Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Feb 1921, p. 5

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sa 3 hbo LBP oe bbb bird . Austi's Drug Store CHOCOLATES ddd bib ion Sob TT IA For the Week-eng KODAKS ang BROWNIES Look at oyr windows for re- duced prices on Kodaks ana Brownies SERLITPEI IEE 000 SARA it, reese If it isn't an Eastman, isn't a Kodak. We sell the Eastman, Austin's Drug Store Corser Kiag and Market Square Kingston Fhone 234 it drole 3 * AUTO TOPS Auto Tops recovered and cush- ions repaired. New Celluloids and glas Sets in side and back c Slip Covers and Boat Tops and all kinds of general repairing R. H. Jones 390 PRINCESS STREEY Phone 152, | | ! §| : | ! + Repaired --by-- | G. W. LYONS | are guaranteed for one year, | 'phone and your ore f be promptly attended | 'Phode 1866. 267 Princess St. J ---- a Sern | FAULTY PLUMBING | 18 COSTLY No MATTER HOW LOW THE PRICK Our Plumbing ang Tinsmithing | is being built up on a quality If you are going | | Davie & Barrett | Phone 658, Pac -- | worth of Sold by | t whose add W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK, ----------c----" | For Sale | A new Milkery. cheap. E. Brawley SYDENHAM, oN TARIO. Sharples Will sell F Patton PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 349 Princess 8g, DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstan'y Ginger Marmalade, ba] Filueappie Marmalade, wis '- Bramble Jelly, ® AlSo have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jam ang Jellies for sale Li Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Ear Streety License No. 3-2714p Phone 1844. --r-- FOR SALE DWELLING, BARN AND ONE i - ACRE' OF LAND ; ateity limits .......,.. $2600 W. H. GODWIN & SON : Real Estate and Insurance ! | 89 Broek: Street. Phone 424, | h een | | a { mn | ttt tet pgng. | § | section of the country, j| © } ji | belching and gas. { | said 1 had to take it. 303 WELLINGTON STREET | things I would eat did n S THE DAILY BRIT ee ---- ISH WHIG, ! W. F. BAKER, or Mi |; Oregon, who says she has restored to perfect health by Tanlac alter hay ing suf. fered for twenty years. Her state- 38, kie, been Kingston and Vicinity ment is remarkable. * We have just received a shipment | value | will put on sale for | of negligee shirts, regular $2.50, which we ten days only at $1.50 See window, Prevost, Brock street. our | A Sale of Property, i to -Gilliam Hardy, Wellington, who | recently purchased the property | Known as the ©,s; son farn., hos | resold th: same 0 red Mallory of | the eastern countiss, Ar, Mallory | { €Xpects to take pon:sessisn on April] t 1st } i To Erect Storage Tanks. | The Imperial Oi] Co. has leased | | ome land from M. B. Warden near | | the canning factory of A. A. Morden | & Son, Wellington, and will erect | large storage tanks for the distribu- f tion of their products in the western To Preach in New York. It-is announced that Bishop Farth- | | ing, Montreal, will preach at a ser- {ies of special services to be held at { Trinity church' New York, during If I took a drink of coffee OF | Holy Week beginning March 21st, milk or even water, it woud cause | Rey, Dr 'Farthing will also be the | In tact, absotute- | principal preacher at the Good Friday | would digest jp my | services. always had an awful sation in the pit of my | Stomach. | believe I have taken a} Most a wagon load of soda for | stomach trouble. J Would have to | y i "For the last twe suffered from stoma worst form nty years I have ch trouble in jts I was in misery all the ly nothing stomach, | -- burning sen Baptist Church 116 Years Ola. The 116th anniversary of the Phil- ipsville Baptist church wag recogniz- | ed by special services on Sunday and | take it night and day. Gas would | Monday last, the preacher for Sun- | bloat me Up so badly I couldn't fas. | day being the Rev. Mr. Nichols, At- Ten my clothes, At times my heart | hens, who gave interesting and help- would palpitate and flutter sg beard sermons, Monday evening re. I would nearly smother and | would | freshments were served and a plat- have to Basp for breath. In fact, 1] form meeting held. thought | had heart trouble, "I was very fond of cheese and the | least bite would throw me right fnto | Death came suddenly to Richard Spasms. 1 wag also very fond of | O'Donnell at hig home near June. onion, but they would upset me ter- | town on Wednesday. After helping ribly. | to unload some wood, he entered the "My whole system was out of | house. complaining of a pain in his shape and | was also bothered with | side, ang Very soon after passed rheumatism and neuritis, Pains in away. He was a quiet, good friend my arms and other joints wére a). | and neighbor and will be much migs- most" unbearable, | to carry | ed in this locality, He was sixty-two one of my arms in a sling and | years of age, couldn't raise it up to my head. My | -------- hands would swel) up and for a Jong | Pierce-MeAvoy Wedding. time 1 was in just an awful condi- | Quietly at the rectory, Lansdowne, tion. { Miss Grace McAvoy, daughter of My. "I told my husband I guessed ]|and Mrs. John McAvoy, Mallorytown, would have to give up and die, as | Was married to Carroll Vincent the doctors' medicines and other | Pierce, Holland Patent, near Utlea, things I took didn't do me any good. |N.Y., by Rey. Cecil Winter, on 23rd Then he got me some Tanlac and | Inst. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McDonald Well, before ; Were the witnesses. After the cere- I found the | mony the happy c.uple left tor Tor- ot bother me | Onto and Cleveland, Ohio, ually getting | r taking five | Passed Away Suddenly. | Plumbers and Tiasmithe | I finished one bottle, 50 much. 1 kept gad better and finally afte | bottles, my trouble was entirely re. | Mrs. Lavina C. | lieved, 1 can Now eat onions, Cheese | Many years a resident Or anything I want, [In fact, I am cent, N.Y, celgbrated the ninety. in perfect health in every way. My |3econd anniversary of her birth at neuritis and rheumatism have also | the home of her daughter, Mrs, Car. left me. I know that five dollars [rie Watkins, Watertown, N.Y. on Tanlac has done me more | Saturday 18st. a party being given in 800d than a hundred dollars' worth (her Ronmor on 'the evening of that of other medicines, I will sing the (day. A large birthday cake, bearing praise of Tanlac as long as | live." | = + The above remarkable Ktatement roo. was made by Mrs, w, p. Baker, ress' is Milwaukie, Oregon, R.PF.N. 2 Tanlac is sold in Kin P. Chown, in Mounta James Macdonald, Celebrated Birthday. McWayne, tor of Cape Vin- ' gston by A, in, Grove by | | and by the lead- | ing druggists in every town.--Advt. | s - Special Value in Negligee Shirts, | | library building stands, mportant Notice To The Citizens Of Kingston and Vicinity Read Arthur's Letter of His Return | The woman was al- | | Was one of the | was taken ill 2'n for Vankleek | lowed to take the tr | Fill Thursday night, the doctors fina- ing her in fit condition to travel, Mrs. Johnston recently visited the Ikdme of her mother gt Ofhawa and. came to Toronto for a short stay: be: fore going on to her home at Vank- | leek Hill. Her husband died three years ago Prior to her marriage Mrs. Johnston was in the millinery department of one of the Toronto stores. Her husband was a promi- nent Mason of Belleyille, ninety-two candles, party. -- Enlarge Albert ( 'ollege. Rev. Dr. 8. D. Chown, chairman of the board of directors of Albert Col- lege, Believille, states that arrange ments are being completed for the enlargement 'of the college in the spring, the cost of which will be $600,000. The new site overlooks the Bay of Quinte and will give ex- cellent opportunity for aquatic sports, Dr. E. N. Baker, principal | fetaures of the -- Did Splendid Service, Amobg the Danvilie notes hich the Que., Record th= issue of Ib. 24th, was enclosed: "Rev. H. E Curiy, sinan- clal agent of the Montreal confer- ence, has been here during the pas week in the interest of the Dauvil} circuit of the Methodist chureh, financial success which attended h Work far surpassed the most san- guine expectations of the quarterly official board. The members of the board met at the parsonage on Tues- day evening on the eve of Mr. Curry's of the college, reports that a large proportion of the money has already- been raised. -------- Here's Some: Hen, James M, Baines, Westbrook, writes: "I saw in your issue of Feb. 22nd an account of an energétic hen that laid an egg eight inches in cir- cumference one way by seven inches the other, and weighing four ounces. I want to say that You do not have to go as far as Trenton to find ambit- ious hens, as on Feb, 23rd one of our pure bred Rhode Islang Red hens lald an egg measuring eight inches ses 1ppeared 'n SL Yoke, | 7 SCRANTON COAL is unquestionably the best Hard Coal that comes into this market. |t is the only kind we have in the domestic sizes. : We still have a limited supply of Chest- 'nut, Stove and Egg. _ : : S. ANGLIN & CoO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and wa Streets, KINGSTON, Ont, Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. a -- 7 departure to acknowledge his splen- did services, After duly considering the healthy financial basis upon Which the circuit now rests, a very hearty vote of thanks, proposed by J. Horan, recording stewart, and she- onded by L. P, Bishop, was tendered Mr. Curry, to w hich he very suitably" | replied, mentioning the kindly man- ner in which he was received in aly | the homes of the people." One way by 61 inches the other way in efrcumference, and weighed 35 ounces. I think that hen was no slug- gard." ---- Purchase 'of Library Ground, The ground at the corner of Bagot and Brock streets. on which the new is known gs the Baker estate bequest to the Synod of Ontario, and Canon J. W. Jones and R. J. Carson represenf the trus- tees. While