FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1021. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ; o - EEE A CANADIAN ADMITS FORGING CHEQUES | Ottawa Man Surrendered .to | Pew York Police--Con=- science Hurt Him. 1 TO THE EMPLOYERS OF KINGSTON || As a pay-envelope service to your employees, please tell them they may order their clothes custom-tailored-to-measure from English & Scotch Woolen Co. OF MONTREAL The Largest, Exclusive, Popular-priced Tailoring Establish- ment in the British Empire : T CHORROW, we will open Store Number 39 in Kingston. This will give Kingston not only the most economical, but the most convenient Tailored-to-Measure Clothing Service in the Dominion. This achievement is in answer to a widespread demand from the pesple 8 af Kingston for a Tailored-to- Measure Clothing Service at a National Purveyor's Price. In inaugurating our system of clothes-selling in Kingston, it means that you can order your clothes the convenient, quiet way--that our system will give you the finest custom tailor's craftsmanship on a business man's basis--with Standardized Quality, Standardized Service and Standardized Prices -- a System and a service that will enable any man to have his clothes made to fit his person as well as his personality--and to enjoy the utmost in Tailored-to-Measure New York, March 4. --Declaring | himself to be Dennis Bulforde, for- i ty-eight, a surveyor, of the Elgin | epartments, Elgin street, Ottawa, | Ont., a man requested police here to arrest him oh a charge of having | forged several cheques in Canada, using the name of.J. 8. Dennis, assistant to the president of the Can- adian Pacific Railway, who he alleg- ed, is his uncle. The man was de- tained pending inquiry; he said he surrendered because his conscl- ence was annoging him. According to the police Bulforde admitted forgery which netted him $300 on one occasion and $250 on another, the last offence having been committed on January 18th at Ed- monton, Alta. In defence of his act, | the man is said to have stated that be wanted to get away from the po- lice of Alberta who are hounding him because they suspected him in connection with the disappearance of a package of mail eontaining $50,- 000. He declared he was guiltless. NIAGARA GROWERS APPLY FOR CHARTER Preliminary Steps Completed, Provisional Directors Are Named. mind Hamilton, March 4.--All the pre- liminary steps in connection with the organization of thesNiagara Penin- sula Growers, Limited, a co-operat- ive concern to handle the fruit of the district, have been completed, and at a meeting at St, Catharines, seven provisional directors were named to apply for a charter. When the charter is secured a general, | meeting will be called. A committee, of which David Hun- ter was the secretary, had been ap- | pointed to make an inquiry as to | whether there was sufficient capital | to start the company, whether en- ough growers to produce $1,600,- 000 worth of fruit, according to thelr ottput last year, were willing to en- ter the project, and whether satis- factory officials could be found. The committee found that all three con- ditions had been meb. Garments. / ONTARIO REFERENDUM: Dominion Alliance Preparing for Campaign. Toronto, March 4---Campaign plans in connection, with the referen- dum to be taken on April 18th, have been decided upon by the recently elected managing committee of the Ontario branch of the Dominion Al- liance, according to an official state- ment given out here. It has been de- cided to issue a series of colored posters, a series of leaflets, bearing | directly upon the coming fight be- | tween the temperance ,eople of the | province of Ontario, with the injune- tion 'vote yes' emphasized. Public meetings will be held | throughout the province, and a series of mass medtings will be held in Massey Hall here on Sat@rday after- noon, when international prohibition leaders will give addresses. A bur eau will be instituted for thé purpose of supplying campaign. speakers to local committees throughout Ontario, Suits and Overcoats ---------- STAR'S SALARIES OUT. No connection with any other concern in Canada. Big Reductions for Chicago Opera Company Singers ' New York, March 4.--A substan- tial salary reduction has heen accept- : ' ; . ed by virtually évery artiste who thus y i "HE English & Scotch Woolen Co. of Montreal, in opening Store Number 35 far has signed a sow sontract with in Kingston to-morrow, desires to inform the public that there is no connec- 3 0 ny for . Sar ocr Tn Spangler, tion in any way whatsoever between this organization and any other clothing ; busin nager, anno d. Th - 5 -- a age - py call > concern in Canada, either Tailored: to-M easure or Ready- Made, or any firm using 3 as much as a 650 per cent. cut in the : fees collected during the current a similar name, ; th ingers in the stellar . ' : TO he yng Yoru borat The English and Scotch Woolen Co. of Montreal operate the Largest Exclusive : .to accept 20 to 25 per cent, Excep- " 3 tions had been made, it was ane Popular-Priced Tailored-to-Measure Clothing Service in the British Empire, con- . 3 nounced, in the salarjes of Mary i. Garden, artiste-director, Mme, Galll- trolling a chain of 39 Stores and Tailor Shops throughout the Dominion. The |~ 3 Cured and Lucien Murgtove. Head Office for Canada, Buyer's Quarters, Bonded Warehouse, Show Rooms, and 3 Main Tailor Shop is located in Montreal. English & Scotch 'Woolen Co. Tailored-to -Measure Service is based on Quality in Chicago, March 4.--Cora OFth- Quantity, which means finest workmanship and materials at Moderate Standard- i igo n ge ized Prices. A Dominion-wide Custom Tailoring Service that makes it really TROUSERS A eo A ae octane easy and possible to dress well on a mod est purse, a STL Lars Jet Lot us take your measure to morrow. ApH aaron We dre showing exceptional values in | | Jer had been trying to "throw her . odd trousers from trouser ea he oe believe any 1 General Manager for Canada. lengths," man," she said after her arrest. PLEDGE BY HARDING, oolen ( Co. "Every man's just a plece of hell." Undertakes God-Pearing and Right. Minded Service, "He broke open two doors, and Marion, March 4.--A pledge of " ; | "God-fearing, right-minded service" . . Sg : Tn el peas bis eg eT + 79 Princess Street, Kingston Ont. Head Office DARED WOMAN TO SHOOT. Tragedy Follows Quarrell in Chicago when 1 had the revolver on him he shouted, 'You dare not; you are not game." Then I fired." ing in a farewell speech to his neigh- 3 : and friends in Marion. Head Office Te 3 8 : Spine En aa waits. 16 Sales Room | 9 STORES AND TAILOR SHOPS IN CANADA po tender him and Mrs. Harding a part- 861 iw . SIX CONVENIENTLY TED . sale Bouin =. 4 ing testimonial he delared he faced St. Catharine Ey LOCATED MONTREAL STORES 851 . his duty confident a : Toronto ed a "the destinies of the républic were | | | seeetmam oll Haden Hiciithe i Tey Malitax Charlottetown Je Rime 8t. Catherine safe under the gu of Shawinigan Brantford Moncton ; BRIG det ho vigiance of § hui Montreal _ Sault Ste. Marie Sherbrooke Kingston Winnipeg New Glasgow ValleySeld "Simonton Fort Wilken al dred million patriots, eh - Stratford ; Three Rivers Amberst St. John * Fredericton Thomas 5 et------------ ; 'Sorel Calgary Windsor Co amaie Rao : ed from the 'e sms-- a A ars Wy oo : i nslliEl { | Out-of-Town Men ris tx ree Jinpion ? srs by I - a. - = i Line. Address 851 St Catharine § ih and Tape Te | 5