Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Feb 1921, p. 6

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THE BRITISH WHIG | COOPERATION AMONG i i Much Interest being shown in the proposed scheme of ¢ -operation | between Chalmers Church and First | Congregational Church in this city, | referred to recently in these columns It has now, it would seem, become | @ settled policy of at least three de { nominations not' to duplicate work, men and money on useless and un- | necessary riva s. With this policy | most people will cordially agree. But the interesting thing in propos | ed Co-operation here is a strong , Loa | church of one denomination comes tg '| the help of a church of another den- Tohiinked Daily apd E BRITISH WHiG PUBLISHING CO., LIMITED «Director i TELEPHONES: Business Office |, terscrannainienes 348 Bion Roomg ob Office Semen sarasine..., 200 292 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Daily Edition) year, delivered in city year, if paid in advance 'oxo $3, year, by mall to rural offices $2. year, to United Stat (Semi- Week, year, by mail, o e year, If not One year, to Uni OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES F. Calder, 22 gi ohn 8t, Montrea] Ww. Taompson 100 King 8t. E. . Toronto, One Oma One One On oa 50 "Letters to the Kditor are only over the actual npame writer, Attached is one of the [printing offices in Canada He "The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABC Audit Bureau of Cireulations. Etta { The glorious benefits of Sovigtism Mre demonstrated when we are told that 130,000,000 Russians are now starving, : Published of the best job ------ By the way, wasn't it Bismarck Who-in 1871 get the fashion for ip- Semi-Weekly by | $6.00) 200 | stress of undertake omination, which throukn circumstances is unable fo | the task that lies at its door The work proposed !s called Com- munity work. The new task that [these churches set themselves is to make the splendid equipment of the First Congregational Church avail- able for the community in which it {1s placed, not for the sake of the | church, but for the sake of the com- | munity regardless of denomination. This constitutes a changed point {of view In Christian work; and the | change is for the better. Inatead of | the wealthy few escaping to the sub- taking the equipment with m, the church is really to become | the centre of life for the people who | ive around it. And a still better sign i that those of another denomination are willing to share the burdens and [sone of the weaker cause, not for 9 hope of gain to themselves, but for the cause of religion and good citi- zenghip in general. We with the new venture all suc- cess, and will watch with interest an experiment, which {s not only well | worth making, but which pay have | far reaching effects in the city's life. -------- ANOTHER EIGHT-HOUR DAY FAILURE, °* | In a recent editorial the Whig, in discussing the eight-hour day which has been brought up in the Ontario legislature, cited the experience of Sweden, in which country the inno- vation was so great a faflure that it CHURCHES | e ---- | government, and Lloyd George party was upheld by a vote of 181 to [40. After over five years, the most | strenuous, the most exacting and the | MOEt momentous in the history of | the world, Lloyd George's govern- fren is still (the most stable to be | found amongst the leading nations. | Another test ot | the Car strength was in digan bye-election, in which | the government candidate was elect- | {ed by a majority of 3.600. in spite of } | the intenge camipaign waged against {Aim by the opposition leaders. This i result is leoked upon as a clear-cut THE DAIL when you hit Paducah, Kv | Askew lives in that town -- Firms 1s Firms. Schippacase & Co. ars 188ion business in Detroit in the com- m -- Police! 'He's been drinki: agalr Said Uncle Jim Pole: "Fof he told me last { He'd seen a bank n --Mr. Boggs Our Daily Special. 'hie Road To Succe 8s Is Lined With | U Gates. | ¥ictory for the personality wed polify | {of the premier. \ The secret of the success of Lloyd 1G | cessfully, in his ability to remedy des- | porate ills by using desperate met- | j ods. He stands out to-day as the world's foremost statesman, ag the | and {man who holds the destinies of Eur- Ope In the hollow of his hand. His | leadership in the political and econo- | mic lite of Europe is to-day recogniz- ed and unchallenged. ' eorge lies in his abllity to meet des- | berate crises, and to meet them suec- | How great is | from off Walt Mason THE POET PHILOSOPHER [I A { THE PRISON. We have to punish those who fail walk the narrow way, order must prevail, or there's the | deuce to pay; and so we put lewd i men in jail, for stealing bales of | bay. And we've been jailing sinful | Buys thorugh all the bitter years | since Adam brushed the pesky flies his brindled steers: and of- ten, often, doubts must rise if wis-~ | to . 