IHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. a maa pd mr opt' MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1021. IN CONDENSED FORM | Tidings From Places Far and | Near Are Briefly Recounted. French census will be taken on March 5-6. Trains are' beifg operated on aj) CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: First insertion. lc. a word. Each con a secutlv. jusertion. tuersafter, half] SECO ent a word, Minimum charge for ec wri ph ope lusertjon, 25¢; three inservions, { a im 0 cents. , ; 'I'he above rates are for cas when charged they ars do HELP WANTED. I WANTED GENERAL ND-HAND FLAT d oak i d 10 QUARTER- Ce State c Ar i Mexican railways despite the s ike, ! A. T. & N. O.-brakeman named Sharvelle was killed at New keard S. We and Farmers fusion. i Freight rates on liquor in Canada are to be increased shortly, says an FOR SALE AWNINGS, PHONE 436. ¥. COOKE STRONG STEEL SAVIN each. Milis Co. SMALL i banks. '$1.00 Ciarence St. FIVE FOOT SHOW CASE, J Bros. make. Apply Prince of Lunch, 191 Princess street ton Liberals, Laborites, PRINCESS are unable Syde oN STREET, BE- fred to effect a Wales Princess stre | NEWS OFF THE WIRES |: . SERVANT, ng to Mrs | street. IENCED pply Mrs. Borland, or paone 40% fesse 148 Univer LADY FOR, OFFICE have knowledge = Apply Box G- 10UNG M SIBLE, MIDDLE-AGED WO- | 1 to take child out & fe cn afternoon. Apply 7 Street MOULNG LADY CLERK FOR OFF Apply In own handwriting :Xperience and salary exp Box J-26, Whig A GOOD COOK FOR S Also woman for I Good wages Refe Apply Dunham Hotel, Cobourg Apply, undred, *, O'Shea Island « ing price furnishings, Wolfe Island 6-10 DAILY month $50; onc urse $50 ish f re AT ONCE--MEN special short courses; Mechanics' «¢ rse month Gas Tractor plenty of time to fis spring rush. Hemphil 'sas "I'ractor Schuol, 16 W., Toronto Board $8.50 up Call or wr -------------------------------------- WANTED--CAPABLE SALESMAN To | represent the following tions in this eity, Sat rday H. Gagnier Commercial Canadian Home Journal an dian Farmer Permane ment, excellent propos) application considered wit} Ul references Write R n, 71 Richmond st, te publica N : Pag d Ce POSITION WANTED, -- REFINED WOMAN WITH DA 10, seeks position in small family E EDGAR, PUBLIC White's 80t street MISS MADG Sienographer Office 239 Ba I SITUATIONS VACANT CL MENRY AKER FOR THE WOLFE! silat. | without | Insurance | 'hone | EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM HEAVY Laying Barred Rocks and White Leghorns: Apply 16 Nelson street. LADY'S FUR COAT, GAS STOVE, RE- frigerator and other articles . furniture. Apply 168 Division St ONE LOT, 686x132 FuuT FR on South Macdonald str. cheap for quick buyer. Batemans Real Estate. KITCHEN CUPBOARD, WASH STAND White Wicker Baby Carriage, and a few other articies. Apply Chatham Street. SIDEBOARD, HAPPY Stove, Kitchen Chairs; new. Also 16 yards of Apply 40 Gore Street LADY'S LEATHER Union § A Owner have plying at 9 Union West, PURS riday Ae fame by Street ABOUT 200 ACRES, | practical farmer; ty ur= | chase Frank Herr P. O, E. Torouto. PURCHAS) Price EARL sam ar] street. LADY'S SCARF, ON Owner may calling at 47 BE WANTED TO house for cash. uver $2,500. Kindly tion and location. SLCOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO for cash or in part payment of new pianos and grafonolas. C. W. Lind- say Limited, 121 Princess street. APER HANGING | WANTING PAINTING OR to erhanging done, drop a card Mounteer, 84 Arch sireet. by Gi FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED wHEE. Anyone finding anything and Wishing to reach the owWuer may €@o ®o by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver-. tisement will be printed la this coumn free of charge. "Found artici does not (m- * elude lost dogs, cattle, horses, etc These, if lost, may Le ad- vertised for iu the "Lost" guiumn THOUGHT all nearly linoleum SMALL poles, SQUARE PIANO, IRON BED, hall rug. curtains, blinds, oil heater and other articles, cheap Apply 230 Ontario street GENUINE GRAFPHONOLA AND selections; your own cholce, 'Terms §7 cash; $5 per month . Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. PAINTERS WARD & Soy, Ha ers and is the ti decoratec < TEN $42.50 CW PAPER ANG --J, 1 rcorator. given Metallic r Store and office Montreal streeq | HANC ar STOCK OF 30 HENS, ONE DRIVING rse, one work horse, one buggy SILVER CIGARETTE CASE; INITIALS " D Finder return to Whig Of- | fice > a ---- { Apply 68 Cherr Street | PAIR OF NOSE GLASSES ON BARRIE . hey y ee street please retura to r Miss Y.W.C.A MEN house TO LET. "AN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, furniture, spectalize in mili- boots; buy nd goods; highest pri Routbard. Phone 1723 cess Street. PURE BRED BARRED ROCK AND White Wyandotte Cockerels, $5.00 Finder please return to Mar each. Hatching eggs from prize turers' Life, 38 Brock street winners, $3.00 to $5.00 per 15 ward Joseph White, Portsmouth | 2301 ring 4 # ! TT SDNESDAY ON EARL BE- ail improvements, centrally logat-| LAST WEDNI tare] Ae a oearitally log | ween Wellington and Clergy | IDEAL GASOLINE NGI | by Goold, Shapely and Muir ls 2 i stree a lady's Japanese hand- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND | bag, broidered in gold and lined 2 h. ixcelsior Motor- merchandise; clean aud dry. Mc- cles in good r ing order. Also With blue. Finder return to Whig . 8% Brock street. Phone 326 and receive reward hollow ground and baby carriage tires put while You wait uller's Bicycle Works, 371 and King street. Phone 1032w. Fi a --_-- | Wiskin, Y CLARENCE STREET | [5, "WEDNESDAY IN THE SHOP. district Y pearl grey ring h ed Umbrell Apply at Whig Reward | paid. I. | a, 289 Prin- --r HEY RING, WITH BUNCH OF KEYS, APARTME | on Hrock, Princess or near library grcelle Graham | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AAD BOARD), ONE made Co, A GREY LEATHER PURSE taining a large sum of nn tween Bell Telephone Offic foot of Brock street Finder please return to Whig Office or Vo- e Station. Reward DENTAL, | DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your ewn lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299-305 Queen sireet. FPnone b26, res. vw. | FOR SALE 4 oe A few building lots well locat- ge ed near Queen's University. Ap- piy King & Smythe, 71-73 Clar- + F TWO OR THREE ROOMS ght houseke ing, furnish inturnished, with all imp ents \pply 188 Division Strect SUITE for i or | n MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$15 TO $60 paid weekly ror your spare writing show cardg for us. canvassing. We instruct and sup- ply you. with work. West-Anguy bhowcard Service, 57 i Toronto, N AGENTS 300% PROVIT GOLD ters for stores, office windows ily applied; will not wash off' samples. Acmo Sign Co. Wells, Chicago, Ill. ---- MEN AND WOME) NOT TO Vass, but to travel and appoint lo- cal representatives; $1,092 and ex- DenSes guaranteed first year, with gvod chance to make $2,600 ana expenses. State age and qualifica- tions. Experience unnecessary Winston Co, Dept. G., Toronto. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks. skin cancers, scars, ete, re- moved permapently. Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnished after 1ers have falled. Goltre removed 5 %ears' experience. Dr Elmer J Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin "FINANCIAL STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established in 1860; the most reliable companies repre- sented. Office 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Society; incorporated 1861 President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.: vice- president, A. B. Cunningham Mon ued on city and fa properties, municipal and co debentures; MOrtgages purchas investment bonds fo: sale: depos received and interest allowed C. Cartwright, manager, 37 C ence street. Kingston CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE sce James Selby, ( University Avenue. | SEW AND REPAIR WORK, mates given on small jobs card, . Page, 5 Street, city. INVEST. ntractor, *hone 1898w. Drop @ -- em ARCHITECT POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCH]. tects, Merchants Bank Chambers corner of Brock and streets. MAA AAA AAA AA ---------- At sn. ---- time | FF. Colborne St. | CAN-| { | only | ESTI- | Pembroke | Wellington | | FURNISHED ROOMS AT 408 JOHNSON | closed until March 30th. corner Frontenac, Com- | DRS, ence street, Kingston, Ont, o> * . <* TEEPE PIP PUPP EE PIPPI Oe, ONE .OF THE BEST STOCK FARMS IN Frontenac County, containing 200 acres ¢ loam; "two good awell- n barn; another barn, ed, drive house, hen house, hog hguse, wind mill; everything com- plete; lots of wood and water; good location; easy drive to Kingston Apply B. D. Snyder, 163 Alfred St., Kingston. ERECT EEEIP PEPER PROPPED + STEAMER FOR SAL +> + and freight steamer We ft. long. Price and upon application to + Booth Bldg. Ottawa, & Street forts tn Re his . SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. | oe Noa sything. May fens uy tists, 159 Wellington street, over! id y Carnovsky's. Phone 346. RUPERT PF. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phone 1350. Open | evenings by appointment. UVenings dy appotn a FURNITURE FINISHING { \ TWO FRONT APARTMEN ESPE-| DR, cially furnished for light house- | keeping; gas for cooking and light, At the Pioneer Apartments, 212 and | ii ion street. Pho CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS- voll 22 Joan street UPHOLSTERING., kitch en and din-| also & D)) CONTAIN. + centrally locat- - 213 and 219 Queen street renovated and decorated throughout. Immediate possession. ». Apply E. Blake Thompson, 39 Brock Street. { = } S===--simmmrmme-- CALL OR DROP A CARD TO WwW. J. Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. | | W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP-| holstering and genera] repairing. | Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- der in all popular shapes and sizes Uphoistering and repairing done i. J. Goodridge, 244 University Avenue. Passenger for sale--100 particulars Room 104, Ghdb bb op > | 2 dee ar ------ en : LEGAL BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. $750--FOR SALE--RBUILDING LOTS ON Alwington Avenue; 8ood location. | CUNNINGHAM & SM ers and Solicitors $ Clarence | 8 et, Kingston A. B. Cunning- | i ham, Cyril M. Smith | | | FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN- -- | AMBROSE SHEA, BA, BARRISTER ished; guns repaired; small repairs $1100--BUILDING LOT, SYDENHAM ST, and Solicitor. Law office, corner of In wood or metal. Stanton & Sleeth near Raglan Road. King and Brock, over Roval Bank. 5 Princess St, (next door Plano Money to loan. Phone 1999 | ------ , BARRIST. | a | $800--GARROTT ST. FOR SALE TWO LOTS ON soUTH MACDONELL street, 33x132; small building; very cheap for quick sale. FOR SALE, WICKER BABY CARIAGE GOOD condition Apply 156 Pine Street | LAND SURVEYOR ET -- | F. ¥. MILLER, B.Ap., Sc. CE. O.L.S., Dl « M.E.LC.. Napanee, ont. On-| | tario Land Surveyor Kingston Of- ~ i fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar.| SCHOO | > ence street SES ry SIGNS $1000--FRAME BUNGALOW; NEW; north end; 4 rooms; BE. and C. Lot 33x132; for immediate possession SRTHA CALKINS" ing capacity 0 net tons. Can inspected at Picton Ontario. | Further particulars and price on application. T. L. VanDusen, Pic-| §2000--FRAME HOUSE: ton, Ont. about an acre of land; summer boarders; $2,200-FRAME HC and C.; electrie good cellar. i | 11 ROOMS; Suitable for near Westport. SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLA ete. large or small, guar gold lear; p artistically by Shaw, Kingston SS, WOOD, anteed XX sters, showcards, etc Written and designed &t 205 Princess Street WHE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS on good second hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves | 2ad furniture to dispose of, we will ay highest prices. J. Thompson, | -- 333 Princess st t. Phone 1600w. | #5, BRICK SEMI-DETACHED; § ,000--| $ ET 2 rooms; B. and C.; hot air; gas; gar- age. SE; 4 ROOMS; B ights and furnace; rnin ree. seem H CLASS DAIRY FARM, CONSIST- ing of 150 acres, 100 in high state of cultivation and 50 acres in wood ' lot; good stone house; first class outbuildings; lots of water; close to church, school and railroad. Will sell farm sepaiate or stock and machinery suitable to purchaser Address Harris McDougall, Fair- field, Ontario. TAILORING. VICTORY BONDS FOR SALE, MONEY to Loan. RY FARMSSEY ERAL GOOD FARMS FOR sale. G 158 Well n, A, ~ GANANOQUE 15, D. ¥ C,, Cer. and Mack Streets, Consultation free Hours 9 to 12a > Rev. J. A. Waddell, Kingston, and i Rev. Geo. W..Dustin, Sesley's Bay, were among the out of town clergy | who attended the! boys' conference Good Blacksmi 1s necessary for successful forge work. We have it for sale--always. Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. Foot of Johnson Street Davis Dry Dock Co. When in the market for machinery or parts do. not forget to communicate with us. enable us to supply you promptly Save you money. Prove it for your self NOW. DAVIS DRY East End of Wellington St. Quebec Heaters aie | sessions here over Sunday. Both these weud 3. ror tne past three aays the boys' work conference has been the great attraction. On Friday even- | charge from their appointments. At the Park Rink on 'Friday even- Our equip ment of plant and mac ihery will ing nearly two hundred delegates had in | registered, and on Saturday the num- | te ber was considerably increased. The doings on Saturday opened in St. g the Gananoque all star hockey am, picked from the various teams of the church league met a good ag- | gregation from the Limestone city. Andrew's church at 9 a.m., followed | The score at full time was 3-3, and in by an interesting address on Tuxis | overtime the locals added two making Boy in New Era by Rev. W. P. Flet-| the score 5-3. The Kingston K.C.I chér, and another! "The Year's Pro- | sent a team here on Saturday night, gramme", by Rev. R. B. Ferris, De- | which defeated the Junior C.L.A.C. nominational conferences followed | team 3-2. until noon. Sessions resumed at 2 p. | The local inter-church m. in Grace church where addresses | standing at the finish was. were given by Rev. Frank Langford | Won Lost and J. P. Hagerman, Toronto. At 6.15 | C. LAC ..... 6 0 P.m., a banquet was held in the Sun-| A. Y. p. A. 2 {day school hall of St. Andrew's St. Andrews |church, Rev. W. P. Fletcher gave an | K. ©. H- illustrated report and forecast of [ Mrs. Drew Shields is undergoing training camps. "What is Your Life | treatment in Kingston General Hos- Motive' was dealt with by Rev. R. B. | pital . Ferris, "Boys Work as a Vocation", | Dr. J. J. Davis was a delegate to by J. P. Hagerman, and "The Call of | the Grand Lodge Sessions of Royal the Christian Ministry", by Rev.