Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Feb 1921, p. 7

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a SATURDAY, ig tw Contains more ' matier 9 Be {LLEN'S is for rooNYms and Antonyms 26, 1921. f By F. Sturges Allen, A.B. L.L.B. and Alera Editor of Webster's New. International Dictionary, --.etyone who handles words withgan appreciation of the im- portance of their shades of meaning, will want this book. It contains thousands of words not contained in any other word book. oo Special typography and page arrangements make this. book easy for the eye. And new features render it quick for ready reference. R. Uglow & Co. 141 PRINCESS STREET WEDDING GIFTS IN Sterling Silver iTea Sets, Sandwich Trays. Comports, Cream and Sugar Sets. Butter Dishes. Salt and Pepper Sets. Sweets Dishes. Silver Cabinets--we have a number of very pretty de- signs, and are pleased to quote prices. h . 9 Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS. STREET It has been prover that 90 per cent. of backward children have de- fective eyesight--our own records show that children after having their eye defects corrected--advanc. much faster in school, a ---- re ey PROPOSED OCEAN SAILINGS Season 1921 mow ready. C. 8. KIRKPATRICK Agent, 36 Clarence Street, Tel, 56Sw, AAA gaan Electrically obtained from Swedish "The House of Better Glasses" Opposite the Post Office Phone 699 - - - Kingston A substitute for jute has' been found in the Russian kenafe plant, which grows prolifically. country. 7 His Master's Voice Caruso, Enrico 87321--A Dream--That human being who never has been haunted throughout the day by the memory of dreams, is lacking in hu- man experience, has missed, indeed, much of the beauty and the mystery of life. Here is a song, the memory song of a love-dream which, as Caruso interprets it, never could have found its inspiration, perhaps, under the bare light of day and the cold processes of reason. Itis a song that practically everyone knows, for the concert singers of a generation have made it familiar through- out the modern world. But you never have heard it as Caruso sings it, and you may never hear it so sung again. The above and other Caruso Records R. J. RODGER waterfalls provides about one half of | the mechanical power used in that | THE MAN ON WATCH Next thing the Illinois educational | authorities will be doing will be to | 4! admit of the expression, "1 done it." | If the "seventh day" people woutd only start the week with Monaay | | they would have no difficulty about | observing Sunday as the seventh aay, | It is a safe bet to make that Hyaro | | Auditor Mickler did not present him- | ! self to Sir Adam Béck and say, "Here am I, send me," ;.when that demand. from the Kingston utilities comms- | | son for his presence in Kingston ur- | { rived at Sir Adam's headquarters, It is no "meek" men that the Hyd- | | ro commission sends to Kingston, but | | they cannot get away here with tae | | stuff they force down the throats of | | western municipalities With sixteen recent brides a cer- | | tain Kingston congregation will have | | to be asking for plans for an | { addition. It certainly was not very sociable | ; for that "lady" to point a gun at her | | landlord and tell him to get out when | { he went for the rent. Landlords are | i entitled to more consideration than | | that. . ' i ! -- Are we to understand that when a | Kingston landlord wishes to col- | lect his rent, he must take a police- | | man with him? | Rev. Mr. Spracklin has been found | not guilty of manslaughter by the law of man but still the sixth com- | mandment reads, "Thou shalt not [ kill." A charge of twenty-five cents a | head at all the bridges and five | o'clock teas being held during the { Lenten period would realize quite a | sum for the Chinese famine fund. Toronto is swelling out its chest | | because its police made a cock figat | raid. Years ago nearly all the cock fights used to be held around King. | | ston, and the police were not so mean as to break up the fun, | | The world is surely becoming bet- { ter. The other day a citizen is re- | | ported to have taken his little dog | { down to the assessment commission- | | er's office to have him duly regiaer. | | ed on his tax book. . | T= { It was a Frenchman, and not a | French-Canadian, who founaed | Kingston. But we will not blame old | | Frontenac for being the cause ol | Stnssion's stunted growth, | | --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept " alfornia™ Syrup of Figs only--look for the name California on the package, them you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Chiu4ren love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "Cali- fornia." | | | sparkling with life. | | physical condition and cultivate a re- { } i { | THE DAILY BRITISH RICH, RED BLOOD _ MEANS HEALTH Fale Cheeks and Bloodless Lips Are a Danger Signal. l To. be pale is no longer the fash- | ion; to be languid is an affliction. To- day the most winsome girl is the one | ! with the pink tinge of health in her cheeks, lips naturally red, and eyes | Add to this a | quick active step and eéveryone can | tell the girl whose' veins are full of | the pure, rich blood of health. How | d.fierent she appears from her ailing | sisters, whose aching limbs and weak | bucks make them