THURSDAY, MARCH 38, 1024. THE DAILY BR ITISH WHIG. -- = | When Yon Bay | Bonds From Us | mora. From The Countryside Wken you buy a Bomd from us, you buy more than the security repre- sented by the Bond. You buy the certain knowledge that W. A. Mackenzie and Company have Investigated the Issue and know it to be thoroughly safe, We Buy and Sell Govern- ment and Municipal Bonds ang Corporates Se- curities to yield from 6.26% to 7.25% It you have money to in- vest, write for a com- plete list W. A. MACKENZIE & (0. Government and Mi Beads ! Corporation i 2 KING STREET WEST TORCNTO « CANADA -- I We rm ww mw wen ww ww ts rt ct et tl lt MILLIONS IN "PROFITS are being paid to the sh holders of Northern Ontario's Gold Mines, Are you getting your share ? The experience gained in fif- teen years of active connection with these mines will help you to participate in these splen- did profits, Complete information on Request HOMER L. GIBSON & CO. 703-4-5 Bank of Hamilton Bldg. TORONTO |] | business here {|| Afternoon teas are becoming quite Automobile Repairs FORD CARS A SPECIALTY ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Shop 1030. Res. 1337). FRONTENAC BUNKER'S HILL. Marca 1 --William Abel is cutting logs in the woods. Mrs. William | Abel is on the sick list Stephen | Hickey lost a cow this winter. School | started this week with Miss Gregory as Quite a number horses | | have died in this district this winter. | £1 teacher ECHO LAKE. Feb. 22.--The roads are ian a pecaor j condition to do much haul.og of iogs. | W. Wagar is home and is improving. } Mrs. C. Cox and daughter, Rhoda, at {D. McLeods's, also Miss Maud Bu k- jley. Miss M. Wagar at L. Switzer's; Mr. and Mrs. M. Swit: also P | Salsbury and N Cousin at H. Hiek's; Mrs. V. Hicks at L. Switz- | ers; Mrs. A. Wagar at Wagarvile * The famous trio of dane A A i i | Greatrix, 'Belleville mercial traveller. SNOW ROAD. He was a com- --A number from here at- tended the "Deacon Dubbs play at MaeDonald's Corners on ' Friday night. Mrs. J. D. Millar and Mrs. T. H. Millar returned on Friday after | spending week with friends at Brighton Misses Stella Wood and Bessie Kennedy are visiting at Clyde | Forks. Mrs. G. Willlams and Mrs. J. | Palmer spent Saturday in Perth | Ernest Millar and John Palmer re- turned from Matheson on Thursday | . Feb. 26 a PORTLAND, March 2.--The saw mills are gO- {ing to start this week as the men are filling the boilers with water | There is a great scarcity of logs at |the mills. Mrs. Richard Morris spent {the week-end at Ottawa, visiting her son, Herman. A number from here {attended the hockey match at New- : | boro on Saturday. There has been | chair. Sawing wood is a rushing |, great quantity of wood sold in the these days. Clair {village this winter. Mrs. Tackaberry, Meeks lost a valuable cow last week. {who has been ill with rheumatism, {is Improving. Mr. Davis spent the Mrs. Bell, | week-end in Ottawa with his family. guest or Mrs. David, who has been ill for Mrs. | some time, is able to be around in | again. Mr. Carson, Ottawa, was in | the village on Monday. Mr. Ed- Lr x wards, Ottawa, came up to inspect ; KEELERVILLE, | his cottage on Monday. y March 1.--Quite a number from | here are attending the revival meet. | {ings held at Battersea. Mr. and Mrs. | MORTON. !Edward Andrews have returned| Feb. 28 --Miss Mabel BELL ROCK. Feb. 26.--On Thursday evening | last a good programme was given at Bell Rock by the Verona Boy Scouts. {J. Foster, Moscow, occupied the | popular in this section. Rochester, N.Y. was the Mrs. D. A. Yorke recently James Meeks is visiting friends ! Napanee, Henderson, ATR BROCK STREET Safe, Swcorseful Bach Cammicg an) bears name #4 Beware of counterfeits § RAILWAY HRs AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES i Speclal or friends ite Uld Country. For Information and rates apply to! #* PF. HANLEY, CP. and 1 A GT. Ry. Kingston, Ontarto. Open day and night TO EVROPE ST. JOHN--LIVERPOOL . ..Cors . Minne Emp ran osa Mar. § Apr. 2 Mar. 11 Apr Mar. 16 April 15 Mar. 24 Apr. 22 Bmp. Mar. 28jApr. 27 ... Melita , ST. JOHN--GLASGOW apr. 4 Pretorian Apr. 14 ST. JOHN--HAVRE--~LONDON Apr. 18 ... "etn . Tunisian St. John--Southampton--Antwerp Apr. 1 . . Scandinavian Apr. 16 'orslear Apply Local 8. 