Miss Helen Strange, Miss | trenches in France, the fumes of Olive and Miss Cecily Rutherford, {deadly gas planted in his system the | Miss Helen Duff, Miss Harrlet Gard- | roots of the fatal disease which later { iner, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Lucy [claimed him. He entered the Mowat | and Miss Gwendolen Waddell. | Memorial Hospital seven months af- | sv» {ter arriving home, and for a time | | Arts '24 was responsible for the |goomed to improve and came to his | $ - / I losiery for the entire | bright social evening in Grant Hall h a ; ized t back in) / \ L Reg. $3.50 to $5.00 values for $2.98 ig Rabi Mrs. J. Matheson, | dd Ho oy : ra ol f \ Family | Mrs. John Macgilllvray and Mrs. A. | cary ip February it was seen his end | Reg. $2.50 to $3.50 values for $1.98 | Newlands received the guests, who | S50", CosEY It was soon bis end | ir Fashionable Heather Mixed Hose Spent some happy hours dancing 10 | yiqrant oities to be with him, On the the splendid music of the "Sympathy evening of the 20th, surrounded by | Hix . . . . . YH Od ] in-a wide variety of plain and rib- | Six" orchestra. fwite and small daughters, he quietly ! H . . rw ee breathed his last. His wife and little | WA ) . 3 : | The luncheon given at the Coun- girls, Beatrice and Hazel, aged ten | Y, & bed; all sizes. Price . f try Club to-day in honor of the visit- | 4 eleven; his father, two brothers, | \ J $1.50 to $2.00 parr. ing Badminton Club team of the Gar- | ! \ J Ww. ' fi Bl k omens fine Black Cashmere oy N Bernard, of Detroit, and Leo, of Ro- rison Club, Toronto, by Mrs. Norman chester, two sisters, Mrs. McGowan, | 7 | Stuart 'Lesslie, was a very smart Saginaw, Mich., and Mrs. Wager, De- - + Hose--full fashioned: double heels Tan and Grey--sizes up to 73--values function. The guests included the | CBRE Ls and rs. Wager, De. x : : a | players of both the Toronto and |p me N.Y., survive, { and toes. Price . up to $4.00--for | Kingston C Tubs, 2. | Ths tse) on Wednesday left his 2 $1.00 to $1.75 Pair : d Jolson home Ly motor followed by friends. | Mrs." James Hayden, : On arriving in the city the casket was street, asked a few people.to come |, o.oo ur vo the 24 n' 1 ; > 1. Knit Stocki , 2 : e gun carriage, and | Women's high grade Cashmere Boys' Leather Knit Stockings -- in at the tea hour on Friday to meet |... "Ly the flag he gave his life | gh 8 Y g her mother, Mrs. FitzHugh. to save, preceded by full military os-| Hose --1n Brown, Grey and double knees and toes and cort, first to St. Mary's Cathedral, White; all sizes. Price heels: in all s.zes. Price «+++... 50c. to 65c. pair. Princess Hose --fine rib; .- 3 2 Mrs. H. E. Day, Alfred street, is re 4 | giving a children's party this after- Mite 2 lous Pe em Jats was ; $1.25 to $1.75 pair. Joon for Miss Alice and Miss Bessie sion then reformed. On arriving at { . Girls' » ® BY, no the cemetery the priest read the | Women's Black Cashmere Hose : b J Th the R.C.H.A. will | burial service, the firing squad lined | 1 h h : full well made; fast dyes; all sizes. e officers of the R.C.H.A. up, a volley was fired, the bugles | --seamless throughout; fu . : give a dinner on Tuesday evening in | UP, 2 ec, 8 oy plage Price hase .50-59c¢. pair. honor of Col. Beeman. sounded the last post and all that | fashioned; double heels and : of . .e was mortal of Wilfred Whalen was | Pri 40¢ d 50¢ Children S nne Cashmere Hose-- ; . Judge Hopkins, visiting Dr. and [laid in the vault to await interment | toes. rice . . . an « pr English and Canadian best ; Tes ot, ret d | in the spring. . 