BUILDING ?| : ey ems Kingston and Vicinity COAL 3 O. Aykroyd & Son -- We have about 100 tons of Run of Mine + 3 FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1021. THF DAILY RRITISH WHIG. Austin's Dig Store 21- Main Street. Phone 1670. » DR A W WINNETT Gananoque's Tax Rate. Aug 9th, 10th and 11th. Chief{; The action of the legislature commit- Hard Coal, on which we are making a spe- Forty-seven 11s on the dollar is r as also in Ottawa on a; will mean a saving of five thous- » . o 4 Be . the rate fixed by the town council of |dep ic interviewing J. Grove! and dollars this year to the city coun- cial price of $ | 0.00 a ton, screened. DINTAL SURGEON. Gananoque for 1, an increase of |Smith, dominion fire commissioner, | cil. This coal gives good results na furnace : > * : > : For Yqur Protection : a Coughs : 3 Colds - five mills ove t nd Fire Chief Graham. --_--_--_-- g ' : 3 : i tive mills ¢ ar ¢ rabiam May Spend $50,000 on Highways. or a heater, if miked with the regular Chest- * : ? Against Pneumonia corner of Johnsun and Wellington - ea ee | .e ---- : 3 tai { Pleurisy Streots Phone 863 | Special Value in Negligee Shirts. A Good Baby Soother. | A petition bearing the name of nut Stove or Egg ( oal We have just received a shipment. The trouble with most baby com- | 247 residents of Clayton, N.Y., will 1 . of negligee shirts, regular value! forts is that they break or collapse | be presented to the village board at 2.50, which we will put on,sale for | too edSily. Why not pay a few cents | the annual meeting in March asking & : ANGLIN & CO See our [more and get.a real good soother? | that the proposition uf improving the ° * and LaGrippe Wine of Cod 50,000 SAMPLES $0,000 one dollar ($1.00) Free to horsemen who | packe ach one in a box 2lope | $50.0 id be requi "for the | ; Free 2, Jorsemen Who 4 pacied each o or envelope | $50,000 would quired" Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory {and is absolutely sanitary. The nip- | work. A bond issue will be floated if | The members of the local police |Ple cannot collapse or break away the proposition is carried, and the Phone 1415. I bonds will be retired at intervals to etc. Agents wanted. Write your ||force are taking every opportunity |:rom the shield. i! ) The Perfecto Soother is the best { be designated in the proposition. is a Tonic Body Builder and a reliable remedy. Colic, Inflammation of the Lungs Learning To Run Car, Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper etc." Send 25¢. for Mailing 'ackage | to learn to run the new police patrol. | | address plainly - | DR. BELL, V.S., KINGSTON, Ont. » i i nh aby -- > The car has arrived and the body is|for the baby Advt. : Austin's Drug Store Corner King and Marke: Sguare Kingutom - Phone 230 Knight MacGregor Lauded. . "| being built on it by Laturney carriage WV) Ri ton W d 1cG Cc di bari o > \ . company. wat Kingston Wanted. Knight McGregor, Canadian bari- E rt D pany in Aeolian | Xpe esl ning The action of the municipal com-|tone, made his/ debut {mittee of the Ontario legislature in|Hall, New York, recently, The Musi- : * Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder ten days only at $1.50. a i Liver Oil | 1 bottles | window. Prevost, Brock street. {The Perfecto Sanitary Soother is road streets be submitted. About Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Invited To Return. i At the February meeting of the deciding that one-day off in seven for [cal Leader, New York, says: "His | Your most particular wish will be most carfeully looked af- or 00 quarterly official board of Selby cir- | firemen shall only apply to cities of | voice is not only beautiful, but it is ter by expert designer, who has had experience with the most up- cuit, a hearty 'appreciation was ex- |over '100,000 population is what | very smooth in production, and his 10-4ale designers of the continen t. Don't be satisfied with any« pressed of the services rencered by [Kingston and other smaller cities re-|style is finished. He was heard in | thing less than the best. We Strive To Serve Rev. and Mrs. Farnsworth during the | cently asked in petitions. Kingston [songs that ranged from Handel, Arn- i onest ues past three years, and a unanimous has the double-platoon system, and [old and Mozart, to the group includ- | As D. HOLTON 4 invitation was extended to remain [the firemen here are satisfied with it. [ing Kramer, Kennedy Russell and . Easthope Martin.' Mr. MacGregor | 280 PRINCESS STREET - - | | | gig sr nd gl Nght 'he fourth year. | i - FLORIST. hy 2 01d a : acl: sets in aide ana back curtains it Die re CASTO RB 1A Je Drother of. Alex. MacGregor 1 Phone 661. Residence 2030w. Slip Covers and Boat T ATH > Eh . B ase, 