8. or Railway Age 1 King St. East Adelaide 2108 TORONTO The Conafias Paci Besse Services, Limited Cr an att CUNARD LY | (Bh LOK-DONALL AKGULAK SEMVIGES Halifax to Plymow Cherbourg and Pambas TSS Saxonia Mar. 12]Apr. 22 TO LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW From Portland From Halifax Cassandra---Mar. 30 .. sor APE. 1 Saturnia--Apr. 20 .... «..Apr. 12 SUMMER SAILINGS ...Cassandra May 6! June 11iJuly 16 Saturnia May 27iJuly 2jAug. § N. Y., GLASGOW, (via Movtlle) Mar. 26/Apr. 23(May 21 Columbia NEW YORK--LIVERPOOL S$! Apr. 18 May 17 .. ....Carmani Mar. 18/Apr. 30/June 1 Caro Mar. 24¢Apr. 38 June 7 Apr 23 May 21June 23 N.Y.. CHERBOURG & Mar. 12/Apr. 28/June 2 Mar. 22: Apr. 12/May 3 ......Aquitania Apr. T(May 12(June 9 .... . Mauretania N. Ye. PLY. CHER. HAMBURG 10iApr. 21{June 2 .. ....Saxonia Mar Imperator Mar N.Y. TO VIGO, GIBRALTAR, PATRAS, [80 Raycraft were TRIRSTE | tine"s on' Sunday. DUBROVNIK( FRUME ana March 2 ean March 23 ... . Pannonia For rates of freight and further particolats apply to local agents or THEROBERT REFORDCO., Limite GENERAL AGENTS $0 KING STREET EAST TORONTO, ONT. . Calabria | Plowing commenced Mbnday at joeats occurred of Richard Frederick Greatrix, gson"-of the Jate Richard Cowley, Alberta. attention given your family |at Mountain Grove. going to or returning rom | ere went to Verona tbr the hockey Britain | Metagama.! «Vietorian | France| Sicilian hockey team played with Barriefield tsor|oréd. to Kingston and spent a very MONTREAL-GLASGOW 2 |home after spending the winter at | who has speat the past couple of { Lyndhurst. Miss Bertha Sleeth of the [years in the Canadian west, has re- | Collegiate Institute, Kingston, spent |turned home. A number from here |the week-end at home, accompanied | attended the hockey match at New- {by Miss Gertie Cotman, Kingston.|boro on Saturday last. Miss Jennie Clifford Robb, Joseph Anglin and Henderson, irockville, spent the [Clifford McFarlane attended the | week-end under the parental roof. | boys conference held at Gananoque, | George Roantree held his annual | last week. Isaac McLroy moved into | cheese meeting on Monday last. Miss | his new home having rec ently pur-| Daisy Somerville spent a few days {chased the Patterson farm. Mrs. W.|last week the guest of Miss Ethel | Kenny, Lyndhurst, is visiting at|Sweet, Leeds. The Messrs. Scott were {Charles Clark's. Many from here are | recent visitors at J. N. Somerville's. {attending the horse races at Batter-| Mrs. R. Late, Lyndhurst, and Mr, ea today. 'Farmers are busy finishing |and Mrs. Burns Simpson, Jones' 'p cutting their wood supply. Falls, spent Sunday at J. Stewart's. Roy Moroughan and bride have re- Ha o A serious condition which is re- Arter ive when you arouse the liver, and bowels to action by using March 1.--Miss Ada Campsall has [returned home after spending soms | time in western Canada. Mrs. M. | | Goodfellow and J. A, Goodfellow are | Several from | PARHAM. ' match. Mrs. William Scott, Peter- | boro, is with her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. J. Campsall. Guy Wagar is at |T. E. Wagar's. The U.F.O. saipped hogs on Saturday. J. A. Goodfellow !{s in Toronto Mrs. Goodfellow is | |In Kingston. Mr. and Mrs, F. Wag- | jar, B. Charlton, George Smith and | {J. Smith are at T. E. Wagar's. Quite |» {a number gathered at the home of IP. Wagar on Monday night and spent |& very enjuyable time at cards and | dancing. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hart- jman and Ray are at William Clow's. Chase's Kidnoy-Liver Pills. 1 i One pilladoese. 25.2 box, all dealers : PIVPLES AND RASH ON FACE And Neck. Burned and ltched. CuticuraHealed, "I had pimples and a sort of rash on my face and neck. They would 1 bua and itch and when JOYCEVILLE, | i March 1.