Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Mar 1921, p. 13

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12 [=] THE PEOPLE'S FORUM { me THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, MARCH 3, Iva, ci i NEW PROPOSALS Allies. CONDENSED ADVE trisiNG RATES: First inser n | 1c WANTED GENEEAL Me SEC OND-HAND FLAT TOI QUARTER- ro RENT, COTYaGy OR BLNGALOW HELE WANTED. I --= eee mir | 0) PURCHASE OR 13 DOL BL MAIDS Yon GENERA HOSPITAL is a i ! i FARM W ACRES, LONG MOMAN TO WORK IT THI TO RENT, VoL 2 A WOMAN 0 of Portsm i DO HOLSEWORK 1B) WANTED 70 PUROCHAS A ! couse fur ca i 2 SMALL GIRL WANTED, ONE WITH GROC- ' 200 in i ip ery experience prefer i Apply t t \ Box [ SLCOND-HAND UPR for cash or in pay vianos and grat Limited, -- PiANO WHO will I I b «ay pa, say AN EAPERIENCED GENER No AL MAID | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING \ ; PAINT ING drop a car R. J. Rod- | re Pap UK d -- WANTE ape DAYOUNG GIRL OR MIDDLE ---- - ---- t veman, jor ge hd 4 HENRY WARD & SON, PAINTERS x ne ) 8 Pape 4 Ss and erior de Ap » 243 Brock = ' Now § ti to have COOK FOR SMAl woman for upsta Wages ! : Apply Dunha EXPERIENCED MA eu King A GOOD Also -- -- a ER HANGING --J, I And : Y CLARENCE STR El anics' cour - este ee Gas Tractor FIRST CLASS ROOMS anp of time to 1 I 16 ail Improvements, cen spring rush Hemphil te ed lias Tractor School © F st FOARD; trally iccat- Str - mae seman atime, FOR FUKNITURE, CLEAN, FY rovins; your own Jock and 5 299 lie rage, F a alo, res. Yyyw Office. TWO FRONT APARTMENTS ally f n i ESP. ed tor ¢ TEACHERS WANTED. NO. 19, Qt ALL. t Jae LRNISHED ROOMS AT 406 JONSON S Street, #r krutitena a1 NE Waier in ea BA SITUATIONS VACANT IN cat EATED) -- -- MAKE MONEY Aq HOME ald weekly ror ye iting show card § ass.ng We instruct a ¥ you with werk We owcard Service, 57F. Col onto, "OLR FLALIS (BH CONTA iT for 2 LEGAL AGENTS WANTE ett coon ee tte CUNNINGHAM AGENTS 300% PRO} and = ters fur stores, office wing Hy applied; will not wash samples Acie Sign Co, W Chicago, 111 ---- -- £ SMITH, BARRIST. OLD Licito +3 lla Vells 'Rn -- ner ot MEN AND WOMEN, NoT TO Vass, but to travel and appol cal representatives; §{.0 benses guaranteed first s Kood to make $2600 State age and quali A -- Experience unnec KF. MILLER, BAp, § Winston Co, Dept. G., Toro » DLs, MEIC. Napane LT Ems a = = - tario Land Surveyor ning fice. Walkem & Walke €Cluce street En SIGNS SHEA, BA, BARRISTE Cito Law office, ck v and fica- ry. |W. FINANCIAL eee ---- STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCY Feats; established in 1860; only de most reliable companies' repre. | ASS, WOOD, 3 treat | SS, 3 nted, Street, | Jaranteed XX wceards, ete and designed Princess St SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GL etc. large or small, 8 | Build. leaf; posters, sn rat artistically writien Nr. by Shaw, 205 incorporate 6 nEste F. Nickie, K.C.: vic 2 Kings bi B Cunningham. | Office Cl IN at nt At ment Society; President, W president, A. . rr ced on city Propeyiies, municipal and deberfivres; mortgages re 'mvestment bonds fo- X and Interest right, 1HLORING. ; deposit allowed manager, 37 C : near Pri CHIROPRACTIC. HAIR, marks, moved permanently glasses 'titted and fur others have failed 35 years' exp Lake, Eye, ka S, BIRTH. Cags, etc, re- Atisfa hed after le.removed. | Dr. Elmer J | » Throat, Skin | CARPENTERING emesis ett eo. WHEN YOU WANT THE CARI See Jameg Selby, University Avenue NEW AND