1 | the recognition of bis leadership was { domi 'here appears Vere jafled such [shown at the recent reparations con- | ferenee in Paris, when the | was held up until m | arranged to meet hig wishes ! policy . 4 bh GC it & | policy in connection with Germany | every time we | has met with almost universal appro- {val, although a few have expressed { opposition to if. In ail things, how- | ever, Lloyd George has pursued an rity and that his supporters can win bye-elections so easily, is an eloquent tribute to the personality of Britain's premier, and it is a foregone conclus- fon that he will continue to hold the confidence of the People of Britain for many years to come, ------ d | BITS OF BY-PLAY By LUKE McLUKE Copyright, 1920, by The Cincinnati Enquirer. | conference ! er spells, we've sent atters had been | Pén and locked them Hig | Jails even, unswerving coursg, That he is | | still in power, with so large a majo- | | On Feb, j and Mrs. Stuart, Wallbridge, was the I | udes of men, for long or short- 80 many to the in thelr cells; if improved the world, why, then, hould be wearing bells. And Jail a skate for swip- | ing bales of hay, we let some greater | reprobate unshaekled go his way, to bear his plunder in a crate, or haul | it in a dray. The prison is a beastly Place that teeks or nameless grime, and be is far from heaven's grace, who's in fit, doing time, and bitter lines are on his face, ar™ in his heart is crime. Revenge on those who put him there, is what he thinks of most, the jurist in his padded chdir, the Stail-fed legal host; his soul is cank- ered in despair, and justice seems a ghost. Some day the old world myst invent a better kind of pen that will not make the erring gent go forth to 8in again; for prison is a punishment for beasts, and not for men. -------- Wedding Bells, 22nd, the home of Mr. | multit | scene of « pretty wedding, when their only daughter, Gladys, became the bride of Stanley W. Coon, of the G. T.R. service, Kingston, anq the da May } Y BRITISH WHIG. 5 ; -------- omic so ee ------ ee ---- | | 7 SATURDAY, FEBRUAT---- === 7 7 | | | BIBBY'S OUR NEW GOODS AT NEW PRICES! They are better value than old goods at any price! . you trade here you get right kind of Clothing, F urnishings, alive to all the sales that are going on. name and some under another. Sale or no sale we still m all goers---price for price--v to do this because we conduc lines as the big'department c cash. One price to all: all go vise you to lock all over tow bargains and then see how e New goods at new price atal ods | Ss. REMEMBER! . We allow no firm to und ersell us ---rest assured when Men's a etc., at right prices, eet and beat all comers and alue for value. We are able t our business along the same Oftes houses. plainly marked. n at the so-called wonderful asy it is to trade here. Meet and beat all old goods at any price. nd Boys' We are fully Some under one Strictly We ad- BIBBY"S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING The Largest Store of the kind in Eastern Ontario 78, 80, 82 Princess Street Ne Joke! | That money talks, we used. to say,' | Said Bronks; demni » Rie | was decided to abolish it, and to re- | munities ? And he forced the pound turn to the system of mutual agree- |. # fen, ' | ment between employers and work- | youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas | me-- Coon, Trenton, and formerly of Have. | RS lock. -------------- A tractor out west ran away it is suggested that the lines must have BOt under the tail light to produce Such a kick up! Men 'of thought ang experience have no doubt that ten-ton trucks @re no friends of goog roads. cut them up very rapidly. -- The Mobile Register Jocularly re: marks that Germany's forty years of preparation have now been turned into forty years of reparations. ££ N Bank robbers are" drawing close t0 us. Toronto has met the crooks. Thievery is hard work and few men have ever retired and lived happily on the proceeds of thelr efforts. Lloyd George is described in Paris a8 toying with a liquor glass and not emptying it. He was no opportunist, . He could handle with safety that With which other men have destroyed themselves. = Wall, we hepe it won't be in our day that men will be served up cow- fess milk and artificial eggs. The originals have not always been the best, but we calculate the other kinds Will be worse than the worst we have bad in days past. And just as We begin to be happy ® scientist tells us the alignment of "the planets Presage ahother ice age. ¥ wo had not had a daisy of a win. fr the coal shortage would have mR us the ice age long before the Molentist slated us to have it. . . Women have more endurance and + Pourage than men, says Sir John kburn. Maybe, but women will Break down quicker than men under ests. 