--The farmers are busily | |engaged hauling their wood since the | {recent snowstorm. The Joyceville |on Saturday last at Barriefield rink, | the score belng 1-0 in favor of Joyce- j ville. On Tuesday evening a party of { young people from this vicinity mot- | enjoyable evening at the home of ing demons with the musical omedy sensation, "Dardanella," Grand, Frida March ith and 5th, special matinee Saturday. a | managér ! mines, { Richard the district 11 rge loads Le en llers H. Seru made the Denbigh trip and Mrs. J 1, Llo rned from Newburg where y were the guests of Mr ev. Mr. K "linton rou Mrs. F r, who is suffe an injured foot. D. H. Flet of the Cobalt-Fron is spending a few days Toron with his family. Dr St ton, Napanee, driven by Chauff Erbine, made a flying t to Eagle Hill Saturday night to {call of a pneumonia patient, i Jack Pettatord ! up the Massanoga Lake was ma | fourteen minutes | drifts. | week-end | Mr. The nine mi \ taking four utes more than Mr. Erbine previous- ly did the feat, owing to the snow J. H. MacDonald spent the in Cloyne tuning and Mrs. Peter Williams organs were !| Sunday guests at the Shier House : i ¥ and Saturday, | eens | l turned from their honeymoon and! jare at present Artaur Dean's. E. | {Perr moved to a farm in Leeds. t at rin has OUTLET. -Farmers are taking ad- vantage of the sleighing and are hauling logs to V. Toff's sawmill. We are glad to report that Benedict Fodey, having undergone an opera- tion for appendicitis in the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, on Thursday, is pro- gressing favorably towards recovery. Mrs. Philip Leadbeater, Ellisville, is ill of scarlet fever at the home of her father, R. J. Steacy. Baby Brad- ley is on the sick list. The sales of cattle at John Lappan's and Orville "Hall's were well attended by. the farmers here. An At Home was held at Samuel Heaslip's on Friday night in aid of the Methodist church. Mr, and Mrs. P, Patience, Taylor, spent a day recently at Mrs. Edward Patience's Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Keggs, and little son, visiting for the past two weeks in this locality, | have returned to their western | home Mr. and Mrs. James Fodey spent-Sunday at John Fodey's. Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Grady motored to the home of the latter's parents on Sun- day and spent the day. Charles Lee- der, MclIntosh's, is spending a few days at Len O'Grady's. Miss Vera Vanderburg entertained her Sunday school class on Saturday afternoon {in honor of Misses E. McCracken and Gladys Reed, who are about to move from this vicinity. . A pleasant time was spent at school on Wednesday afternoon, in the form of a farewell party ' for Basil and Hubert Reed and E. Mc- | Cracken. Refreshments were served | by the pupils,' of which a pleasing |feature was the serving of hot cakes |and cocoa made in school by the pu- { {pils, a cooking apparatus having ! been installed to make warm lunches | | possible for the winter months. Prince Edward SALEM. 28¢--Mr. and Mrs. F. Hene- and Mrs. Arthur Parliament | and C. C. Wannamaker were among those who attended the township! Sunday school convention at Redners- | ville on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. H.{ Wycott and son, Gerald, were in| Trenton on Saturday. Mrs. Seeley. | who has been ill is much improved: | Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton, Lit- | |tle Kingston, were recent visitors at | |E. Dyer's. W. 8. Wannamaker has | | sold his farm stock and implements | {to E. Dyer, who has taken possession. | | Miss Nettie Stapleton is spending a few weeks in Trenton. The .commu- | [nity meeting met on Thursday evem- | |ing in Salem chu-ch with a goed at- tendance. A very enjoyable evening was spent. Lemox & Addington March 2 Feb sey. Mr Mrs. Purcell, Clergy street. A number {of families from around here have | had the whooping cough. Visitors: | Gladys Gordon, Sunbury, spent the | week-end at George Woods, Jr.; Mre. | Sutherland at Mrs. T. Scott's; Robert | | Wiltsie at S. Wood's; Mr. Miller at | |G Wood's; G. Keeler at