REPAIR mates given on small Jobs card, R I . Page, 5 Street, city, § Ee eee a ---- | FURNITURE FINISHING | Cartovsi -- at tered + tet ein. Aras | D8, RL rERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 89 VALL OR DROP A CARD TO w. Diri. | Fr « Street 'hor 1850. © 1 coll, 22 John street ! « IpPUintmest rrr. onan. Me bis tort -- Good Blacksmith's Coal 1s necessary for successfil forge work. We have it for sale--always, Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. Foot of Johnson Street : ARCHI- 1ambers gton Bank . Me r f and chants | ek Vell ENTER | Contractor, 2121 = Phone 189sw ESTI- Drop a | Pembroke | WORK, DR. KNAPP, closed ur DEN. over DRS. SPARKS tists, 159 AND SF ARRKS, Wellington street, Phone 346 -- Davis Dry Dock Co." The BEST chine repairs ia wood and fron. .Give us a trial and be EAST END OF WELLINGTON STREET, DAVIS DRY DOCK Co. . East End of Wellington St. equipped repair shop for handlinz i! class of ma- convinced, pa | Quebec Heaters No. 3, 810.00, Ne, 6, $1200 Hest Stove for Garage or work shop. Cooks and other Stoves as A chemical treatmont well. 1 Phone 705 | vented for tanning coarser sponges J TURK { 20d lengthening their life ang resist. i Alice ta decay. v | Tam the best auctioncer in Kingston. Make me prove jt. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, "hone 1721 or 1428, A---- nna has been in- | SMALL St WM 08 MONT Y WRAP. Ss B Fee BROWN SATHER TOBACCO sane at Wi AN. "HONORABLE spRVICH donald LADY'S LEATHER PURSE ON n Sti la West PUUND ARTICLE: ADVER- TISED vr HLE. Anyone Quding a Wisaing E B Lo reach (2 MON- A PAR OF BL RShiNy Mires WiTH ed ----e ee REY sdNG, WITH BUN H op hEYS, 4 Ward IN THE BANK oO} MONTRIEN t at mH twen dollars Lina i 15 s office 5 La and r UPHOLSTERING. | cALL DROP \ Canp 10 terer, 214g } oR W. J. n To nd ge at ur street nr Ton UpP- nera cpairing carg vistering Leave € 104 Clergy drup a to COVERED BUTTONS MADE ro OR. ' FURNITURE REPVIRED (wp FIN- in woud or ne Princes La ry) FOR SALE. BROWN WOMEN'S CLOTHING Houtba cess Stre i ---- | SCHOONER application » Unt London, March 3.--It was noticed during Lloyd George's presentation ~~ lof the aliled decisions that hs had COWS, PHONE left an opening for the Germans to make new proposals, and Dr. 8 mons Was prompt to take advantage of this. The British premier, in the *% course of his long speech, said tha* it the Germans had come with a sincere desire to discharge Germany's obli- ions, the Allies would have given ir proposals fair and patient con- sideration. Dr. Simons' reply that the Ger- mans would examine the premier's | K-| speech, that their intentions had | t..|been mistaken and that no occasion | " race (Would arise for tha employment of | jlexing Foor SHON TAGE: tha measures the Allies outlined, is | ! Qick buyer. Lateman's Real | taken to mean that the Germans | jratate Ihave further proposals to make in conformity with the Paris conclu- | sions of the Allies 'MR. RANEY INCENSED AT MR. FERGUSON | FOR SALE AWNINGS, PHONE 436. THREE NEW MILCH A WICKRER GO-( ART; ALMOST NEW, A y 6 Jame Street s G8 CHICK CHATHAM Ly Baldwin, Hous SPLENDI al f D BARRED ROCK SOLID OAK BED- THREE v1 : pan Ord GOOD AS gas Over Injunction Proceedings to "Stall" the Timber Commission. AND BILLIARD bove, doing good AND olce, nth Toronto, March 3.