2 A i - ail kinds of General ropmirieg 2 MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING There is a substantial reduction BT -- taking place in the prices of build- For Infants and Children Remembered the Couple. B® I i GENTS' FURNISHINGS / i -- " = Jon ing lumber. Some builders of ready- Ov ears | A very pretty, but quiet wedding | > es y In Use For er30 Yo | took place in Picton, Feb. 2nd, when ! FOR SALE Auto Tops recovered and cush- BOOTS AND SHOES cut bungalows and houses, have just 390 PRINCESS STREET Phone 152. Call and a issued a supplementary pricelist| Always bears {Miss Minnie Willard and Charles | "all and see us and you will showing reductions of from $300 to ee of Laird were united in matrimony. | Jian StRough-can .. $2250 | Ridean St.--Solic Brick .. 8ig: The happy couple entrained for To- | Markland St.--Frame ....$2600 | Arch St.--Brick find our PRICES the LOWEST $700 on buildings previously listed 3 in. the «ity, SRT) LEED Drevione Said S k ronto and other western points. Or. | Dutlerin 51. ~=Double frame $3500 | Earl St.--Stone . . . .. ® r their return the members of the ydenham St.--D. Stone . .$36.50 | Earl St.--S3tone siderable reduction and every design | JITIORE es ALL mot hom ot the home ofdl Jenkins St.--Frame; large Montreal St.--Double Pressed ; i lot . $3750] Brick ...... .u..0....89000 We always carry a good as- Watches and Clocks Sortment and an up-to-date of house is effected. Repaired stock. Sr---------- . the bride's grandparents, Mr. and | | --by-- Arranged For Convention, Mrs. Andrew Harrison, and present- ; Fire Chief James Armstrong has ed Mrs_Laird wtih a handsome man A. F. P RCELL | G W LYONS I ZACKS Felturned from Three Rivers; Quebec, tel slack. The Bivens wae rend by | Phine 704 i od a where he attended a meeting of the 4 Miss Nancy Burleigh an e pres iy i * ® executive of the Dominion Fire entation was made by Miss Mildred | REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ] a . aieasmt------g] are guaranteed for one year. | Chiefs ' Association. Arrangements | Carson. \ Call or 'phone and your or- 271 PRINCESS STREET were made for the holding of the an- | Its use m-~rks you as e---------- >= - Rp n a judge 0)" tobacco | Storehouse Falls in River. Is der wili be promptly attended | nual convention at Three Rivers on be SN --. At Clayton, N.Y., the one story "J © 1 i PHY 1806, R67 Priacess Si; frame building known as the John- | * | son warehouse' is floating in a limit- | toc a 1n a e ee ed area of the St. La rence river. It | FAULTY PLUMBING . crashed through eight inches of ice, | p s the piers on which it had rested hav- | . IS COSTLY NO MATTER HOW RIG ¥ re ing sunk. The building had been pur- of ELECTRIC IRONS from or $3,00 up. LOW THE PRICE i - ---- Pod . lchased by J. M. Hungerford, who Call and see them. planned to convert it into a bunga- | Our Plumbing and Tinsmithing ! " 21H . is being built up on a quality ay oe SEAT) : Brat basis. If you are going to 4 low at Bartlett's Point. The Otis puild we will be pleased to quote " pe . 5 you prices on the total fixtures R " J Brooks Company was engaged to | ) i EC, move it and it had been removed . and the cost of installation. 5 ane A N i | from the site and was over the ice supported by piers when the collapse ---- --. y HI SSS ga Davie & Barrett he som" a == = go nk ts Sa : Zs | Juve stores Buus 1. || FOR SALE--EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH Fn -. , oi i -- rr ice company, when asked by the | CLASS BONDS Whig about the ice situation, stated x . that the 'company had two ice houses PROVINCE OF ONTARIO due 1941--price to yield Six Per iB Cent.--payable half yearly. completely filled, and up until! Thurs PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN d : i i 0 had been ue 1936--Price to Yield day noon {five tiers of ice hu Six Per Cent.--payable half yearly. stored in the third house, The com- pany is hoping for another cold spell Victory and other bonds bought and sold. - so as to finish filling the third house. Apply to:-- = When asked if they expected there would be any shortage, the manage- J. 0. HUTTON 67 CLARENCE STREN? ment stated that even if the company A home 708. did not store any more ice there would be plenty to meet the local de- Mi mand. This winter the company has experienced a great deal of trouble harvesting the ice on account of the W. R McRae & Ca RV - mn 3 : His Master's Voice" po leh td aw F urs | GOLDEN LION BLOOK. reads an old saying, but all the "bow- oe wows' in Kingston must be on their L ! good behaviour in the future. If they _ DAIN( EB, HI i S i do not behave the police department s e is going to make some trouble as many complaints have been made | Up-to-the-minute Jazz numbers, snappy one-steps, dandy fox from citizens about dogs making a trots, dreamy waltzes, Music that makes dancing doubly alluring. great noise and disturbing them in or a e If it's new and popular, you will find it on their sleep. All owners of dogs must 300... SKUNK see to it that their canines are mot 100 MINK "His Master's Voice" Records disturbing citizens. Everyoge will ag- A new Sharples ® 5 Fe ree that it is not a very nice thing to Milker Will 11 Nato F g Ne Hoe os Trot Vanderbilt Hotel Orch. 216258 be disturbed at night in this manner. 