J. Green- | {lee's; Bruce Hitchcock at T. Dun- | !lops. Mr. and Mrs. Loine Keeler spent {the week-end at the home of the lat- | ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Burk- | ley, Sunbury. ) d would b & [3 Ted and scaly and peel bY) off. It was hard for me to sleep and I dreaded to §° anywhere. "I heard of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and used them. My face began to get smooth and stopped itching and burning, and when I had used the Cuticura Soap and Ointment 'for about a month I was Pd (Signed) Miss Cora Lim, R. F. D. 2, kfoot, Idaho, Feb. 23, 1920. i | | Use Cuticura for all toilet y Seap 25e. 25 and S0e. Tabewm 28e. Sold St. Poni Si., W.. Mestraal, { 3 CAN'S. shaves without mug. | March 2.--The infant daughter of [Mr. and Mrs. S. Davy, died on Fri- | day evening. The funeral was' OSE TIRED jon Sunday, The remains were p ' ' {in Parham vault, and Mrs. {Levi Snider' are spending a few days {visiting around Moscow. George . |Goodberry has moved into A. Fos- tad Indout Worlcers, Subject /ter's home and Alexander Embury Relief in Sloan's Linimeut, RE i a ut | [3 EY Sor ar ain Harry Cassels spent the week-end in | And Sing i Bi | Wilkinson. Visitors : Mrs. Milford | Never mind, if you are wise you , Wagar at Levi Snider's; Mr. and i have a bottle of Sloan's on the shélt, Mrs, R. Beverly and family spent | at home or in the shop. Put a little {Sunday at George Smith's, Wilkin- (90. Without rubbing, and quickly fson. Victor Kirk spent Saturday | "0% §rateful warmth and relief. with Eric Smith. Thomas and Chris- | gio ed Joe rheumatic pains, neural- t Willis Assel- | Bia, sciatica, lumibago, and the host NS { Of external pains that are all the rs. A. Foster | time coming. Helps break up colds, was at her her home. Mr. and Mrs. | too! {John Raycraft, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cou-| It's comforting to keep it handy. {sins, Harry Cassels, Willlam Hare | Three sizes--35c, 70c.. $1.40. Made and Melissa, Andrew end Edith | in Canada. | Hare spent Sunday evening at A. Embury's. i | i } i i On Sunday at Scranton, Pa. the| | MILLHAVEN., | Feb. 26.--A large crowd attended | Mr. Bullock's sale on Tuesday last. | John Younge, Portsmouth, has pur- | chased Charles Forward's vacant lot {and Mr. Bullock has purchased John Clement's property. Alman Younge, | Portsmouth, is moving to Millhaven. | Mrs. Robert Rickey is under quaran- | tine as two of the children have scar- {let fever. William Rosseau, King- | | ston, was renewing old acquaint- | | ences here recently. Millhaven has | been visited recently by the asses- | sor. George Smith, Kingston, spen: | the week-end at George Fleming's. Miss Neta Gilchrist spent the last two weeks with friends at Ottawa and Perth. Mr. and Mrs. R. P, Har- per and children are visiting friends in Perth and Balderson. Mis M.! Johnston and Miss B. Kennedy were | guests of Mrs. Robert Fletcher on! Wednesday evening. Miss Carrie | Duvean spent the week-end at her nome at Watson's Corners. . Messrs. | R. Fletcher and Alf. Williams made | a business trip to Sharbot Lake on Wednesday Miss Bessie Kennedy spent Tuesday with Mrs. D. Millar, | MacDonald's Corners. Charles Dur- ! kam passed through here to-day en | route for Ompah. Geddes Harper | spent the weel-«nd a: W. Geddes, | Missisissippi. . i i i NORTHBROOK. Feb. 28.--The recent snow enliv- | | and beef are noticed in | prohibition workers are active, but 3 A number from here are employed in Shaw's camp near Kaladar. Joseph NOSE CLOGGED FROM Apply Is, let it penetrate through every ¥'s cold and | seeking Union of Grosveno GOON, CLEAN COAL. up, the air pas-| 1ead are clear and you | eely. No more hawk- | New location: ous uisciargs. | as ean ~8 5 {| Corner Ontario and West Sta ruggling for Id or catarrh | Phone 67. \ Ge: a small | y's Cream Balm from your | t now. Apply a little of this nt antiseptic cream {n your nos A COLD OR CATARRH Cream in Nostrils To Open Up Air Passages. il a SE. | rei You. civgged | 1 { Mattresses . inflamed mycous giving you instant