6 DAI LY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1921, THE BRITISH WHIG 88TH YEAR. * | them. lished Daf and Semi-Weekly by La) BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO,, LIMITED & G. Bliott ............... Leman A. Guild President Managing-Director L243 .229 : TELBPHONES "Business Office . torial Roomg ob Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Daily Edition) One year, delivered in city $6.00 One year, if paid in advance .. .$5.00 Ona year, by mail to rural offices $2. One year, to United States ....... 3.00 (Beml-Weekiy Edition) One year, by. mail, cash $1.00 One year, If not paid in ad .50 One year, to United States $1.50 OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES . Calder, 22 8t. John St. Montreal . W. Thompaop 190 King St. E. 3 tters to the Editor are published only over the actual name of the writer. Attached is one of the best job printing offices in Canada. The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations, -- | LOVE IN HIGH PLACES { There is a tang of high romance {about the headlines telling |& "Love intrigue over Crown Prin {shakes Japan," and chivalrous curi- {o8ity 1s Whetted to a keener adge by | the assertion of our Tokio ¢ontem- | porary, Hechi Shimbun, that beneath {all the commotion is the long smoul- | dering struggle between the extreme | Nationalists or chauvinists and the | forces of progressive Liberalism. Heirs to thrones doubtless deserve {all the Sympathy other people accord Their lot 'is not a happy one, | surrounded as they are by royal man- dates and parliamentary barbed wire. In England Swift MacNeil, [one of the best known parliament- | ary lawyers, makes the suggestion | that, as a first step toward the free- {dom of choice for the Prince of [ Wales, which the nation desires, the | royal act of 1772 be repealed. That | inheritance of the Georges enacts [that a prince of the royal house may {not marry without the king's con- | sent until he is twenty-five, and that | even then he must Elve notice to the | Privy Council, with twelve months grace, whereupon he may please him- self only if the two houses of parlia- ment do not disapprove. | "He has no child who first framed | this measure. He is no Judge of the crime of following "nature," said Edmund Burke dramatically when the bill was introduced, while an- other member pointed out that a | "prince wads fit to rule the kingdom |at eighteen, but unfit to marry at | twenty-five." Well,--there was | Scripture behind the retort that it { was easier to rule a kingdom than a | wite, and the bill became law, in |spite of Burke and Fox. A year is {a long while for young men who hap- | pen to be princes to "stop, look and | listen." 18 that | ¢ | proportional THE_ Ing reduced weekly production, th> loss in weekly output was legs than to the reduction in hours, while in one-sixth of these es- tablishments, the decrease was great- | one-fifth of the establishnients show- | i + accident. They e kicked the mar The cattle raiser m ke is trouble-brow ed; { They tell me that th { . Have him completely co er than proportional to the reduction | of hours. With regard to experience in var- |that in cotton manufacturing all the | factories investigated experienced a | {decrease In weekly output under tho | | The chauffeur"has no thought to brag, reduced hours, In wool manufacturing, only one | plant out of sixty was able to main- | ious lines of industry, it was found | The milkman's lot is also grim, iis circumstances For feed his cattle And put him out'e He leads a sorry He's well nagged {tain its weekly output, and in silk | nuf; e of twenty- | manufacturing only one of t y | His badge of office seems to me three plants kept up to the usual fig- jure. In boot and shoe manufactur- | | Has such a sheep! look ing, out of eighty-eight plants cov- ered, it was found that three were able to increase their weekly output, and thirteen to maintain it; and in | the metal industries, out of 117 plants investigated, nine reported that their weekly output had been Increased and sixteen that they had been abl§ to maintain production. In all the other plants in these two lines decreases were reported. This report surely speaks for itsélf. One of the chief arguments of the | advocates of the compulsory eight- hour day is that it will stimulaty ef- ficiency and increase production. The Whig does not wish at present to comment one way or the other on the matter, but merely places the re- sults of the experiment before its | readers so that they can form their own opinjons on the subject. BITS OF