it 'has been understood that the sum of $10,000 is mentioned as the possible purchass price, it is understood that the trustees will not allow the matter of price to stand in the way of the library, and it is possible the ground nay be secured for a less amount, -- Prouble Over Lanes, It has been discovered by the city assessor that a number of laneways have not been Included in deeds of land when property sales have been made, and that previous ownegs re- tain the titles to narrow strips which are of no use to them, Some of these laneways will eventually be sold for city taxes as the strips are assessed to the lawful owners, Lately, a property owner found that he had Gave a Banquet, The lecture haji of Queen Street Methodist church wore a very festive look on Tuesday evening when Class | No. 27 (Miss L. Allen's class), gave | a banquet to the members of the Men's Bible class, of which Damon Buck ig president and the pastor, | Rev. W. S. Lennon, is teacher. Over | one hundred persons, consisting of the members of. the two classes with their wives, husbands and friends, | sat down at the well laden tables which, along with the hall itself, had | been tastily decorated by the enter- taining class. After the supper the | remaining part of the evening was | spent in the enjoyment of a very fine programme embodying the following items: Vocal 80log by Messrs. Orr, | H. Law ana K. Monericf; duet by | NS em a -- Va AA Arran Te ry en. FLOWER PRICES ARE pow N. SEE oun L ARGE ASSORTMENT POTTED STOCK. A. D. HOLTON $40 PRINCESS STREET . . FLORIS? J Phone, 68:1; Res., 230867. ral Tr A ---- -------------- ---- " Nt era FOR SALE Johnson St.--Rough-cast .. $2250 ; Rideau St.--Sol Markland St.--Frame $2600 | Arch Si ~Brick Dufferin St.--Double frame $3500 Earl St.--Stone Sydenham St.--D, Stone . . 836.50 Jenkins St,-- me; large $3750 A. F. PUR 704 fe Brick . $4100 85100 $6000 ed . $9000 Montreal Brick CELL i 1111 Brock St. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE \ been paying taxes on a land front- age which he did not own, the lane- way next his house having never been deeded to him. Where local improve- ment in the way of a paved road has to be paid for, this would be quite an item, Misses Allen and Truesdale; .recita- tions by Miss Pringle, Mrs. Millard and Mr. Kelly; tromYone solo by Mr. | Foley; reading from Drummond by | Rev. W. S. Lennon: piano solos by | Mr. Dowd, and musical seleetion by | Mrs. Smith and her gifted son and davghter. The gathering broke up about 9.30 p.m. with the singing of the National Anthem after g hearty vote of thanks had been tendered to the entertaining class, Both of these Progressive classes are anticipating further énrolments as a result of the interest generated in their activities by this social gathering, ---- Had Visited in Toronto. Mrs. Johnston, who jumped from a train at Collin's Bay Monday morn- ing, is a widow, twenty-eight years old, and was a patient at the Toronto General hospital on Wednesday night, where she was admitted on the ad- vice of friends at whose home she aa | Friday in this paper, as I expect to | |offer some extraordinary values, which I was lucky enough to pur- | chase, and which I am going to pass lon to you. I will try to make my artj- clés interesting as well as money-gav- | ing. Again thanking you for your | + | kind patronage in the past, and trust- | i Arthur feels, as he is returning to yr ey | once again do business with the bLuy- BUILDING | Ing public, he would like to give you 3 ® his reasons for leaving Kingston last REPAIRS OR A and his reason for returning; RS LTERATIONS? | April, Estimates given by | having enjoyed the confidence of the 0. Aykroyd & Son | people during the four years I was in 2! Main Street, Phone 1670, | business and having received IPperal turn, CT itennte for which I have always > . been grateful. If Yow will remember Angro Repairs at the time I sold out, prices of all Scales, Talking Machines, Ih by © merchandise were going higher and Ba , Lawn Bieyelen, still higher with no end in sight, ao reparrinen, Lawn Mowers, etc, We pi pein & conscientious merchant, swusilciion om FIER and Guarintes uld be doing an injustice to 197 WELLINGTON STREET My customers to continue asking "San .~n | high prices tor at time was not worth the price, as you all know the class of merchan- [dise the last couple of years was not DRA W.WINNETT {7:5 2 | ing to be favored with Your future | Ing a cent of profit and at the same patronage. { time I would not have been giving you the kind of bargains which You vere fully entitled to at a closing out sale, and you would be wondering af- | ter I left where the bargain came in, | 1 therefore. decided to sell out in bulk and leave my good name behind me, as I had full intentions as soon 48 prices got sensible {0 come back and offer you merchandise at the | right price. I anticipated a drop in prices when I sold out. That's what prompted me to do so, and I see | did not make a mistake, as we all know the drop came. Not only that, but a better quality of merchandise js being turn- ed out to-day. I am coming back to you with bet- 1 remain. Yours very truly --~ARTHUR The Lion Clothing House. | 356 King street, where Jennings kept his shoe Store. Look for the | Lion in the Window. ! ODESSA PRESENTATION, The Village Public Library Has Now | 176 Members, Feb, 26.