--""The treat- | ment that the Timber Commission has received at the hands of certain persons has been shocking," declareq Attorney-General W. E. Raney in tne legislature yesterday. "Ang the sin- ister feature of it is," he added, "that | these attacks are coming from a | source which, if wrong has been | done, has a vital interest in destroy- ing the usefulness of the commis- | sion." | The whole timber controversy was | revived on the floor of the house | | when Hon, G. H. Ferguson pregs d | his motion for a return of all cor- | respondence relating to the appoint- ment of Peter White, K.C., as coun- | sel for the Conservative party before | the Riddell-Latchford commission. | As usual, the Conservative leader | | Went out hot-foot after commission- ers and government counsel, but in- | | troduced a new protest, in that the said Peter White, K.C., although | counsel for the Conservative party, | | had been dismissed after his refusal | to be coerced by the attorneygen- | eral into conducting himself as per Hon. Mr. Raney's instructions | In his reply to Hon. Mr. Ferguson | the attorney-general accused Mr. | Fibers | WH [0 of "insolence and truculence" hb bb tid i in the letters he had written declin- | STEAMER FOR SALE 3 ing, as he put it, to do the work of Passenger and frefght steamer +| government counsel and delve into | or sale----100 ft. long. ' Price and # timber matters prior to the Con- | condi- May be reet, near 188 I'VWO HENS OF PURE alsg eg BRED BARRED r hatching from and White 5. Apply Ont ! eee, WYANDOTTE in's Dorcas strain $3.00 u 60 egg Cha- Turner, Ports-| FESS rt bbb bi FEE adL + whict » tons of hay; tion; well creek wa- and ne mile L. Williams Camden East. | 101, Booth Bldg. Ottawa, + Ri | PRIVATE ALL KINDS 0} furr Are ar having iispose ext t HOUSE-- STOR FOUNDA. a thick wall } room OFFICE Kingston Covered Rink HOCKEY MATCH Edwards Semi-Finals erona vs. Cup Game Postponed to SATURDAY, MARCH Sth | 1 pm. | Reserved seats cess. 23C, extra | (Including war ta <) | | Was Reader of Whig i For Over Forty Years away on Feb. 27th. {born at Bath, and was the the late Peter and Ester Miller. is the last to Pass away of a family {of ten Mr. M made his hotne for the last th rity years with Robert Madden, on the York Road, Napanee, Mr. Miller. was nihe vears'nf age, and was 4 the last. Although he has been blind for nine vears. he was always of a | cheery disposition and will be great- {1¥ missed by all who ksew him. Mr. | Miller was never married and had been a subscriber of the Whig for over forty years. Andrew, Rober: aud 'Ben Miller, of Bath, are nephews. og Ler 3 mc v-------- The police raided a Chinese gambl- ing den at Smith's Falls, arrested six Chinamen and got $93.75 on table. The customs collections at Brock- jie for February amounted to $9. 850. the | Albert Anson Miller, one of Fred- | | ericksburg's oldest residents, passed ! Deceased was upon application 'to | servative regime. | | | EVERYBODY AGREES I \TEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, | TO HAVE DIVISION BUILDING LOTS ON §i50--FOR SALE Alw €. 8uod location. ington Ave | The Talking in the Commons to Conclude Late To-night. | $1100--BUILDING LOT, SYDENHAM ST, | near Raglan Road. | -- | $S00--GARROTT ST, | | Ottawa, March 3.--With govern- MACDONELL| Ment, opposition and progressive y| whips agreeing that divisions amendments on the address in reply NEw; to the speech from the throne should and C. Lot| be held to-day it is likely that the Possession. | debate will conclude late to-night or Roowms; | the early hours of to-morrow. On the | ] government side it is not likely that aoi Rely Wy Sstport | any more speakers will be heard HOUSE; 4 RoOMs; B.