relief | | | | : 4 g | Don't throw away your ald ream Baim is just what every | | | | Mattresses catarrh sufferer has been It's just splendid m them 28 gond as new. ~-- ~---------- -- et our prices. | | We renovate all kinds and { | r and Westmin- | Fterian chyrches, Toronto, Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w. ¥ 1s wasted on the ght better be | ing next door. Schanaur, Ardock, is spending a few:| » days with his daughter, Mrs. Wil- liam Kehoe. We are sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis are still very poorly in the General hospi- | tal, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. William | Both, Denbigh, are visiting at Mr. J. Renaud's, Flinton. A scarcity of pork | Maxotires $0.50 New Prices on MARCH 1st--30x33% va HOME OF MAXOTIRES" Free Alr "THRE 284 Ontario St Phone 20350. the stores, and all surplus has been purchased from the surrounding farms. Pr have failen on néarly all produ during the last week. Eggs are cents dozen; butter, 50 cents poun potatoes, 90 cents bag; oats, $2 cwt.; onions, $1.50 bushel. Mrs. Sam | Both is spending the week in Ottawa on business. Our teacher, Miss B Trotter, is at her home in Madoc, suffering from an injured knee caus- ed by falling at Drysdale's dance, Cloyne, Feb, 11th. Mrs. Henry Mills is in poor health and we hope for a speedy recovery. Already our as there are about 30 to 1 in*favor of the dry, there little need agitation is of Picton Personals. Picton, Feb. 26.--Gilbert Stanton Kerrobert, Sask., is visiting his sis- ter, Miss H. Stanton, Bowery street Miss A. Helférty has returned home after visiting her sister, Mrs. A Reeves, Toronto. There were over | eighty present at the annual Baptist church supper 8. Collier, Toronto, has bought the cottage from J. Hubbs, .at present occupied by the Salvation Army offi cers. F. Adams, son-in-law of R, Blake- ly, Consecon, caught cold at the funeral of his brother-in-law at Bel- leville, and died on the 16tkL inst | George street, Toronto We Wish to | Phone 567. A A AAA A AAA AAA PA Parra ee Se AAA gt ~~ BIG SALE OF STORAGE BATTERIES +... 927.50 .r a... 933.00 6-8 Volt Batteries 12 Volt Batteries Guaranteed brand new stock and as good as any Battery sold in Kingston. This is a rare opportunity, and is worth while looking into even if your own battery is fairly good. : DONALD M. CRAIG, an expert on Batteries, will be only too glad to look after anything in that line for you at: -- Blue Garages, Limited H. M. FAIR, Manager. Acquaint the Public \ with this fact, there is nothing or] -- ter in the world for chapped hands, | ff cracked lips, rough red skin or skin { disorders of any kind than "Camp- || anas «Italian Balm." One ounce] sample bottle mailed to any address {1 on receipt of 1c. KE, G. West, $0 ---------------- Pyramid for Ease and Comfort If the Mere Mention of Piles Makes I You Shudder Get a Box of | Pyramid Pile Suppositories For the pain and distress due to itching, bleeding, protruding piles or hemorrhoids. get a 60 cent box of Pyramid Plle Suppositories at the CB vo : nearest drug store. Take no substi- tute. The quick relief has been a great blessing to a host of people Who fairly shudder at the very men-~ tion of the discomfort and misery due to this almost universal com plaint, n't delay, Take no sub- stitute. It you wish to make a trial firat, ja, Jour Same and address to a ram, Blag Marsha) 2: "ny is \. NT MANA A AMA Nt AA Pt Net tt tert rte ee For the doctor, salesman, inspector, con- tractor, executor, executive, the Ford Coupe means -more customers and prospects seen per day in less time. / --protection from weather. ~ample roominess and comfort, --a car of modest, business-like 're- refinement and elegance. --above all it is the car of dependa- bility. --the Ford engine has the power. We keep your car on the road. We sell genuine Ford parts. Our prices for both parts and repairs are standardized. Let us take you for a trial run. VanLuvenBros. Phone 1609. 34-38 Princess Street. Sm al) re ---- Everybody Smokes OLD CHUM