--Mr, and Mrs. James | Kenny and daughter, Miss Olive May | Kenny, left last Thursday for their | new home in Brighton. A number of | their relatives and friends met at | their home Tuesday night for a fare- the same quality as the pre-war days, which wag no fault of any merchant. He had to take what was on the mar- Phone 868 | ket or do without. I, after careful TNT aA A---------- Consideration, decided to sell out in W. H. STEVENSON DNTAL SURGEON, very enjoyable time. | ter quality merchandise at 1913 | well ang spent a prices, and trust that you will One of the pleasant features and one that came as a great surprise was | fer you for my | the presentation - of a casserole tof openihg sale, which will pay you to Mrs. Kenny, a pur: containing mon- | come miles for, and I can assure you | ey to Olive May, and a 'handsome | your trade will be more than appre- signet ring to Mr, Kenny, They will | ciated, be greatly missed by a large ¢irele of bulk soomer' than pass my stock on to the buying public, for even if 1 HORSE sp sold every article in my store at cost oa IOER and BLACKSMITH, price, which is the best any merch- Ww T epair " by 7 moderate Fi ant could do, the price then would 381 KING STREET EAST 1 {be high. I would not have been mak- Furniture--Freight.. TRANSFER hone 1425w 8. WHITEMAN 360 Bagot Street. rt etttae SAVE THE BROKEN PARTS Aluminum, Cast iron, Steel, Brass | Ste, all welded and made as strong | 43 new. We specialize on welding | and building vp worn and broken automobile parts. WRIGHT'S Machine Works hohe 1204. ~ Mattresses Don't throw away your old Mattresses, We renovate afl 'kinds and make them as goog as new, Frontenac Mattress (Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w. 7% PRINCESS STREET 3 Pri Don't Kick g hornets nest just to ready dor occupation. ascertain whether the family is at home, The "VETCRAFT" Store " AS our prices cannot be reduced below, "COST" until remova) of our business to Streets, opposite the YMC In conclusion, I would like to eall friends. Mrs, George Ettinger, who \__ Ir all my readers' attention to be sure | has been the guest of her parents, and read my advertisement every | Mr. and Mrs. George Watts, returend { to her pome in Kingston last Friday. Mrs. George Stagg and little daugh- | ter, Helen and Jean, Kingston, spent the week-end at Sidney Silver's. By- | ard Hamilton, Toronto, spent, last | Sunday at 8, J. Sproule's, Mrs. A. F.| Schemerhom returned from spend- | ing two weeks in Toronto with her daughters, who are ill. Mildred ig much better but Ethel Is still in a serious 'condition with diphtheria. Mrs. H. Burley retarneq last Thurs- day from attending the funera; ,r | her grand-daughter, Lila Polton, | | Belleville. The box social held by the Sunday school last Tuesday night at success. There was an excellent programme, did his part in bidding ite boxes. A handsome The public library at the present | time has the highest number of sub. ! scribers since ft was started oyer'| twenty years ago. T hundred and seventy ---------- ' Reduce Boston, oo lines of the Street Rajiway Serves a large t = - - OPPOSITE BIBBY'S they will remain ar corner of Barrie and ton, will be redu, A., when the premises are to the scale existing prior to May i 1st, 1920, it was announced. Car- | § fare also wij} be lowered to an ey- | tent not specified, . i ee ee vr mera va ep Stock Taking Sale oft ELECTRIC IRONS from . $3.00 up. Call and see them. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC (Co, The Spirit of the Institution It is the wise management -- the willingness to serve-- he broad and liberal policy--the hearty co-operation "which have helped to make The Merchants Bank the choice of so many corporations and business THe MERCHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF KINGSTON BRANCH, 1 A, ELD. Manage, P. AM, VERONA AND ARDEN BRANCHES, . J. Ww MeCLYMS + Manages h Sub-Agency a. Mountain Grove open Frida; Safety Deposit Boxes to rent at Kingston ra A ------------ a Special Value Women's Best Grade Brown Calf Brogue Oxfords--regular price $10.00 and $11.00. ow $5.95 Some A. and B. widths, A real stylish Shoe for early Spring. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. HOME OF GOOD SHOES ° CEL egular sizes, ¢ For the best values at $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, : $35.00, $40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. - ; (One door below Randolph Hotel)

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