: Excels All For Purity, Flavour and Aroma A" TEA a It you Rave not tied it, sead : sample, stating the price you now and if you use Black, Green or Mixed Tea. oy Sa Ton Je ---- ~- FOR SALE--EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH CLASS BONDS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO due 1941--price to yield Six Cent.--payable half yearly. PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN due 1936--Price to Yield Six Per Cent.--payable half yearly. Victory and other bonds bought and sold Apply to: -- J. 0. HUTTON Per €7 CLARENCE STREET Vhone 708. a 25 p.c. OFF CHARM BLACK TEA Fragrant, rich and refreshing, and best of all Package Teas. Quarter Pound FREE with every pound. Geo. Robertson & Son, Limited ; ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. McLEAN. Feb. 23 --All were" sorry to hear us a post card Jor a free . of the death of Mrs. Wesley Young, Mountain Grove. There was no ser vice on Sunday. Visitors: William Cousin and Zeida,.in Kingston; Mr. | 8nd Mrs. Levi Snider and family, aua i Mr. and Mrs, W. Cousins, spent Sun- {day at Richard Beverly's; bruce King at Melford Wagar's: Mr. and Mrs. John Beach at John Smith's; Rufus Wagar in McLean one day last | week. - 080 STATION. | Feb. 13. --A number from around | bere are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. John Crawford; we all wish | for a speedy recovery. Henry Cham- bers and Mrs. Sam Armstrong, Shar- bot Lake, called around here on Thursday, getting subscribers for thh -j1ural mail. We hope it will be a sue- | cess. Joseph H. Warren, Jr., attend led the social at Parham on Tuesday, {Feb. 15th. Samuel Swain, Glenvale, {is visiting friends around here. David |Crawford, Guy Smith 2nd Joseph H. | Warren spent Monday evening at {Clarendon OATES. Feb 22.--Frank McDonald is | drawing sand for the erection of a new drive house Mr. and Mrs. | Thomas R. Marshall, Taylor, spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs, Walsh. Miss Mary Koen is spending MCALLISTER & DRAKE AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES EXPERT MECHANICS FOR ALL MAKES OF AUTOMOBILES. AGENTS FOR "WHITE ROSE" GASOLINE AND TORONTO GREAT ROLLS-ROYCE OIL 503 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1750. Phone Res. 1246. ---- | ings good work with his sawing outfit HOME-MADE CHOCOLATES See our window display of Home-made Chocolates--all manufactured by us. We- use the very best of materials. SPECIAL THIS WEEK: Maraschino Cherry Chocolates . A variety of choice, Home-made Candy at .,. ALLAN MASOUD, PROP. .30c. a Ib. a few days with her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. J. Donoghue and sister, Loret- ta, also Frank Egan and bride, West- port, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Koen. Mrs. John Johnston Is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. John McDonald, Howe Island. Mrs. J. A. Koen has returned home after spending 4 few days with her sister, Mrs. Cassidy, Centreville. Mrs. James Burns is with her daughter, Mrs Everest Johnston, Perth Road. Quite a number are hauling feed from Perth Road. LELAND. | --H. Sleeth Feb. 22 in this neighborhood and sawing | wood will soon be a thing of the past. {Floyd Smith, who has been very sick with smallpox, is improving nicely. F. Corkey's sale of farm stock and implements was well attended and everything went at high figures. Mr. land Mrs. J. Banks entertained a | number of friends on Friday evening. {H. Kellar made a business trip to | Kingston on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. FRUITLAND 848 Princess Street. : t Phone 904 TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. Special prices on CAR LOTS CORN, OIL CAKE, OATS, SALT, FLOUR, BRAN and SHORTS. Phone, or write for prices. 'W. P. PETERS Phone 51 : : ingston moms rte I POWER Everywhere you go in this community the Ford con- ques bad roads and stormy weather. "It has the power ! The famous Ford engine simple to operate, instant. ly responsive to your every wish, is so wonderfully de- pendable you seldom give it a thought. 5 The surplus power is there to pull you out of tight corners and this wealth of reliability and service-is avail- able to Ford owners at lowest maintenance cost. We render Ford service. ' We sell genuine Ford parts. When parts of fepairs are needed we have the equipment and the skilled mechanics to give you prompt work at stahdardized prices, VanLuvenBros. Phone 1609. - 34-38 Princess Street. Youngs and children at D. Fergu- son's, Mrs. W. Lacey at J. Cumpson's. Miss Margaret McPherson, Perth Road, at J. Bank's. Rev. M. Simpson made pastoral calls on Tuesday. Mrs. H. Kellar spent the week-end with friends at Inverary. BATTERSEA. Feb. 25.--The recent snowstorms have made the sleighing good again, and many are drawing up their seas- | on's supply of wood. 