'Their endurance end courage is largely mental, while man's is Physical. Which will endure the fongest ? i. The Society of Chemical Industry ' Of Great Britain, whose 5,000 mem- Bers are scattered thromghouf the rid, has accented the invitation of Montreal branch to hold its an- al convention in Montreal at the of August. And Kingston will iave a full share in the big event. oA dear old lady In Essex coounty \ lived contentedly there fos ninety- Six years, never going further 'than mile from the place where she was A wonderful homely lesson pr the younger people of these days 0 . ive trie hat does 1.800¢ ut conten{ment! The Essex lady & superabundance of that. n't a chyroh develop its latent t in this splendid kind of work? in the art of speech in the of people, in creating the ar touch and the development of and power in delineation history, and tragedy and comedy 8 much the work of the church as 18 of the stage. A stage in every could be made a power for Pe They | | men. Another instance in which the eight-hour day has been a fallure was brought to light dusfug the in- [ vestigations being made by the | French senate commission on finance. |In giving evidence before this com- mission, Senator Cheron admitted | that the French railroads are operat- jing at a loss of eight million francs la day. The deficit last year amounted [to "three billion francs, -even the state-owned railroads failing to meet expenses by eight hundred million francs. . When asked for an explanation of this loss, Senator Cheron said that ir was chiefly due to the fact that the eight-hour working day restricts transportation to such an extént that | the collapse of the entire system is threatened. He severely condemned f the eight-hour policy, which, he sald, tends to induce idleness, much time being lost in changing shifts, which could be overcome if the workers Were allowed to work more hours a | day, especially in the loading or un- | loading of freight cars. The evil ef- | fects of "the eight-hour day on the | shorter lines were especially stressed, {as on these lines there is omly-one | train each way dailly, which necessi- [tates two complete crews, neither of | whom actually work more than halt i time, but have to be paid for the full | eight hours, Efforts to hold over the unloading operations to meet this con- dition have resulted in a decrease of ten thousand carloads between Nov- ember and February 1st, this alone representing a loss of ome billion francs a year if continued at the pre- sent rate. The experience of France is not held up as an example of what would happen in Ontario if the eight-hour day law were adopted, as the differ- ence in local conditions might influ- euce the success of the experiment. But the plan has been an economic failure in Sweden, it has proven dis- astrous in France, and these results should be sufficiently conclusive to at least give food for serious thought to those who have the matter under consideration in this province. -------- THE STABILITY OF LLOYD GEORGE, One of the wonders of the pres- ent day is the manner in which the coalition government in Great Bri. tain, headed by Premier David Lloyd George; has weathered the many storms through which it has passed since its formation. In France gov- ernments come, and gohe in rapid succession since the war end- ed. In Italy, Belgium, Greece, Ger- many and in the United States the war-time governments have fallen by the wayside. The electors have simply overwhelmed them, or their own sup- porters have deserted their ranks, Canada still retains what is, techni cally, her war 'time government, but the people have had no opportunity of expressing their approval or dis- approval of it. While governments on every side have been defeated and deposed, that of Lloyd George goes serenely on its way, gaining strength in spite of a few desertions. The strength and popularity of the Lidyd George government was amply demonstrated by the ¥Yote on Horatio Bottomley's resolution of censure in the House of Commons. ¢ wag a Straight test of the strength of the * "But money doesn't talk to-day, It honks." | Paw Kuows Everything. iw illie--~Paw, what is a slip-on? Paw---A banana skin, my son. i. A Real Show. Few theatres can stage a That makes you laugh, true; I think that I would rather And watch a fat man tie show go his shoe. -- Ouch! 