| Arch Masons in London during the Frank Langford. On Sunday morning | past week, and was elected grand su- {at 9.30 there was a round table con- i perintendent of No. 12 Masonic Dis- Jerence §1 leaders in the lecture hall | {rior : of Grace church. And at 11 a.m. Rev. 7S Frank Langford filled the pulpit of | ates Ree Re am St. Andrew's church and Rev. W. P. | . past week with friends in Kingston. Fletcher that of Grace church. After Mayor and Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Pine the Sunday echool session a mass street, spent several days in Toroato meeting was held in St. Andrew' during the past week. / league BE 9 i and at reasonable cost. We will DOCK, CO. 8 church presided over by J. P. Hager- man, and at the evening service J. P. Hagerman filled 'the pul- Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. me prove it. sixth week Mondoy afternoon. The 126} Columbia Graphophone, 15 records. | Phone nds second- | Phoue | rere iniitr it tren | {had a goodly number of boys in their | The legislature enters upon its | Ottawa despatch. Reports of further massacres of | Armenians by Turks have reached London. v Ontario teachers are to have | excursion again next through Northern Ontario. an British Columbia will pay boun- | ties on pig iron manufactured frow ore mined in the province. The U. S. Immigration bil] has ! been approved by the U. 8, congress, and will be sent to the president for | signature. President-elect Harding left Flori- da Sunday evening for Marion, Ohio, | where he will deliver a final front | porch address. SPRACKLIN'S ACTION WAS INTEMPERATE 'Dean Starr "Says That Self- Control is Real Tem- perance. e dean of Ontario preached in St. George's cathedral on Sunday | morning on "Temperance". He refer- | red incidentally to the case of Rev. {J. O. L. Spracklin, who was tried for | | manslaughter, committed while he | was trying to enforce the Ontario | Temperance act. Dean Starr said that lis action was just as intemperate as | the grosser forms of drunkenness. | | Dean Starr said the word "temper- | ance" was so often misapplied. The | | best definition. was "sovereign self- | {control", and this was the ideal of | { Christian life. The dean spoke of the { excesses of the present time in all phases of life, even in sports and! amusements .The spirit of self-control | should be developed in everything. Belgian Croix de Guerre | For 8ir E. H. Worthington | Brockville, Feb. 28.--Advices have | {been received here of the award of | the Croix de Guerre of Belgium to | Colonel Sir Edward H. Worthington, | C.B.,, C.M.G., of the Royal Army Me- | | dical Corps, a former Brockville boy, | { for distinguished services rendered | {during the course of the campaign. | {He was household physician to the] | Duke of Connaught when the latter | was goverpor-general, and is a gra- duate of Trinity Medical College, To- | ronto? | Twenty Cars Derailed; Wreck at Rideau Station | | | | On Sunday twenty cars of a | freight train on the Grand Trunk were derailed at Rideau Station. The accident was due to a split rail. The wrecking crew from Bel- { leville was called to clear the wreck- age and cleared the track. No per- i | son was hurt. Removal Of Offices, { The office of the Canadian Pacific { Railway on Bagot strget will be mov- | ed to the building lately occupied by {the Royal Bank, Wellington street. |F. Conway will be in charge. The | Dominion Express Company, now oc- cupying an office on Clarence street, will occupy the rear of the same i building which is being refitted and {furnished, and when c mpleted will | present a' very fine appearance. | Given a Good Time, i On Saturday night the Busy Bees of Calvary church paid a visit to the | Home for the Aged and gave the in- | mates u jolly time. They provided | a fine programme of music and recit- { ations and also served supper.. The | treat was very much enjoyed by the | old folk: Priests Transferred. Archbishop Spratt has appointed | Rev. Father Michael Meagher, Marys- | ville, as pastor of Erinsville, succeed- ing the late Rev, Father Carey. Rev. | Father O'Gorman, Spencerville, is ap- | pointed to Marysville, and Rev. Fath- jer Vincent Meagher will likely as-| | sume charge of Spencerville. : i J. M. Campbell, president of the | | Kingston Board of Trade, was the | special speaker at the Kiwanis club | | weekly dinner at the Hotel Frontenac | on Monday. He dealt