BY-PLA Ry LUKE McLUKE Copyright, 1920, by | --- A simple eghepherd You'd know that he WwW. JK reports t lip from drinking too much hair tonic. i ---- i Something to Worry About. We do not know Just what it is al | about, but we disco | editorial columns of | ton (Ohio) Herald: 1 "The | from phrases involwi | copula, [ which is not a verb | the verb to be are supposed to know fore it governg no ¢ nominative and there ig-a real reason for having the same case after it as | { fore it because the | | pliment are really in op; | Our Daily Special. | . Don't Say Smart Things If They Going To Make Othe Onn --Sarcoxie (M.) Record. | Although he does not own a nag ---- Gosh! examples chosen of the so-called Is not expressed. Walt Mason THE POET PHILOSOPHER that the | eekly bows . € poor man's cows | wed Luke McLuke [BIBBY'S rude-- moo at him f mood At prices that defy the keenest goods--we do not MEN'S HOSE Fine Cashmere; grey, black or tan. 2 Pairs for $1.25 MEN'S HOSE Lisle Thread; black. 3 Pairs for 98c¢. MEN'S HOSE Heather mixture; Pen- man's wool; green, greys and browns. 2 Pairs for $1.25 POLICE SUSPENDERS 48¢c life; by hig wife, ~--(Canton News, 's crook; raised wool for he Newark Advocate. hat he got a hare vered this in the the revered Day- were taken of the 'to be; Arabic, You | it is there. There- | ase, accusative or ng the use verb at all. In and com- sition, -suly MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS Fine soft quality, White Shaker Flannel; full size $2.00 each MEN'S PYJAMAS | Neat patterns: fine soft ings. Are r People Smart, Ay * flannel garments Canadian MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR of competition--absolutely A | kandle any seconds. MEN'S TROUSERS Sizes 32 to 44. Splendidly made quality . Hewson dark browns and greys. MEN'S SUITS Perfectly cut and well finished ood, honest, all wool eeds. Sizes 36 to 44 22.50-- YOUNG MEN'S SUIT S Handtailored in all the new and most favored models; rich color- Extra special value --$35.00-- YOUNG MEN'S and MEN'S OVERCOATS from good Tweeds: F | | | | I rode with Johnson in the rain, FLAT TIRES. $2.50 MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS _ Spring style. $22.50, $28.50, $32.50 } The Cincinnati Enquirer. { In his new 50-horse-power wain. The | ean $ + rain was pouring down, gadzooks! | -- At times one suspects that laziness TREES AND DEATH RATE. i Good quality Twill -- See window display of these goods 1s the mother of invention. ------------ And money will remain tight un- til the man who has it loosens up. ---- The Japs are proceeding about their affairs with typical German ef- ficiency, . | S---- It the war didn't bring heaven nearer, it at least robbed hell of some | of its terrors. ---------- Thrift is the art of caring very little about the opinions of the neighbors. -------- "a The prophet Is without honor, per- haps, but it is well to remember that honor isn't without profit. St---- Jails were invented soon after the first man decided that he would like to get something for nothing. The former kaiser says that his People deserted him and God at the Same time. It sounds impossible. ---- As man becomes more civilized, by does less stealing. That is to say, he makes better padlocks. -- It you would flatter a man, pre- tend to think him a great hit with the ladies or ask him for advice. -------- Well, if they wouldn't listen to the Prince of Peace, perhaps they will listen to the tax assessor. o---- - One judges by its beginning that this era of everlasting peace will not be without its elements of pep. 3 -- 5 When a man ays that he has a Perfect legal right to do it, he means that no decent man would do it. ------ i You will remember that there was 20 talk about Ford needing money * Until he began fo run a newspaper. -- - Paper is very high in Austria, but the government is doing its best to cheapen it by converting it into mo- ---------------------- The two classes of men hated by Ditter-end radicals are those who Rave money and those who bave ---------------- It must be a great pleasure to the proletarian to be able to dic- tate the heel that shall rest on his | weekly working schedule If men lived to an average age of 200 years instead of sixty they would plant trees as they now plant shrubs, says the Rochester, N.Y., Times-Un- { ion. | The individual sees no return in | the planting of shade trees for re- forestatfon, for life Is too short to get the crop. | In cities the trees are hewn down and every available inch of space is utilized to bring an income. The shade trees are cut down and leave stifling heat in summer, Man doesn't plant large scale because his short. If he had more trees in his 'crowded communities his too short life would certainly be lengthened, For 'trees affect the " death rate. They purity the air to begin with by absorbing carbonic acid gas and pro- curing hydrogen. They harbor natu- ral moisture, preventing undue and extrome dryness. 