THE JOHN McKAY, Ltd. Phones: QUALITY 608 COATS, MUFFS, CAPES, STOL&S, ROBES and RUGS. iia New fow prices. Your inspection invited: Buy Furs at wholesale prices. "THE FUR HOUSE "His Master's Voice" Dance Hits e Jazz numbers fox trots, dreamy that makes dancing It it's new and popu- on Snap- His Master's Volee Records Waltz--Waldorf As Margie, Fox Trot Dance Ore! tr Hose dwa Dance Orch.; THE EARTH AS A PLA Another Queen's Lecture on Astronomy by Prof S. A. Mitchell. Dr. 8. A. Mitchell trated lecture in Convo Wednesday afternoc as a Planet," In Of remarked that sci manded the simplest explanation sible, and this was true The lecturer views held of the 1 nd the exper Idea that tt planet, from -euts, through t scope revolves 4s a cen- nh caleul- ving in the as a planet tion { the fix- spec- hich gives ource at n Also by this in- strument have been shown i as two ies revolving about each other and changing their direc- tion of rotation at various times Dr. Mitchell said that he had done work on the measure- s'to the stars photography, telescopes which have to The telescope 1 Virginia Uni- largest, was world. To get the stars a have to he photograph 0 or from th some to exist considerable ment of the This can used by th versity, w one of the fine the acc ition of | number of photc taken. The b | weil as they a ar cut | though they are small. By the latest {approved metho |G. Y., Chown. : | rll 3rd. 2 moving | even | THURSD AY, MARCH 3, 1921. DAILY BRITISH WHIG. EL INCDENTS OF THE DAY, Racy Local News and Items of | General Public Interest. 15¢ up. Dutton"s. ic Prone 67. | W. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders at | 100 Clergy street. Phone 564w. i Have you got a bargain at the auc- | tion sale of dry goods, 248 Princess street, every afternoon at 1 30, alse 7.30 p.m., Saturday. | After six months' rental we will | allow money paid in rental to app:y| on purchase of pfano. C. W. Lindsay, | Limited, | | The trustees at Queen's have de- | cided that the upfversity will be clos- { ed on Friday, in memory of the late i The students will at- | | tend the funeral in a body. i The sitting of the county court has been called to meet on Tuesday, Ap- | Judge H. A. Lave!l will pre-! | side at the sitting. It is not known | how many cases will be tried. | A taxi-driver appeared before the | police magistrate Thursday mory- | ing on the charge of cutting a corner { too short. After hear 1g the evidence | the magistrate dismissed the case. € - A, Lave!l and T. M. As- clerk of the court, have been ted to revise the voters' lists j for the importation referendum vote | which will be taken on April 18th Broadway's leading vaudeville ar- tist Frank Crumit is singing "No- body tg Love" on record A-3303.) |Frank says he we uld like to sing in your home. Buy the record at Lind- | say's, 121 Princess street | Classical music, 15 Dutton's. High prices wera p for cows| t a sale condu L. Amey t the farm of Mahlon Knapp, Port- | land township, on Wednesday Sev- | leral cows, grade Hojsteins, were sold | land the average price obtained was | [$114. | "Lindsay's, 121 Princess street, {are receiving new player piano roll "hits" every month. Send in your name for our monthly mailing list. Lieut.-Col. George Gillespie, one | of the trustees.for the county hou- | | key league, visited the covered rink | on Thursday morning for the pur- poce of making an inspection of the ice, Considering the mild weather | the ice is in good condition. A POPULAR TONIC | { 'One That Enriches the Blood | | | | | | 1921 MUSIC AT PRE-WAR PRICES Friday and Saturday Only, Reg. 40c and 50c. Numbers--3 for $1.00 Way, 1 Garden, Including the latest numbers such as Feather Your Nest, Mar gie, Down Texas Where the Flies Go, My Last Waltz With You, Teil Me Little Gypsy, Old Fashioned Love Comes to Your Heart, Linger Longer Letty, Whispering, Japa nese Sandman. Young Man's Fancy, Alice Blue Gown, Avalon, Swanee, Rose of My Heart, Rose, Broadway Just Like a Rose, Tripoli, Let the Rest of the World Go By, I Never Knew, Grieving For You, Sweet and Low, Kiss a Miss, Darling, etc. : Popular Music, Regular 15¢. . .. . Know When Rose, Four for a Quarter Your own selection from the largest and best selected stock of the latest popular hits. LATEST MAGAZINES NOW ON SALE Cosmopolitan. Motion Pictu re, Ladies' Home Journal, Family Journal, Harpers Bazaar, Adventure, Shadowland, Picture Play. The College Book Store Telephone 919 Telephone 919 Eon A Friday Store News at Newman & Shaw 120 Pure Bleached Huckaback To wels--good, large size, 20 x 45 inches . . . Friday Snap, 50c. each --in small, neat designs--58 errors made are extremely small. But the calculation of distance to the | stars is based on hat the earth | does BO around the sun. During the of calculation the | and Strengthens the Nerves. | - | Proper food, fresh air and a good | inches wide Pater tr) tonic will keep most people in good y ower { 1 « B. . i als, i OT con- Libby Lik Oi; pn Cole man's entre g |j | course of the lecture Dr. Mitchell re- | health Hurried meal : indo on- Ce ' : 4 oes . Tree eh | finement in badly ventilated rooms | Rose of My 0 y io 2162 | marked that while astronomy must | | ; {and lack of exercise causes anaemia. | nating it is not quite Darling--Fox 1 Cotton--full 36 inches wide -- Friday, 20c¢. Special in nice, fine quality Nainsook--36 inches wide--same as we soldat60c.ayard .... .... : Friday, 39¢. 