| from, in view of the administration's Pic bghis and furnacei| arive tor 2 division on Monday night. | FOR SALE TWO ON SOU Str iIX132; small building; ver Clie tor sale. LOTS ce vu quick $1900--FRAME RUNG ALOW, north end rooms; B *X132; for immediate AME HOUSE; te of land; r boarders; 11 $2000--FR at Suitable for| all acre $2,200--FRAME and C.; elect '8uud cellar, SEMI-DETACHED; § and C.; hot alr; gas; gar- BRICK i £35,.000-- < ns; a | |FOCH KEEPS KING | WAITING FOR TEA " | -- | } VICTORY BONDS Fon SALE, MONEY | [ to Loan, | : . on (French Marshal Forgot Royal SoD Favs You] Invitation Till Reminded by Equerry. | FARVS--SEVERA sale | A. BATEMAN, Xtom Street, Kingst ee p-- | London, March 3.--How Marshal | ch forgot an engagement to take - - . | F Notice of Dissolution of ro with the king at Buckingham | P . { palace became known last night, The i artnership Foch, and M. Briand, the French | | { 1 king was anxious to see Marshal tify the public that D. | premier, arranged an engagement H. Richardson. whol for the marshal for Tuesday. : Dusiuess ut a2 Roe The king waited half an hour af- The business will be ter the appointed time, and then sent b. Regan. | an equerry to inquire. ' Son Rgeounts mum { The marshal was obliged to excuse Many customers and/ himself because of complete forget- batronage, and trust. | ss | reoccupation over | uation of same. 1 am, | fulness I bis hd pa | Sincerely yours, grave conference . D. HOGAN, ee HARBOR CROSSING | PPP HFEF PPIIIS 0 BECOMING UNSAFE | + s ol |% THE RUSSIAN REVOLT + | SEN SUPPRESSED + | The Ice is Getting Weak-- | * HAS BEEN SU¥ May be Early + = Break-up. Th be + London, March 3.--Latest re- *% ports received by the British -- 4+ government tend to show that The crossing to Wolfe Island from |* the Russien Soviet Savery ent mi { ® troops have suppressed: - 1 becoming unsafe fori volt in Petrograd and Moscow, orsss: 314 Wales tiers fs a Quick |, Cecil B. Harmsworth stated in freeze up persons desiring to go back | # the commons to-day. and forth will have to go on foot or | # | by ice boat. (+2242 CPt 000000 This is the opinion ot! Hough, who lost his team and Mail Contract three calves last week. He said that ice on Thursday was bad, and he | considered it thé last day for a team. | SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster-General, will be received, at | Ottawa, until noon, on Friday, the $th/| April, 1921, the conveyance of | taere Is to be an early opening of | navigation this year, according to the | His Ma esty 3 Ma Is, on a proposed con- | tract for four years, indications at the lake ports. At Os- | wego afid Charlotte ft is said that the | r has been given to clear all load- | Ing trestles and get all loading plants | oute Wolfe Inland Rural | in readiness for operations. The same bicna. Jom the Postmaster | is true of the western ports, and sail- Printed notices containing further in- | Ls ns of proposes | { : nd blank forms | Kingston is teeter 3% the corde izineers and deck hands are | iolding themselves in readiness for a call to decks on April 1st, when the first movement of vessels is expected | vo take place. This will effect the i price of coal materially, it is said. pectog. J. CAMPBELL STRANGE, Cling Post Office Ins, ctor. 