80 plain is it that trees affect pub- lic health that the New York Medi~ cal 'Society passed this resolution: Resolved, That one of the most ef- fective means' of combating the in- tense heat of summer months and diminishing the death rate among children fs 'the cultivation of an adequate number of trees in the streets, Certainly the whole matter 1s one for the city and the state to handle. The judgment of the individual citi- zen Is not to be trusted in this mat- |ter. Trees should be maintained in all the streets of the city with the possible exception of main thorough- fares in the congested sections, Es- pecially. should the localities of the poor be protectid against tree-loss- ness. As fast as trees and shrubs die they should be replaced. -------- MORE ABOUT THE EIGHT-HOUR DAY, Recently the Whig has called at- tention to the disastrous results which followed the introduction ot eight-hour day legislation in France and Sweden. In both these countries the experiment has proven a ghastly failure. Now anojher instance of ex- actly the same result has been found nearer home, in the United States. The National Industrial Conference Board of New York, a body whose statements can be accepted in a spi- rit of fairness by either employer or employee, has made an extensive in. vestigation " of practical experience of manufacturers, who, sifice the be. ginning of 1919, have reduced their to forty- eight or less, In a great majority of cases the reduction of hours was ac- companied by a deorease in the trees on any our city streets glaring canyons of | life is too | Fact. > | On peace of mind you can depend, It your bills you will pay; A bill will not get smaller, friend While you file it away. The Horrors of Prohibition. "Whisky will take the coat off a man's back," announced the Prohibi- tionist. "That's pothing.," commented the Rummy. The kind they sell nowa- days will take the coat off a man's stomach." = / Another Damii ' A rare young man Is Oswald Pokes; He doésn't laugh At his own jokes, Ouch! "I expect that you have found my son to be a valuable man in your office," said the Proud Father. "Yes," replied the Weary Business Man. "He is about as valuable around here as a 1311 calendar." Golng to Extremes. "Try some of this," said Dolly Damm, "You'll find tt good!" But she was eating deviled ham, And angel food. - Mean Brute! "All men are fools" énapped Mrs. Gabb. "Maybe they are," replied Mr. Gabb. "But the single ohes have a chance to forget the fact now and then." We Should Worry! Said a maiden who wore a new suit; "For the knockers I don't care a huit. They can say ail they please That the skirt shows my Knees, But I think that it makes me look cuit!" No Joke, Say something complimentary to your wife every day and you will re- move one wrinkle from her brow.-- Luke McLuke. But the Average man is so shorf-sighted as to save all his pleasing remarks for some gir! who never had a wrinkle in her life.. -- Wilmington News-Journal. -- x Tuff Luck. Another hard Juckestory is that of the man who carried accident insurance and was kicked by a mule and forced to remain in bed for a month. The insurance company wouldn't Pay him anything because it held that it wasn't The Wm. Davies Co., Ltd. \ PHONE 597 ? Smash-Smash? Down Goes the Prices Again This Week-End!' The road was crossed by But we were snug and dry carried brooks. | inside, and cubits wide. And t | tire went flat; and sighed thereat. cozy seat, and slo squirting feet. "just where you are { 18 with the car." | the tempest wild h and still he smiled. And then heeft his | "You stay," he said, running smiles three | $1.48 hen, kerplunk, a white rr ------ Johnson merely £ shed around on ; I'll do the fuss- | And out there in | e toiled around, He seemed to think his labors fun, and whistled "Johnnie, Get when he'd changed I compelled to leave would be blue, for many years," in times of doesn't Nelp me out places for criminals, ard FitzGerald, of police station in thi ing of all places se "This city is ru and dope fiends, majority of has o sympathy. Remember, my yond your strength. Pl Your he climbed in from the rain and mire and grasped his costly steering wheel, as cheerful as a locoed fish," I said, "a saint you are! er round it in the wet, my language you bet!" son heaved a smile at me; sald he; . have known my ups and downs, and : > wilted 'neath misfortgne's I've found when' things were going wrong, it braces one to shed a song; Sorrow and despair it ~--WALT MASON, SE ---------------- Says City of Boston "Is Running Wild" ---- Boston, March 4.