Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Mar 1921, p. 6

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6 ' T H E D A I L Y B RI T I S MH Ww H I Cr. : : Tbr MARCH 3, 1921. THE BRITISH WHIG | mt caxcebui or on eorrible sgbimare. it war | cure us; and now Gost Health 1 at The medicine we have people of 8 BOW | seem a trifle bitter, 1 t's i ~ 88TH YEAR. DEBRIS. ,' Preparations 'are going on 1iff if it will make ¢ critter? 'a that Judge Cohalan knew his aud!- | thy crit 'ALT MASON | ence, and framed his re ¢s fo suit --WALT MASON 3 ' the gtcasion, and in doi » he went ; SO far as to make him te erin ai wo vi ie | BITS OF BY-PLAY oT eho abide | By LUKE McLUKE 9 Har SST ae won MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR hip with Britain, a ; The Cincinnati Enquirer. At prices that gefy the keenest of competition --absolutely Al ro. : mis |, LU of every encouragement | r goods--we do not handle any seconds. IE Y ¢ a in every possible way Wau! | statement of the a pi ots a x. --- -- ---- . ! Bug : or Ge 12 > BY) a1 I shen MEN'S HOSE | seenns wort! - ' Fine Cashmere; grey, PUBLIC OPINION §| = -~=row rc oo black or tan, MEN'S TROUSERS 2 Pairs for $1.25 Sizes 32 to 44. Splendidly made : AIS |ono 7undre onl a Bans | from good quality ews phal T Beic fant? Swi sos 0n View. X Fareed Jones. "When MEN'S HOSE resis dark Lady Hsweo, CO. LIMITED : 5 muc.fs » Pi vis aoa on. Tranacript) 5 , | he ¢ iy 1 have to 22 3 r , ? Ys. NS didi the United Sta y l th Economy", we neard a man say 1 : Lisle Thread: black. ! greys Leman A. Gulla... 8 debts be cancelled ditor | the other evening, "is a way of spgnd- | PV » gy 3 Pairs for 98¢ --$5.00-- : . 3 De = | Ing ney without getting any fun | : Manasing Dire nations, Great Britain i stand] 'NE Moley without g £ 2ny Oh, Joy! BE incr ti 10, Jone avon Tue sad | WORT pg mB vg, mn | MEN'S HOSE MEN'S SUITS Bysiness QMca . itor! loomy ... «+200. 229 hall billic dollars, which is tha e the . Go? ever : Efitor al | oomy : Hk ! : mn dolla w | Where Do They ( ne. e Lr : : hig i : Heather mixture; Pen- Perfectly cut and well finished Offic 1 Job i tix riers. her loans over her bor (Dallas News) SCBSCIIPTION RATES, ings 1i 15 3% once apparent. then | WHY Lov deoge ceilag she oan Fok ia full or man's wool; green, greys garments; good, honest, all wool (Daily pay, Britain sg must pay and , t Se Jens: Plies f pys | S38¢ Molva of mu that ait |Germany saying 'she won} pay Tn Sue Betome and browns, Canadian Tweeds. Sizes 36 to 44 : : : . : - Just Be Glad, : ie shad Mil . : SIN : --3$22.50- i ear | Ene] 48e. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS 1d through all the coming years | _ Never: ei MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS Handtailored In all the new and Just be glad brave ng . * ri Lae urave that he is ra Fine soft.quality, White = most favored models; rich color- The Taking of Tips. Ho Went into the Greusy Spo Shaker Flannel; full size ings. Extra special value New York Times) ire accepted only by seif-con- - $2.00 each --$35.00 'essed social inferiors and are offered = only when there is an assumption of n er why. a smaiil b y 2c ' Britain would not lien 10 5ueh 8 oct" supottonss B-sammes os | 4 150n mane re mh MEN'S PYJAMAS YOUNG MEN'S and MEN' The circulation of THE BRITISH tins hd-avan if tha v fatal tendency to degenerate into tip- bec he £0 1 1 guj 5 an S pro Mn, at n + | fatal tendency to degenerate into tig : . iH : Neat patterns; fine soft WHIG is authenticaied b+ the 13 ot ely that the people of the | hunting Dose © te May 8 Se A OVERCOATS ARO BOL ony 19a! he Peo ---- flannel Watch Your step. aa " $2.50 Spring style. re tp drunkacd of hing standing hae | | Boone wma wi MEN'SNIGHT SHIRTS ~~ $22.50, $28.50, $32.50 PE Evpen od # Sone hat ooay , he drinks like a fist Good quality Twill -- See window display of these goods Even a melting pot ar use | 4ay s of the i BEmpire they removed a bone that pressed against ne 53'S Yafs dg "Tthe ain. The Detroit News als . Wnt . Europe's ref Hzhts of ie brain. The Detrbit News also re Whatt { white === ------ rT : Ro A Sa : ports a number of cures effectd by | \¢ hat has become of" old- Austria has left is the A 2M ' ae Ea he removal of a bra\s rail that was shioned girl o ré but shoes? | $1.48 About all dark brown taste, pressing against the foot exceaded one hundred a a ------ aa SE Audit Bureau of Circulations. ---- - - - Them Is Hard Words, George! Money wouldn't be = hi ¢ hav ) pered and made re The Right Spirit. some states when a r : > 5 1 + ich an 1g to the civiliz . 