pale and dejected. Anaemia is the cause of so much suf- | fering among girls and women that it | cannot be too widely known that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have transform- ed thousands of delicate anaemic invalids into happy, healthy women. | These pills help to put rich red blood | into the veins, and this blood reaches | every part of the body, giving strength, rosy cheeks and brightness in place of weakness, prostrating headaches and a wretched state of half-health. Miss Edna E. Weaver, | R. R. No. 1, Chippewa, Ont., says: "I was very much run down, weak, | nervous and troubled with pains in the side. I tried different medicines but without any benefit until I be- gan the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Under the use of this medi- | cine I gained strength, had better ap- | petite, slept better and the pain in | my side disappeared. My health has | since remained excellent and I ad-| vise any one troubled with anaemia, or weakness, to give Dr, Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial." : Try Dr. Willams' Pink Pills for | anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia and | nervousness. Build up your blood | and note how the purer and richer | blood fights your battles agatnst dis- | ease. Take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a tonic if you are not in the best sistance that with the observance of ordinary rules of health will keep You well and strong. Get a box from the nearest drug store and begin the treatment now, or send to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont., and the pills will be sent you postpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. ---------------- NEEP LOOKOUT FOR GENIUS | Rev. Dr. Dyde and Dr. A. E.| Marty Deliver Addresses at Ottawa Teachers' Institute. WHIG HERE ARE SOME Real Shoe Bargains $2.95 Girls' Brown High Laced Boots. : Sizes 11 to 2. Saturday ............ $395 $1.75 Special lot Baby Comfort Laced Boots--plain toes, thick soles; sizes 5 to 73. Regular $3.50. Saturday ............. $1.75 $3.95 Sale of Women's solid comfort fine Kid Laced Boots; all sizes. Regular $6.00 quality. $3.95--Sale of Ladies' and big Girls' Brown Laced Boots-- allsizes ,,...... .. $3.95 $3.95 Sale of Ladies' Kid Laced Boots; high heels: all sizes. $2.95 Boys' School Boots--sizes | to 5. : Regular. $4.50 values. SATURDAY ONLY $2.95 Black Other good bargains in Boys' Boots. Abernethy's Shoe Store Two distinguished educationists, | Rev. Dr. S. W. Dyde, principal otf Queen's Theological College, and Dr. | A. E. Marty, public school inspector | of Toronto, were guests of honor of | Ottawa Teachers' Institute at dinner | in the Chateau Laurier on Thursaay | |evening, says the Ottawa Journal. Both made remarkable addresses, | the former stressing the spiritual | side of education, and the latter the {need of a more. liberal education for all the people. Dr, Dyde, who is a distinguished philosopher, and a speaker not often heard here, suggested that teachers keep a lookout for genius in their pupils so that Canada might discover its citizens of unusual ability. Dr. Marty would have less of academic education and more for the children who did not intend to study for the' professions. Dr. Dyde recalled his boyhood days when he ran barefoot with the boys in Lower Town. It was By Town then, and the teachers num- bered a handful. He deeply re- gretted the passing of Thomas Me- Janet, his old school friend. "I had the gentle satisfaction to-day of hearing that his life had grown more | beautiful, and how it had been a quiet sunset." From Central School East Dr. Dyde went. to Ottawa Collegiate In- | stitute, where one of his teachers was 'Dr. John Macmillan, 'one of the finest teachers I know." If Canadians were ever to equal men of the old land in languages they must begin their studies young- er. French at least should be start- ed in the public school. Rhodes scholars had discovered to the loss of Canada that they could not com- pete with students of the languages in England. Instead of coming back to fill language chairs these schol- ars shifted to other professions be- cause in' Oxford they found them- selves behind men of their own aca- demic age. Children could never have any standing in the languages unless they started before they were thirteen years. Teachers ought to be forever seeking after genius in their pupils. "Canada must manufacture in some way her proportion of the big men By the INTERNATIONAL CORRESPON- DENCE SCHOOLS, CANADIAN Limited Young me. of ability to study AT HOME in SPARE TIME and prepare for position of ACCOUNTANT. Let us know which of these interests you. Free Booklet on request. No obligation. Chartered Accountant. Higher Accountant. Auditng. Cost Accountant, Railroad Accountant. Business Management. Other courses in Bookkeeping, Stenography and Commercial subjects. Address: M. M. SIMS, Representative 130 Clarence Street, Kingston. ------ Week End Specials Egg-o Baking Powder .33c. Ib. Lipton's Tea Snider's Tomato Soup 185c. tin Choice Raisins Potato Flour Our own blend Tea . .. Dairy Butter .. Choice Prunes . . . 