FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1021, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Growing Children p==~ CHRISTIANITY AND THE BIBLE Thrive on 4 fy x By the Rev. Charles Stelzle. Bakers Cocoa f : ? Some More Truths. 4 OULD you use a steam shovel to move a pebble ? Certainly not. Implements are built according to the work they have to do. Would you use a grown-up's remedy for your baby's ills ? Certainly not. "Chris- | Men cannot get away from it. It will follow them to the ends of the earth. | They may become angry because its. presence, 'but doesn't. this If we admit that we are a {tian nation' then it's worth while | discussing what Christianity is. | That there's a difference o!| {opinion on this subject is nothing ; of | Healthy chitaren \§ do everything \ hard, and study hard, and they need nourishment and a lot of it, and not one of the pop- ular beverages meets their requirements so well as $ood and well made cocoa. Pure and delicious. BOOKLET OF CHOICE RECIPES SENT FREE Walter Baker & Co. 11d. ABLISHED 1780 MONTREAL.CANADA. DORCHESTER MASS. ele Williamson & Tailors | Announce Special Reductions | IN TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING Style and fit guaranteed. 30 MONTREAL STREET Two Doors From King Kdward Theatre ee cts sierra ] 50.000 SAMPLES e WO00 i Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wond 50,000 or dollar ($1.00) [ Free to horsemen wi ri Wonder fair trie G Colie, Inflammation Bowels, Kidneys Fevers, Distemper, ele. Send 35 for Malling Package et Agents wanted Write your address plainly DR. BELL, v.85. KINGSTON, oat. As Serta rs The island of St. Helena, where It was | Napoleon was held prisoner, is a part of an old volcano. Ste. Augustine, Fla. is the oldest town in the United States. founded in 1565, Solve The e Riddles! What is It that every living person seen but will never see again ? Answer; DRY E YEAST What is the difference between & 1920 dime and an 1899 cent ? Anewer: NICE NETS N 1921 Model What is that which you break by just naming it? Answer : ICE LENS When A bur goes nto a good, store, what Goce be want ? Answer; SLIM NU ERE are four rid- dles for boys and irls with wise heads. We told the artist to draw the pictures to re- present the riddles, but he guessed the right answers --and put them in too! we barred him from the contest and told him to keep'it a secret. Luck- ily, he got the answers all umbled up, 80 you won't any the wiser, If you can uascramble the jumbled letters be- neath each riddle picture and put them in ther right order to spell the right words, you will have the right answers. It Geauine Culver Chummy Racer . Sypewifear ...............,.. utographic Kodak Folding h and Chain French Baby Deil age M. Picture M, Film... . Self filler Forres each Watch Prise, Tenth 5.00 Here are the names of only a few of the boys and girls to whom we have ay awarded big izes: Bd neue suet Inlet, B.C, Chummy Culver Racer, { Foe MATHIEUS 7:1 OF TAR & COD - ER OIL Cenghs, Cold Grippe, Bronchitis, hooping Cough, Asthma, Ete. phe on hy Colds, when neglected treated give rise t0 or badly consequences of sucha grave character that you should not risk using inferior preparations. THIEU'S SYRUP is the genuine on MA vs only remedy whose sp (Men which can be What Others Have Done YOU Can Do | i | the givings of its people who know | | | | {88ainst Christianity nor against the {men who may disagree. The difference of opinion regard- {Ing the nature of Christianity is due {to the fact that it has to do with |lite, and with men. {| While the fundamental basis of | Christianity must always remain-the same, and while the fundamental | principles of men's characters are eternal, both are capable of infinite {expansion. They cannot be limited {to the ecclesiastical terminology of {the theologian in the one case, nor to la narrow interpretation of life in the |other, , "Religion" is not necessarily [ Christianity. Some men are very re- | ligious but they are not very good Christians. Who have beccme insane because they had "too much religion," but | You never heard -of a man who be- {came insane because he had too | much Christianity. | Christianity is not merely |scheme to increase the population of { Heaven. Its cardinal principle fis |that given by its founder : "He that saveth his life shall lose it, and he {that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." Its purpose for its follow- | ers is not to get to heaven, but to {bring heaven down to earth. a Principally, Christianity is a char- | acter and a life--the possession and ---- | the manifestation of the life and the [spirit of Jesus, Not neccessarily the |1ite of the monk, or the "pharisce," {or the stoic, or the "Puritan"--these mgy all be Christian in a very im- portant sense, but they ar: abnor- mal, The healthy Christian life is lived |in the world among men and is in- | terested in their everyday affairs. It {18 lived at the primary and in the labor union. Tt is lived in the shop and in the office. There fis nothing which concerns the well-being of allen to the | | | Christian lite, | "It does not involve a belief in an | impossible dogma. It asks merely | that a man stall bring con purpose {and that he shall actept Jesus | as the governing power of his lite, helping to carry out His will and plan for the redemption of the world. When enough men actually be- | lleve in this plan and try to put fit | into effect, then the nation will [re