250 yards good quality Unbleached Cotton; 40 inches wide--A Fri- day bargain «is oi 20c, " 300 yards Good, Heavy Bleached Sheeting--72 inches wide--same aswesoldat83c.ayard..,;..... .Friday 50c. A nice range of Striped Flannelette--27 inches wide . .Friday 19c¢. 15 pieces Heavy Quality Bleached same line as we sold at 39c. . . Grieving For "nt I as T '§ | rery fas A Young Ma ox Tre rt Or fl | appear very fascinatiy {In this copdition Dr. Williams' Pink | Russian Rag- -O I Waldorf Orchestra |s0 on a cold night when one is wait- | . " | Whispering Fo Blue Bird Orchestra as | i * the Bronas time h I Pills are a popular tonic. They con- | Dance-0-Mania Trot--Blue Bird Odrchestrg ceiavs $1 | ing for the proper time to photograph {tain no habit forming drugs, and al- All the, popular Vocal an Jan ce Recor in stock at ---- i | a star. { y | 2 higaopnls 31 3ng De R he rd Beginning of the lecta o | WAYS have a beneficial effect | sna ins r CHUTE |i hrough enriching the blood and | Prof. Matheson announced that the | rengthening the nerves. For grow- | MAHOCOD BROS Thursday evening lecture had beer |g girls, who me thin and pale eo j caticelled out of respect to the memsl, pale, tired 'women and for old | i $V Show s {OFY Of the late G. Y. Chown. {people who fail in strength, Dr. Wil- | |liams' Pink Pills are an ideal tonic. Their benefit in anaemic conditions | | LIGHT THAT FAILED 5 gh ; ' is shown by the cise of Miss Lucy | | ON CITY FATHER'S OAR {A. Steeves, Hillsboro, N.B., who | MACARONI-- il ss +; {says : "Last spring I was in very | It Went Out While He Was on {poor health, and completely run | His Way to Council {down. 1 had severe headaches, the | Meeting. {least exertion would cause my heart {to palpitate violently, my appetite | * The Light That Palled; or 4 City | a3 Poor. and at times I had tainting { Father in Trouble," would be a"suit- | "Pes: : ble title for one of the cases hearq | Months, and althoug I was taking [> Solice one fiorsizey morn- | Medicine, I seemed to be growing | C oy ite Couri on ab { Weaker, and the least exertion would | oe ® { Even men who make laws some- | |€4V€ me worn out. Then on the ad- | th an vice of a friend, I changed the treat- | | tiinen Seoak mn a uode ment to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, at ht rindi oh ey a te of ort {and I have great cause to be thank- | Ba jo 4) too 1 th rac ral thit-1-di 50; a5 they have magé | | ting into trouble too, if they happen {a wonderful improvement in my con- | i "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" $2200--Commigan St: 6 rooms; W. ¢ Montreal Street: double pressed rick; 8 rooms; H. W. Heating: H. W. Floors, electric light: gas. . $2600--Montreal street: stone, } 8 rooms; electricity: gas ll. $1800--Chatham street: double frame; 4 rooms each; W. C.. Rental $264. $9000--Barl street: stone: 11 rooms; h. w. flors; hw. heating: good boarding house. $9000-- Johnson street; brick: 9 rooms; h. w. floors; hot water heating; stable. $1900--Gore street; brick: 5 rooms; W. C.; good cellar. $2600--Markland St; C. B. 4 rooms; furnace; electricity. - Insurance, Stocks and Bonds. . frame: i 500 PKGS. 500 PKGS. VERMICELLI-- We have 10 only, Bed Pillows--full size--regular $1.25 each ee ++v+een....... Friday, to clear 89c. each. some Headquarters for nifty House Furnishings and at attractive 500 PKGS. SPAGHETTI-- * Large packages, Friday only | "seus naa. went on for prices. 1,000 PKGS. SHIRRIFF'S JELLY POWDERS 5 Packages for 335c. EXTRACTS | to be corralled, as the police is no re- | { spector of persons. The "city fath- {dition. I can now work without a | ' » "gq X |tigue, go upstairs without becoming¥ jer" in question was hailed before the | : " : breathless, and have gained in| j cadi for not having the tail lights on ight. I think th ills are an | {his auto burning. Monday night he | ®i8bt. iat ese pilis | | started ont with his car to attend ajitenl medicine in cases like mine. | i You can get Dr. Williams' Pink | | Pills from any medicine dealer or | {by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes | * | o 5 y : ling about there being "many a slip," Binns from Tie Dr uaviliiany (TO PAY THEIR TRIBUTE [and so forth, was tru in this case, | M@ ts FOC e, : TO LATE G. Y. CHOWN {for on th: way to the city hall the! on - me i ------ tail lights