490 aad 402 Princess Street. Phone 530. not been tremendously successful in We have methods of discovering him in our school system Our Big Furniture Sale Furniture Like This at Moderate Cost. Our reputation has been built on the solid, substantial basis of providing our customers with Furniture of the highest character at a very low cost. Here is a typical example of the way you can save if you make your purchase during our big Fur- niture Sale. We offer you excellent store service, JAMES REID A NEW CASH GROCERY C. TRENEER begs to announce that he has opened a Cash Store at the Corner of Patrick Street and Raglan Road, All goods of the finest quality at very moderate prices. Courteous service extended to all. No pur- chase too small. A share of your patronage respectfully solicited. Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises ey The Leading Undertaker ' Phone 147 for service. cn Mattresses of the world. R. J. : 132 Princess St. 5 Don't throw away your old Mattresses. We renovate all kinds and make them as good as new. t our prices, here. We have rather tended to say into line' to shove down the heads that showed aboye the rest. The matter ought to be as good hers a8 anywhere, yet we de not turn the number that treating mental defectives, but we should look with great scrutiny for the boy or girl of genius. We have TELLS SAFE, SIMPLE WAY TO TREAT AND RELIEVE AT HOME, If you have catarrh, catarrhal deaf- 's Drug Store, Kingatoa EO ---- Women's Oxfords SPECIAL ... $4.95 WOMEN'S OXFORDS -- in Chocolate Kid, Mahogany Calf and Black Kid cut LACE SHOES -- per cap and rubber hels: and value. Speci . SHOE STORE 200 pairs Women's Chocolate with Louis or Military heels. Special valueat ........ rerdi inane 3495 Kid, high torated toe excellent quality al.......... 83.05 Allan M. Reid OO ES | TWICE TOLD TALES | News of Kingston TEN YEARS AGO. It is thought that the city council will make an appeal to the Ontario legislature to have the date of King- ston's municipal elections changed to the last Monday in Jamuary. : A large convention of chemists as- embled at Queen's.on Friday evening Professor W. L. Goodwin presided. L. A. Zufelt is now acting superin- tendent of the Dairy School, with a class of seventy-five students. John Suthe:'and, shoe merchant, is in Boston on a purchasing trip. Tax Collector Bartels is preparing for police court notices for those who have not paid statute labor tax. Dr. Edwards, member for Fronte- nac, has not yet decided whether or not he will support reciprocity. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Harry J. Wilson, a former King- stonian and gold medaliist of Queen's, has just received the degree of doc- out ten per cent. Scotland turns out' year with a much smaller population. We must bring into the world our Cana- dian Robert Burns Shakespeare." This was the speaker's definition of an educated person; "One whe haz escaped prejudice and has an open migd. He does not allow trivial things is acquainted with some of the good things that have been thought and occupy his attention. by year, and William He tor of philosophy from John Hop- kins University, and has been ap- pointed to a chair in that institution. Bishop Burn, of Qu Appelle, morrow. - Professor Watson defeated F. Mc- Nab, 13 to 6, in competition for the Carruthers gold medal. Queen's meets Stratford tonight in Toronto in the senior O.H.A. finals. James Weir, steward of the King- ston penitentiary, has been inspecting the system at St. Vincent de Paul, with a view to its adoption here. The plate glass for George Sears' new store arrived and was placed' in position today. speaks in St. George's Cathedral toy, done in the world, and has friends in 'the mighty dead.' He is sensi- tive to the beautiful in the world, and has a touch of humor--not the ability to laugh at others but thy man who turns about so quickly that he sees nis own back hair. He has that semse of reverence that is | an essential feature of human ise. Closing his advice to teachers to foster in children dreams and ideals quoted Thomas D'Arey McGee, "We should all lift ourselves to the level of our destinies." : ---------- Classical mausie, 15¢. up, Dutton's. four times a day. An improvement is sometimes day's treatment. Breathing should become head noises, cloudy thinking, ly disappear under the tonic of the treatment. taste, defective dropping In are o the presence of catarrh and which of the higher things in lite, Dr. Dyde a en be « Tome Aearly ninety per cent. 'of all ear troubles are caused by catarrh and there ple by this simple, hirmiess, home treat. ness or head noises caused by catarrh or if phlegm drops in your throat and has caused catarrh of the stomach or bowels you will be glad to know that these distressing symptoms may be entirely overcome in many in- stances by the following treatment which you can easily prepare in your own home at little cost. Secure from 'your druggist 1 ounce of Parmint (Double Strength). Take this home and add to it 3% pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar; stir until dissolved. Take one tablespoonful Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w. noted after the first easy, while the distressing hes, dullness, etc, should gradual- action Loss of smell, hearing and mucous the back of the throat T symptoms which suggest by this ef- It is said that must, therefore, be many peo- whose hearing may be restored

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