be a "Christian nation." *. a a Christianity is not dependent up- jon the intallibility oi the church nor |of the Bible. The church and the | Eble are simply a means to an end, and not an end in "hemselves. Their purpose is the revelation of God in Jesus, Therefore, the chief question that men are called upon to aaswer Is rot what do you think of this doc- trine, or that church, or that system ot 'heology, but * what do you think | of Jesus?" Gladstone once said that this is the greatest question of tel age You might ba asked : "What do | you think of Plato, of Socrates, or Shakespeare?" and you would dis- miss the matter with an off-hand re- ply. But this question asked of | Jesus, passes into the most practi: | {cal and the most personal of ques- |tions, which was first asked by Pi. | {late : "What shall I do then with | [Jesus The question becomes insistent. | THE MAN ON WATCH The movies appear to have been a better drawing card than the hockey rinks this winter. | The dean of Ontario has : the right | idea of this temperance business. | Temperance does not apply only to | the drinking of booze, but to eating, | smoking and various other things. |. The O.T A. should be changed to 'The Ontario Thou Shalt Not Drink Liquor Act." St. Andrew's church may be 117 Ycu have heard of men | prove that it is no ordinary ques- tion 2. To dismiss it by saying that | Jesus was simply a great reformer will not satisfy. To say that he was only a good man, or that he was a | great teacher, but simply one of | many teachers, brings the conscious- ness that one is only dodging the issue. | It is frequently stated that Jesus {came to establish an ideal republic, | or. that he sought to inaugurate a | Utopian democracy. Neither state- | jment is true. His own words indi- | cate that it was His purpose to estab- i {lish an absolue monarchy--a king- | |dom--of which He should be the | (head. This kingdom is to embrace {all those who will acknowledge His kingship. { Therefore, when some social re- | |formers select from among the | | words of Jesus a few catch-words, | which have to do only with certain social questions, rejecting every- {thing else that meets with their djs- {approval especially that which ap- | plies to their personal lives, and then | [claim to be the bona fide followers jof Jesus, they are leaving out of {thelr consideration altogether some of the most important parts of Jesus' | plans for the complete emancipation | of mankind What do you think of Jesus 2} | Workingmen cannot afford to evade | {Him. He is too often quoted by | | them, He is too great a factor in! | their lives. More and more will this | | be true. | | * * | Sometimes the "regular" theo- | | logical professors get a solar pléxus | | blow because a comparatively unedu- |cated man proves that he under- | stands more about the deeper truths | of the Bible and religion than they | do. This really should not surprise | them, because the Bible itself tells {us that God sometimes hides the {truth from "the wise and the pru- | dent" and reveals it "unto babes." It wouldn't be fair to confine spir- ual wisdom to those who for vari- |ous reasons find it possible to take | expensive courses of study" in great theological universities, because spir- itual growth is the most necessary thing in every man's lite;"and God wouldn't handicap a man in the de- velopment of his spiritual life mere- ly because' he could not attend a theological seminary. But while this is true, 'the Al- | mighty never placed a premium up- | |on wilful ignorance of laziness, It may not be necessary to be an expert on the history of religion and general theological subjects in order to have God speak to you, but, other things béing equal, you will under- stand more about 'the Bible if you study it at least as intelligently as you study any other book. You'll confess--won't you ?--that you've sometimes opened your Bible at random and placed your finger on a particular verse to find out what to do in a particular case. That isn't what the Bible is for-- it isn't a trick book, with which you can do spiritual stunts, The only way to find out what is the will of God, is to study His book as diligently as you can, expecting no miracle of revelation to come to you. God has already shown His will in the Bible, and it's plainly up to you to study the Bible to find out what His will is. of the game. Just Imagine putting steel knuckles on the hands of box- ers. It would be just as humane. According to Dr. Mitchell, the earth is decreasing in size, but according to Kingston property owners this can- not 'be, as many of them take oath and say that their walk and pavea road frontage measurement is greater than that specified in their deed of land. The Lampman would make vacclina- tion a permanent requirement for ad- years old, but there is some pep to how to dig down into their Jeans on anniversary day. | Wolfe Island's ferry boat is oi ready preparing to sail down the | river. The sandwich picnics will be upon us before we know. | Probably the garbage inspector | will be permitted to hop into the | police patrol and do some inspecting. | Or how would it do to buy "Bunty" | a motor cycle? | -- | "Joe Hawkey should have been | looking about at the cheap clothing sales and purchased some jail trous- ers. Those of us who played base- ball on the roadways in the years gone by sympathize with the kids of today who do not kfiow ths value of 'a highway. The auto has killed