'How @id that fellow Smith run In the last election?' asked Brown. "Oh, he gave a lot of postage stamps & good licking, and that's as far as he Bot," replied Jones. ---- Betcha! We'd all have Plenty of the dust, Life would be a gay bubble; If money could be borrowed just As easily as trouble. -- The Supreme Sacrifice. "And If I marry you, will you share your all with me?" she asBed. "Dearest," he cried, "I Would share my last quart with you!" "Darling," she exclaimed, yours." "I am Help! j Bre is & simple maid, gee whiz! And in seclusion ghe has dwelt; Bhe thinks a smelting furnace is A thing that's used for cooking smelt. Mean Brute! Gabb was telling me how much Pp to "Mr. he is going to enjoy his wife's tri Florida," said Me. Naybor. "I didn't know that he was going With her," exclaimed Mrs. Naylor. "He isn't," replied Mr. Naybor. Great Idea! Why not have the Uplifters organize & Society for the Education of College Graduates. | #4 Gelng Up! Vater lives in Louisville, Ky. -- Gosh! She called on a hungry young Dr. To find out what it Was that had she, The M. D. didn't know, But he needed-the dough, And $10 was just what he ar. ~--Luke McLuke, Ella There was a bashful young Mr. Who called on a college chum's sr She cuddled him np, Which so muddled him up, That he turned Suddenly and kr. --Wilmington News-Journal. -- Our Joe Miller Charley Roth claims that the oldest Joke is the one about the Irishman and his wife who Were looking at a picture showing a man hanging from from the top of a & rope suspended high clifr. "My, © my Said Mrs. Brogan. "What wud happen to the poor man if that rope broker = "Nawthin wud happen to him" re- plied Mr. Brogan, " he'd have singe eno it, wouldn't he? "a Is That Se! Charley Hadley tells us that 1t rains pitchforks to enable the farmer to make bay While the sun shines. ---- Names Club? How Much for the Hooda . Sign on a store in Detroit, Mich.: "Automobiles Washed In The Rear ~3$1.50." : ---- We'd Like To Nurse Her All Day! Ad. In Middletown (Ohio) News-Signal WAS p schoo! girl to hurse In afternoon. Apply 01 8 Main, " 2 Ais Netiee! your mind made - up ie Better have -» 5 that's very | Mr. and Mrs, in Kingston. Coon will reside Aen while you sleep" | | | two Cascarets occa- sionally to P your liver and bowels actfve. When bilious, consti- bated, headachy, unstrung or for a cold, upset stomach, or bad breath, nothing acts so nicely as Cascarets, Children love them too. cents. Take one or 10, 25, 50 | .| pal Bonds for sale. - SE -------- . BUCKEYE INCUBAT | | of your Chick en Breeding by buying the one best UCKEYE. Sold at-- BUNT'S KING ST. Take the risk out INCUBATOR--THE B HARDWARE. PHONE 38s. 100 .+.. MINK 75 0d iC FOX 150 seeeeeecoon, COON Gourdier's BROCK STREET - 3 ECG COAL ........ «++. $16.50 per ton STOVE COAL sevsinese.$16.50 per ton NUTCOAL..... «+2es..$16.50 per ton PeaCoal .........,.....$15.00 per ton Carrying 50c. extra. PHONE 155. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone orders 0,0.p, ~ SOWARDS COAL CO. Mazola A PURE SALAD ' : and COOKING OIL, is being demonstrated at our store all this week--February 21st to 26th inst. SPECIA™, PRICES Jas. REDDEN & Co, rar meme of ee id ---- FARMS FOR SALE FARM of 100 acres, on a good road, not far rom King- sfon; first class dwelling; 8ood outbuildings; about 65 acres under cultivation; well watered; enough wood for fuel; orchard: Possession at once. Price $5,500. We have a large list of farms for sale of all sizes and prices, First class Insurance Com- panies, Money to loan. T. J. Clarence Street, Kingston Phones 1035w. or 1707), t Lake Ontario Trout | and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Imon, Had. dock, Halibut and © Cod. G Hunter Ogilvie mun In dsily communication with Mont. real and Toronto Stock Exchanges. x the fitting of Trusses, Abdom- Dominion, Provincial and Muniel- | inal Supporters and carrying £ In stock a complete line of 281 KING STREET Phones -: 968 & 1087 . FOR SALE os gi Sheet Steel and other building materials, L Truss ialist Specialis For many years Dr. Chown has given special attention to Save money and be assured of satisfaction by buying at home, Dr. Chown"s Drug Store 185 Princess St. Phone 343. used t motion hand saw. Hut ne | - An electric motor similar to those with drille operates a new The Delaware, Lackawanna an) Western Rallroad's ; Celebrated . Scranton Coal Tre Standard Anthracite The only Coal handled by Crawford Phone 5. Foot of 'meen St. "It's a black » dul we treat white" 2

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