with power de- | velopment. i The local Western Union telegraph | |office, Clayton, N.Y.. is closed until | business conditions warrant its open- ing, probably in May or June. i | CASTORIA For Infants and Children | In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Spats of DANCING LESSONS Every AT GARDEN HALL Dances | MRS. 8. COHEN 111 summer | GRAND Friday & Saturday Mar. 4th & 5th Special Matinee SATURDAY! A Gorgeous Sunburst of Benu- tiful Women, intoxicating Gowns and Luxurious Settings, A Perfect 35 Chorus De Luxe! Special Dardanella Ja Jamboree Orchestra | PRICES: -75-81.00-81.%0 2; Parq. $1.50 ~$1.00-81.30. Gal. 30¢, ROMANCE--ADVEN TU RE---COMEDY, Will Be Seen Im The Stirring Story THE SERVANT QUESTION 'eat uring ONE AND ONLY WILLIAM COLLIER A Chip off the Old Block GRIFFIN'S ois HE BIG REVUE PRICES: Mat, 15-25; Evg. 25.35, a ----y BIG DOUBLE BILL TO-DAY Now Playing ALMA RUBENS in HAROLD LLOYD in Concert by | MUSICAL NOVELTY The Famous | "Now and Then," by Strand | PHYLLIS DEVL and Orchestra CHARLES O'CONNOR THURS. FRI "RESTLESS SAT. SOULS" "NUMBER PLEASE" LATEST NEWS TOPICS OF THE DAY The Premier Pre- sentation of that most talked of picture. "THE BAIT" A TO Made from Seville Oranges and Granulated ALLEN:--Leading in Pictures and Music of Quality ! BiG DOUBLE BILL! MALVINA LONGFELLOW IN "THE ROMANCE OF LADY HAMILTON" An All-British Production In Conjunction With "Love, Honor and Behave" A Mack Sennett Five Reel Comedy .» . "ROBE"S PIERRE" Children Under Sixteen Will Not 'be Admitted! FOR SALE GOON, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Onturio and West Sta Phone 07. OVERTURE WAGSTAFFE'S Pure Orange MARMALADE Cane Sugar only. TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST. THE BENZER LENS NO GLARE--LEGAL EVERYWHERE Absolutely guaranteed. Try a pair; if you are not satisfied we will gladly refund your money. $3.50, .all sizes. Special features. ~ Automotive Equipment Accessories Agents, KINGSTON Manufacturers, STREET, Tourists' Bureau, 109 BROCK \ VICTORY BONDS DUE 1922 and 1923 Holders of these bonds could sell to- day at about 98} and re-invest in 1924 at 96} or 1934 at 95}, and if your income is $6,000 or less, it would pay you to do it. You would make $15 per thousand and ex- tend your investment for a longer period. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Investments." 237 BAGOT STREET. 85 Bay Street, Toronto. PHONE 1728. Ne. 3, 310.00. No. 6, 312.00 Best Stove for Garage or 'work Shop. Cooks and other Stoves as we LTURK (Phose 705 BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428. Strike leaders Ivens, Queen and Armstrong were released at Winni- peg and will take seats in the legis- lature' Monday night. pit and Rev. Frank Langford that of Hall Phone 357 Residence 1878 Grace church. A mass meeting and {Roll Call "Squares" was. held in Grace church, followed by the clos- ing address of the conference ses- sion which was in charge of Rev. Frank Langford. members will need to speed up con- siderably if the session is to be over within anything like reasonable time. Certainly proregation by Easter seems almost impossible, despite the fact that night sittings are now the rule. x STRAND HOPE HAMPTON The $1000 Beauty THURS, FRY, SAT, | Sinn Feiners report that General Macready was wounded du ambuscade.' Made in Canada Chevrolet THE PRODUCT OF EXPERIENCE The Chevrolet Model "T" One Ton, Worm Drive Truck. has made a reputation for dependable performances with capzcity loads. Wherever it serves, greater economy and increased ef- ficiency are experienced, not only in the actual transportation of merchandise, but in the protection afforded goods in transit. * ' We are now demonstrating this "Truck. BAWDEN & EDWARDS 39 MONTREAL STREET PHONE 400. -- CW. ---- James Peterson died suddenly while tsiking with fellow-wo in Hamilton. . ring an