'Every person | | 1s: looking forward to the ice races | | which are to be held on Loughboro | Lake on March 1st and 2nd. Mrs. Mary and Mrs. John Ruttan are und- i er the doctor's care. Rev, E. Coddl- ing is spending the week-end in Gan- | anoque. Chicken-pox is very preval- .ent in the vicinity. Born, on Feb. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Undergrove, [a son. Mr.. Bheldon, Toronto, and | | Mrs. Freeland, Portland, have re-| | turned, after visiting their mother, { Mrs, James Hughes. Mrs. Marguer- | |ite Ormsbie is improving. Fred ' The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet Mo is Grove's Quinine tablets Be sure you get has been do- | | Langford intends purchasing a pair of pure-bred Stbernian hares for reeding purposes. PARHAM. Feb. 22. --Mrs. L. B. Bateman is ana visit to the States. Mr. and Mrs" E. Barr end nephew, Jimmie Allison, Belleville, visiting relatives here. J. { York has moved on his farm. Mrs. J. | Campsall is on the sick list. Mr. ana Mrs. T.. BE. Wagar and daughter, Ferne, spending a few days in Belle ville, have returned. Archie Howes, Queen's, home for thé week-end. Dr. Topping, Perth, is in the village. Mrs, J. C. Hartman is on the sik Tist. Lr. | Topping hae sold his house and lot in ithe village to Ard. Wagar. Mrs. {Storms at J. A. Goodfellow; B. j Charlters spent the week-end in Bel- leville with his family. Claud Peney {at Verona; A. Babcock and George | Reynolds at Echo Lake; Mrs. W. | | Wagar, Wagarville, at T. E. Wagar's. | Ladies' Aid met at J. A. Goodfel- {low's. Quite a number from Tich- | borne attended. Mrs, Willidm Me- | Cumber, Br., at W. L. Goodfellow's. | Mr. Grant at the Bertrim House. | Alex. Howes home from Cobalt. 1 I { | ROSEDALE. Feb. 25.--Mr. and Mrs. Frank |Kavaner entertained a number of [friends to dinner on Thursday even- | |ing of last week. Mrs. Alpheus Free- {man was taken suddenly ill, but is! {able to be around again. All will be | |sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brawley, who are contemplating moving to Forest in the near future. |Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Kavaner and | | little daughter Merren, Winnipeg, | | Manitoba, were the guests of his | | brother, Frank Kavaner. Mr. and | {Mrs. Elizah 8igsworth, Pleasant Val- | | ley, celebrated the thirty-fifth anni- |versary of their marriage at their | daughter's, Mrs. George Harker's. | | Miss Reta Hagerman spent the week- end at Godfrey, the guest of Miss {Evelyn Hamilton. Sergt.-Major Cold- {ham of the Royal Military College, spent Wednesday evening at T. B |Hagerman's. Mrs. John Freeman is {able to be out again after having a | severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood | {were at home to a number of their | friends on Thursday evening of last | | week. i Lennox & Addington | BATH. | , Feb. 22.--Miss Dorothy McHenry, | Lonsdale, ig visiting her grandpar- | ents, Mr. and Mrs. James McCarten. | Mrs. Mills is very ill at the time of | writing. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Babcock | and Thomas Bain, who have been i, | are improving. John Bain, Kingston, | is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bain. Mrs. James Stevenson | and Miss Grace Clark, Wilton, who | have been visiting at Robert Steven- son's, have returned home. | MABERLY, Feb. 24.--A large number attend- ed the party at H. Warweek's on Thursday night. Ralph Walroth, Fall- brooke, spent a few days with friends in Maberly, Mr. and Mrs. Newman and family visited with Mrs. S. H. Orser, Perth, Mrs. Strong and Aus- tin spént Sunday at H. Parks'. A lit tle baby girl has come to brighten | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robertson. | Mr. and Mrs. J. Morrow visited at | J. Robertson's. Miss Edna Strong, | Westport High school spent the weok- end at her home in Maberly, A gloom was cast over the vicinity when the | news of the death of Mrs. Samuel Dowdal was heard. New machinery has been shipped to Orser's mine, | Austin' Strong visited at S. Hamil- | tons, Tichborne. A number of teams | are hluling sand fon the new bridge | in Maberly. ! ---------- | LAVANT STATION. | Feb. 21.--Miss Elsie Lee has re- | turned home after spending the past | two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Norval ! Lee, Lanark. Mrs. R. J. Wilson and | daughter, Lois, Finch, are visiting | her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Thomas | Lee. Mr. Murphy, Queen's Univer- | sity, Kingston, conducted services here on Sunday last.. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas spent the week-end at | Robert Ferguson's, Lantana. Mr. | and Mrs. 8am Sproule spent Sunday | with the. former's parents at Mun- dell's. Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Reid, | Watson's Corners, visited at William | Browning's recently. Miss Ella Fer- | guson left on Monday to visit friends i at Snow Road. Miss Zelma McDou- | kall has returned to her home at | Lammermoor after spending the | past month at William MeDougaits.| i Remembered by Friends. Cole Lake, Feb. 24.--The friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. ihe Kennedy and family gathered at the home of his father, John Kennedy, | on Monday night, February 21st, be-! fore their leaving for their new home at Northport, and presented them with a beautiful mantel clock. Miss Reta Gregory read a complimentary address. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy thanked them in a few chosen words. The neighbors also presented Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Moon with a sum of money. ; At Bunker's Hill Bunker's Hill, Feb. 33.--The snow disappeared, but there is still some ice on the road. Wesley Brook, mail , is about to leave his mart agi to the regret of his many on the route. He is one {ofthe best drivers this district has had since the route was estab- lished. Sanford Leeman bought a! horse last week. Quite a number are in cutting wood. There has | been a good deal of sickness in this, district. ' er A 801 AS J A rf a An All-Embracing Program "THE good songs, the old and new songs--the frolics of life in music--the standards and classics of the best composers--our Starr Gennett list of records for March has all these qualities--and the vocalists and musicians are masters of their art. You won't regret trying a Starr Gennett. $1.00 RECORDS $1.00 RECORDS--Continaed Ken. ockman LEE CHANGE YOUR NAME MALINDA % rg dis, Br Bernard). by Al Bernard and Ermest ohneon). Sung by Craps 'Harrison, Tenor. a Som by M Ei {Conrad and Robinson). Sung by D MAN met, Barbone rer: LOVE SONG (Dora Combis). R YOU MEDLEY Trot). Tats Mame Apron Strings. Pon Tn by Played by The ' Brien Quintette. GEN D LOW---(Rhonde Elen). Played | . 9068 veity Band. | PARTING rox Trot). Played by Green Bree. Novelty Band. by T en Quintette, f . Intro. |NASEREILITN, E30 ue Olly Oukle: Dine Acc. ernon esse & Ouk- _ 51 9067 4677 4678 ' 4679 R TO THE KINGDOM (Sacred Duet). i 9070 SWEET JASMINE (Banjo Solo) (Heme & TIAL lo) --( SO NEA! off Simp wt LER oe Behl 'ours, Contralto, with Orchestra. RB oy l He ved b ith Plano A BROADWAY + (Pom Trot) i . y y. Wil 0 Acc. on . \ [SPRI toa Played by Vie- latte.o Gk ayed by Joe Cole- 4680 tor Willie, ex Trot). Intro. i oF YEU (Vielin Sole). Played by Kentucky. FEB pln and Robinson), Sung by WILLIAM (Overture; The Calm). IE (Conrad ; BAY TUMH, HUM." SEE Rm, a Ban by H. M. Guards Band. WILLA Jr Er HS. us NATIONAL EMBLEM (March). Played by Me by Guardemas AIIAN LULLABY. Played by Mokea fu ALL I'N LONESOME FOR YOU. Played NAO (Fun oy EEE FE Br. $1.65 RECORDS [i Vielon Fugitive (Flesting Vi- u {MAR IN A TERY GARDEN, Piared by rE SAREE" LA. rad BEAUTIFUL LEE. Sung by Ma- oF E80 Aka OT ME. Sung by Mason & Ring, Tenor and Baritone Duet. RRY ME BACK TO OLD VIRGINNY. by RAY. Sung by Kaicker booker Trio. : ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS. Sung by a Redman Darlene. hii HAUSER, O Dewes Etoile ME HOLY Ty : Sung by Roya) ve)-- (Wagner). Is French. Signor FEATHER YOUR Brockman ARLES JT ME de Sung by Miss . ralto Sole. OBODY 0 Le a, Ni. Tener. 3028 { WIGHT THERE (oe ts Mised Voloss DY 10 -Mebli & Meyers). Sung by Billy Jones, Tenor. Quartette, Tenor and Baritone STARR CO. OF CANADA, Limited sion)--(Massenet). In French. Signor Di. (O Sear of Digiorgi. STOCK TAKING SAL ALL LINES REDUCED BEFORE STOCK TAKING --BOOTS, SHOES --WARM FFLT SLIPPERS --SLIPPERS, MOCCASINS. --CLUB BAGS & SUIT CASES We must i our stock into cash. This is an opportune time for you . o secure a bargain in fine Footwear. The Sawyer Shoe Store | 184 Princess St. Phone Store 159. Phone House 806w. | Why Not Trade Your Car For A New Reo You dare requested to read the following reasons why your new cdr should be a REO, then to dispel ahy doubts you ma¥ have as to the superiority of this car to all others, let us arrange to give you a demonstration. : A people who enjoy good living and depend- able transportation. Reo appeals to a class that have the parchasing power. FINANCE Financially, Reo is the second ,strongest factory in the automobile industry. Dealers and owners know they are safe. There will always be Reos. REO POWER Reo Motors, Axels, Transmissions, and i parts are Reo bufit to Reo standard for Reo is refinement. , Reo is not associated Reo's ONLY---they are the best remson for BOYD'S GARAGE Brock St. CONFIDENCE Giving the public their money's worth has been Reo's policy for 16 years--Reo has the confidence of the vublic. - RELIABILITY Reo means respectability. A Reo sign in a dealer's establishment is a mark of relia- bility. Reo dealers sell their trade with a clear conscience. Reo standards prevail in all transactions. .