75 "ee ee" FOX y. 1 se. e Jeans--Fox Trot Vanderbilt Hotel Orchestra s d lowed t d 150 h ; Swedish Walts--Priare-Valsen (af Hellstrom) ome dogs are allowed to wander wivivis vite ee nins » COON cneap. fp Swedish, Walts--Ps Loglotten (3) Sorunds.v. Orfemernlatenzs all over the city at all hours of the ; Tools ons Sten alsen . Orkestern night. A clean-up is promised if there Diamond rie j216247 are any more complaints, E Brawley Procty Mise Yirgau-Salts Van Eps Quartet : 9 Could Love Anybedy Like I'm Loving Y . SYDENHAM, ONTARIO. Fox Trot Vanderbil ey our) aise 0SCOW PRES k . 0-Hi-0-(0-My-0)--One-Step Vaan Hows) Orchestra 2 NN > Retirin anist at Methodist Rosie (Make It Rosey for Me)--Fox Trot Vanderbilt Hotel Orch. 216254 YS Given Purse. BROCK STREET 'oe x Arabia e-Step Henri's Orchestra Moscow, March 2.--On Tuesday \ One-S Henri' 6255 : ---- yo PATTON'S Good Times--One-Step Henri 3 rchestralns Feb. 22nd a large number of friends 3) } Nr mtn Beautiful Annabel--Waltz Vanderbilt Hotel Orchestra The Rye Waltz Henri' Orch S. Henry's Barn § Orchestra 2 and neighbors gathered at the home| N Ry : Dance Miro's Band) 20254 of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Milsap, and pre- n DYE WORKS All on 10-inch Double-sided $1.00 sented the latter with a purse of over $55, in recognition of her services as (Late Montgomery's) . . organist in the Methodist church of _ : Any "His Master's Yoice" dealer this place. Mrs. Milsap recently res- 9 Kingston's Only Dyer. igned this position which she ably . A will gladly play any selection you held for over twenty-five years. : Dry Cleaning a Specialty. may wish to hear On Thursday, Feb. 24th, a variety 4 4 showed was held at the home of Mr, i Phone 214. 349 Princess St. Mantlact » and Mrs. Samson King in honor of anufactured by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil King. ~~ ' Berliner Gram-o-phoné Co., Limited, Montreal] On Saturday, Feb. 26th, Miss ; p Florence Allen entertained a number / 'a wy 1220 of young people. On Saturday Mos- ' - oo. iF DID . YOU EVER TRY > \ cow hockey team played Pleasant Valley with a score of 3 to 2 in favor ww "ing rmainde, ' ' nesta' abpie. of the latter. Week-end visitors were: : ; Waugstai's rincappie Marmassde, Wagntaite He Jelly, . Misses Grace and. Florence Huffpan, also have a full line of at M. Huffman's. Misses Evelyn Mc- th lable mak, > Jaca, Sam aR Jaton pharma. mI PN A IE INS pn otitis Kim and Gladys Asselstine at R. E. 1 Hp . Asselstine's, H. Huffman with his son For the best values at on Marche Groncrs | F " W. COATES ht View i TT -- $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, Cer. Earl 5 : . } . 28.--~L. License Se. varie (Jeweller) 158 Princess Street. Phone 301]. BT $35.00, $40.00 Phone 1844. AAAAANAN oN ALI AAA AANANA AAAAAAAS Ad is IN lately purchased from Wiliam Bus- : pre AYA AY AA tard. W. Sproule is moving to his BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT FORSALE |} ~~ R. J. RODGER Je Rams ie IS DWELLING, BARN AND ONE Victor Records and Needles ; TWED D ELL S . : home after spending some weeks JING, BARY ak) 132 Princess St v with her sister in Gananoque. Mr. . and Mrs. W. Greer spent Sunday with her. Miss Edna Asselstine is vi- at city limits ..........$2600 || ! - hut « friends in Detroit, Mich. Mr. , 1 v Vy TY v and Mrs. D. Baker spent Friday in Ww. H. GODWIN 4 Joyceville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bak- Sa MAHOOD BROS. er, Front road, at D. Baker's. Mrs. & SON | : B# has returned home after a » Real Estate and Insurance : - . . visit with friends at Lapum. Mrs. L. | stine is quite recovered. Mrs. Tripp Is] Fairfield is home after spending 89 Brock: Street. Phone 424. Agents Victor-Victolas. | 13 Princess Street. Wartman is convalescent after her | quite fll with grippe. Rev. Mr. Nicol, | couple of weeks with friends in Tol -- rt Eds a Son nd serious operation in Kingston Gen- | Odessa, preaches in the Union onto, Collins Bay is quite proud : = a. : , : : + eral Hospital. Mrs. Norton Assel-|church, Sunday next. Miss Mollig|its hockey team. pa a : 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) wv TTT v > 3 i