4 D Erapd rrow minded to t t f mouths were a little ti er world and v arin The spirit abroad today, says | else. thes send him to the la ---------- ---- ~-- hale aa han 54 it < I Nb ci ie Duke of Devonshire, that "'inter- ontrol tha | the Kreatest measure of om of national questions should be settled k 4 v sulin o io answer --Cold. BUCKEYE INCUBATORS St. John 1 a > d price, but a merciful God sili] con- Any people in the world, 34h La on a basig of honor and permanent | ! | trols the weather. should be sold, along with thair i peace." That is the spirit which | -------- : 1 cn a------ lands, to the United States is a pre makes the possibility of war between Well, Well! Hat a ; : a 20 ' : Ma vhe u knew, or didn't vou, at RE 1 | A philosopher is one who can real posal to which t! English speaking peoples unthink- i a} i Cox was elected | 1 : | : : ize how foolish his present worries to submit, and so r as the itist of the Terre Haute Natis 1 A Pure Salad and Cooking Oil will seem' a year from now mpire stands they will remain . a LE Te Haute, Ind? | - i d | at Reduce ices Emply = ? : The True Path To Reform. NA luced Price Hooray! : - v . . B 3 { No. 1 tin -- ---- ; part of it. » (Springfield Union) Men seldom slop to admire a win- It the Unit tates is not pro The author of the proposed bill to | : lav ' 3g thi i hough bus dow display unless thers 1s a good pared to accept a proposal for the prohibit the manufacture, sale and | ttle & {™ y y N 2 u mirrow at the back of the window Int ¢ . toa 8 ab 8 in Massachu- | eet ai . 4 | 0. 2 tin Br 3 us wack : cancellation of all war debts, Great [use of hizhheeled shoes in Ma apy Prosperity Take the risk out of your Chick en Breeding by buying the one best | setts evidently is not aware of the | Is coming back INCUBATOR--THE BUCKEYE. Sold at And now all the comforts of home | proper method of procedure in bring- | n aple he ritis isle haxe y i NT', Peoble of the British isles ha Ing about & great retérm. He should | Political Announcement ! BU S weathered many storms, political, | work for the adoption and ratifica-| For County Judge--i. W. Rider HARDWARE. KING ST. PHONE 388. { economic and international, and {t 1s | tion of an amendment to.the Federal (Ad. in Mt. Vernon (Ky.) Signal) | _. > | Phone 20 and 990, Cussing landlords is a delightful | not. at all likely that this one will | Constitution prohibiting the making,| LOST---My job as porter at the Rock- | pastime, but it doesn't encourage the | Overwhelm them. | Selling or wearing of shoes with any for a job ! heels whatsoever. My understanding is that the stock- | building of new houses to rent. tn i TA ORIh Ca ty DG. | . ne WHEN HATRED SWAYS JUDG- holders in Rockcastle county meet this ' There is always a way out of dif- a MEN I | ---y year to hires omni sun, J ous ie | FARMS ' } | The extent to which some promin- | to have this job, no A d the ficulty. If you don't like the income | 39 sxient it } Walt Mason pay to raise the bables on but to help | FOR SALE tax, you can stop making the income THE I'OET PHILOSOPHER educate other people as I have been y their hatred of Great Britain ¢ a ii; : 104 : or he | doing all my life i FARM of 100 acres; on a And at that the diamonds mined | E2t the better of heir judgm I must be ke y can do a t | good road, not far from King- in South Africa are worth as sh by the 'utterances of Judg: THE CRUCIAL TIME. little bit of ax ston; first class dwelling: lan at a dinner given on Wasb- The country's 'reached an evi " ' 30x34 + Bood outbuildings; about 65 th 1 ! 