on the car refused to { University Staff and Students work: And the alderman, not know- | | fo speeded along on his way and! ! to Marsh in Proces« sion. illa, Lemon and Almond, ete. The HeCam Agency | Cullens 8¢ BROCK ST. CASH AND CARRY te I-- | session of the city council. He had {all his lights trimmed and burning {| When he left home, but the old say- 500 bottles, good quality Van- | | Want to Employ Your Idle Money ? The man who invests in Real Estate proves his financial wisdom. Here's a few from our list $1350--Division Street--Revenue $180.00 per year. $1830-- Patrick Street--Revenue $800.00 per year, York Street--Revenue $264.00 per year. $3100--James Street--Revenue $486.00 per year. $6500--Corrigan Strect--Revenue $1008.00 per year. A full list at office. - _E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Nes! Estate Cor, Jotinsen and Division Streets. - -. - Phones 539w and 830J. knew nothing about the light that failed until a police constable told Later he got a sum- ALFRED and PRINCESS STS, mons to attend one of Magistrate Farrell's sessions. After hearing all 2 p.m. The family desired the fun- : the details, Magistrate Farrell dis- | eral to be private, but the authorities missed the case. | fl at. Queen's University and the stu- . -- ff | dent body desired to pay the last re- ay | ll spect to one who had been such an " "Bob" Bushell in Montreal. ll | outstanding figur, in the affairs of | R. J. Bushell went to Montreal at | 1 noon on Thursday to attend the rab- || the university for many years, and . fl bad given so much of his time, abil- bit and pet stock show under the . ity and means to promote her Inter. auspices of the\Charfticler Breeders' ||] : Assdciation of Latrappe, Quebec. As ||| ll arrangements have been made tor HE A ARDS op The funeral of the late G. Y. him about it, Chown is to take place on Friday at industrial exhibition --at this establishment cannot fail to re- veal the real cause of your not seeing well-- --and not to see properly means: your eyes need attention. ; . As Specialists in correcting ERRORS of REFRACTION of the eyes--Glasses pre- scgibed and ade by us will give you per- fect vision. Consult: | LS. ASSELSTINE DS, 342 King Street. Phone 1019w, the Kingston was the first to introduce this breed- ers' association in Ontario, Mr. Bushell was extended a special invi- tation to join in the undertaking. Mr. Bushell will attend the rabbit dinner to be held at the Queen's ho- el, Montreal, to-night. i Labor Euchre Dance, The Weekly euchre and dance at the Trades and Labor hall Wedngs- day night was an enjoyable affair. A large number were engaged at the games and winners of the prises were : First ladies, Mrs. Morrison; first gentleman's, Mr. Handley; con- solation, Miss Miller and H. Ward. After the games dancing took place ees Weather Notes. The disturbance which was over! Northern Ontario yesterday has mov- ed eastward to the Gulf of St. Law- rence causing showers in Ontario, Quebec and the Mar{time Provinces. AD ared of high predsure and colder weather has come in over: Manitoba from the northward. usie teachers supplies, Duiton's. a the members of the university staff liand the students to march in a pro- FOR ALL THE FAMILY! WE HAT EVERYBODY! In our three big Hat depart- men for Men----one for Ladies--one for Children-- we are about ready for big Spring | business, The stock and variety is enormous--the prices moderate----styles that are ate tractive and different. | i MILLINERY OPENING Next Weeck--Wait for it! George Mills & Co. {| 1anasay, Limitea.: cession to the residence, "Sunny- side," on Union street, where the re- ligious service will be held by Rev. W. T. G. Brown, assisted by other ministers. After the service the pro- fessors and students will march in the procession from the residence, following the hearse for some blocks toward Cataraqul cemetery. Jevemm---- \ Ay Ernesttown Event, On Sunday evening, Feb. 27th, Maple Vein farm, the résidence of Harvey Weed, was the scene of a pleasant little party when their re- cently married daughter, apd her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lucas, along with some friends from Nap- | anee, paid them a surprise visit. The young couple were making a fare- well visit before taking their depas~ ture to their new home at Beamsville where they intend to take up thelr residence on a fruit farm. They left with many good wishes for success, Planos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W "A BIG SPECIAL FOR THE MEN We offer you 60 pairs of Men's high grade Brown Boots-- Rice, neat, NAFFOW toes, and all solid' Goodyear Welted Soles, This Shoe was made to sell in a regular way at $0.00, but a Montredl manufacturer needed the cash, so we bought these at our own price. All sizes. While they last SEE THESE IN OUR WINDOW, S. J. MARTIN, "Stes of Mer and Distinction" Pliosie 2216.