4 . . (Founded 1847) Mrs, Hopkins, West unm Spiritual offerings were received | Women's Silk Stockings in a makes; all sizes, 75¢c. to $1.25 1a Cayuse ok Thursday, from Mr. and Mrs. L.. A. Hearn, Mrs Mr. Mrs. L. A. rn, Mrs, . . . kins will go up on Monday. J. W. Whalen, Mr. and Mrs, J. | wonderful variety of fashion- alr. - . Mrs. Courtland Johnston and son, P 1 75-77 BROCK STREET Toronto, are with Mr. and Mrs. Wil. Sowan Ms wi Nv. XB. Huspels| able shades. $1.50 pair and | Men's Black Cashmere Socks -- liam Bailie, Barrie street. Mr. Mrs. Jas, Li fe, Mr. | : f I ] f ot f the Dental Col- | Mrs. T. Lawler, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. | 3 ne quality seamless feet: sizes "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." oo hIOH, 0 ae Ta | McGowan, Army and Navy, five, P. J. | better makes to $2 50 pair, 10, 104, ] l. Price $1-$1.25 pr. es. W J. R Univer. | Whalen, Beatrice Whalen, Hazel | ' : : ) sity, avenue, tor the weekend, | Whalen, Thos. Crow, Mime 0. reel th Women's Black Silk Lisle Hose Men's Black Heavy Wool Socks rent to Toron- (Pell, Mr. and Mrs. E. Harpell, Mr. | nL 1 i . Miss Jean Duff went up to To and Mra' Bucks, Mr. ced Mop] made of high grade yarns; --extra good value at 90¢. to to on Thursday. . "Miss Lillian Mowat, who has been | Knight, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McQuade, | fast dyes. Price 75c¢. pr. and up $1.65 pair. 1 at Niagara Falls, is now in Toronto, | Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Wager, Mr. and | and will not return to town till next | Mrs. Bernard Whalen, Mr. and Mrs. | | Leo: Whalen. week. s i ---------------- Give the children all they can eat of Bread Ye Higgins Family Greate Concerte. | Celebrated Their 49th "edding Day. . 8 read with ig In aid of ye Kingston General | A very pleasant timé was spent on P Hospital, ye 14th, 15th and 16th of | Feb. 14th, at the home of Mr. and y March, at 8.15 of ye clocke, Convo-| Mrs. James 8. Purvis, Junetown, n's University. | when their family gathered to cele- ' We el i yeen's on Here's What You Have Been Waiting For! ° ° ® Majestic Oleomargarine Tickets 50c. All seats reserved. | brate their nineteenth wedding anni- Exchange plan at Uglow's Book | versary. It was also the tenth birth- v day of their granddaughter, Dorothy NAVY AND BLACK » Store. Mary Tennant. Twenty-six guests were present, including seven child- The Funeral Service, ren and seven grandchildren. Mr. The funeral of the late Robert|anq Mrs. Purvis have been life-long ' » Litt Sanders was conducted in the | residents of Junetown, and the farm Salvation Army citadel on Tuesday, | where they are living : as been own- . . 22nd inst. Among the many floral [ed by the Purvis family for nearly (54 inches wide) Hiues were! IMR sud spray 140 Fours, PARTICULARS --60 YARDS ONLY--Pure Silk, extra fine, from Mr. and Mrs. Ardern and fam 3 . fly and the Salvation Army corps; St. 'Andrew's Church. even weave, lockstitch, Circular TRICOLETTE, -- Navy floral crown, the S.A. band; flora Specjal anniversary services will : 1 cross, Mr. and Mrs, Brown; spray, |be held in St. Andrew's her, to- and Black only--usual Skirt length, 13} yards. Dress length average 2} yards. Sold formerly $9.00 yard. Monday $5.00 Yard - and Mrs. ' J. Hughes, Sr.; spray, | M.A., Toronto, will be the preacher 7 . . Sydenham Hospital; broken circle, | > : ply them with the food fats that their ac- Loyal Orange Lodge; wreath, Mrs. [| Y. 3. CA. Vesper Song Service for Ita McGuire; spray, Alice and Edna | Remember the sale of home-made tions require. There is a delicate creamy Baker; spray, Mr. and Mrs. Good. | Scoking at Orphans' Home. Fria, flavor in this wholesome spread that grati- ¥idge; spray, Mr. and Mrs. Hillier; . . . spray, Mrs. Sanders. "Mother" fies and satisfies the appetite. wishes to