230x313 the "Committee of | pass, and there is worse to follow; ¥ { ; So 23 acres under cultivation; well » | this readjustment stuff, alas, is and sold whisky. got full | sXe ot » . watered; enough wood for festerday Ge s word migh ne dred for an Irish Republic t ane t = i. } y . Yesterday Ge rmany's word might On Hundred for an I Repub ; pretty hard to swallow. So speak the of it and got others full; been in jail, | 31s fuel; orchard; possession at have stood. against Europe; to-day !in ( hicago Judge Cohalan, who Jays, in doleful bands, who grunt and | Deen out of jail; been led to and lied | pica . Once. Price $5,500. there are none so poor as she pre-| hails from New York, is probably | grumble daily; throughout their liveg | ©" made some mo + and logt some > 8 We have a large list of farms 3 money 1 ven Away more th 84x44 . x r aala 5 {20% BH tends to he 1e most Intense hater of Britain in | they wring their hands, and murmur, | Mone &i Away more than i Sood for sale of all sizes and prices. = . "Willow-waly!" But wise men say Now when-the day comes 0) Prere ra reniv., " ; First class insurance Com- nitéd States, with the possible 4 . . or ti g site's ! 32x41 1 : Es : ! that bitter times are just what we | round fr tholders of s ? panies When a great man resolves to | exception of William _R. Hearst His | .10 needing; we're learning now to] OUNty to sel » man they want a1 tate 5 Money to loan | to hire as county judge, think this iii write a hook about it, he wishes to | pro-German leanings were so Pro-| prize the dimes we used to blow 3 | 25241 a scold somebody or establish an alibi nounced during the war 'that Presi- | unheeding. We used to spend our | Patter over . i | Bedi 21. | T J Lockh t for himself. dent Wilson refused to meet him. |Co0In in haste, for all the junk they'd J. W. RIDER. | 5x8 : : | ole ar { dish us; we're learning now that = -- 87x! : 3. | Clarence Street, Kingston ------------------ { Evidently he has not changed great- | . The RB : : it pe : J | wanton waste is foolish; vain and he Rusiest Man, { >» g ro And if 9people thought it proof of {1y sines then. vicious. We had to learn that much We have located the busiest man. He | Phones 1035w. or 1797}, culture, they would take the medi- In his speech he said that the {of truth, and heal the spendthrift | lives In Leesburg, Onto. His name is | | i cines that were popular a hundred United, States should insist on Eng- | canker, and take our earnings to the{ F- N. Bartley. ia runs the local | SExy ,. .. . $14.00 | years ago, by ir ' h West | Pooth where dwells the village bank- motion ploture theatre.~ He is also a 32:4 20.50 | - | land "freeing Canada and the est ler: we had to learn this sort of | musician. a piano tuner, a tailor, a _ 83x4 we . 21.50 i | dope, and quit'our money burning, | TY cleaner, a house paint a tele- | 3144 ee { Lake Oatario Trout ; 333x414 24.00 . me, hose Who lig to their wives, t + try" addi y h | stable times returning. We're getting | ™%%0n, a plumber, a sign painter and a | 34x43, 24.00 and Whitefish Fresh iv | to this country, adding 'that through nh Iw | » an who are afraid of thelr war Dreparat ns in these places | 3OWN again to tacks, we cease our | *heet metal worker. 35x44 ....... 24.00 | Sea Sal Had wives. preparations ne , | Spendthrift ravings, and you may see S-- | ®t .. 25.00 mon, a . Er we | us making tracks to salt away our .. our Daily Special. | 26.50 [| dock Halibut and A man never ges so low down | With the I States. He declared | savings. When we are seedy, sick You Can't Keep Cool By Putting On | 8 27.50 { 3 1 that his neighbors won't sign a paper | that "E 1 ! (Guaranteed 8,000 Miles) . "RB 1 is a menaée to the | and sore, it takes strong dope to endorsing him for something or | United States and the menace must AREER NEON EEE NEE oH Phone us and our car will call. Get your tires ready for Spring. | BOOTH . FISHEIERS | | other. be removed before this country can ¢ be assured of peace. The British | | ---- > . | . * The people of Japan and the Uni- | Empire must be dismembered," he | ® : 9 | (Canadian Co. ted States will talk of war for twen- | declared, "if the world is to nave; | { Phone 520. 63 Brock St, ty years, and then when it comes lay | peace." | f | No. 35-3240. ® 9 "ue 206-8 WELLINGTON STREET { it on the statesmen, | It is indeed strange that men of | ' -- | education, of intelligence, of reason- | jr -------------------- - When the roll is called up yon- | ing power should be so led away by | > PHONE 597 | ------------y i bs der, soma darned plumber will have | their prejudices as to make state- | Th . 