THE DAILY BRITISH WHI Founded 1847, Livingston's 'New Blue Serge Suits (Ready-to-Wear) SPECIAL $35.00 $37.50 $40.00 $45.00 The latest Spring styles. ® eo 9 Livingston's 75-77 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." EE -- Anderson Bros. Limited "Satisfaction Always" Our Motto] Lower Prices Saturday BEEF 500 lbs. Round Steak . . . 300 lbs. Stewing Steak . . vv ode Ib. 400 Ibs. Hamburg Steak . . . . .... 15c. Ib. Stewing Cuts cee. 13¢. Ib. PotRoasts ........ ...18c. 1b. Rolled Roasts ...25¢c. Ib. Boiling Cuts ...15¢. Ib. Oven Roasts ...22c. Ib. Rib Roasts ...28¢c. Ib. . ++. 25¢. Ib. ®ve enn «800000 0.8 . . Sh 8 es 00400 .«s he 9000 0044s 0ea st ese YEARLING LAMB Leins,......... sits va sree ven 250 1b, Racks i A AT TN SEE RN 1b. Shonia, aac. ++. 156 Ib. Shoulder Chops, . a + vow vaSe, Ib, CHOICE VEAL loins ......... ve vnien inven. Ibe Racks. ............... 18c¢. Ib. Fronts srerracnenar 180 1b, 'Stewing Cuts rns s eres nrviives se JB336 - Shoulder Chops esi iso ci28e Puelard.................. 00. Kidney Suet ...............0 15a ih. Legs .... Fronts Cr fin» es sean 15c. Ib. SEE 2 Esha g Bacon vs xix bs % wwe 30 Tb Fresh Pork Liver COFFEE--F resh roasted-- fresh ground. 40c. Ib, Quality Blend ... 0. UF, Co erfection Blend ......... ... 50c Ib. Phones 458459. Wholesale 1767. | (For the Big Production of "Dardanella" at the i Grand. | { Everything is ready at the Grand | Opera House for the presentation to- {night and Saturday, matinee and |night," of the McGregor Company's | international Success, "Dardanella,'" {which . has been awaited by local |theatre-goers with keen interest ever {since the original announcement that the big show would appear fhere. Indications point to a most |Successful engagement, and the un- {broken record of capacity houses, | which the popular production has enjoyed since leaving New York, {will undoubtedly obtain here to- | night. The local orchestra will be aug- |mented by the special "Dardanella" jmusicians, thereby insuring a pro- {per rendition of the many famous [song hits. In all likelihood the or- {chestra to-night will be directed by | Addison Evans, composer of the famous "Dardanella" score. Mr. Evans happens to be visiting the [company at this time and has pro- {mised to direct to-night--according [= a wire received yesterday by Man- lager Branigan, of the Grand. : | "Dardanelia" is described as a | "Jim-Jam-Jem of a Jazzy Jam- | boree." It is a gigantic combination of all styles of musical comedy, "re- views," "follies," "scandals," etc., all blended into the liveliest, happy- go-lucky entertainment ever staged | The same exquisite chorus® of youth {and beauty arrayed in gorgeous crea- {tions and startlingly novel costumes, the same brilliant cast of comedians, {singers and dancers and the same {colorful production of artistic and | beautiful scenery that was seen dur: |Ing its metropolitan engagement will grace the stage of the Grand to- {night.--Advt. | | | | i MAJOR-GENERAL E. W. WILSON Elected president of the Dominion Rifle Association. He is a Montreal man. The Laie Dalton Ryckman, Dalton P, ckman, late of the C &. F., passed away in Sydenham hospi- L® at 9.40 pom. Thursday, after an illness of some duration. The de- ceased belongeu to Nagara Faus, and was thirty years of age. In No- v-mber, 1915, he enlisted in the 98th battalion, and servea in it-and the 64th in France. His next-of-kin is a brother, Clarence Ryckman, who is in the city making arrangemen's for the fun-ra', STOCK MARKETS, Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Bagot Ryerson & Co., 237 ~ Btreet. New York Stocks. Opening. Closing. American Car Fndy..128% American Locomotive 86 American Sugar . 89% Am, Internat, Corp. 44% Smelters : 41 ' Baldwin Locomotive . 88% Baltimore & Ohio ... 34 { Bethlehem Steel "B". 124% 865% 891 45% 89 2 Anaconda iC... P. R. | Central Leather Crucible Steel International Paper . Lackawanna Steel Marine Marine Pid. Mexican Petroleum New Haven Northern Pacific .. Pere Marquette .... Reading U. 8, Rubber Southern Pacitic St. Paul | Dominion Steel 42% offered ex. 13% General Electric ....114 115 National Breweries .. 451 N. Y. Exchange .... 14 Steel of Canada .... 60 Spanish River .... ..71 # - -- * To-Night. Hear Evangelist S. Taylor in Gos- pel Hall at 8 o'clock. a -- Sqme parts of the Sahara desert have, rainfall only at intervals of about five years, B pmsarine differs tom 3 ly a smoother rind 'pulp, TONGHT 15 THE NIGHT/THE BURIAL | its members, ever seeking the im- | provement of prison conditions in this OF A LEADER { | | Funeral of the Late George Y. | Chown on Friday | Afternoon. | The funeral of the late George Y. {Chown took place at 2 p.m. Friday | {from his residence, "Sunnyside," to | | Cataraqui cemetery, and although | | the family desired a private burial | {it proved to be the most largely at- | [tended funeral held in Kingston in a | {number of years. This was due to {the position {ed in the social, business and educa- | tional life of the community. The casket wa: banked with beau- {titul floral tributes from hosts of | | friends and associates in the different | { spheres in which the deceased was a prominent figure, and who thus gave | expression to the admiration and {affectionate regard in which he was held. Every