thank all the friends for HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR . * WILSON'S MAJESTIC Fant sud ecus denis. ee PRINTERS OLEOMARGARINE Church Calls Mr. McKenzie. MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. Word comes from Montreal that is popular, not only as a spread for bread, the Rockfield church has extendea a MARRIED. hearty and unanimous call to Rev. TAYLOR--WATTS--In Kingston, on Mrs. Cooper; spray, Painters' Un- at both services. i RE TRICOLETTE--No phone orders or charges accepted. It's nutritious, wholesome quality will sup- lon} SIGALD Ea BEE Dae 0 | a TEE ohn Laidlaw & Son, Limited February 24th, 1921, by the Rev. | JBI . : Sac ao 41 * but also in cooking and baking; it is pure, W. T. McKenzie, Pakenham, at u| kebrusry din 131 by"ihe Rev iting Bars stipend of $2,000. The call is to ve of the late Mr, and Mrs. John] Watts. to Frank W. Taylor, of rich, tasty and economical. We have just received a fresh stock. Let us send you a package in your next order. SOLD BY LEADING GROCERS submitted to the Presbytery of Mon:- Lond Engl real on March §th. Rockfield church | CXC: Frgand, (Mooo is one of the newer churches of DIED. Montreal and Mr. McKenzie should MCGUIRE--In Chicago, Ill. on Feb. 22. he see his way clear to ac- 1922, Marcus T. McGuire, formerly second pastor. The present squin | zopneod,Comeery. chica 10. "Ml ANOTHER CHANCE FOR SHOE BUYERS SATURDAY Er S6CONd pastor. The present equiD- | mony 1, Forvsmontn or. on Feb) plating the erection of a new build- hs. =] . J | ment is inadequate for the church's 24th, 1921, Katherine Jane Dough- | ; ' 'x Srowing seeds and the are contem-| ZF, Begred, eof no RE AND MONDAY AT LOCKETT'S . mon Le . > ; Fi al will take p! 1) her lat : ing during the.coming summer at a | Funeral will take Ee afer Jats : » . . v proposed cost of $40,000. to Church of Good Thief, where a : ® solemn libera will be sun for the . i happy repose of her soul 3 ' Friends and acquaintances respectfull June 26th the Fateful Day. invited to attend. Peciially . Next June, if the circulations' of 16 pairs Ladies' extra fine Grey Kid and 16 pairs Ladies' fine Kid Lace Shoes: an eminent British astronomer are JAMES REID Buck high laced Shoes; stylish Spool turn soles; some black, some brown. heels. Regular $14.00, for $15.00, for (The Wilson Label protects your table) * ! o re pate mg |p JAMESREID works that will make the late explo- and 236 14 pairs Ladies' very fine black Calf high laced ' 23 pairs Ladies' fine Vici Kid Button high sive war seem like the twenty-fourth y Shoes; Taupe Suede Tops; Cuban ' Shoes; Empress make; sizes 2% to 4. of May in a village. A comet is now Heels. Regular $12.50, for 7 Regular $6.00 for racing at awful speed towards the 10 pairs Ladies' Fawn Kid high laced 29 pairs Ladies' Black Kid high Lace Shoes--new wing tip military heel. earth. Dr. A. C. D. Crommelin, of Shoes; Spool heels; reg. $15.00, for .. $7.50 Specially priced at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, ~ : Sagland. sates hat if this comet : 22 pairs Ladies' extra fine Chocolate Kid 28 pairs Ladies' Brown Side Leather does I Actus y hemp oe : high laced Shoes; Spool heels; chiefly High Laced Shoes; military heel; g sarth, Empress make; regular $15.00 for ..' $7.50 cially priced . Caessvnsein | Anderson Bros. Limited that the most marvellous pyrotech- nic display in the history of man will result. rr -- ° SATURDAY MORNING TILL MONDAY EVENING About thirty-five friends attended ; : istributors for Kingston and District. a birthday party held on Friday ev-| = ne 599 | ». Cor. Princess and Division Streets Stews "ana M : . : Lockett 's |

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