street baseball games. : In Kingston, five is counted a large Tantily of kids, but from Mountain Grove comes the report of the pass- ing of the father of sixteen children, at the age of eighty-two. A bunga+ low would have been little use for a family that size, gy Cock fighting would be more of a sport if the promoters would permit the birds to contest without attach- teased to crop ap many s of doabifel rales. ON SALE EVERYWHER Nothing Else Warning! Unless you see the name You are not getting Aspirin at all. package" n," which contains directions t only an "unbroken Asp duting 21 and Physicians E2 years Neuritis, Lumbago, Handy tin Boxes of 12 tablets cost but a Aspirin ls the trade mark (registered in or Canada While it is weli ing steel spurs. Tha's the dirty part ; blic manufacture, to ig the pul will be stamped with their general trade mark, Toothache, Neuraigh and pain generally. Remedies are prepared according to the work THEY have to do. All this is preliminary to reminding you that Fletcher's Castoria was sought out, found and is prepared solely as a remedy for Infants and Children. And let this be a warning against may be all right for you All the mother-love that lies within your heart cries out to Substitutes, Counterfeits and the Just-as-good stuff that in all your strength, but dangerous for the little babe. you's" Be true to Baby. And being true to Baby you will keep in the hotise remedies specially prepared for babies as you would a baby's food, hairbrush. toothbrush or sponge. VEO me I's 35 NEI iLL i ------ | mission to schools and colleges. | Some people would never get vacel- | nated unless forced. | The printers are having a banquet | tonight and have addressed an in- | vitation to The Lampman to be pre- | sent. This invitation states that the i meeting will open by the singing of | "God Save tke King" followed by a | song entitled "Rule Britannia." Any | fellow who opens his yap to cry down | the Union Jack will be let down from { the front window on the end of ai rope. { --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. | -------- Struck By Going To Work. London Morning Post i The lamps in a certain Bavarian town have not been lit for a whole year now, to save coal. The lamp- lighters, however, have been kept at their old wage. But, following the fashion, they struck the other day | for higher pay, and on the futility of striking work when they had no | work to do being pointed out to them | they consulted together and resolved | to begin lighting the lamps. That | would cost money they argued. { ------------ The Regular Life, Foronto Telegram' ! A physician advises that "children | should lead a regular life." Most of our young friends do with movies | two nights a week, foik dancing an- | other, and other regular habits ac- | cording to taste. | is Aspirin "Bayer" on tablets, of "Bayer Tablets of and dose worked out by safe BY ili ot ralgia, Colds, Rheuma Made in Canada. | few omnte--Larger packages. ) of Barer Minufacture of Mose- TR frat Air means Bayer Children Cry For NN in La Your Friend, the Physician. The history of all medicines carries with it the story of battles against popular beliefs : fights against prejudice : even Plt of opinion among scientists and men devoting their lives to research work: laboring always for the betterment of mankind. This information is at the hand of all physicians. He is with you at a moments call be the trouble trifling or great. He is your friend, your household counselor. He is the one to whom you can always look for advice even though it might not*be a case of sickness. He is not justa He is a student to his last and final call. His patients are his family and to lose one is little less than losing one of his own flesh and blood. Believe him when he tells you--as he' will--that Fletcher's Castoria has never harmed the littlest babe, and that it is a good thing to keep in the house. He knows. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA Aways /7 Bears the Signature : Your Cough will be Better Alter the first day's treatment with WZ: Va =r ila's ANNE La Ae Te nt al Depp on geting beter aa NADRUCO SYRUP OF TAR with COD SnD, ge gp The pi htakes away all irritation in the {hu fhe fhiuat dy suited to children, Sold by most druggists. better Office and Warehouse _ i. J oot of Princess Retail Store The nickel deposits at Ontario, are the richest on the North American continent. Prepared by National Dres snd Chemical Compaay of Cussda, Linibod @ 1s Different Yes, it's unlike any calf meal on the market, 1st. It's different because it's better. . 20d. Every ingredient is a pure feed of recognized value, no "phony" products of unknown worth. It does not con tain anise, or any appetizer. Calves eat it as greedily as they do whole milk. ; It does not scour; blood flour is one of the imparant ingredients, which insures freedom from scours, Easy to feed, no boiling, just mix with warm wer, It is balanced just like whole milk. Calves thrive from the first on Purina Calf Chow and it keeps them making gains without sickly periods. It is used by many of the best dairy farms in the country to raise the finest calves. 6¢h. But it is cheap enough to use on any ~ calf, costs less than half as much as milk feeding. So easy to feed that boys or girls are assured of success. W. P. PETER Phone 5 ii 117 Brock Street 'Phone 217, The great majority of the more than 16,000 nebulae can be seen one ly through telescopes. Be Sudbury,