mail, since th% sad [news of his death becam, publie, | | brought messages of condolence to | the bereaveu family, minglea with {regret at the loss of so distinguished | |a citizen. | The religious service at the resi- {dence was conducted by Rev. W. T. | G. Brown, assisted by Rev. Dr. W, G. | Jordan, of Queen's University. It was {attended by the family, numerous | relatives and friends and reprasen- | | tatives of the different facultles and | {societies of the univers Among | thse from outside points being Rev. | Dr. E. A. Chown, Toronto; Dr. H. u] {| Chown, Winnipeg; Stanley T. Chown, | Renfrew; Rev. A. E. ell, Toron- | | to, and Miss Alice Chown, New York] | At the conclusion of the service | the cortege proceeded to Cataraqui cemetery. The pall-bearers were W. | | F. Nickle, K.C., Dean Clarke, Dean | | Skelton, Elmer Davis, A. B. Cunning- 'ham, and John Irwin, Montreal. The ; mourners included the members of [the immediate family and a large number of relatives from the city and outside points. In the proces- sion were the members of the admin- istration staff, the staffs of the differ- |ent faculties of Queen's University, the entire student body, representa- tives of the city council, Board of Education, Canadian Club, Board of Trade, Frontenac Club, Public Util- ities Commission, Frontenac Law So- ciety and other organizations with which the deceased had been actively associated. The arrangements were under the direction of James Reid, undertaker. Interment took place in the family plot, S------ RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE Was Passed in Regard To Late G. Y. Chown, At a special meeting of the Ontario Board of Parole held in Toronto on March 3rd, Hamilton Cassels, K.C., the chairman, presiding, the follow- Ing resolution was adopted on motion of T. H. Preston, Brantford: "That the members of the Ontario Board of Parole at this special meet- ing convened for the purpose, express their sense of the deep loss sustained by them in the death of G. Y. Chown, one of their number. From the mo- ment of his appointment to this board, Mr. Chown became one of the most active, zealous and faithful of province and the restoration of of- fenders against the law to good eiti- zenship. Warm-hearted and generous in his impulses, and frank and open in the expression of his thoughts, he was highly esteemed by the members of this board and the. officials of the Ontario reformatories, all of whom greatly deplore that his companijon- ship and valuable advice are no long- er to be theirs." T. H. Preston was in attendance at the funeral to represent the board. . -- The British government has defi- nitely decided to acquire the righty of making the anti-tuberculosis ser- um which Henry Spahlinger has dis- covered, after researches and experi- ments lasting more than ten years. DAILY MEMORANDUM, h Band at Palace Rink to-night. Sind at palucs Rink Senger HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. BORN. O'CONNOR--At Sydenham, February | 2§th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A O'Connor, a son DIED. FRANKLIN--At Joyceville, on March | + FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1921. G. SPRIN Announces its arrival with a brilliant company of smart NEW SUITS, COATS, DRESSES 2 With the formal opening of our Spring display all questions per- taining to the modes and fabrics of this new season are authoritatively answered, and never, we believe, have apparel and fabric secrets been disclosed in a spirit more joyously typical of Spring. But most gratifying of all is the fact that apparel plans need not be pt off, for there is an unmistakable note of economy in every display. ADOPT YOUTH. GIVING LINES in all the season's favored sh ades' developed in mannish Serge, Gaberdine and Trico tine, Silk Embroidery and Braided Designs will mark the better garments and un- common values are the dom inant features, THENEW COAT FRENCH VELOUR, POLO CLOTH and TRICOTINE -in all the latest style creations and the newest tones--are now ready for your inspection. ° THE NEW WOOL DRESSES Have arrived in scores of pretty new models, showing all the stunning colored em broidery, which is decidedly out-of the-ordinary. But you will have to see our full dis- play in order to fully appreciate their beauty and pric- ings. || JUST ARRIVED Gorgeous Plaid and Stripe Pleated Skirts. Note the price --$15.00-- John Laidlaw & Son, Limited 2nd, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Franklin, a daughter. GUIREY--In Kingston, at the Hote! Dieu Hospital, on March ist, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Gairey, a daughter (Dorothy Anne). WHITE--In Kingston, March 3rd, 1821, infant (twin) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. bh. White, 33 First Street, Jean, aged 3 weeks. CARD OF TF Mrs. hugh Barclay and famiiy, of Sydenham, to extend their sin. cere thanks te their numerous friends and relatives who expressed their sym- gracious 'way during recent bereavemeni, ? H23456 78903.. ..¢ The a Firm of Undertakers. 234 and 256 PRINCESS STREET. Phcne 147 for Ambul. nce, ~ ROBERT J. REID Phan Bp Mg Under, THE LATEST ARRIVAL | Black Suede Strap Pump--Louis Heel -- Price $12.50. Just one charming version of strap styles for Spring. See our window display.