0 | | - to go back to the shop for a wrench j ments of this kind. It is hardly pos- | i bod . \ to put on his wings. | sible to think that they Relieve them | 4 i. 2 un Vi i ---------------- [to be true. Such a conclusion would | m a m { er e ru 7 | oe % | 88 4 | The Delaware, Lackawanna an} You can now hear your pastor | Pe apt to make their hearers brand | Preach on the telephone--and this them as fools. It would be more . . . . 3 y y y : So Tm 1 > | mereitul to accept them as simply | Down Goes the Prices Again This Week-End! { INSURANCE AND Specialist { Wenern Ruilrons's | | : ch ------ Britain will not worry greatly. The are wrapped around the jitney to keep the thing from freezing. "The House of Satisfaction" castle Hotél. .Mollie's gone Looking ent citizens of the United States al- | much to Britain a 3 mind ington Day by = | Indies" as "a basis of negotiations | There are two kinds of married |? | . [for the settlement of her war debt | before there could be any hope of | 87Ph operator, a carpenter and stone Airs. doesn't refer to the times when cen- - tral gi him the w g number. remarks made In the heat of the mo. . . . i gies 3m the wrons Sqmver ment and without consideration. It | Join In With The Thrifty Shopers! GENERAL BROKER For many years Dr. Chown | Celebrated - In daily communication with Mont- ys ) | | is certain that very few sane-minded i . | SEF r : of The only thing you can say for the | people in the United States pay any BEEF ; BACON real and Toronto Stock Exchanges. has given special attention to Stewing Beef 1000 lbs. Wiltshire Bacon-- Dominion, Provincial and Muniel. the fitting of Trusses, Abdom- ~ten<cent shoe shine is that it en- idi gS am | attenaion to them, so ridiculous are : shi ables the boy to make the right they. Perhaps a few rabid pro-Ger. | Boiling Cuts . (Piece) =e.) pal Bonds for sale. inal Supporters and carrying Scranton _ change for a one-legged man mans and Irishmen would applaud | Oven Roasts . . . '.. Se 1000 Ibs. Wiltshire Bacon-- | in stock a complete , line of J vs -_-- Judge Cobalan's remarks, but tne A (Sliced) . 33e. | 281 KING STREET TRUSSES, ! avPeople whine because Victory |mass of the people are unaffected 1000 Sweet Pickled Pork. .20c. Ib. | . Bog: &1 i Abdominal Supporters, Coal ®Onds are not worth par; but they by them, and take them at exactly Phones - 68j 087 CANVAS BELTS. _deldom whine because returned sol. | what they are worth. SMOKED BONELESS HAM _ - RIDING BELTS. ; Abdominal Warmers. The Standard Anthracite diérs yet in hospitals are mot worth | The idea of "freeing Canada" is | ---- : par, too ridiculous' to call for comment. . ELASTIC HOSIERY, The oaly Coal handled by The people of Canada hav, no desire : 2 Shae - FOR SALE Save money and be assgred When Solomon was called away [to give up the freedom they enjoy er of 'satisfaction by buying at from home on a business trip it al- | under the British flag for any other Sued ; (Extra large size) i 00 d home ways took him seven hours and { brand which Judge Cohalan may ad- | . 1000 tins Pineapples * G second - hand twenty minutes to kiss his wives ana | vocate. As for the statement that | 4 2s Lumber, Corrugated 3 lady friends good-bye, Britain, through war preparations : | Sheet Steel and other |} Dr. Chown"s Drug Store in Canada, is preparing for conflict : | 1.1 . 83 Princ St. 3. The chief weakness of our system | with ine United Stafes, the kindest . . i building materials. 1 ncess Phone 84. is that thy man who has sense en- ! inference one can draw is that the ; Ara . : L Cohen & Co. a . ough to handle government business | speaker mus. have been violating 32c. 1b. 275 Ontario St. Phone 837. Canada exported $1,002,672,413 a black busine. nul we 'Usually has a business of his own {the eighteraih ameendment and the : worth of munitions afd materials trent J04 Wolke * that he can't afford to quit, | Volstead Act, or else suffering from | i during the World war. er 4 Phone 9. Foot of 'seen St

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