'Post Office Inspect or's Office, pe Kingston. Feb. 23rd. 1920 THE GERMANS HAVE "The McGregor Co. lac. Politely Profiers THE ORIENTAL Musizal Comedy SENSATION GRAND Riday & Saturday Mar. 4th & 5th Matinee SATURDAY ! ed TTA ELL UR LT TY ried Special A Gorgeous Sunburst of Beau- tiful Women, Intoxieating Gowns and Luxurious. Settings A Perfect 33 Chorus De Luxe! Masic by ddison Ev Speeial Dardavella Jarzy - Brass Jumboree Orchestra PRICES; Mat, 25-00. Evening: Orel Parq. $1.50 Bal, 75-$1,00-81.50. Gal. 30¢ 8 Seals now sellir 1 LRSDAY, FRIDAY, sim RDAY THOS. H. PERSONALLY PRESENTS A Trip to the World's Greatest Studio -- ag Elaborate 3 I" roduction --Al NO-- THE HEART OF A GYPSY With Florence Billings and An All Star Caw G R 1 FFIN'S Ladies' Bargnin Mat. PRICE Matinee 1 ¢. Eve ee S I R AN D r= IN CANADA MAURICE 1oURN En PRESENTS 'THE BAIT' With An All Star Cast! The Lights of Paris! The Shadows of New York! Comic Classien--Vingazine Pollard « omedy Monday-- PASSIONATE py GRIM --A yy -------------- PAI] ' SATISFACTION IN EXCELLENCE _ | and Friday 15e. 8: ng 25-35e ER PRESENTATION TO-DAY SPECIAL ATTRACTION Saturday After. noon for the Kiddies OSBORNE --f Pes "The Mischief Makers" SI'ECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAMME Phyllis Devlin Soloist BABY STRAND ORCHESTRA Ltoming Alt Star Cast, In an adaptation of Zane po Grey's Popular Novel Fr NAD y "Riders of the Dawn" Ie of the Cana dian Vorth-W ent » "ily ALLEN PICTORIAL POPULAR BARITONE "WILLIAM TELL" An "KICK IN HIGH LI REVIEW LUKE GASK, OVERTURE: | Coming Monday--Wegley (Freckles) Barry im "DON"® EVER MARRY" Notice to Creditors DANCING LESSONS Every Night | AT GARDEN HALL Hours 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. | of the Estate of Mary All the Latest Dances | Township of Wolfe of Frontenac, Matter late of the in the County Decensed, IS HEREBY t Ss 13 In the Tr Isl , Widow, N sua MRS. S. COHEN 111 BROCK ST, Hall Phone 357 . Residence 1878 TT ------ Tres WAGSTAFFE'S Pure Orange MARMALADE Made from Seville Oranges and 9 : 1L.1821, to aé- RIGN 8% Clarence Kingston, Soli tor for the Ad- ministrator of said estate, their names and addres nd full particulars ir clai 1 the ritie te Granulated Cane Sugar only. TRY IY FOR BREAKFAST. nistrator's So TAd i ed at King March 2nd, j ------------ 1 I Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1425W 8. WHITEMAN 360 Bagot Street. ieitor, $21 My Motto: Cleanliness," Try me once and you win come again, J. HUSSEY 351 Princess St. Phone 1430. "Quality ana The death occurred at Lansdowne | Monday of Mrs. Emma Webster, wi dow of Norman Webster. Decease 8) -} was 60 years old. The Oshawa board of trade has been re-organized, with F. J. Baile as president. re an SG FOR SALE MACK STREET--Frame Semi-Bung rooms; all modern, $4,700.00. COLLINGWOOD STREET modern; hardwood flo $1150.00 cash paymeut THE J. K. Phone 68 and 8 alow: ¢ rooms: 3 hardwood floors throughout bed. Price Pressed Brick, Se rs dow nstairs; Price $5550.00, CARROLL AGENCY 74w. 56 Brock Street Bungalow oltationary Tubs. Made in Canada Chevrolet THE PRODUCT OF EXPERIES CE The Chevrolet Mode! "T"" Ore Ton, Worm haz made a réputation for dependable performances capacity loads Wherever it serves, greater econo ficiency are experienced, not only in the acti of merchandise, but in the protection afforded g We are now demonstrating this Truck. BAWDEN & EDWARDS 39 MONTREAL STREET PHOXE 400. Drive Truek with ef- portation transit. and Increased 0 yds iA

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