--Near-beer sa- loons were attacked lative hearing on billstar said, "with gunmen, thieves \ who make thelr | headquarters in these soft drink places are | holes for bootleggers." The minister who has every Sunday to fashion filled heads | u makes no demand of you that is be- HOO D'S 34x4 Besssasnecomenat Terenesnns 83x43 .... 34x43 ,..., ® e000 teh eine nine a 35x41 Cure Purely vegetable. Best family enthartie jun." And | the rubber tire, "Ods Were tink- eel. my car and And John- "I've lived INCUBATOR--THE BUCKEYE. Sold a "and I BUNT'S . frowns. KING BT. PHONE AA BUCKEYE INCUBATORS Take the risk out of your Chick en Breeding by buying the one best ome I. A Pure Salad and Cooking 011 at Reduced Prices * sesene. 408, y 5c. $2.75 REDDEN & Co. Jas, Phone 20 and 990, "The House of Satisfae: lon" Festa eengen to swear." as gathering | by Captain Rich- | the Joy Street s city, at a legis- thq licens- Hing soft drinks. nning wild," he thugs FABRIC TIRES dives, and the | to preach friend, the" Lord *tesscsvenens eas Dlevecanoionis] messsoams Wessossanossosnses ee Sasseansvnnnces ssvea 36x43 35x5 setters tctanntatsnnias 37x35 "enes ssa. (Guaranteed 3,000 Miles) Phone us and our car will call, STILL ON TOP SS | MOORE'S REBUILT TIRES New Price List Effective March Ist Get your tires ready for Spring. --------e FARMS FOR SALE FARM of 100 acres, on a good road, not far from King- ston; first class dwelling; good outbuildings; about 65 acres under cultivation; well 'Watered; enough wood for fuel; orchard; possession at once. Price $5,500. We have a large list of farms for sale of all siges and prices, First class Insurance Com- panies. i Money to loan, T. J. Phones 1085w. or 1797), : Se i a Te i resh EE » ut ; Code Coal That Suits The Delaware, Lackawanna and weekly output per worker, For many Years Dr. Chown This investigation was conducted in no less than 436 manufacturing establishments employing 373,536 workers, and including plants in the cotton, wool, silk, boot and shoe, me. tal and a group of miscellaneous manufacturing industries of various Sizes. In 87.2 per cent. of the estab. lishments studied a reduction to a working week of forty-eight hours or less was accompanied by a decrease in the weekly output per worker. In 8.7 per cent. of the plants the work- ers wery able to maintain the weekly production per worker, and in a very few cases (4.1 per cent.) the weekly output per worker was increased. To 80 still further into details of the ra- Sr hvel sre port, in somewhat more than two- fifths of the establishments which srpretesideasel Be ib. : Shrareissananes noted a falling-off in weekly produc- stesssnsiessais.. 3%. Ih, 4 Boiling Cuts /.. tion the decrease was In proportion 3 ' Vit ' {to the reduction of hours. In about Join In With The Thrifty Shopers! ¢ tte BEEF BACON an a elt cooling bas given special attention to 4 the fitting of Trusses, Abdom- : Stewing Beet rena 12%e, 1b. 1000 Jos, Wiltshire Bacon- motor, inal Supporters and carrying . Boling Coes 180, In Piece)... fo apd tat. cranton - 1000 Ibs. Wiltshire Bacon-- Oven Roasts ses anaes 20c Ib. (Sliced) 85c. TRUSSES. Rump Roasts ..........25¢. 1b. SMOKED BONELESS HAM RIDING BELTS. s : 45c. ELASTIC HOSIERY. : The only Coal bandied by Stewing Veal .......... sau 5000 tins Plums Save money snd be assured . Loins tasrescveaina. 18¢ 1b, 4000 tins Pears ...........80c. home. . Dr. Chown's Drug Store - Fronts . Phone 9. Foot of "meen St. "It's a black business, duit we Joe. In 1000 Sweet Pickled Pork. . 20c. Ib. AMominal Support Abdominal Warmers. TH Standard A thrmelt ct Te BOR; \of satisfaction by buying at » Legs ....covvvinnnni 200. (Extra large size) tres you white" power 1. ~The only machine on the ---------- . Poverty is Austria's " Inheritanca, & writer. Sure; might as well let briunite with Germany in the holy of patrimony. . BE eee ex-kalser once sald, "Ger future is on the water." He how. move to amend by adding word Waggon, sheayinnns FOR SALE . Good = second - hand Lumber, Corrugated Sheet Steel and other © story that Berlin is getting k to normal probably means thas sstrians are again jumping to the Chops The man anxious fo- an argument es, is willing to take either side of the }] - question, : b